Male or female Fire Emblem bros?
Male or female Fire Emblem bros?
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Male so I can marry and impregnate Edgelord
For me it's Dorothea.
Depends if they lock you out of romance options
So is it true Byleth is actually some 50+ YO buff guy who got transformed into a cute teenager?
What the fuck is wrong with japan? The guy sounded like a top tier refreshing idea for a FE protagonist
Nah. But the antagonist is a 50+ YO buff dude of yourself.
You're most likely the original timeline yourself though.
How does it work with the female option
Male looks better, so male.
>playing as a female
Female looks like she would happily be gangbanged by all the male students.
Going to have to be male, the female pick this time around looks fucking horrendous design-wise. Don't know what they were thinking.
If supports still lead to marriage, then male. He also looks way better than the female mc.
i actually plan on fighting in my wars and winning... not poisoning men in bed.
Large booby otome protag
>Exposed tummy
female looks bland, go with male.
Dunno, but Bylteh was said to be a demon with both a male and female form, you're using the same whip as that old man in the first trailer and you sure don't look like your father.
Ah, now I understand why the OP pic asks to select a form, you're a spirit choosing a body to inhabit.
Huh? Where did you get that info from?
Depends, what are the odds that I'll get one or more yuri relationships if I choose feMC.
High? There was one option in Fates.
He means the actual demon Byleth from the Key of Solomon.
The previous game had one gay marriage option per gender.
I know. Just worried that was a one-time thing.
Girl Byleth kinda looks like shit so I guess I'll go male and do
I want to tongue fuck that belly button and there's not a damn thing AJ can do about it!
You have to go back
Mleth's stern expression fits a teacher better. Femleth looks lost.
Clearly female Byleth will be an airheaded teacher who gets bullied by her students and is constantly embarassed.
>marry edelguard
>become emperor of the largest empire of the continent
what could go wrong
Into gangbangs.
You can't marry Bernadette after that
>more self-insert avatar shit
It's ruined.
Petra has to be lesbian.
It's not avatar shit. You won't even get to change your appearance.
All you do is choose the gender and that's it
She tries.
Okay FEfags, I'll give your series a shot with this game after the retarded amount of shilling the series got in Smash. The game better be good or else...
>fgo avatar
Lmao what the fuck are they even complaining about? Fate is like the epitome of dumb anime horseshit.
caring about romancing "girls" in a video game as a male is already virgin enough, now playing as a female and trying to date other girls is the epitome of dick cheese, neck beard and belly fat
Wouldn't start with this game, go with FE7 or Awakening.
Hell probably Fates Birthright wouldn't be bad for a newcomer, but this one looks bad for everyone by the looks of it
tits too big for female MC
What if I play as a girl and try to romance guys?
If there's romance shit, I'll go with the dude. If not, I'll go with the cute tummy.
That's based
I've done both the things mentioned in this post and this while playing vidya, it's not gay as long as there's at least one girl involved.
>it's not gay as long as there's at least one girl involved
But yuri is the gayest of all.
this game doesn't look good. And I loved Awakening and liked Fates
If you're a girl. If you're a guy, yuri is the straightest form of relationship you could possibly like.
>liked Fates
She looks like Mitsuru with her hair tied up.
Female when a mod comes out that lets me impregnate the other females
Have they said anything about the gameplay or plot after the last trailer?
Is this game even out yet?
It comes out on July 26
>nu emblem
Into the trash you gacha loving nigger.
Definitely male.
Wait for the Fire Emblem Festival that takes place in Japan in three weeks.
Gonna go male this time because they've finally managed to make the female worse this time, and by a huge margin
I'm going to mating press Edgelord
FE is terrible. Don't touch it
>I loved Awakening
Imagine having taste this shit
>Playing Fire Emblem games after FE12
I'm choosing female because you can go into the hot springs with the other females.
>playing Fire Emblem games at all
Male because he doesn't have the worst character design in the history of the series like female does
Are you really saying this when Peri and Toilet Knights exist?
I like this costume. Pitty she loses the tights though.
>complains about exposed thighs and tummy
>Fgo avatar of musashi
>hey user can you give me your credit card? I need to buy chad a present for our date
FGO is prime ironic weeb trash material.
God, I hope there aren't any child units in this game, they're only a waste of resources
Just like FE
FE seems to have an opposite effect though.
You see so many people online throwing a shitfit whenever anything anime shows up in their totally serious, non-anime JTRPG.
This whole game's character design is a clusterfuck of awfulness, with the key exception being the male avatar. And even that is attached to high school anime, ugh.
Ironic weebs are just normalfags who hate anime. FE isn't too "cringey" and "weird" for them. Ergo FE is prime ironic weeb bait, it even has a cancerous gacha where you can throw hundreds of dollars at the screen than putting the investment in an actual, in-depth game. Why do you think this fanbase uses the word waifu wrong?
Well she's got that there navel window, that's a few bonus points.
We've barely gotten any info about the game at all and it was supposed to release this fucking Spring until it got delayed. Whoever is in charge of advertising this game is doing a poor fucking job.
The only thing that's scaring the shit out of me is the localization of this game. I'm not spending a dime until I find out how they've managed to fuck this one up.
>Ironic weebs are just normalfags who hate anime. FE isn't too "cringey" and "weird" for them.
I thought that ironic weebs were shitheads that only consumed surface-level trash (SAO, Naruto, One Piece, etc.) while pretending to be experts on the medium.
We're out of the Wii U era of terrible Nintendo localizations now user. Sony is the one that censors everything now.
Guess that poor advertisement is par for the course in console FE games
They consume surface level medium trash but dont try to be experts on. They only hang out with other ironic weebs like themselves
I'm not worried about censorship. I'm worried about translation quality.
Male the first run because I'm a guy.
Female 2nd to /ss/ the cute shotas.
>One Piece is surface-level
The 4Kids dub scared away normalfags.
Lesbo right?
Female. Naval windows are hot.
Ravioli ravioli
I just want to fuck the dragon loli
They obviously designed the game, including the teacher/professor angle with the male protag in mind. He appears more stern, learned, suited for the mentor role. Female does not convey that at all, she looks like she should be a student herself.
Female players got pandering last game with Female Corrin so I see no problem with it.
For starters from what can be gleamed from trailers, none of the characters or locations have had their names changed between Jap and Eng. Even the old GBA Fire Emblems did that. The only change is the title of the game itself but the English version incorporates the Japanese title into the special edition's subtitle.
If you don’t like one piece you don’t like anime and likely don’t have a soul.
I had a high schoolt echer who looked young and not stern
She did okay as a teacher
I asked her to marry me but she just took it as a joke
I had another one who wasn't that young but was so much unfit for the role no one listened to her and her hours were a joke.
Thing is, I was actually interested and listened to her, she was top tier at teaching, she just couldn't keep anyone in line so I ended up being the only student she taught to
>You won't even get to change your appearance
Then whats the point of a Avatar if we can't change our appearance. Are even ISIS even trying with this fucking game because they're clearly not from everything I've seen so far
Look user. I'm absolutely positively not saying this game is going to get fucked up. But I'd like to wait and see you know man?
Sorry if this was already asked but will we be able to escape the cancerous dub this time around or is there no dual audio confirmed. After Fates I refuse to buy another FE game that doesn’t support dual audio.
I'm just saying like the other user did, I think there have been a lot of lessons learned from the Wii U era with receipts to show for it. Not only that there have been like 3 or 4 other FE games since Fates that *aren't* Three Houses that haven't had shit done to their localizations. I will eat a thousand cocks if the game is another Fates-level shitshow.
Way to sell me on playing as the girl, son.
>he didn't buy Echoes
Why would you buy a shit game?
>Girl isn't cute
what's the fucking point
That means you skipped Echoes which was 10/10, not avatarshit, and had a kino dub.
I played it for a bit my sister had it, thought it was boring as hell and way more grindy.
It also kept Gaiden's shit maps and mechanics
I never understood why jrpgs keep doing the whole avatar thing. It's not as if you can role-play in these games, so what is even the point?
Spicy bait
>playing a FE game without a self insert and waifus.
Um what’s the fucking point? 99% of the reasons I slog through these shit games is for the little cutscenes.
>I had another one who wasn't that young but was so much unfit for the role no one listened to her and her hours were a joke.
I had a teacher like that in high school. Nice guy, but he just let everyone step all over him in class and nobody listened to him whatsoever. It was fun for a couple of weeks, but then I just felt bad for the guy.
not everyone is as autistic as you are, wrpg-kun
It also ruined the shit story the game already had with worse characters than Awakening. Even had a bad dub, insulting shit soundtrack, artstyle made for manchildren
>anti-Echoes zoomers getting uppity again
Because FE is shit. What do you expect.
whoa now i hate the gaiden maps and some of the mechanics but i cannot agree with any of these points. don't ever reply to me again.
Of course you can't since FEfags are delusional and braindead
Isn't it time for your daily shill thread Echoescuck?
>kino dub
Only thing in your post that's agreeable.
you must really hate yourself to be projecting this hard
wrpg-kun is based unlike you shitter
Projecting what? Don't use words you don't understand retard.
>cherry-picking faggot
i'm sorry you were born a retard
t. bumps on page 10
My dick is diamonds, my heart is broken
you are delusional and braindead
i guess i used a word that's too hard for you to understand
There's not a single Nintendo-published Switch game without dual audio, not even stuff like Fitness Boxing. FE Warriors had it.
You mean objective points you faggot ass cuckolds can't complete with
Irrelevant because I'm going to bench the MU in the corner if I'm forced to deploy them
Yes you. Why are you deflecting? The state of FEfags.
Not true, Mario still speaks English in Odyssey even after you set it to Japanese.
>FE Barneyfag is in the house
Are you actually fucking retard
Good thing there's two more
Imagine having taste this shit to think ear bleeding "dubs" are good
you're the only retard that's deflecting here.
here, why don't i break your stupid little mind.
both fe fates: conquest and echoes: sov had good points and bad points.
I knew I was going to get this reply but Mario games only have English voice acting worldwide, they can't be dual audio in the first place. I meant games that can.
>Playing a FE game with voice acting enabled
Interesting maneuver
D-do you think they'll let me touch the tits
>still doesn't even use words right
Corrin-posters are as retarded as the characters themselves. Imagine being this delusional. I feel bad for you, you cant help being mentally disabled.
If you choose the female MU, yes.
i'm not as retarded as you are so i'm feelin' fine
Kill yourself you cock sucking e-celeb worshipper
Echoeschads we need to /rise up/ and represent the whiny Fatesbabies are getting out of hand.
Ignore Barneyfag like the plague. He's an attention whore who bitches anytime Echoes is mentioned or praised in some way.
Kill yourself for ever even turning on voices in the first place, fag
who the fuck is barneyfag
you obsessed?
No you aren't ironic weeb. FEfags are retarded by default. You even think Conquest and Echoes are "good" games
I'd be surprised if they bringed petting back.
See you are lazy to make your daily shill threads huh.
>tittymonster is (you)
that's a rarity
Can you make other female characters envious?
finally a fantasy setting where teachers bang their students legally.
Imagine making up a boogeyman. Why are you so pathetic?
t.cock sucking e-celeb worshipper
what we really need to acknowledge is that what's need for FE to become great again is to combine the effort that went into Echoes' narrative with Conquest's map design
Fire Emblem
Am I the only one that doesn’t self-insert in games that give you an avatar or customizable character? I’m not talking shit about anyone that does, I’m just surprised.
At least it made sense in FE 4 and FE 13. In FE 14, it was extremely forced. And it would just seem... wrong here. Even if the setting, more or less, seems to be a military academy for young adults.
what's wrong with conquest and echoes, o lord of good games and taste
t. guy who posts in a FE thread and thinks he can call someone else a cock sucker
does barneyfag even care about games
i thought barry was the one that picked a new shitpost target every other week
>Fire Emblem Three Houses trailer #3
>Fire Emblem Cipher new cards
>Please play FEH
>Fire Emblem Warriors 2 (main continents repped: Tellius, Elibe - Roy era only, Valentia, all FEW 1 characters return. One or two Fódlan characters but they won't have story focus and are unlocked through History mode)
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for Switch with new content for all regions and censored content restored in international releases (also advertised as "new" content)
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Ashes of Jugdral - TBD 2020
>Edelgard for Smash
>"The Anime Project is a Success!", big reveal, trailer, details and airdate announced, simulcasting same day both in Japanese and dubbed English
>Special Guest Shouzou Kaga
Fuck off, faggot.
>Echoes' narrative with Conquest's map design
Sounds like a massive piece of shit
>Am I the only one that doesn’t self-insert in games that give you an avatar or customizable character? I’m not talking shit about anyone that does, I’m just surprised.
user I think it's more common to not self-insert
I didn't come up with it, other people on Yea Forums did to warn people not to respond to your autistic ass and give a (You)
not as big of a turd as you. your parents should be proud.
No, it's stupid. You have near zero opportunity to have any agency, the only things I can recall is boots or Shura, and that one lucina choice. It's dumb. But this series that had small snippets of waifufaggotry is now utterly infested with it. It makes me long for the elitist pandering days.
What else? They are bad games. Naturally a FEfag doesn't use his brain, makes sense you think shitty VN's are good.
>Edelgard for Smash
It's going to be like the Pokemon Trainer, you're Byleth and you can change between the three lords.
>At least it made sense in FE 4 and FE 13
It didn't make sense in 13 and the mechanics were fucking garbage
how many short haired girls does this game have except the one that looks like Female Morgan?
Like every FE game had half of the girls have long hair and the other half short. Its one of the pros's of the game, the diversity in hair styles. However so far every male has short hair except 1 and every girl has long hair except one.
Hiring a literal fujo artist to be the main designer was the worst mistake ISIS has done.
t. delusional cock sucking e-celeb worshipper
Damn what a argument. Oh wait FEfags don't have arguments
>bare midriff
you make this so easy
The mistake was more for making another shitty game when the series should have died long ago
Does anyone have the image with the whole cast?
Insulting FEfags is a pass time for people. Of course it's easy.
So which house are you anons gonna pick?
The one with good gameplay. Oh wait
Male, the females costume design is fucking awful
smashkids should just kill themselves desu
Look at that you cant even offer words anymore. The state of FEfags
Let's talk about male Corrin pretty please!
Imagine having a victim complex because of smash
If I'll end up playing the game, which I doubt unless I get it gifted or something, I'm going to fight for the glory of Rome and Edgelord's butt for sure
I want to make her cringe by licking her navel as deep as my tongue can go
Sounds like shit
Realised just now but this dude is a new psycho, the previous one irrationaly hated echoes but had good points and liked other FEs, this one is just plain stupid and probably a smashfag
imagine getting on a hate bandwagon because of smash
Talk about embarrassing. Say that shit in your little discordtranny server you ironic weeb
>muh smash
Yeah no one can hate a shit series. It's only smashfags.
That's why I don't get why anons are replying to him, he's just spamming insults for (you)'s at this point.
Boogeymen posting
he's cute
He's barely getting any (you)'s
sorry, it's just me
it's not like this thread was going anywhere
I want to kiss and rub her big forehead!
Since FEfags can't handle objectively.
Is there going to be a livestream for announcements? Or is it just going to be the concert and drama with info being announced randomly during the event?
Anything big that gets announced I reckon Nintendo America twitter will just simultaneously tweet out
It's going to be worthless shit like all jap events
>the previous one irrationaly hated echoes
Gee, it's almost as if Echoes praised by contrarians who turn a blind eye to the very same Gaiden stuff that they shit on Awakening for having.
I have this one
Male if I can fuck my female students.
Female otherwise.
>game with great maps and gameplay
>game with fucking laughable "gameplay" and "maps"
look, you were right, the casual gamer focuses more on the experience rather than the complexity of gameplay. just let it go, dude.
Echoescucks actually pretend the story is good or some dumb ass nonsense like that so it's more they aren't contrarians, just mentally ill. Or both
user, you always play a designated role in an RPG. My /tg/ is showing but have you never been handed someone else's character, or a preset character, in a tabletop and try to play that role? It's fun and totally a thing.
>game with great maps and gameplay
What FE game is that? Oh wait none kek
the story is nothing special but the presentation is great. that's what made it a great experience.
The casual game needs to be shot.
>using "gamer" in the first place
>Going to watch the Persona concert just for the P5R and P5S announcements
Is it really going to be that bad user?
As a full on fan of Fire Emblem, Dub was worse than Awakenings. And it's very far away from a 10/10 as it remade the worst game in the series and did absolutely no attempt at improving the core gameplay.
>unironically employing cringe
double cringe
I don´t know man, Nintendo is hellbent on making Fire Emblem a mainstream franchise, so removing the "problematic" aspects of it is something to expect.
>but the presentation is great
Hahahahahaha yeah if you are retarded to think mediocre music, bad art, and a 5 second constant twirl is "great" then you have problems. Oh wait that's all Echoescucks and FEfags
Nice argument. Kill yourself
By appealing to waifufags. Besides you already see a heart symbol and a up arrow when you teach Dorothea, so at this point the only one I don't know you could fug is Sothis since she's in your head.
>he wasn't there when the old granny was trolling and DATSU NIGGA
i have a better argument:
There's a fucking bride loli in the mobile game that isn't even a 1000 year old dragon so even that excuse cant be used
the male looks like the type of person id happily give my bussy to
In games with romances I’m always a man. I don’t want to think of my character be violated.
In games without romances I’m a girl because I’d rather look at a girl’s ass than a man’s.
They made a Sanaki bride?
The fact the female designs don´t have any fanservicy traits scares me.
do these people just keep policing and complaining about dumb shit about video games and not even have any meaningful discussion about video games?
>the only one I don't know you could fug is Sothis since she's in your head.
She is probably going to be this game´s Lillith.
That's just them hiring a shitty artist and it being a school setting (at least in the beginning) so everyone has to wear the same stuff.
>>Fire Emblem Echoes: Ashes of Jugdral - TBD 2020
Can you imagine the shitstorm if they screwed Genealogy?
Can you imagine the shitstorm when they announce binging blade instead?
I'm sure she'll be embarrassed when I leave a glistening pool of saliva all over her tummy
dude no
they can't deny me my dragon bride twice
That's Corrin's blood-sister user.
I would honestly prefer those theories of her being evil.
have sex though
Have sex
yes, and?
Nigga, I got to see all the hair options and listen to all the voice options first.
There's no customization
You see all the hair options right there
Then I'm choosing the dude.
Shit, really? When did they say that?
They didn't but we've seen pre-rendered cutscenes showing the default MU.
There was no customization options seen, but we do notice your avatar appears in CG scenes now so that's just a pretty easy deduction to make.
Mercedes looks nice.
They both look like shit.
It is IntSys' first HD game too so it's logical to assume some corners were getting cut/other things are getting prioritized.
>Slightly tanned
>Short Hair
If Leonie is confirmed to be a tomboy I'm joining the Golden Deer.
why isn't the girl cute though
don't people meme about the series depending on waifupandering now?
Being first hd doesn't mean anything. ISIS are just fucking hacks and have no talent or passion like gamefreak
Female, so I can impregnate Edgelard with my 16 inch futa schlong.
Hopefully they don't fuck her up like Rinkah.
Is Rinkah the most useless unit ever or does she get good through reclassing?
I'm not a faggot that wants to kiss men so male.
It feels like the black dude will have a twinkle smile.
Rinka is shit but she's not useless due go pair up. Multiple characters from 6, 7, 12, and RD have real worthless units
Damn Byleth hips...
Conquest had the best map design, fairest difficulty and best gameplay in the whole series and Echoes was pretty good too, maybe you should try them before judging
Imagine bumping on page 10. Fucking pathetic
>Conquest had the best map design, fairest difficulty and best gameplay in the whole series
Spicy bait. Also Echoes was a complete piece of shit you delusional retard
It said page 6 for me.
The hish school setting is just the prologue, once the students graduated, there won't be any more school shit
It didn't. And if it magically did learn how to use this site you fucking retard
Dub and ending theme were great, so not complete.
I hope not, all the raising/teaching stuff is right up my alley. Would like it to last at least half of the game.
Both these were pure trash that makes you cringe. Of course you have not be a fefag. aka not delusional
same char
Welcome to anime.
>Shulk is Little Mac
Isn't there a very similar image to this with Eirika and Amelia's portraits?
Bernadetta is cute, I'm going to make her a pegasus knight
What if we get another Tellius and it's divided into two games? One is set in the school and next one is after they graduated?
>what if we get another bad game
>One is set in the school
I'm getting VC2 flashbacks.
I don't think that the characters will be in the school for the entire game, consideing that Edgelord line in the first trailer.
Do we even know that was Edelgard in the first trailer? We hear a bit of Edelgard's voice on screen in the newer trailer and that doesn't sound anything like the voice narrating the first trailer.
can you sex your students? if so, do you need to be male?
Who else could it be though?
>Alright kids, we just declared war against the kingdom of Faergus who doesn't want to get rid of their crests
>One of the corrupted noble of the Lester Alliance wants to manipulate the other nobles to attack the Adresdian empire
> The Adresdian emperor unleashed dragons all over Fodlan to destroy all the crests by force
>Your friend Bernadetta died during last battle
>We will still make class tomorrow, don't forget to study for your thief exam
Personally, I don't see Byleth make class once shit start hitting the fan and the while the world is in danger
>2 games
I would rather they just split each 3H route like this.
>Chapter 1-3 is the common route
>Choose a house in chapter 4
>Chapters 4-15 are school and getting everyone's shit together
>Foreshadowing bad things
>Something bad happens at the end of chapter 15 that causes the school to be evacuated
>The other 2 houses turn against you and you have to fight them off in chapters 16-26
>Big reveal and final fights in chapters 27-30
>Each route changes when events happen (ex. bad thing happens in Ch. 15 in Red route, but it happens in Ch. 13 in Blue route.)
>Each route uncovers a different part of a larger overhanging mystery
>After you do the route for each house you get the "Golden Route" where you unite every house and kill a dragon
Are Fire Emblem games exactly known for having such a small cast that it couldn't be literally any other female we may not even know about yet?
FE games are known for having terrible stories where there is only 5-6 relevant chararacters yeah.
Well it kinda seems like the line was from one of the students and Edelgard's the most important female student form what we've seen
The line also mentions going away and not wanting you to forget her though, which sounds pretty important no matter which house you choose to support. Do you pick Black Eagles and then lose Edelgard? Or maybe pick the other houses and this significant trailer dialogue no longer has any relevance to your playthrough? I think it's somebody not really associated with any of the houses and would be part of your story no matter what you choose. Could even be pic related for all we know, we don't know her age so maybe she does get to be a student under you for a brief period.
>The line also mentions going away and not wanting you to forget her though
That's kind of a weird line if it is Edelgard though (presumably on her route). It's not like they'd just cut out one of the main characters of the game midway through. Unless that's a line she tells you at graduation before you meet her again after a timeskip I'm not sure how that line would fit in the middle of the story.
Hopefully there is a time skip,the less school setting the better.
I'm more annoyed by her top. It's ugly.
If we do have a timeskip I hope they rename stuff like "Professor level"
Dont suggest birthright to people who haven't played awakening. That game is 100% aimed at people who enjoyed awakening
For the record I liked birthright, pleasant and casual
I'm glad you aren't in charge.
That hasn't happened yet? Neat I hope they announce the next remake
That's sad
wow you did a thing you can do with 90 percent of anime works given two characters' faces at the same angle
Do it then
>Roy era only
Fake as shit, if you think they want lilina and dieck over Lyn and Hector then your fucking retarded
no but here is an example from google only because somebody else mentioned it and its funny
Thanks for the sweet reply friendo
I just want them to keep the story simple user. Focus on the gameplay and maps for this one then they can beef up the story for the next FE Switch title since the groundwork for the gameplay would already be set.
ISIS already sucks ass at writing FE stories, so better to keep it safe for 3H rather than shit the bed trying to mix up the formula.
They already admitted Roy (and Ike) were being held back for sequel bait.
Kozaki also same faced hard. It's just anime.
They could also just pull a sacred stones and have the routes show you different perspectives which then converge, but that would be more lazy.
Just Hidari. Oh wait you can't say bad things about shit artist.
Sure but it's not gonna be Roy era only, hes the only character from his game people know, he'll be a stand alone like celica was last game, but he'll probably pal around with lyn, hector, nino and jaffar
Man you're really good at this, I'm super impressed duderino
Pic related is literally putting Dorothea's hair on Edgelord and then you have Edgelord
Lyn and Hector being overprotective of Elliwoods boy would actually be kino
? Like are you in JP and going to the concert or just watching the stream? Because if the first then you are saved but if latter then enjoy a 5 hour livestream before the concert begins.
You are the one replying since you can't help it. You need some way to justify ahit taste