Dat soundtrack

>dat soundtrack
>warm comfy visuals
>chopping dem trees
>building little empires around trees & lakes
>making far off outposts to help your allies
>different world to explore with every random map

Hows your nostalgia doing user?

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Age 2 is no doubt the better game, but I liked the campaign structure in Age 1 way more. I wish the second game had kept following civilizations rather than individuals.
I wonder what the new one is going to be like...

>Implying I'm not going to be playing this in 10 minutes
Any roll charts for this?
I need a civilisation to go.

It isn't, since I've always played the superior game.

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Best AoE music, hands down.
>Trees in his game do not fall down, they just turn chopped.
Are you even trying man?

>Play the trial version a lot as a kid.
>William Wallace is the only available campaign.
>They all speak Irish, but coming from AoE1, for the longest time I thought it was all just made up gibberish (like in AoE1) until AoM.

>back then you could change your color with an AI so you could do COOP with a single CIV
>AOE 2 HD comes out
>can't do it anyway


Who here aoe2+1 gang?
Bereit. Aufgabe?

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Casual AoE II is best AoE II.
Fuck competitive autism.

I played AoM far more than AoE2

the game get's boring after 10 hours
you build the same buildings and cities
the maps are small and empty

>dat soundtrack
Blows my fucking mind that it has been mostly made with a fucking synthesizer, not real instruments. Fucking magic, man.

>not playing the only RTS that matters

step it up casuls

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It is time to post the thing.

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mfw when. i have a group of five friends to meet up with occasionally to have dinner and play comfy AoE2 games with. Feels good

>roll chart
There's a hidden civ called Random

>That batshit insane story mode

Age of Empires 3 was a trip

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What happened to the new one? They just announced it and then nothing? has it been purged?

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(joe) rogen

It's made by a bunch of famous people who have had nothing to do with the original games.

It's a Starcraft 2 situation and just like Starcraft 2, I'm expecting a really long development period because this is the hardest kind of project you could ever sign up for.

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I'm more of an AOE 3 type of guy.

twitch / T90official
biggest tournament of the year starting rn

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me on the right

tfw will never manage to get good at aoe2 even though im decent at starcraft 2


If you mean multiplayer it's easy, you just have to realize if you aren't rushing you're playing wrong. If you mean vs AI, no you won't because the AI cheats like a motherfucker.

this is deep

i just love mass building rax and pouring these guys over an enemy base

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game is great and i still put some hours into the hd version but i suck online. what impresses the most is their use of color. it is unmatched. it never gets outdated

>friend made like 30 paladins and 30 horse archers
>they just carved through all the infantry I threw at him
>build 6 barracks, start rally point spamming halberdiers
>he retreats the paladins around while microing the horse archers to kill every halberdier
>I sneak a villager to the other side of the map and build 6 barracks there
>spend all my gold on huskarls rally pointing to the middle of his base
>once gold runs out, keep it going but with halberdiers
>destroyed his entire base
>now he has ~60 strong as fuck horse units
>I can't reach him at all
>start making my own horse archers to slowly take him down because he won't give up
>I comment about what I'm doing, he gives up

it was a really fun game, he didn't believe the Goth really could overrun him

At least AoE2 campaign was leagues better than AoE3. Such a fucking letdown for it to be neither historical nor good.

I've always wanted there to be a regular village building sim that plays exactly like AoE. Thought Banished would be that but that turned out to be kinda shit.

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>Playing the game since 2005, when i was 10 years old
>Just get battered by a Hard AI in a game session few minutes ago
Is it worth it to learn the competitive way? I just want to get comfy

ever tried Pharaoh?

Then don't play on had? AI will attack as soon as the blacksmith finishes making the first kitchen knife.

I miss Ensemble so fucking much. I miss RTS games so fucking much. Age of Empires and Age of Mythology were god damn masterpieces and took up so much of my teenage years.

I abhor mobas, I just want to build bases and make armies fight each other.

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based as fuck

I am, Jean De Metz, and you are reading this in my voice

>I've always wanted there to be a regular village building sim that plays exactly like AoE

This is my dream game.

god the magyar buildings are so fucking ugly

>all the money I've wasted on Total War shit when I could've just been playing AOE2 this whole time

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Thanks user

tonight I dreamt about AoE 2 with ultra turbo raytrace graphics mod and teleporting castles that shot cannonballs

Not just nostalgia
AoE defined my childhood but it still holds up amazingly today
A game for all time


>not growing up with and loving both
Absolute pleb

Anyone watching hidden cup right now?
The first tournament was pretty fun

Since this seems to be the daily RTS thread: anyone play Warparty?

I bought it the other day for my switch and it's pretty average. At lest Wild Landers girl is hot.

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