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What do they eat?
Each other's radioactive dicks
imagine the smell
FO3 is such a trash game it amazes me that this meme is still going strong when there's much more terrible things the game did.
Mole Rat droppings
FO3 is great
What's your least favorite? Mine is the gunplay.
its because it reminds you of your own trailer where you spent your childhood with your 4 brothers and signle mom huh you white trash?
>food analogy
sugar bombs, of course
projecting huh
Moira crusty cunt
Stuff from the local supermarket
After ~10 years in this shithole I finally managed to launch a meme and it's not even a good one
so both are disgusting and shit?
Go where you want
I like 3, I like the map and setting but Megaton is pants-on-head
No aspect makes sense
Let's spend all our precious time and resources dragging aircraft pieces from far away (not an airport in sight) to build a town around a hole made by a armed nuclear nuclear bomb that might be leaking; our expansion is limited by terrain and materials
Our town isn't near any resource or location to scrap to trade and doesn't produce anything
You'd have no chance of defence when raiders get inside which they will with enough explosives
cope harder east coaster
Why do you people consider FO3 to be worse than New Vegas? Serious question.
At least it was before I nuked the place up
Linear story
Reused BoS and super mutants
Factions are meaningless
Perks are kinda meaningless
Writing overall is lame
Linear story
NV does them all better but trips over so many other coffee tables
because new vegas is essentially fallout 3 exactly gameplay wise (garbage) but with more rpg elements and a better story
also the dlc is better
please name 1 thing nv did worse than f3 i am being completely genuine
At least it was until GFWL fucked everything up
does anyone have that Yea Forums screencap from a few years back that perfectly explains just how dumb and retarded FO3's story and writing are
I liked exploring the ruins of DC. Destroyed urban environments are one of my favourite post-apoc tropes. The New Vegas area seemed small and empty by comparison.
3 has less invisible walls
the map fucking sucks
shitholes and a few big locations separated by nothing; nothing with no interesting locations to loot, no cool lore to find at
Also in 3 the ai would encounter other ai while travelling across the map which leads to many random encounters like Enclave vs. everything anywhere, bos vs supermutants in dc, outcasts vs. everything anywhere
that don't happen in nv
New Vegas is quite possibly the most overrated game in history of Yea Forums culture.
Not even OoT gets that much undeserved circlejerking.
New Vegas is like having an autistic kid with a down's syndrome and parading it around as if it's the new coming of Tesla or Einstein. Except when you parade it you pimp it out in fancy shoes but its not even yeezys or whatever meme modern shit but antiquated nike from like 2010.
Remember when you first put FO3 into your console of choice, booted up and were amazed by the graphics? First time a ghoul got vaporised with a laser beam and turned to ash?
How the fuck does it look so shit now?
>Except when you parade it you pimp it out in fancy shoes but its not even yeezys or whatever meme modern shit but antiquated nike from like 2010.
the fuck are you trying to say
it was always shit but we'd never seen it before
>Remember when you first put FO3 into your console of choice, booted up and were amazed by the graphics?
fucking NOPE. there are ps2 games that look better.
You spend 15 hours trying to mod out the game so that it looks like its from 2013 instead of 2010, as if that even makes a difference. And more often than not it doesn't even end up working.
I agree but if i had to eat one i would eat the one on the right, looks much better.
P.S. New Vegas is amazing, eat a dick.
You can fix and mod New Vegas to bring it into the current year. Can't fix 3's storyline.
>You can fix and mod New Vegas to bring it into the current year
can you show me a video where new vegas looks like a ps4/xbone game at least?
Who gives a fuck about graphics?
wow ur so coolz and totes fit in xD
You can fix the graphics and gameplay of New Vegas. Everything else holds up.
While not common, AI does fight eachother.
Yesterday I was playing NV and I saw convicts fighting against Jackals. Jackals won.
>Spend an hour modding NV to make it look pretty
>Can't get past Primm without realizing how terribly the game has aged
I tried, so hard because I wanted to relive what it was like the 1st time but damn
was it one of the fixed jackal spawns?
Least it was before I fucked everythang up
No idea, but it's possible.
I did also see Legion dudes fighting against Caravaneers tho.
Then again, if it does happen naturally it's still really uncommon. I like NV for other reasons.
good argument
What do they eat?
There aren't any random spawns, so
where abouts?
They do occur in nv but only at the tiny intersections of spawns and patrols/caravan routes; both of which are very sparse and play out the same everything
unlike in 3
baby foreskin
Sewer gators, cats, dogs and rats
the quests and writing for me
Blood Ties is my go to example of quest design failure, the mayor asks you to go clear out a tunnel of vampire roleplaying cannibal raiders then becomes hostile if you actually kill any of them
your mom's ass
It's not in literally any sense, the only thing that shines from this game The Pitt and the atmosphere which in contrast to Fallout 4's it seems like a whole different thing.
Not based
despite all of its failures Fo4 > Fo3
hold on there bud
I'll have you know I'm quite based
If they eat, why do they eat?
The pitt is so fucking good man
>The Pitt
it was the high point of my playthrough of Fo3
it was also 2 hours long on my very first run (not including the collectible hunt)
Coping with what
It took me 2 hours because i couldn't fucking find the last silver bar, i checked everything using a guide and still nothing, but it didn't actually matter because 5 minutes after leaving the ingot hunt you get all your shit back.
Ceasers legion should enslave the capital wastland
Ave true to Ceaser
Only thing I kind of agree with in favor to F4.
FO4 gets a pass as a decent game just for it's gameplay which is failing completely if you're trying to make a Fallout game.
let me guess down a bridge after nipton
>Ceaser's Legion
>Not Yesman
Fo4 is a fun game
but it doesn't feel like a fallout game to me
It was really hit and miss.
BoS returning to its old ways was nice.
Minute men fit in well expect for the annoying quests.
Synths were the worst part as they really clashed with the no microchip vibe. which unfortunately was the main fucking story so it turned the whole story to shit. Far Harbor was a great location but bogged down with that synth crap and Nuka World was pretty cool.
>the no microchip vibe
I still remember falling down though roof textures in The Pitt. Thanks Todd real high quality product.
The whole retro-50s thing was based on the fact that technology when a different way. Advancing in miniaturizing nuclear technologies rather than computer technology.
And yet they obviously went that route before 2077 because they have advanced robotics with functional AI, even if they do look like they're from a pop sci-fi comic
>BOS returning to its old ways
other than putting more focus on finding technology what you see in FO4 isn't the BOS
because their entire arc is mostly just
>not human bad
i get the impression when you made this comparison you felt really smart, but i hope at some point you realise why this is a retarded point to make
But they are nothing compared to the artificial brain of a synth. Where companies were using actual brains to jump ahead and try to overcome hardware limitations, synths are computing machines at the sub micro level. Its really jarring when you consider that fact.
They've always been that way. Hell the founding officer murdered an entire military base after he found out they were making super mutants. So its basically
>anything not human bad.
>anything that can make not humans bad
>any tech that can lead to not humans bad
>fuck it just take anything that that you can learn from a book
>moira brown
>not a ghoul
>becoming a ghoul
I've always wondered about this. This is just straight up wrong, right? Weren't all of the ghouls that could ever exist created when the bombs fell during the great war? Before Bethesduh got involved, weren't ghouls basically a fluke and pretty much impossible for any other ghoul to ever exist after that? Or am I remembering this wrong?
The difference between what Rodger and what Arthur is that Rodger killed the scientist which most of them (if not all) were literal mad scientists, there are no records of Maxson killing the prisoners injected with FEV, but i doubt that they were worthy of actually being alive after the torture they got.