Have you seen this bullshit whining?

Have you seen this bullshit whining?


Actual quotes:

>"Accessibility means options, not easy gameplay,”

>“In any game, whether it’s ‘Sekiro,’ ‘Dark Souls,’ or any other skill-based game, there should be options to allow your health to be modified, your enemies help to be modified, and the game speed adjusted,"

>“This does not make the game easy. It allows people to make the game equal.”

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Adaptive difficulty ruins every single RPG since you are constantly at the same eye height as the game.

I wish these devs/journos would just admit they fucking hate Japanese games and get over it

How the fuck doesn't that stuff make the game easier?

>Making the game easier does not make the game easy
How do they even come up with this shit?

>mfw none of the "artistic integrity" arguments suddenly matter anymore when journos can't play the games anymore

Answer is very simple - not everything is made for everyone. If you can't cut it, get a refund and get out. Or, as kids say these days, get good.

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>Games are for Everyone

Wolf in sheeps clothing, this statement is a demand that all devs conform to a specific design, difficulty is now no longer a means for developers to express their own vision, it is now a quality of life feature to be branded on every game. Do those that push for this idea not even realise that games like Demon's Souls lack an almost universal feature among single player games, that being a pause option? Does this not tip them off that these specific games have a very deliberate design philosophy, one that tries at every opportunity to present a world that does not bend over backwards to accomodate the player, there are thousands of games that do, what is the fuss over a few games doing something different?

So what happens when someone keeps getting their ass beat online? Do we mail them lag switches?

I swear to god when I see some people out there die hundreds of times in these games, get carried by summons or cheese strategies, and how long it takes them to finish Souls games I'm convinced most "journos" don't even finish games they supposedly review. They just look up Let's Play or something.

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>Separate but equal

Uhhhh, who is this literal white supremacist?!

He said easy, not easier. Hand the game to your grandma and turn it down to easy and she's still going to have a hard time. "A reasonable challenge that someone can overcome through growth", which is presumably what developers are trying to provide, is something that needs to be tuned to the individual. Your "reasonable challenge" is grandma's "impossible wall".

But then you accidentally cater to all the people who want easy mode because they are lazy fucks.

games are for everyone though, I agree with that statement

however, I do not agree that A game should be for everyone

There are games for kids, and games for adults and game for casuals and games for hardcore

When you make a game to please everyone and to be inclusive, all you are doing is making a shit game that pleases no one

yet these guys think Sekiro should be played by everyone and not those who want a challenge

That's the kind of thinking that takes us away from masterpieces and towards standardized shit.
Not everything has to appeal to everyone, god damnit.

Participation trophies made this happen

>“This does not make the game easy. It allows people to make the game equal.”
>advocating the making of a game accessible to handicapped players

thank god I never liked that pos series in the first place

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Shit on e celebs all you want, but you typically don't see these complaints from people that make long form reviews/critiques etc on games that they have as much time as they want to complete. It's only with journos that maybe only have a few days to blast through and shove a review out on or near the games release date that you suddenly see all this whinning about difficulty, I wonder why.

Glad all the westcucks showed their true colors.
I dare some westnigger to sit here and tell me with a straight face that the west isn't full of casuals.

if you think difficulty options are a good idea, just play nier: automata

>from the devs who made a casual version of a jap genre

nobody is surprised

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Easy mode = watch a youtube play through.

So why don't cripples use cheatengine and stop acting like it's the devs problem to compensate for their bad luck? If they want cheats they can have them, but fuck off asking the dev for them, especially in a game where difficulty is the main draw.

where are they even going with this?
these journalists should just contact miyazaki and tell him about their stupid ideas

>implying From cares

They've basically faced these same criticisms for Souls games since day one. They also realize fixed difficulty and making everyone play on the same playing field is the standout point for their games.

>This does not make the game easy. It allows people to make the game equal.

>Those who want to play it on easy and expect to get things the easy way should not expect to be treated as equal.

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Japs don't care what westerners think, Western Companies (US) do and all this is going to do is make western games even shittier

or the devs/publishers make the game they want and face the consequence for whatever decision they make regarding """accessibility"""

Remember, none of you are allowed to complain that a game is too easy either.

why do they keep going at this
none of the from core audience want it

>“This does not make the game easy. It allows people to make the game equal.”
Thats literally the opposite of equal though. Its only equal if everyone has the same exact settings.

>>"Accessibility means options, not easy gameplay,”
I see literallly nothing wrong with this

>Yea Forums hates pedophiles
>constantly links "journalism" and browses neogaf/resetera

Good, I hope the western vidya industry dies like the western cartoon industry has.
There's a reason just about every boy between the ages of 9 and 17 talks about and watches anime as opposed to cartoons.

The great ogre filter is going gods work.

I'm from core and I want it. The more people who get to enjoy the game the better. End of story. Any objection to this is just incel gatekeeping bullshit.

>In any game, whether it’s a FromSoft game or a FromSoft game or a FromSoft game

t. reddit

That's true. All games should have an integrated editor where you can tweak various game params if you don't want to/already played a vanilla.
That's how it's supposed to be done. If you don't agree you are a tranny console nigger.
Also all shitsoul "games" suck major dicks.

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literally tranny tier logic
>I'm the core audience because I say so

I wouldn't mind to have those options as a reward for beating the game desu. Just to spice things up and play with the values

They're talking about equality of outcome instead of equality of opportunity.

No one is gatekeeping anything though? The game is right there for anyone to play it.

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no, fuck you

Lel. People just need to git gud. Codemasters tried it with Dirt. Rally was difficult and great, Dirt 4 allowed easy difficulty and it was garbage, and now Dirt Rally 2 is difficult again and it's great.

Then stop being a poorfag nigger and get a PC where you can freely do that with Cheat Engine.

CheatEngine already exists though.
You can modify any game to have as many cheats as you need to beat a children's toy.

just play another game dumb ass

Correct, no games should have options, any form of customization, or difficulty levels (pretend I'm talking about harder difficulty levels, if it pleases you).

It's not about making the gameplay exactly the same for everyone (why would that be desirable?), but for the subjective experiences of the players to be equally good.

>Yea Forums hates pedophiles
where do you think you are?

I'd say the real problem is focus testing which will kill video games if it hasn't already done irreparable damage. You CANNOT build your games on the opinion of the lowest common denominator for whom nothing short of total lobotomy of games will be enough seeing as anything remotely complicated will remain beyond them. Other player groups will either adapt or abandon game depending on their tastes and skill level.

>People keep thinking that enemy health and game speed is the problem with Sekiro
>Other people keep rightfully defending those aspects but while also ignoring the flaws of the game
>Yea Forums simpletons just bandwagoning git gud and being contrarian idiots with no thought going into it
Videogames were a mistake.

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I hate games that try to adapt to the player.
Never fucking feel like you are making any progress as the game just shifts things around to try to keep everything at the same level.
I always end up getting bored and dropping those games.

It's okay user, I got what you were going for

stop hiding behind disabled people you cowards
the only option disabled people need are a full fledged, highly customized rebind system so their accessibility aids can actually work in a comfortable way

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>trust me dude, I know what you need better than you do

I hate it too but I'm also the kind of guy who does every single side mission before the rest and eventually I end up being able to wreck everything with ease if the game doesn't adapt.

Maybe disabled people shouldn't really play these games? lol

They're disabled. Sucks. I'm an ugly guy so I don't whine about not being able to date supermodels lmao.

You can't win. One of the few criticisms Easy Allies managed to level against DMC5 was that gold orbs were too plentiful and took the sting put of death.

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>Most people will laud From games with "Gitgud"
>When you tell someone to turn off slo mo in MGSV or not use Gold orbs in DMCV, you get collective pants shitting and are told the concept of self imposed challenges are "retarded"
Seems to me like a lot of niggers around here rely on cheese and if they're told not to they'll give you any excuse as to why using crutches is okay.

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>focus testing

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you're also a retard

I like adaptive difficulty on certain enemies. Regular mooks and shit you should totally be able to roll over as you get more powerful, but I think there should still be enemies you have to watch out for

Grandma can play something else first and work her way up to more challenging games. Fuck whiners and fuck accessibility

At least I don't have issues with playing difficult games or not being able to play them lmao

>they finally get their way
>everyone stops hyping FROMshit as hard
>casuals walk in and think they're cool
>lol if you haven't beaten all Pantheons in Hollow Knight you're not a real gaymer
>Ten Reasons why Indie Games are Misogynist

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nope, you're a liar and a retard

Or commit enough time to actually get better.

Giving people control isn’t something about things like that isn’t actually good. Who would purposefully make things harder for themselves like that if they’re not particularly into the game or just a masochist? Most people would just make things easy for themselves. However, if there’s no choice then they’ll go through as much as they can for as long as they can. That will actually bring out the most in people. If they can just fall back on difficulty levels when they’re frustrated then they won’t get the satisfaction of actually overcoming an obstacle. But if you force them then they’ll just go for it.
People shouldn’t have the choice to make things easier because they will just make it easier for themselves.

so what makes a game easy?

That's valid, but it's objectively true that the game would be better if grandma could enjoy it as well.

If we lived in a perfect world where labor costs didn't exist and the game could read your mind and pick the correct difficulty for you, which is what the journos ignore.

Guys, what is with this weirdly organised trend of Western corporate game devs and their journo orbiters grouping together to try and throw shade and misinformation at Sekiro and FROM? I thought it was just some Forbes rat looking for outrage clicks, but now it's getting creepy . The hell is going on?

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Seems like a difference in character, if someone is fully willing to best Sekiro, but then Gorb everything in DMCV, they're still a pussy ass bitch made nigga not worth the dirt any skilled player steps on

>But then you accidentally cater to all the people who want easy mode because they are lazy fucks.
This is the problem that’s hard to get around. It is well understood by developers that people will typically take an easy route, even if it means sabotaging their own experience of a game. Easy but tedious and repetitive exploit? Players will take advantage of it.

But "gitting gud" in souls games means playing the game at the level the developer wanted you to. It isn't a "challenge" in the sense you have to forgo using an item to make it harder, it's literally just playing the game.

The video game industry and video game journalist industry are small and incestuous. They all know eachother and they all get the same memos.

>Why is something so effective at getting page views being ran on multiple news outlets?
Hmm, user.

There is no debate, only casuals whining.

I understand where you're coming from, but I feel like people that will use any crutch they can are fags regardless.
Someone that beats Sekiro with 0 upgrades is still a higher pedigree than someone that got them all.

I can accept it, but only if it mocks player for doing so

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Takes one to know one lol

Well yeah obviously, but then you go more into achievement hunting territory. Like duh it’s going to be much more difficult to beat Kingdom Hearts with a 0 EXP run

no, no it doesn't

by "west" I hope you mean ameriga and united cuckdom
don't lump in everyone else with those two embarrassments, please

God Hand's adaptive difficulty is usually praised on Yea Forums. But God Hand starts out difficult, and gets harder the better you play. Even at its easiest, its still fairly challenging.

I guess my gripe is, why do niggas think that making "beat the game" the one and only bar to set for this shit.
If you have the absolute balls to say "gitgud" you better have mastered the game and not simply "passed"
I don't give a shit if some casual beats Sekiro
Call me when that shitty beats the game with no damage taken

Western game devs arrogantly lecturing FromSoft and Miyazaki on how to make their games isn't the same though

Besides a few hitbox issues for perilous attacks, there is no issue with sekiro's challenge

You're right, but most of the people saying "git gud" respond to people whining about stuff in the "vanilla" game.
It's a challenge laid out for you, if you can't hack it without cheating then you simply need to git gud, or realize the game isn't for you.

It's funnier when you remember they did a complete 180 when someone put up a video of a quadriplegic beating the game, and marginalized his disability by claiming "well some people are MORE disabled."

To be honest I was really disappointed that restarting didn't restart the whole level in DMC5

Keep deluding yourself

Holy shit is this from Odyssey? Too bad I pirated it

devs should never ever ever fucking bend the knee to these kinds of faggots
they never were part of the audience and they never will be no matter how hard developers try to pander to them. they weren't planning on buying the game regardless of whether or not the devs actually gave in to their demands. same goes for just about any aspect of outrage culture and journos/twitter activists petitioning devs to make any kind of changes to "problematic" aspects of a game.
they don't care about the specific vidya in the slightest, they just get off on the idea of control, on the notion that they can request whatever the fuck they want to under the guise of it being for justice and watching devs kowtow and bow to them.
the moment a dev gives in they're going to brag and gloat for a while, then move on to the next game/company they can find issue with.
they will NOT buy the game, they will NOT play it, the only thing devs do by pandering to these dickweeds is alienate their core audience that DOES actually buy and play the game.
the sooner devs realize this the better for everyone. let them whine and moan and tire themselves out, if people stopped giving in to their ridiculous demands sooner or later they would realize whining wouldn't work and they'd stop doing it. devs aren't going to lose any sales or PR one way or another.

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Real cripples got gud and actually beat the game. The people whining and bitching about it are just using cripples as shields while those same cripples are completely styling on those retards.

So it's all in agreement that this whole drama was created for outrage ad revenue, FromSoft doesn't give a shit, and the only active discussion in these threads is discordies spamming bait posts, right?



Who's stopping other people from playing and enjoying the game? It's available on Steam, consoles, and assorted piracy and torrenting sites for people who want it.

Game journalism is a small tightknit group that coordinate their articles for this sort of shit constantly.

Sure they got busted and closed down their e-mail group when it got busted last time, but you'd have to be insanely naive to think they didn't make another one within minutes and just continue doing what they're doing.

i think diablo 3 did a good job on this because you can only change the difficulty one level when youre in the game, you have to leave to change it even more.

My requirements for a Sekiro easy-mode.

>difficulty name is mocking or some variation of "Game Journalist mode"
>You can't change difficulties once the game starts. Pick Baby mode or Normal mode and it's locked on that file forever.
>every NPC has new dialogue where they imply you're a coward of some sort
>the game mode is insultingly easy. You can't take any damage at all, be affected by hit-stun, and every enemy dies in a single hit. Even multi-deathblow bosses and minibosses take one swipe and all of those go down.
>the game ends at Genichiro atop Ashina Castle. No ending scene, no credit roll, just the fight ends, cut to black, and get told to fuck off and play a real difficulty if you want the rest of the story.

>but what's so wrong about forcing devs to put an easy mode into their game?
that really isn't the issue. forcing devs to add easy modes to their games brings up a number of other problems, including,
>devs now have to allocate time away from polishing or creating existing or new content to designing, creating, and testing a whole new difficulty mode for the entire game, potentially diluting the overall quality
>devs have to redesign certain areas or situations in the game to fit both the normal and easy playstyles, potentially weakening the experience for both
>now instead of a single, strong experience there are two slightly worse experiences that suffer in quality because the same game has to compensate for both
>devs can't guarantee that the experience and vision that they're trying to get across to the player will be the same for everyone, compromising the integrity of their art
>as a result journos that play the game on easy mode and then write reviews about it aren't creating an honest depiction of the game, their criticisms of any flaws they encounter are moot because they're not playing the game as it was intended nor may some of those flaws be present in the normal mode
>people reading these reviews will be receiving a depiction of the game in a state that most likely will not be the one that they themselves will be experiencing it as
It's just a lose-lose scenario for everyone. Players lose out because the game that they get delivered will potentially not be as polished or strong of an experience that they had originally hoped for. Devs lose out because they had to compromise on their original idea
to cater to the lowest common denominator, ruining the vision or experience that they had hoped every player who picked up their game would get to see. People reading game journalism lose out because they will never know if the review actually covers the game as it was intended to be played or the disabled sidemode.
prove me wrong

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That actually sounds like a fun second playthrough.

>but it's objectively true that the game would be better if grandma could enjoy it as well.
No it's not.

It sounds like a fun youtube ending cutscene watch lol

its called MMR and it ruined online games

>level up
>gain +1 damage, +2 health
>all enemies gain +1 health, +2 damage

Thanks, game. I'm so happy about this character progression!

I ain't reading all that shit nigga

>Have you seen this bullshit whining?
yeah, i'm looking at your post now

IMO open world games that do that shit (most of them do) should employ regional levels instead like MMORPGs do.
However AssCreed tried that and failed spectacularily since they added level-scaled damage penalties to an "stealthily slit throad" assassin game, throats you can't slice for arbitrary reasons are stupid.

this is what people here don't get. If your only argument against an easy mode is the artistic integrity, you're not allowed to complain when games are too easy either.

This is correct, though. I will argue that part of its appeal is the inaccessibility. There is some sort of pride and allure to "beating that bullshit game" as a opposed to "beating that bullshit game... on the highest bullshit difficulty".

I think an argument can be made on whether the inaccessibility helps or hurts sales.

>have you tried to get better at the game?
Why do shitters defend being bad at a game instead of trying to improve themselves?

So these talentless shells devoid of worth just want cheat modes back? If we get things like Big Head Mode and Fat Drake as well I'm totally for it.

>GoW head sounds like the kind of guy that likes "story based" movies with QTEs
Man, I'm glad I never wasted my time with their game in that case.

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Even better
>game forces Shura ending because you're literally a god of destruction

>Dev that made casual as fuck 3rd person hack n slash game thinks talented dev who made a non-casual game should make a casual game so he can feel better about himself
Reminder that Senran Kagura Versus games respect the players intelligence more than GoW. GoW has auto-tracking and sliding on its melee attacks, Senran does not.
Do you really want to take advice from someone who made a more casualized game than Senran fucking Kagura? I'd think not.

Games are not for everyone retard

No he's right, in a sense
Games are for everyone. There's millions upon millions of games out of every type and creed. There is a game out there for everyone. As he also clearly stated games as a plural are for everyone BUT a singular game is made for a specific audience. Both these statements are true.

this, there's no reason to be seething this hard about one game.

maybe grandma shouldn't be playing DaS games user?

>wow this game is too easy, it doesnct appeal to me
>don't play it
Wao so hard

This is why I appreciate Kamiyas attitude towards people’s complaints is “deal with it” despite him actually including a few difficulty settings in some games. At least in Viewtiful Joe the easy mode is named “kids mode”

No he’s not right. Games and art in general is not for everyone unless the artist precisely means it to be for everyone (which they rarely do).

Besides the word "should" how is he wrong?

This has been the staple of the genre practically since it's beginning. It also just only impact people at the bottom of the totem pole either, there's not a lot of space between Sekiro's skill floor and ceiling,

Difficulty settings allow devs, assuming they care, a lot more leeway to work with. They can let the brain-dead casuals feel good about "beating" the game they bought and on the flip side use the lower difficulties as a training wheels device and ramp for the real experience. It doesn't make them equal by any stretch of the imagination though, that's just brown nosing for good boy points.

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Lmaoing at wh*te people and women

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never bothered with God of war and never will. i tried witcher 3, horizon zero dawn and a few other AAA-type titles and could never bring myself to finish those snoozefests. it seems like "accessibility" is more just a euphemism for "i'm too lazy to properly design/balance my game".

We gotta do something about these Marxists.

Individuals should tune themselves to the games they chose to play.

Also this

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Git Gud or don't play the fucking games. As long as the game isn't literally broken and in an unfinished state, these people have no argument to make. Not every game is a hand holding experience, and nor should they be. I've not played Sekiro and doubt that I will, as I don't really care for From Software titles, aside from the Armored Core series on the original Playstation. But from what I've read and seen the game isn't broken it's just online 'journalists' have found a new click maker. They'll stop caring as soon as a new clickbait thing happens. They pretend to be outraged at the injustice of not having and easy mode today, only to make an article a week later praising a game for being an uncompromisingly hard game. Rinse and repeat for the rest of eternity.

It also doesn't just only impact*

user, I'm literally agreeing with you. A SINGLE piece of art is NOT made for everyone. This is where we agree.
The second point is that so much art exists that there's something for everyone. It's like asking would you watch My Little Pony? No, because its not made for you. But you'd probably watch something like old Berserk anime, you sure as fuck wouldn't show that to a 3 year old. But both pieces exist.
We agree that each single piece of art has its target audience. I'm merely saying that because of the sheer volume there's got to be at least one game any one person can enjoy out of the millions of games that exist.



I’m being a little facetious here but amidst all this complaining about difficulty online, Baba Is You comes out and journalists are praising how challenging of a puzzle game it is. Why aren’t they requesting that Baba is You have an easy mode to accommodate players who can’t handle the game as the devs put out?

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Sparknotes, ironically. They also have books that have notes in the margins contextualizing what characters are saying.

>I can’t get past some puzzles!!!! I bought this game with my hard earned money!!

I hate America

americans do too, if they didnt they would make something useful out of their society, but they just like to be spoonfed shit and smile while eating it
they socially award ignorance and criticize knowledge in general, what did you expect?

Let's also demand accessibility modes for shit like Dorf Fort and grand strategies.


Is it a puzzle game that depends on speed and skill instead of just figuring out or looking up the solutions?

I mean cliffnotes are 3rd party and on the same vein as downloading a trainer or consulting a game's wiki.

I don't understand the sudden massive difficulty argument that's come along with Sekiro. There are plenty of games harder than it.

Click bait garbage for Soulsfags. No different from "X is the Dark Souls of Y" shit. Nothing in the gaming media has any substance beyound getting revenue or pushing political agendas.

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Because you can just look up the solutions online
Protip: the only reason journalists are throwing a shitfit over Sekiro is because they want the prestige of beating a "hard" game for social clout, while not actually putting any effort into it. If there was some 100% guaranteed way to cheese the entire game none of this would be happening.

The latter. Again I was just being snide

One thing I like to do is play new Vegas with my health capped to 80 hp and play on very easy.
That way nobody is a bullet sponge but neither am I.
I like it to feel like insurgency where if the first shot doesn't kill me the second most likely will.

They can look up a walkthrough online and say they beat it by themselves.

All the autists screeching about these articles are doing is exactly what the people writing them want. They know how many morons worship the "dark souls difficulty" and have the perfect bait to enrage them.

All they have to do is publish some vaugely controversial shit like this one above and then keep the debate going so they can keep the clicks going.

None of them care about Sekiro, or changing fromsoft's mind about difficulty. All they care about are the delicious nerdrage tiers because it keeps bringing in the clicks while the shitstorm is on.


This. Now stop posting those clickbait articles and the fad will die quickly

Someone post the pic/info about that journalist who complained about a SHMUP insisting that he played it on normal, when the Dev showed up and proved he played on easy.

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people like you are the reason RE and MH went to shit

Not a bad idea. I hate when difficulty is just tied to enemy hp. I pretty much only recommend playing Mirrors Edge on easy (maybe Medium) because the interactions with police shooting at you are the only thing affected and it’s bullshit

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Grandma isn't the audience. She shouldn't matter.
Why don't we casualize airplanes to make them easier to pilot? That might attract a bigger audience of handless fucks to become airplane pilots!

Honestly, if Wolf could take a SINGLE additional hit, I would've beaten Genichiro in 10 tries instead of 40

>"A reasonable challenge that someone can overcome through growth", which is presumably what developers are trying to provide, is something that needs to be tuned to the individual.
No, they're trying to provide the challenge they created. If grandma doesn't want to play a game that your average video game player would consider difficult, she shouldn't have bought it.

Failing to appeal to grandma does not mean the game is flawed any more than, say, Senran Kagura's failure to appeal to straight women is a flaw.

>exposes Dark souls veterans as summoning casuals
>makes western devs and SJWs seethe
How does one game keep doing this?

>From makes another fairly balanced game of slightly-above-average difficulty that can easily be overcome with various cheesy strategies if you use your brain or a guide, albeit not as much as dark souls which became a total cakewalk
>Activision is in charge of marketing
>it may be From and Miyazaki but it's not Souls and it's not online, how do we sell this
>oh shit what if we pay journalists to write "it's TOO hard!" reviews instead of good reviews, to make sure we capture the good old huge "dark souls is the hardest game ever and i beat it" audience

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Thanks user. Still gives me a chuckle

noone mentioned women yet you assumed that women need accessible games. perhaps it is you who is the incel my pedo friendo.

this toy is just too hard
shouldn't the creator make ways for people with disabilities to be able to beat it? as a toy journalist, I support this idea because my brain just isn't capable of beating this toy

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>no summoning
Are invasions also gone?

Don't worry, they make that in Game Journalist mode now

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I like a difficult game that forces you to use everything that's available.
Self imposed challenges go against that philosophy.

I wouldn't listen to thoughts about difficulty from anyone who worked on the new GoW. It's the epitome of just dialing numbers higher and lower to only make you spend more time doing the exact same shit. Even before the difficulty settings themselves, they loved the "oh this enemy is a higher level than you so you just deal 95% less damage to it" bullshit. It's not accessibility, it's laziness. Souls at least has the decency to have that high level enemy in an early area actually be the exact same fucking enemy when you see it again later. You don't suddenly deal double damage because you upgraded your armor and it pushed you from one level to the next despite the fact you didn't actually upgrade the damage you should be doing at all.

Movies are sometimes too complicated or too long.
Film makers should be obliged to make multiple cuts, maybe 30, 50 and full length versions of movies so that people who aren't no lifers and just want to watch a quick flick can do so after a hard days work.

People who think this would damage the integrity of the film are just being elitist, no ones taking away the original cut, they should just have multiple versions available - then everyone is happy.

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imagine these niggers trying to play touhou on easy

I miss oatmeal cookie

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A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.

Besides, DMC5 and MGSV both penalize those actions anyway. Disabling them just for the hell of it when you already get a worse grade IS retarded.


There should be multiple versions of books too, definitely a short version with simple words of every single book so any retard can read any book. Anyone who's against this is against accessibility, LGBT, freedom and America and hates disabled people.

>be a western journalist
>continue ignoring a game series with an all female (and a cloud), non-sexualized cast

Nobody tell him

game journos and western developers are thee fucking worst

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as a movie journalist, I have to say that movies should be accessible to everyone
every movie needs to be enjoyed equally by everyone, so it's wrong that they don't release versions of movies for blind or deaf people

sadly this shit does happen, and producers force the director/creator to make things more transparent or simpler for the general audience, or even less negative in tone (Little Shop theatrical ending comes to mind)

Funny how if you bitch about walking simulators they get all uppity about how the game is just " not for you". But if they can't figure out how to press a parry button all of a sudden you gotta add a retard mode just for them.

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forced shura ending plus reformatting the disk drive after

Why are people so retarded

Attached: upMfmqf[1].jpg (1280x1024, 264K)

Entitled journalists who can't play games think everything should be handed to them

Any reason you post a screenshot from this god tier mission alongside your post?

All men and women should wear hijabs and men should get stilts so everyone’s 6’0 and has equal opportunities

Attached: 10D89CB3-1114-4967-B2BC-497004A15795.png (300x180, 20K)

>Guys people are having trouble with portal what do we do
>Let's alter the walls and floors so you can only place portals on the spaces that are relevant to the puzzle
Portal 2 was a shit.

Every puzzle in Portal 2 was basically "find the spot you can place a portal in"

Focus testers didn't know what to do because they actually listened to security guards who told them to not enter certain areas

>Dishonored empowers would-be assassins with multiple angles of attack, but apparently some choices present themselves a bit more strongly than others: a Games On Net interview reveals developer Arkane plugged in a few more hints after players lost direction.

>"People would just walk around during playtesting of the 'Lady Boyle' mission," Dishonored executive producer Julien Roby said. "They didn't know what to do. They didn't even go upstairs because a guard told them they couldn't. They'd say, 'Okay, I can't go upstairs.' They wouldn't do anything."

>stealth game built around sneaking around
>get told not to enter area
>oh my fault sir, i'll carry on

Attached: lucielle.gif (500x289, 482K)

>dude just drop out of your life and play videogames all day
>just look at me, I'm doing it!

>journalist advertising
>400 posts
>criticism of journalism

Mods fucking put on your name and answer this bullshit

He's literally saying there's at least one video game everyone can enjoy

Also if yiure gonna add an easy mode to Sekiro, add a hard mode to the lego games

Every movie should have subtitles. Idk what to do about deaf people

Until disabled people with motor skills issues speak up about having difficult with the game, not white male journalists speaking for them, that argument will never be valid.

So far the only person who said anything played the game fine.

you reduced yourself to this kind of argument and you still lost
just kill yourself, dude.

>the critically acclaimed movie God of War

Jesus fucking Christ...

further proof only stupid liberal soiboys like gow

I don't want things to be equal. It's a fucking game it should challenge me to excel not equal it. Fucking sick of this shit. Nothing is equal.

You don't need to put in 100 hours into a Souls game to become good at it, retard. A 30 hour game is still a 30 hour game regardless of how many days you take to reach that 30 hour mark.

>options means your challenge is somehow now gone
Find me where anyone is saying this retard

>mfw dsp actually isn't that retarded compared to the rest of the population

Attached: 9e9.jpg (604x604, 58K)

True story
>observe my friend playing Stanley Parable
>never does anything other than what the narrator says
>finishes game
>”that was alright”
>”why don’t you try playing again?”
>proceeds to play again, only following the narrator

Attached: F989560A-9BFD-4EB0-B20D-D18ECE38947B.gif (201x259, 729K)

>LEARN to deflect and defend you fucking retards.

Holly shit, there are so many bad players out there. Just learn the simpel mechanism of the game and it will eventually get easy.

Get better reaction images, you fucking tourist.

>hard mode to lego
Hell yeah

Who the fuck cares?
I swear you Fromsoft fags are the most autistic people on this board.
Absolutely obsessed with shitty game journalists who couldn't play their way out of a paper bag.

This narrative that the game is literally impossible is really fucking pissing me off.
I'm not good at games and I beat it 2 days after it came out. Anyone can beat it they just want the victory handed to them.
Thats what makes these games unique. It never hands you a victory, you HAVE to learn and improve or you lose every time. If that doesnt appeal to you just go play devil may cry or some bullshit.

>“This does not make the game easy. It allows people to make the game equal.”
Remember this line the next time some le ebin centrist fag tells you this isn't a left-right thing.

this is le ebin centrist fag I was talking about

We need to adjust gameplay for people with disabilities, such as being gay

Attached: inselkiros.jpg (579x1044, 85K)

well i hope you don't mind that your character randomly dies of AIDS

>This does not make the game easy. It allows people to make the game equal.
What the fuck does that even mean?

>I'm convinced most "journos" don't even finish games they supposedly review
This is really old news anons. Games journos have been full of shit for 20 years. They've just adapted now that paid reviews are mostly a thing of the past. We've gone from the dorito pope, automatic 10s for the annual CoD games era to the new 10s for my friends, art games era

Hes saying that difficulty is subjective to the individual. Its implying that sekiro is just so fucking hardcore that only le pro gamers can beat it.

It means that both people who put in the effort to learn and the people who don't can beat it and beating the game instead of enjoying it on its own merits is all that matters

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It means communism. That is literally, unironically what it means. There is a reason that only leftist fags are taking up that side of the debate. They want equality. Full stop. Egalitarianism is their religion, and they will destroy everything on Earth to manifest their Heaven.

Or instead, they could just get better at the game and actually feel a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
Not everything in life is handed to you on a platter.
Sekiro isn't even that fucking hard jesus christ.

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It's coded language that signals to other progressives that they need to back whatever the author of the piece is pushing. The phrase otherwise is gibberish.

It took me like 3 months to beat Dark Souls due to working and other responsibilities, it's still the best game and value I ever got.

Git Gud or keep crying.

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>They want equality. Full stop.
This is more like social equity, assuring that everyone can finish the game regardless of what they consider inherent inequalities of the players (which in this case in reality just means lack of practice and/or willing to practice)

>making games easier because .00001% of the population say so.

When the hell are developers going to stand up to these faggots and simply say NO. It's not hard, just tell them to fuck off. These idiots don't even play games like Sekiro. The entire purpose of games like Sekiro is to provide a challenge. In removing, you are no longer playing the same game. If they want to watch a fucking movie go to the theaters or put on Netlfix.

I'm so fucking tired of a tiny minority, that don't even like playing games in the first place, dictating the rules for everyone else. I really fucking wish vidya had never gone mainstream.

Attached: Modern Gaming.webm (960x720, 1.72M)

>dude I should be able to experience every game even if I don't want to put in the time and effort they require
You aren't entitled to be able to finish every game on the market. If a game is too hard for you and you don't want to put the time in, tough shit. Find a different game then. The game has no obligation to present you with an easy mode.

I fucking hate how they think this means "the ability to win" instead of "the ability to play".
You are not guaranteed to succeed. You are not promised an easy time. Video games are incredibly accessible - you just need a PC, console or even a mobile phone, and then you're playing. Doesn't matter if you're an expert or not, if you're playing singleplayer or not, what your physical or mental state is - you can play a video game. But of course, that's not good enough now. Now games can't say "no" to gamers, because then the game is wrong.

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Good difficulty progression requires very deliberate design.
Designing for multiple difficulties is terrible because it demands almost equal efforts for the design of each difficulty, and if not then the difficulty progression and smooth design of the other difficulties will be misrepresented by the difficulty you failed to design equally well.

Fuck all these journalists and above all fuck the supposed or outright game developers who are claiming that difficulty options are no big deal.

making games that dont have a built-in handhold option are ableist

>I fucking hate how they think this means "the ability to win" instead of "the ability to play".
This. Genuine accessability options are great. Like colour blindness options. Alternative control schemes. Etc, etc.
But to make the game easier is just condescending. Fuck off. A handicap is a handicap, treat it like a handicap and don't treat handicapped people like mentally stunted retards.

I’m still playing Sekiro but assuming it’s similar length to the Souls games wouldn’t it be extremely short? For shitters like myself most of the time is spent retrying bosses and going through the levels cautiously because every enemy can be dangerous. Making it easy would remove a lot of that time.

That is a greater condemnation of humanity than I've ever heard.
Really puts into perspective how fucking stupid the average person is.

Equity is giving everyone the right to play the game. We have equity. They want equality. They want everyone to experience the entire game, regardless of ability/willingness to meet on its terms. They want no standards that exclude anyone. That isn't equity. It's equality.

Nigger, I have a full time job at a large telecoms company and I managed to beat Sekiro.
The only boss that took me more than 3 times in fact was the final boss, thanks to those fucking phases.

>Difficulty settings allow devs, assuming they care, a lot more leeway to work with.
False, even the laziest implementation is a shitload of work if it's not planned from the beginning, since you'd have to reconfigure every area and enemy in the game to check the difficulty whenever something spawns and modifying its HP values regardless. That doesn't even include shit like having to modify AI or spawn locations and rates. I don't understand how you can think having a bunch of additional overhead for anything and everything you add gives you more leeway as opposed to making the game exactly how you design it without having to cater to the lowest common denominator.

im not him, but nice lies

I'm just going by what Wikipedia says about it.

>Social equality denotes the idea that every individual receives the same opportunities and resources with no discrimination. Social equity, however, posits that each person should have access to the amount of opportunities and resources that they need specifically. The distinction between these two terms is important because it acknowledges that each person starts off with a different level of privilege in life, and therefore everyone will not have identical needs, due to factors like language, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity and gender.

>criticizing shitposters
I got a warning for doing exactly that. They even quoted the "quality of posts" rule. Meanwhile the same shitposter is still shitposting.

You didn’t even mention how each difficulty needs to be tested, which adds otherwise unnecessary work. It’s ridiculous how this shit piles up

To continue from I figure they're counting "the ability to play videogames" as one of these inherent privileges that needs to be flattened out, even though it's actually just a matter of practice.

>wish vidya had never gone mainstream
I was screaming against it back then, but every dumb fuck refused to see what was coming.
>dude, this just means there will be MORE games so we can expect MORE good games!

>Regular mooks and shit you should totally be able to roll over as you get more powerful, but I think there should still be enemies you have to watch out for
This is exactly how the level scaling in FFVIII works but people complain about it anyway.

Attached: FF8_Malboro.png (796x738, 411K)

It felt this way in final fantasy tactics to me. If you got too high some of the battles were pretty difficult though

>Social equity, however, posits that each person should have access to the amount of opportunities and resources that they need specifically.
Translation: equality of opportunity/baseline. It's material equality. It's a form of communist thinking. They just use terms like equity to hide the ball. You either believe in legal equality (rights) or material equality (stuff). They're mutually exclusive positions, as one necessarily precludes the other.

>attack speed 25%
>weapon hit box 250%
>melee damage 400%
fuck that's a problem
>ranged damage 400%
yeah that's gonna be a no from me

>Journalists hate video-games, got the job because they were too incompetent for anything else
>Tasked with reviewing a difficult game
>Get butthurt
>Write articles about how it should have an easy mode because they hate video-games and wish they could do their jobs while playing the least amount possible
>They spread the memo trough their incestuous network
>Easy mode approach fails, they pull the "its for the disabled!!!!" card
>Lefty devs who have a desperate need to virtue signal at any possible occasion like the Celeste and GoW ones come out of the woodwork to support it

Wouldn't it be nice a Stalker mod with weather season dynamics and small characteristics for every season? Like in winter it gets really cold and you have to get warm from time to time, and its also harder to walk because of the snow

Now that I think of it, would the snow become a big radiation emitter?

It can definitely vary from enemy to enemy. For example, you could level up to be “stronger” than soldiers, but they’ll scale up to not be THAT far below you. That way they may be challenging in early game, but not piss-easy in the future

Yes. Material equality. They don't like talent, gifts, etc. because it generates hierarchy. Better gamers, gamers with more time. These represent a superior hierarchical position. They represent the fact of reality that we are unequal. That is why they hate the concept of git gud. It imposes an objective standard. They hate objective standards. They're nihilists/subjectivists/solipsists. They want reality to bend to them, not the other way around.

>Translation: equality of opportunity/baseline.
Is that not what the social equality definition is about? "Access to opportunities and resources" in this instance seems to translate to an equality of outcome, since according to this the unprivileged should be afforded extra resources in order for everyone to come out with the same results, except in the case of Sekiro they're mistaking beating the game (the supposed outcome) as actually experiencing it on its merits (the actual intended outcome).

"m-modding is bad, tho"

>difficult game that forces you to use everything that's available
Too bad from games are also far from that

Unironically, they want the developers “OK” to play easy mode, lest they feel bad.

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I've taught a literal retard how to solve one of those. they arean't difficult at all once you know the steps

Wow amazing reading comprehension friendos, an absolute Yea Forums classic.

I meant leeway in the artistic sense dumbasses not their workload, that's why i prefaced it with "assuming they care".

Difficulty settings allow devs to further extend the difficulty curve past the game's normal run time. That way they can make a game with complex mechanics that doesn't overwhelm the player or end up with difficulty spikes . It also lets them sell the game to a wider market.

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Since it’s just figuring out the patterns, I don’t find it all that impressive unless a person figured that pattern out themselves and didn’t just google it


The inevitable whining of western gamers now that a japanese game is popular.

Guess what, Cory, God of War is poorly tuned and your final boss is a joke. It's pretty funny how quick people are to patronize Hidetaka's game when the entire fucking industry has completely adapted to his game design.

You have to understand the mentality of these people, most of them grew up on easy street. These people never learned how to fail, they were always shielded and comforted from it, told that failure was a result of things outside of themselves (i.e. the game, an institution, society at large, etc etc). These people are incapable of understanding the value of struggle, let alone how to cope with it.

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I think anyone could learn the patterns over time if given the basic steps to solving the thing. it wakes a lot of people time to realize how you can place and store blocks and then only focus on changing a particular part of the cube. if I teach someone a couple of simple algorithms they will begin to put it together in their head. I imagine they would figure it out eventually. it took me about 2 days to do my first solve on my own and then I started looking up other methods. F2L is easy, OLL PLL is where most people get caught up.

I really really hope my kid grows up to appreciate overcoming the challenges a game can present, and that losing is a part of it

>I meant leeway in the artistic sense dumbasses not their workload
In Sekiro's it's clear that the exact opposite would be true. The entire message is about how "undying begets stagnation" and that you're on a quest to prevent immortality from falling into the wrong hands, even at the cost of a small child's life. Resurrection is a fundamental game mechanic. The game's bad end comes when you abandon your duty and decide to seek immortality, the easy road, for yourself. Everything about the game revolves around this theme.

And an easy mode would afford more "leeway" artistically instead of compromising the entire vision?

>Literally makes a Devil May Cry ripoff
>Huge success in the west
>Reboots the series with Dark Souls inspired combat
>Proceeds to tell Japanese how they should design their games

>Is that not what the social equality definition is about?
yes it is, because there is no fundamental difference between equality of outcome and opportunity. Both involve the material state of people. Your opportunity is your parents' outcome. Since they're indistinguishable, "equity" leads to the same bullshit that equality does and is rooted in the same moral confusion.

>we need to make Eraserhead accessible to the average person

>there is no fundamental difference between equality of outcome and opportunity.
You really don't think there's a fundamental difference between putting everyone on the same starting line and moving the starting lines based on how fast the runners are so that everyone finishes at the same time?

But thats exactly how many games without adaptive difficulty work. You have enemies of varying difficulties scattered around until you come back and get stronger just so you dont get blown the fuck out.

>based Japan btfo'ing sjw cuckolds
Nothing less to be expected from the only civilized nation that actually locks up their trannies.

Downfall of western civilization when bros?

>Accessibility means options, not easy gameplay
>there should be options to make the game easier
really nigger?

Literally none of what you said has anything to do with gameplay. Zero, nada. Also i am not talking about easy modes I'm talking about difficulty settings as a whole and how they are employed in the genre.

It's not what I think. It's what is. How do we put you on the same starting line as someone born of a crack whore in Detroit? We can't. All we can do is take from you and give to him. We seek to (violently) equalize material positions so that we all start the same. Exactly the same as equality of outcome. If by "starting line" you mean rights, then sure. But that doesn't give everyone the same starting position in life. You WILL have a material advantage over the crack baby if we respect both of your rights. The issue is NOT equality of outcome vs opportunity. The issue is material equality vs ethical (legal) equality. As I said before, they are mututally exclusive.

>Don't be a single parent.
>Don't be an absentee parent.
>Maintain a stable marriage.
>Let you kid try shit.
>Give your kid responsibilities early in life.
If you do this, 90%+ of the time, your kid will grow up healthy and not be a fuck up.

Was there ever this large an outcry for easy modo in the Souls games up until Sekiro?

Attached: 1416889921041.jpg (600x600, 35K)

Reminder journalists took his words in which he literally was talking about handicapped people and applied it to their seikiro crusade.

Also any shitposters who didn't know this to take a cheap shot are massive faggots and failures in life.

>final fantasy VIII
>the first random fight in the game takes 3 minutes
>this never ever improves
Neck yourself

I thought the game WAS equal, by not having difficulty options.
Like everyone plays the same game.
Boom. Equal.

Nah they're okay with Nintendo games. Probably cause many of them put in idiot-proof modes with infinite lives

Skyward Sword HD will be perfect if they do nothing but give Us the ability to turn off Fi

Because Sekiro has no crutches. In Souls you could always grind to boost your health, or summon health. In Sekiro, you cannot make things any easier on yourself.

Perfect games down have flaws brother.

>Literally none of what you said has anything to do with gameplay. Zero, nada.
I mentioned the resurrection mechanic so that hyperbole is already wrong, but if you're so determined not to see the point, I don't really think you're even going to care. Anyway, it's not vitally important what the exact gameplay mechanics are in this case, what matters is that they have the outcome of having to strive for the prize in face of adversity, and removing the adversity flies straight into the face of the artistic value of the work instead of giving it more "leeway".

>Also i am not talking about easy modes I'm talking about difficulty settings as a whole and how they are employed in the genre.
And I provided a counterexample by pointing out how it compromises what Sekiro is trying to achieve with its gameplay and story. You're free to make generalizations about the genre but when you're making them in order to argue for a specific game, you should make sure that specific game doesn't contradict what you're saying.

I'd actually be okay with them not finishing the game and making a well written 'impressions' piece rather than a full review. But no, they either lie or cry about difficulty

Makes me sad that they're deflecting this shit with the disabled too, putting them in the crossfire.
Most disabled people have gone through their whole life dealing with what they can and can't cope with, they don't need some hack shitty journo "batting for their side" in the most condescending way possible.
It's fucking disgusting to be honest.
Accessibility isn't about just making the game easier, it's input methods, special controllers or things like colorblind modes and what not.
You literally can't make every game suitable for everyone, accessibility options should be encouraged but you can't fucking labast a game for not exactly having it be playable by all, it's unreasonable especially when a games artistic vision literally is built on its difficulty. it's one way games can express themselves separately of movies, how it feels to play, what it puts you through.

>In Sekiro, you cannot make things any easier on yourself.
You definitely can, but you have to actually figure out how to do that, or at the very least explore a little, eavesdrop and pay a little bit of attention, read the tutorial texts and so on. People keep hammering their heads against the ogre because they don't get the flame vent and dodge around like they're playing Bloodborne without realizing they're actually making the game harder for themselves.

Yeah it's weird dude, I never though Journos plays until completion, I figured they just gave it a good go, like ya know sink some hours into it, I want an opinion on how it feels to play so if you think it's difficult then make it part of your review, don't cry about being unable to finish it and start some fucking bullshit movement about difficulty in games..

If ever there was a reason that these motherfuckers - these seething thin-skinned wastes of fucking sperm for whom being able to enjoy a video game that others can't is a point of pride - are mongoloids unworthy of being listened to is dumbasses like this, seething over someone actually AGREEING with them just because they couldn't be arsed to red more than a couple of words before they started throwing out more of their dumbassery.
Compromised artistic vision my dick. It's true that no one is entitled to concessions a creator doesn't want to make, but they definitely COULD have ways to make it easier without hurting the final product in any significant way, and to imply that the whole thing is about anything other than these special flowers' fragile little egos depending on the fact that they put in the time to beat a fucking game that others couldn't or didn't want to is just sad.

We should make chess easier and allow new players to cheat.

Attached: unknown.png (319x300, 82K)

>they definitely COULD have ways to make it easier without hurting the final product in any significant way
This is true, but in the universe where it happened, they first article we got was "Sekiro's easy mode is disrespecting players by not being easy enough"

Attached: 1417355668318.png (288x288, 140K)

I have no idea what you mean with this reply, but chess HAS difficulty levels. It's called "playing against mediocre players", and it's how people usually get started.

>tfw I was one of those faggots.
My cousin is a hardcore JRPGfag since the early 90s he even had an imported FAMICOM and learned nip just to play DQ. He kept telling me the same shit and I thought he was just being a salty oldfag. Now I've become the salty oldfag, this is the future I chose.

Attached: not worth it.gif (360x252, 1.3M)

>first game in the series to be overtly NIHONGO as fuck
>le ironic weeb anime culture spreading like the plague
>normies think it's cool to pretend to like animeshit
>all of a sudden they realize they can't 'nothin' personel' every boss like a JOJO reference.

Souls appealed to a different crowd of autist. I bet from normies point of view they probably just assumed Souls series was made by autistic slavs and ignored it. Sekiro is kino ninja/Japanese themed around Souls combat, so they assumed it would be just like in their animes with OP protagonist.

Attached: sekiro kick.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

You're so dumb. What adversity? Do you know how stupidly subjective that is? A good player will never face any "adversity" in this game. You're taking the casual tears and turning it into some 2deep4u grand narrative. Fucking ridiculous.

What specific game? This whole thread is literally about the genre and even gaming as a whole, Sekiro is just the context. Did you even read the OP? And you need not look hard to know why Sekiro is the way it is, it's because Miyazaki can't into this concept or just does not bother with it. See Dark Souls 2, the only game he did not direct is the one that actually tried to follow the trend of the genre in this aspect. You're pretty argumentative for someone so ignorant.

Attached: Shut up.webm (900x506, 755K)

Eh, maybe. I mean, there are always people who are unsatisfied with what they got. What I'm really against here isn't the decision of including easy modes or not, it's the whole "You cheated not only the game, but yourself." mentality, as if beating a game - any videogame - was this great achievement that anyone other than 12 year olds and the most autistic basement dwellers actually value.

>You're taking the casual tears and turning it into some 2deep4u grand narrative.
There's nothing deep about, it's the game's explicit theme.

and it's only tenuously connected to the gameplay. You're right, there's literally nothing deep about it so stop pretending there is.

Death, rebirth and the dangers of immortality are only tenously connected to the gameplay of this video game so noted for its difficulty it's been the main subject of discussion around since its release, alright

>so stop pretending there is
Since this discussion was specifically about the artistic side, I've been saying that that is in fact the game's theme and that claiming an easy mode would allow for more leeway with it seems like a ridiculous argument, not that it's a particularly deep or amazing theme

Attached: 1427776564397.jpg (184x184, 12K)

This is a factual statement

based and redpilled

>The more people who get to enjoy the game the better.

>>all of a sudden they realize they can't 'nothin' personel' every boss like a JOJO reference.
but they can if they're good enough

the only time I've actually liked adaptive difficulty is RE games.

Cuz a puzzle game means you're "smart" if you can beat it. If a game is hard because its challenges demand quick reaction times and quick thinking and a personal level of skill coming from an understanding of the game's mechanics, that's not fair. But if you're just too dumb to figure out a puzzle well too bad retard.

All game journos are soft headed self important self described intellectuals.

>so noted for its difficulty
Refer to You're not very smart. I had a suspicion you read the word "artistic" and could only think of something pretentious like muh themes instead of the full meaning of the word. I think i'm talking to a Fromdrone who doesn't play other video games,

That referral has nothing to do with what I think about Sekiro. I'm guessing that just because I disagreed with the "leeway in the artistic sense" argument you think I'm automatically against easy modes in principle or even trying to say that Sekiro should definitely not have one. Next time try to actually stay on topic instead of dreaming up strawmen in order to cope.

What strawman? You literally just cited some perceived general opinion and not your own. Do you just throw out random buzzwords that sound nice in your head?

Oh, i'm talking to a faggot. I see.

You keep repeating "next time" like you actually won the argument. It's fucking hilarious.

Attached: WOOOOOOOOOOOW.webm (720x480, 2.72M)

Who's fucking entitled now?

>muh journos
>i need an enemy because otherwise I will feel like I have no purpose :(

Thank God nuGoW will always be shit on by people with some taste, fuck this asshole

Journous legitimately are an enemy of the gaming community though. The problem is you don't fight them by giving them relevance they should have lost decades ago.

i feel bad for people with disabilities that want to be able to play games and have fun but also.. idc

Uhuh. What other conspiracy theories do you believe in to make sense of the world?

>What strawman?
Did you not read? The same strawman that made you think that had fuckall to do with my opinions about whether Sekiro should have difficulty modes or not.

>You literally just cited some perceived general opinion and not your own.
Are you changing the subject again or are we still talking about Sekiro's themes? Because I don't know what makes you think I don't actually believe what I said about it.

>You keep repeating "next time" like you actually won the argument. It's fucking hilarious.
I meant for your replies and in the future in general, I didn't think this particular argument was either over or particularly "won" by either side since it doesn't even seem like we're talking about the same subject at this point.

Wasn’t there a study that found a correlation between general ability with twitch based gameplay and being smart?

Oh are decade old easily observable facts conspiracy theories now? You must eat shit by the spoonful.

Attached: 1537995186742.jpg (325x231, 11K)

>my opinions
>Are you changing the subject again

yeah, I'm just gonna stop talking to you now. You're getting desperate and stop caring about consistency or honesty. NEXT TIME try no to get turbo defensive over not being able to read.

Delete this.

>You're getting desperate and stop caring about consistency or honesty.
Jesus, I was trying to ask you to clarify what you're talking about because like I just said it feels like we're talking past each other. I'm not trying to be actively malicious here.

And yes looks like I misread the reference to imply that you were talking about me there because that seemed to be the immediately obvious context based on the rest of your post, but I'm still just as confused as to what you thought game journalists writing clickbait articles had to do with Sekiro's artistic themes which I thought was the point of discussion here.


stay mad sekiro fags

Attached: insekiro.png (1368x700, 880K)

> but it's objectively true that the game would be better if grandma could enjoy it as well.

No? Why would that be objectively true?

How bad are you at video games that it takes you longer than at most a week to beat Sekiro

I can't get the timing down for the thrust counter against the first white spear guy and he murders the shit out of me every time. I can do it just fine against the zombie training guy.

add a permanent "casual babby mode enabled" somewhere in the corner and it's golden

disagree, I think the idea that you should magically be able to instagib powerful enemies because you advanced a bar is ridiculous. You should become more powerful because you have more abilities to choose from, allowing you to handle more diverse threats, not because your same abilities do more damage. A dragon should always be threatening, not 1shottable because you're 10 levels above it.

It tripped me up at first that the red symbol is not reliably matched to when the attack will hit. the white spear guy in the Hirata estate has multiple thrust attacks, but the timing can differ a lot. If you get far away from him, he'll likely do a thrust attack where he rushes forwards quickly. He'll charge up for a second, and then rush towards you, so don't Mikiri too early. You can get him, try to stay aggressive, any attack he blocks still does posture damage and you can sometimes hit him out of wind-ups for dangerous attacks.

>bad journo talks about game being too hard
>gets clicks to his site
>doesn't affect game sales. Games still sell well and get positive reviews
>nothing changes
Its just contrarians just to get clicks. I highly doubt it will have any affect considering numbers are the only thing that matters

Wasn't there a shield or two in GoW that you could only get by beating it on the hardest difficulty? Way to deny equal access to that content, Balrog.

Games should all be legally 0$ so they're more accessible to me

Attached: PdvaWJVo_400x400.jpg (400x400, 31K)

reminds me of Touhou EoSD where not only is the game insultingly easy on easy difficulty (even becoming a meme where one boss has an absurdly large safe spot in front of her) but if you get to Stage 5 and defeat Sakuya you'll either be insulted by the boss for playing such an easy difficulty or your character will just straight up give up after having to go through the game on the easiest setting. this in turn literally prevents you from actually beating the game.

Attached: easymodo.png (1265x331, 13K)

Do you know how hard it is to balance a game? Honestly having a single difficulty is the safest way to not have a clusterfuck game

>All journos are soft headed self important self described intellectuals.

Well, most anyway.

Based japs.

Daily reminder that journalists are literally cerebral palsy tier, pants shitting, drooling, screaming, thumbless retards who unironically struggle with lego games

There are blind people- I repeat- people who can not SEE who are competing at tournament level on fighting games. A one on one multiplayer game where the only thing that matters is your skill, knowledge, mingames and reactions. How fucking important is vision to the genre? Literally HOW THE FUCK can you be more disabled in context and still beat so much people? I just read an article about some blind guy who reached ultra diamond rank in street fighter 5. A blind guy is beating people online in a fighting game. Anti airing them, blocking their crossups and mixups, teching throws, hitconfirming etc etc. I dont know if I should laugh or cry when this shit happens and the people who get paid to be some expert insiders on this medium cant get through the tutorial in cuphead and then cry for them to have access to the "disabled mode". What fucking mode is that? The one where they get to buy a 69.99+ tip dlc that instantly shows them the end credits?

Trust me, you the player are not the only ones who dislike these journalists.

One day you will be physically incapable of playing the kind of games you are good at now on their default difficulty. When that time comes, accessibility options will probably be widespread, and you'll be grateful for them.

No matter how easy a game is there will always be gamerdads out there who complain. Division 2 has its share of people claiming the game is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to play even though its a generic cover based looter shooter.

>Be ok on video games.
>work a shitty job
>thinking of selling my soul to make clickbait articles fused with a combination of bitching about games and SJW bullshit.

Fuck, man like I must resist the call for easy dosh.

That's just the only one you've seen for some reason, I've seen dozens of disabled people speaking up about having difficulty with games

That's the most smooth brain shit I've ever heard

I get the time complaint. Like I understand why, as people get older they just get more tired more quickly. So coming home from work, you've only got a few hours to play but you feel exhausted. I'm in favour of "fast modes" but easy mode removes too much of what the devs intended with the game experince. Devs shouldn't be compelled to follow this shit as their time is limited as well. I trust them to make the product as perfect as possible.

Do they pick random people on the street for playtesting? Some of those make sense if the play testers didn't play a video game for their entire life, or are grandmas.

They said "focus testers" so maybe not actaul play testers. I know actual play testers try and break the game whereas these "focu testers" might be the intended audiance.

This is great I would add;
>game dialogue is dumbed down to the point of insulting the reader by punctuating after every word and highlighting the objectives in red on text.
>a breadcrumb/arrow is added to Sekiro's feet leading him to the next objective.
>all non-boss NPC's are passive by default
>no swimming or water related activities.
>dialogue has twitter memes and emojii's.
>items dropped by enemies have a chance of rolling epic/legendary, they aren't any better than normal items.
>all trophies will have passive aggressive names.
>boss fights will have only one phase and Mikiri Counters will flash the button you must press and slow down time so you have enough time to press it.

I really want it to be as degrading as possible to the player.

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