Bloodborne appreciation thread
talk about why it’s worlds better than sekiro
Bloodborne appreciation thread
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soinygger cope
PS gets them both
sekiro is unplayable on console lmao
>oh boy there's only 3000 bloodborne threads active
>better make another one
soiboi with zero arguments
Bloodborne is literally unplayable on anything but
Well, I'll say that having to learn the movesets of the last two bosses of Sekiro in and out to beat them isn't fun.
I cant judge, i love both equally and both games hate me equally
Besides, Bloodborne and Sekiro are completely different games so i wouldnt judge them together
>dodging is way more satisfying than deflecting
>setting and atmosphere is the main reason bloodborne is still talked about to this day, sekiro will soon be forgotten because it lacks these things
doom and total war are two completely different games. just because bloodborne and sekiro dont have identical combat doesnt mean you cant compare them lmao
>Sony wins again
Well you got me there
Theyre both shit compared to Dark Souls
I am the user from the other thread that asked for tips against Ludwig. Now I'm stuck on Laurence, he two shots me everytime. Any tips? Also, I just arrived at the Fishing Hamlet. How close am I to the end of the DLC?
last area
>How close am I to the end of the DLC?
I like the ambient, the theme, the lore. And I mean I REALLY like it.
Gameplay wise it's great, but I liked Sekiro better.
I played both but I always return to Bloodnorne, it's fantastic
Game of the generation by a huge margin
bloodborne wins out in atmosphere, environment, lore, setting, and just general aesthetic as far as the soulsborne games go.
sekiro wins out in gameplay.
bloodborne was absolutely my favorite game in the soulsborne series before sekiro came out. i've sunk hundreds of hours into it over dozens of different characters, running the game doing various challenges, fucking around in chalice dungeons with /bbg/, saturday night fight clubs, etc. etc. it's a great fucking game and i'd honestly go as far as saying it's damn near a perfect 10/10.
almost decided to pass up on sekiro because i'm not a fan of feudal japanese settings, they honestly make me fall asleep most of the time. but holy fuck is the combat visceral, it's everything you could ever hope for dialed up to 11. shit ends up feeling so much more satisfying that constant i-frame laden dodge after dodge, actually having to deflect flurries of attacks as they come at you is intense as fuck, especially when you get to a point where you understand the mechanics well enough to back bosses up into corners and beat them down.
i think that's the main difference between sekiro and bb, as far as i see it anyways.
in bloodborne, reaching the peak of your skill is defined as getting to the point where you can perfectly dodge attack after attack as you whittle down the bosses health
in sekiro, reaching the peak of your skill is defined as getting to the point where you can stand toe to toe with the boss, deflecting every single attack that comes in your way as the boss has to step back foot by foot as your own blows start coming in between the ones you're deflecting.
at the end of the day, even when you become the "hunter" in bb and not the "prey", you still feel like you need to run around like a rabbit dodging shit. in sekiro, when you become the "hunter" you're the one chasing the boss back into his little corner.
i would honestly recommend all of you anons try it out if you haven't yet, haven't had this much fun in ages
>admitting to using cheats
lol like your opinion matters user
>silky smooth 24fps is okay
get some standards
Why can't BBfags just make a thread without shitting on other games? Why are you so insecure? Reminds me of NGfags and their obsession with DMC
Post boss themes
BB was worse than DaS2. Keep crying, snoys.
This is pretty pathetic just enjoy your game you sour grapes retard
Anybody who unironically prefers BB over Sekiro for reasons unrelated to platform exclusivity are casuals who value muh atmosphere over actual gameplay. So anybody who says BB is better is straight-up not worth engaging with regardless of their reason for it.
Better music, better graphics, better atmosphere, better way to reach different endings, fun weapons. The only thing that's worse is it's poor limitation of 30 fps.
what defines good gameplay and combat is subjective. BB has better gameplay IMO because it has variety beyond jumping and parrying. All of the firearms, tools, arcane shit, and hunter weapon variety are more interesting to me than a handful of ninja tricks.
I also like playing through BB multiple times to try different archetypes out -- something that Sekiro doesn't have. I still replay BB every October.
I will buy and enjoy Sekiro eventually when it's on sale, but I don't see it having that kind of replay-ability. It doesn't need to, to be a good game; but it's just another thing BB has that Sekiro doesn't.
>BB has better gameplay IMO
>I will buy and enjoy Sekiro eventually when it's on sale
What did I just say. This fine specimen hasn't even played the game yet still feels the need to talk about it based on youtube videos.
Not. Worth. Engaging. With.
>BB has better gameplay IMO because it has variety beyond jumping and parrying.
Sekiro isn't limited to jumping and parrying, whoever told you that was full of shit. There's a full set of various prosthetic tools that fill the same role as BB's arcane tools, trick weapons, and firearms. Each tool also has 2-3 alternate upgraded forms that allow different playstyles with them. On top of that Sekiro has multiple skill-trees for your character that fill the role of a build. These skill-trees are made up of various passive bonuses that affect playstyle as well as active ones that allow you to learn new tricks, combos, and skills that you can pull off. You should probably play Sekiro before jumping to conclusions like that. Sekiro's combat has a lot more depth/difficulty than BB has and a fairly large amount of various different playstyles that you can tackle it with.
yikes, my retarded friend. I'm not even attacking Sekiro as it looks like a good game to me. Also yes, you can learn quite a bit about gameplay from watching videos online; it's how good customers inform themselves on a vidya purchase.
Even DS2 is better than Sekiro, I don't know why this needs a thread.
Not. Worth. Engaging. With.
then stop replying. no one is forcing you to talk to me you dumbass
I adore Bloodborne but Sekiro's mechanics have spoiled me. It's hard going back.
Could have had a comfy thread but you had to shit on sekiro you stupid fuck
you could be right. but most of the gameplay I've seen just boils down to jumping over perilous attacks and parrying everything else, occasionally using tools. BB is the same way with dodging and counterattacking mind you. I've seen a few of the ninja tools and they look pretty neat
>Sekiro isn't limited to jumping and parrying
Yes it is? The tools are just there to either rock-paper-scissors specific enemies which is extremely poor design, or to cheese bosses. Same with the skill tree.
lady maria is such a cool fight visually, it's a shame she's so easy and usually the fight ends before you even get to see the shit that makes it a cool fight visually.
>you can learn quite a bit about gameplay from watching videos online
true for more simplistic games like d44m or bloodborne but not true for more mechanically complex games like prey 2017 or sekiro. simplicity doesnt mean bad and complexity doesnt mean good. im just saying that while watching an LP of a mechanically complex game gives you the basic idea, it is nowhere near enough to make any sort of definitely judgement
>Play drunk
>Game becomes super easy mode
what is this dark insight
I enjoyed them both for different reasons.
Less stress and tension.
I can't go back to souls after sekiro
what's mechanically complex about Sekiro? seems pretty standard reaction-based gameplay
>sekiro wins out in gameplay
>mash L1 to win every fight in the game
>good gameplay
not him but Bloodborne isn't anymore ridiculous -- it's just dodging and parrying too. the challenge itself becomes timing, just like BB
t. BB fag
It's faster paced though and you have a lot more weapons. Deflecting is especially boring mechanic in Sekiro and it's too important. BB gets a bit dull with parrying in some fights but for the most part you can do what you want.
>t. seething Shitkiro fan
Bloodborne requires shittons of skill. Knowing when to dodge, parry, find openings to attack, know when to ration your healing items. Being able to recognize when you're in over your head, and having all the skill to put it into practice.
Meanwhile Sekiro
>L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 INSTANT DEATH STAB HIYAH L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 instant death stab OK FIGHT OVER
well, BB is my favorite game of all time and I haven't even played Sekiro yet. you're just as bad as this retard
it's such a shame bb got dethroned by sekiro I know its a bitter pill to swallow.
Every fight is basically like fighting Gwyn but only with parries, except that's the only way you can fight. Don't listen to any retard trying to claim otherwise. Against weaker enemies this isn't a problem because they die instantly after one or two deflects. What makes boss fights worse is that missing just one timing means losing ~80% of your health in a single hit (not exaggerated) and healing is extremely limited, so basically don't get hit or lose. This gives some of the tougher enemies a very archaic trial and error feel, which is made significantly worse by the presence of BOSS RUNS IN 2019.
Honestly I don't get why people praise this game so much.
>I haven't even played Sekiro yet
Considering you think the combat is anything other than mashing L1 until the enemy suicides themselves on you, that's blatantly obvious.
lel. you both deserve to be mad
Bloodborne couldn't even beat The Witcher 3 for GOTY 2015
>losing ~80% of your health in a single hit (not exaggerated) and healing is extremely limited
not only that but some bosses input read heal chugging and respond with immediate punish you have 1 millisecond to respond to.
>fight 3 guys all over the place
>one dude in the rice field that stands 1m from them doesn't notice it
>stealth kill him after those 3
Verticality was done in a great way, grappling hook is fun etc but stealth mechanics and AI suck.
Sekiro is better than BB
t. a massive BBfag who bought a ps4 for it
Just because it has superior setting doesn’t mean its a better game lol
Sekiro is another step in From evolution and highest peak of it now
FO4 and MGSV > Bloodborne
this alone should tell you that what these journos think is worthless
t. Hasn't played the game
Spotted the bitch baby cripple. Git gud
What an amazing argument.
Better games get more awards. I don't understand why this is such a difficult concept for you to grasp.
BBfags hate Sekiro because it's too hard for them. It's not suprising really since BB is the easiest game From made in the last 10 years.
>FO4 is good
It's not an argument, retard.
Why are bbfags so obsessed with Sekiro?
>cinematic experience wins GOTY
Is anyone surprised?
Jealously and attention, this is also why thief fags are obsessed with MGS
Because BB and Sekiro are in the same boat of FromSoft games with a fast pace
Hey is bb good, I don't wanna get meme'd into more impossible "muh difficult" soulsshit
I wanna see that sexy doll too
Bloodborne truly is an amazing game. God what a masterpiece.
yeah I'm thinking the problem is Yea Forums
BB is game of the gen. Calm down nincels
>W3 is over 200 hours long of pure kino gameplay
>Shitborne is 30 hours max of 20 fps dodge simulator
I'm so tired of this retarded "muh gamu is better than ur gamu" kindergarten shit.
Can you just have a thread without constant flinging of the shit? Both BB and Sekiro are good and nothing you say will change my opinion, Yea Forums.
Fuck you.
>Click on thread expecting to watch a flame war
>End up wanting to fuck a black futa
I've lost control of my life.
>pure kino
>20 hours of meaninful story and 180 hours of offline mmo open world trash padded content with copy paste bamham vision quests
That implies Sekiro will ever get a shitch port
>i judge games based on how long they are
found the incel neet
Sekiro's gameplay is better than Bloodborne and likewise, any of the souls games by sheer means of it "feeling" better.
The mechanics have been extremely finely tuned, dodging in Bloodborne felt like you were strafing over a thin sheet ice, and running always had that weird "floaty" sensation as it began and as you moved around.
That could have just been the performance issues mind, but it nonetheless, makes the gameplay difficult to get back into especially after you've played Sekiro.
The focus on jumping and parrying applied to both the players moveset and how From Soft was able to design the boss movesets creates a far more mobile, up front and aggressive style of gameplay, which compensates for the lower degree of I-Frames given for dodging, further encouraging players to actually learn and wind around boss movesets rather than just mindlessly pressing circle.
If I were to rate the two games:
>Bosses, overall:
>Enemy Variety
>Gameplay Variety
>Area Design
>World Layout
>Lighting and wetness
>Performance/smoothness of gameplay and picture quality
Atmosphere is a very nebulous term. I often see it applied almost exclusively to Horror-esque games, which naturally rely on the building of tension and very controlled moods and ambience to maintain that tension. That doesn't mean games which aren't horror can't have "atmosphere".
The tower of latria is often extolled for its macabre atmosphere, but several other locations in the spiritual series create moods just as rich. Ash Lake, Fountainhead Palace, Hunters Dream, being three of them. It's just my opinion, however.
For a game that attempts to imitate the feeling of sengoku Japan, Sekiro does very well. Not as well as I find Bloodborne oozes the almost over-the-top gothic horror yharnam, but still very well.
Yes, but a thread has to start with a very specific picture/quote/question so that you can discuss the game with people who actually care about it.
sage this shit and carry on
Absofuckinglutely seething
>pure kino
you're not even trying. i played w3 for probably 20ish hours on death march, the game became an absolute joke after like 3 or 4 hours + finding a set of witcher gear. it's one of the least kino action RPGs ive ever played, the combat is such pathetic garbage.
argument from popularity is a fallacy. also i dont own a ps4 so ive never played bloodborne
Critic voice doesn't matter when the gameplay is whittled down to bamham auto-homing with 0 weapon variety. It's your typical WRPG with dogshit gameplay, but relies heavily on exploration and story. And that shit can be boring, desu.
Yes user the witcher 3 is on par with dragon age, skyrim, god of war 2018 and whatever other lowest common denominator game with the widest possible appeal has received that meaningful award.
Good post, user.
But thats on PS4 too.
How often is Bloodborne on sale and for how much usually? I don't have a PS4 but my flatmate does so I'm gunna buy it and play it on there
I 100% agree with this. I remember fighting abhorrent beast in the chalice dungeon and the only thing that made the fight challenging was the fact that the game dropped to 5fps when he started charging up and there was alot of shit going on. The PS4 had a really hard time with BB.
Still love it though.
Might as well not be, sekiro is borderline unplayable on any console.
I played it all the way through on PS4 and I didnt get any fps drops or anything noticeable that made it "unplayable".
I disagree about combat, Sekiro has worst combat in the series IMO, I don't like how blocking and parrying is tied to the same weapon and I hate deflection mechanic.
Sorry I meant loran darkbeast.
>4 Years later Yea Forums still having their daily BB thread
>BOTW already forgotten
>Mario Odyssey forgotten
>0 threads about Xbox (my wife) games
>Smash threads are nothing but Joker and PS5 begging port.
This so fucking unfair.
Why is it compared to Sekiro, it doesn't even play the same. Bloodborne has a better setting and variety with it's ennemy and weapons but I find Sekiro combat much more satisfying desu
>Bosses, overall:
Bad taste. Ape, SS, Owl, Isshin, Gen > any TOH boss. Fact.
Stop instigating console wars.
It works when the game is good.
I keep replaying it instead of finishing my huge backlog and still find my time was well spent.
>fallout 4 good
>MGSV good
>Life is Strange good
>Super Mario Maker - lmao
>Rocket League - lmao
hmmmm... did normalfags decide that TW3 was the GOTY? seems that way to me
switch has games other than mario, xbox has pc games and playstation has one game
>>Area Design
>>World Layout
hold the fuck up
Ape is quite bad once you realize you can just hold sprint and whiff punish it, shit was so easy after that
With Owl, you just have to keep attacking him and then parry the third hit.
You can't treat BB bosses like that
All you do in BB is dash through the attacks and then attack when you have an opening. You cant treat bosses in Sekiro like that.
He's right. I would even say that world layout is better than BB since you get 3 paths to chose from after you beat Genichiro instead of a straight line of BB.