VA-11 Hall-A

Why does a good girl like Jill own such a shirt?

Attached: IMG_20190411_112654.png (303x433, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:

because you are an incel

I own that shirt. It's cute.

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she's not into guys, sorry


Only for her boss

Because this cringy VN is literally made tl pander to the lowest test yuri fags

because waifubait games

Attached: jill thighs.jpg (561x785, 73K)

>huge cunt towards most people
>failure at life due to her own autism

>good girl

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Image search failed me.
Could anyone spoonfeed me the source?

She is though

go away with your cringy meme game

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Literally me without the wicked sense of humour.


wanna fuck the robot cunny desu

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>huge cunt towards most people
What. How? She's somewhat dismissive, but the only person she's outright a dick to is Gill, and so is everyone else. Jill is pretty nice to most folks, though admittedly that's necessitated by her job.

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Go fuck yourself with your live2D

>no male on futa
gayest of games


Nigga what? You've gotta whip out the spoon.

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What is that default track that plays when she is just chilling in her room?

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When's nirvana?

>Extreme Scat Movies TOHJIRO ([PTJ-003] Vomit Enema ecstasy Х ...

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I'd say it depends on when the rest of the dev team can get the fuck out of Venezuela.

I came to this thread thinking that was a child but now I notice the subtle tits. Huge disappointment.

Attached: santa.webm (960x540, 2.63M)

I still don't know who should I believe
a third of the people say that they left Venezuela long ago and are living in Japan, another third says they haven't left because they don't want to leave their families behind, the last third says they want to leave for the US but the US is not issuing tourist visas to Venezuelans nor is allowing them to enter as refugees for obvious reasons

>forced animation

It's new art, guy posted it yesterday on twitter, NSFW version on newgrounds. Can't remember the artist but I'm pretty sure Sukeban games retweeted it.

They're still in Venezuela according to this Apr 1, 2019 post.

Attached: davgghal.gif (637x358, 602K)

They live in Japan.

>>huge cunt towards most people
>>failure at life due to her own autism
How is she best girl material

>3/4ths of the team are in Venezuela right now and 1/4th is in greener pastures. So you’ve got a choice between a really dire national situation made even worse by way of constant non-scheduled blackouts at the time of this writing (lord knows what plague will haunt us whenever you read this in the future), or the emotional toll of complete physical isolation from friends and family in a strange land. Regardless it is a situation that’s taking a big toll on all of us.

Why do they shit standing up?

It's Bossu's

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>And as much as I would love to detail how bad the situation is, let’s just say that I’d rather not due to safety concerns, and not being able to detail specific out of fear should be telling enough.
Fucking Christ.

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Woah, didn't know she was such a slut

I'd prefer a happy ending, but I'm just wondering what they'll put into their message once shtf.

Can someone please recommend me some comfy tunes like this?

a shitty sjw filled visual novel, why do you guys like this?

katawa shoujo is better, even.


>tfw getting weird and not fucking the lolibot would actually make her feel bad
love the robit

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Some characters like Mario are bad but most of them are really fun to talk to and compelling

Are you a slut and a boy?

>USA and Russia are literally killing weebs
Absolutely based

How is this game sjw


No. And male, but not a cute femboy uwu if that's what you're looking for.

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Too much blatant LGBTQ+ pandering
I think only 2 or 3 characters were 100% straight,
It's kinda passable since a degenerate society is one of cyberpunk's core elements but it still feels too on the nose at times

>There are people who get awkward in the sight of other naked guys

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I mean there no evading seeing naked guys when in a changing room or whatever but otherwise it's something non-gay men try to avoid

if you seethe about other sexualitys you are insecure stop being an asshat

It's amazing you can type at all with all the cocks in your mouth and balls rubbing against your male pattern baldness scalp.

you're fat and ugly

user she's a prostitute

Sauce OP

This "game" has no real gameplay

i don't understand

Next time you see a mall santa just walk up to him and whisper *beep* *boop* in his ear and he will explain everything

I don't get what you were trying to say with this post. It has minimal interaction, yeah. What of it?

Argentinian with Venezuelan friends and alike, maybe this might put into perspective. Leaving your homeland is almost a extreme last resort, its expensive and scary, and seen as a dick move if your family stays behind. A coworker went back because she couldn’t stand her family being alone while narcoterrorists fuck shit in the streets, havent heard from her since.
My other two friends are still there and can almost never talk because blackouts due to the entire electric system being fucked by the old goverment incompetence and corruption. I have gone as far as to offer them help to escape to my country for safety because it’s a ticking clock until Guaido is replaced due to not doing anything actually relevant and everything goes back to how it was due to ‘muh peace, muh diplomacy’, shitting over every single citizen just trying to survive. They both said no purely because they can’t stand leaving their families behind.

It’s a horrible fucking situation user, with no real good guys and the innocent population being killed out of abandonment and left to sort out.

How? Her entire personality is "Look at how big of a slut I am". That's about 90 percent of her dialogue.

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probably the most retarded take I have ever seen

Then what are you?

go back to discord, tranny

okay, please explain to me why so many anime fap threads with tits n pussy are filled with gay people posting and trapfags
why are you all sitting around using female avatars posting porn please explain

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Attitudes about homosexuality are substantially heritable and contribute to reproductive fitness.

Didn't she say it was bought as a joke?

>discord tranny
>tfw joined the tranny discord to make fun of trannies
>no trannies in the discord
>only anons posting tranny surgery images

Stop spreading this lie.

sauce op

A pretty normal dude, I guess? I just really like the game and Jill.

Like I said, I'm not a "cute femboi uwu" faggot so I have no idea. I'm guessing overexposure to porn and certain fetishes.

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Welcome to VNs

>joined the tranny discord
No you didn't, they aren't public. Also the term "tranny discord" mostly refers to discords where the users raid threads, it's not a single specific discord server.

Please stop posting shitty art you found on DA faggots, how bad is your tastes?

The discord that is spammed in Yea Forums is 100% advertised as a tranny discord.

>that 3D model
>"shitty art"
Nigga fuck you

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Then it's just discord fags shitposting and attention whoring, as they tend to do.

Where would I buy this shirt?

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>The legs

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I got pic related and the plushie.

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What ars you trying to say

>giant ugly advertisement on the back
I hate it when companies do this.
I wonder if there's and lookalikes without that gay shit on redbubble.

it's a cooch

So how are the developers? Did they escape from Venezuela?

>owns slut shirt
>not a femboy

Attached: 890C4B15-F87F-4BE4-B362-55D32BAAC488.jpg (1200x675, 80K)

It looks like plastic and is off model as hell, it's shit.

tfw this game actually touched upon real issues such that AI will disguise themselves as real humans so they can replace us but its gets washed out by cute robot waifus

>Clearly a danbooru file name

Wooo look at the cool kid trying to fit in with the big boys.

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sauce op

Ufff is that a loli? Sauce?
You too tho

The point is that the art is ugly and might as well have been ripped out of some kid's DA page.
Nothing against the game. just shit fanart

The Automata shirt was the worst for this. It was a preorder bonus though so eh. On paid shirts it's bullshit though, yeah. It's small enough on the SLUT shirt that I'm not too bothered though.

There are redbubble ones but they always get the size of the text wrong.

The plushie is the cutest thing, legit one of my favourite vidya merch purchases.

I like the game and the shirt is funny.

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Wait, is Jill male or female?

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i should smack you over the head through your screen

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>t. Future tranny.

Dumbass ESL

Do you also dislike Ghost in the Shell?

They dipped their toes in the water with the April fool's day like system and liked what they felt so now they erp wherever they can

Wait, is that not how you're supposed to shit?

Fuck outta here

Not him but I don't remember ghost in the shell having pandering.

Any news about the new game ?
I don't use discord.

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I know right, how can others even compete

>he doesn't remember the entire huges spread section of Makoto lezzing out with two women before scuba diving

What is a man?

a miserable little pile of cum

> Gill
Nobody by that name in the game. Don't you mean John?

I never said I disliked VA-11 Hall-A, just that I felt that it pandered to faggots way too much which prevented me from fully enjoying the game

op post sauce

>can't enjoy something without getting angry at the thought of other people possibly enjoying it
Literally rent-free

>without getting angry at the thought of other people possibly enjoying it
That's not what he said. Pandering is something that affects the quality of the work itself. It's not about disliking people enjoying something, its about devs focusing on the things you dislike about a story instead of focusing on the things you do like.

More gameplay than any console movie.

I had to double check if I was on Yea Forums
Seething manlets lol

Looking pudgy

Think of it from the perspective of a gay dude. Imagine there was a thread of horny fujos drooling over anime dudes. And every half-naked anime dude you post they get more excited and cream themselves over wanting to get pounded. Do you find anime dudes hot? Probably not, but seeing the thread of fujos get aroused is pretty arousing in itself. At least that's how I figure it works.

>be fit
>wear a shirt like this and Killer7 Travis' wifebeater
Zero fucks given

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can you absolute dumb fucking seething trannies just post the source? how hard is it to just not be a faggot for once

nobody even cares about this shit thread

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sauce op


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Thanks, user!
I hope you have a nice day!

kill yourself frogposter

>hookup site
>no I don't want sex
What's wrong with these people?

I know we're on Yea Forums but you're an especially stupid human being

You know these profiles are just fakes to trick reactionary idiots become alt-rights.

Maybe because shes a slut.

Desperate for attention.

too puffy and
dumb boomer

Isn't offering a warm hole the surefire easiest way to get attention? This seems completely self defeating.

You know that a lot of artists went there due to the porn holocaust on tumblr, yes?


Attached: soyboy(5).jpg (231x218, 10K)

Thats just women in general user.

no i get all my porn from Yea Forums - Video Games

smoking is not good for you, little girl

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Nigga, learn your word parts.

Why the fuck someone would waste time with a person who put depressed in a public dating profile ?

>posts nurageface

Attached: oh_ok.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Maybe future cigars don't have poison.


It works.

Smoking is a terrible habit.

Sexy as fuck on the select few girls that can pull it off though

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Gays travel in packs even on accident i swear to god
Im in fucking alabama and half my friends in high school were fags

yeah everything smelling like literal shit in a 1 mile radius of her really makes me weiner go bing bing wahoo

>tfw i have venenzuelan friend
>barely can speak whit him
>not scared anymore of his fate,he has some type of cancer anyways
>we had wished for each other to meet on the other life already if someting happens
i just wanted him to eat some fryed pumpkin mass that we sell on my country whit me,and play vidya whit him

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That's why you need to have the right aspects to pull it off.

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Then what would be the point?

Because she does it for free.

like being 2d and thus not smelling at all irl?

get out retard

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What is the purpose of chewing gum ? Maybe it release oxygen rather than CO, and smells like vanilla or chocolate.

>he can't imagine the smell

That. But also I once knew a short chick with jet black fluffy hair that would tell me how she wanted to stub a cig out on my balls. I liked her.

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>LOOKS hot

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that would be awfully painful

She is a big girl

seethe harder

They're stuck there

Someone please kill Maduro.

you should try 2064

New Devlog

>on multiple occasions the game requires you to make a specific drink for someone when they don't tell you specifically what they want
>you have to use critical thinking and memory to parse through past interactions to figure out what they wanted
>interactions change depending on how well bartend

escaped to japan but their visa ran out. now they have to return to escape from venezuela

>used goods

pretty sure its against the law to be a virgin bartender.

>Man are swiping right ~50% of the time
>Woman are swiping right ~15% of the time
>Other creatures are swiping right 0,0000001% of the time
Have a nice day.

Is this just a western VN or is there actual gameplay?

I don't drink alcohol because of pride, but am curious as to how each one tastes.

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the gameplay is just making drinks, which is a fairly simply mechanic. Its definitely a VN so if you don't like lots of dialogue interjected with light gameplay you may as well pass.

God I wanna smash Sam so bad

I managed to escape from that shit hole, but like the Argie above said, most people that haven't left are either scared or it's too hard for them both financially and emotionally.
But with the money these guys have made already, it should be enough to relocate in Colombia or even Mexico.

Sometimes it's just bad thinking. My brother doesn't want to leave because he doesn't want to be working for foreigners that are going to underpay him. The guy has a son and is too proud to start small.

I hope the devs leave the country soon. It still is surprising to me that they haven't left when people are leaving with fuck all but 200 USD

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I think they've said the only reason they're still there is because of family.

Unless their families are a bunch of old people, I'm not buying that.
Even then, it'd be easier to leave, work on the game from outside and then get their families out.
This way, they are all getting fucked by them not being able to actually work.

>I don't drink alcohol because of pride
Nigger, what?

>FFXV poster on the background
kek, FFXV confirmed for trannyfaggots.


Not that user but that's not Live2D.

Attached: KAT_061.webm (420x544, 2.55M)

Some people don't do drugs out of pride.

usually these people are underage, so what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums

>entire race is confined to small plots of land
>do nothing but drugs and alcohol
>pride stems from our once proud heritage
I'm just interested in the taste is all. I've been told beer tastes like moldy bread.

I don't get where "pride" comes into drugs, unless you mean in a "I have the willpower to never touch this stuff" kinda way. And even then, I'd say denying yourself the experience of at least trying it out of pride is daft.

There are Roxas, Cloud and Link action figures there too.

the one on the right

2046 ROM is the better VN
playing vallhalla just made me want to drink and do something else, it's so boring and the character development is shit

beyby te quieroo wooo
beybe te quiero wowooo

why the fuck are you on tinder if you dont want sex? what the fuck.

Yeah, VA-11 Hall-A doesn't even let you customise your pronouns.

I fucking hate these animations. Way too much movement. It looks like garbage.

Attached: Absolute Disgust.png (501x445, 192K)

Then drink some, faggot

>It's even worse

yeah instead it lets you customize the music every day which robs characters of the opportunity for unique themes, a braindead decision made by someone who doesn't understand proper VN design

Seems like you're denying yourself something you want based on other people and their situations. If you have another reason for not wanting to try it (addiction fears, promises) then fair enough, but if not I'd advise giving it a go.

There are shittons of beers with different kinds of flavours - try a weissbier if you want something smooth and tasty.

Gays aren't the ones doing it. Bisexuals are, since they get to perv on the girl everyone's drooling over AND the riled up horny nerds fapping in the thread at the same time. Seriously if you have a fetish for nerdy guys and like 2D girls this site is a treasure trove that never runs out of gold.

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The game is fucking boring. There is no main plot or hook to keep you interesting, it's all slice of life talking to random people.

Be my cute femboy plz

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>blaze through books and enjoy reading them, no problem
>hours long text in rpgs give me no trouble
>drop every single VN i've tried to pick up and never feel like finishing them
Why do I have this problem. I thought Va-11 Hall-A might be interesting, but just a little into day 1 and I already wanna close the game. The dialogue between characters is just meh to me, and what appealed to me in the first place, bartending action with a side of listening to troubles, is being made to be less interesting by the game.

Play good VNs.

Attached: muv luv alt.jpg (460x215, 62K)

Thanks for the insight. The family thing is understandable.

>it's all slice of life talking to random people

That's dull. I can already do that shit in real life. I play video games to see exceptional things happening, not the mundane.


Counter question: What's a woman?

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Dracula, pls

Oh yeah I live in dystopian world with sentient robots too

full image?

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I just realized that everytime these people mentioned that they're asexual,trans,etc. A shit ton of them always mention that they're depressed fucking people. The hell is with that?

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Where the hell is that from?


The more wrong with you, the more wrong with you.

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Who fucking knows. I realized I was bi 7 years ago and accepted it 6 years ago with no issue.

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sauce. now.

Thank you user. You are my greatest ally.

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I don't know.

>trying to pick up customers in such a forceful way when she lives in a shithole where most people can't afford her services

dumb robot

Are there actually multiple endings to this? Can you get Jill to end up with Dana? I can't remember how my playthrough ended.

They're are. There's a true(good) ending. A bad ending. A *Kira* Miki ending, a Virgilio ending, A Dorothy ending, and an Alma ending.


how do we save sukeban Yea Forums

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my nigger....

>no sex
>no booze/never goes to a bar or club
>no drugs
>no smoking
>no gambling/never goes to a casino or a horsetrack
>no edgy jokes allowed cause OFFENSIVE
What the fuck do these people even DO with their free time?

Shitpost on twitter

>they nerfed Sam’s tits

because the shirt accurately describes her as a worthless slut

we need death sentence for any form of whoring

Evac them and their friends/families from Venezuela with helicopters.

The loli bot is a prostitute. She talks about weirdo sex worker stuff.

you gonna tell me with a straight face that she has a modest chest in pic related?

Attached: samsquat2.png (436x572, 122K)

Complain, whine and bitch to make everyone else as worthless and miserable as themselves. If not by societal pressure, then by force.

Because good girls can also be sluts. Sluttiness is about being free and open and using your sexuality to brighten other peoples' day.

Maybe their next game will be good unlike va-11 hall-a.
Is the ps1 graphics looking game they're working on still in development?

Attached: Disgusting.png (565x481, 131K)

Gonna need a frontal image for comparison

Looks like Koikatsu

remove the edgy jokes bit and you have me
i play vidya, make/listen to music, and fuck about on Yea Forums

vidya and k-pop
it says so right in the description, more or less.

Why is it always kpop? It's not the worst meme music to fall into, but how the fuck does a single subgenre of music (foreign music mind you, so you don't get to go to live events or anything) count as a hobby?

sauce for non cropped pls

I always believed the attraction to foreign music is just a way to fetishize the culture of where it comes from, or the performers to some more or less extent.

You fawn over korean pretty boys and imagine being as pretty as them because if you were, you could pass as a woman instead of looking like a troglodyte.

In the 2000s, it was J-pop. Now anime is practically mainstream, so all the kids have to go further afield for something to make them feel special.

im pretty sure the shirt is ironic because jill is pretty autistic and still obsesses over her dead ex

wasn't there a line about boss buying it for her or something

God I want to motorboat Sam so bad

>cropped image
>not reverse searchable
>durr lrn 2 search
>Yea Forums being faggots as usual

Sounds very gay. What's the point then?

I woulda given you the source if you didn't act like a faggot about it

the only source some user dropped in this thread was to a vomit and scat JAV

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Is it canon that Jill has thick thighs and somewhat wide hips? I always see her fanart with these qualities.

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thats the shittiest wojak i#ve ever seen

check the sukeban twitter, they put a post up on april fools (wasnt an april fools tho), theyre in a hella rough spot now. Just read the post.

I already have, numbnuts.

why do people worship this shit game with a bunch of sluts in it? fuck you

Judge for yourself.

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I don't really like this game at all, but the things I would do to be wrapped between Jills legs

No fuck YOU.

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>the things I would do to be wrapped between Jills legs
I know that feeling brother.

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There is never enough lewd of her
Just let me spend forever between them and I will be happy

seething incel detected

How would that trick you into becoming a White Nationalist?

its all they deserve

Because she's a fucking bisexual whore.

Have you been here for more than 5 years? Outrage farming is exactly how this website went from generally neutral to conservative.

imagine the smell

that's dumb

>A Tinder profile which doesn't even bring up politics is actually a right-wing psyops


gee, could it be because being a failed human being (in the biological sense) sucks?
if you mean the two are always brought up together, well, they're attention whores if they brought up their sexuality in the first place

either the depression has made life meaningless and they’re trying to find meaning by changing gender and exploring themselves or they are already trans and the idea of keeping it secret unless they want to be pushed away by their loved ones (unless they’re supportive) is killing them slowly

and conservative is Alt-Right? Do you work for CNN by chance?

if it was fake, the profile picture would be of a hideous hon

Uncropped source image please I would really appreciate it :)


U be sayin dis place rite here is an alt-right nadzee incel crib like fo real?
YOOOOO! Dis so wrong muh nigga. I wuz here since 2007 I musta ve noticed. U be crazy muthafukka.

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gay people don't visit these threads.

bisexuals are, and bisexuals are more perverts and degenerated than gays

>bisexuals are, and bisexuals are more perverts and degenerated than gays
I don't think so, Tim.

Attached: fags are subhumans.jpg (2184x1706, 914K)

are you fucking stupid? why are you asking the ones that are already asking? fucking retard

>sad bitch
is this why tumblrtards and twitter goofballs like this chick so much?

because its not the music its jerking it to pretty korean boys/girls and shipping them
what, you thought thered be a deeper interest?

They KNEW!

Are they ever gonna restock this fucking shirt? Its only in extra small for the longest time.

he's trying to point out to OP that it's a common request, you illiterate moron. I have no idea how that went over your head

jealous flatties gonna ruin another good thing again

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My dick is pleased

Go the fuck back

Not him, but imagine that but to straight women.

spoonfeed me what game is this

Attached: dog piss.webm (960x540, 501K)

pixel art VN with good ost


Weeb VN carried by a loli hookerbot.

so how does the nano-thing work?

Attached: __julianne_stingray_va_11_hall_a_drawn_by_monorus__0c3690284a004eb250dd8422b538a8bb.webm (548x1080, 216K)

>sleep for 7 hours
>wake up and come back to posting in this thread again
yep. its a thursday alright

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Freud was a hack and so are people who praise him.

Ironically he's a good example of projection.

good, the tourists are leaving.

its all got to start somewhere

>really want that damn plushie
>cost 50 fucking euros
Damn it.

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>instead of a cute April Fools joke this year they made a post about how things are so shitty for all of them in Venezuela that it's literally impossible for them to have done one and everything's gone to shit
That PSX inspired game is actual vaperware at this point isn't it?

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they said they're working on both, but who knows

currently there is lots of blackouts in vnzl so i guess they are having a real hard time doing any work as in any fucking time the lighs go out and the stupid goverment blames the usa again and claims it is electrical warfare

Any news on when this is coming to PS4?

>plush finally has a constant stock instead of limited runs
damn, shipping must be a bitch. It's only 35 USD, glad I don't like in Germany anymore
They're not, they still plan on doing it eventually™ but it's very much on the backburner for now. The real reason why they switched gears and started on N1RV-ANN-a instead is because it's a lot more manageable to make that type of game in their current situation.

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>May 2nd

if you light it on fire and inhale it, it will always be bad for your health
learn what a carcinogen is, please

>shipping must be a bitch
It's 22$. Plus eventual taxes if it gets caught by the customs.

I ended up paying 75€ due to fucking customs.

Gonna pass on it, then.

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>High Impact Sexual Alcoholism
We can only hope.

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Because she wants to munch some muff real bad

t. actual teenager

this desu

Even if the like sluts on april fools were forced as fuck.

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wow that's pretty gay

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wow that was really hard all i had to do was GO TO THE DEVELOPER'S TWITTER
saucetards are braindead

>saucetards are braindead
so don't feed them nigger

>8 hours late
What a animal.

Attached: this is you.jpg (1200x675, 180K)

bisexuals are just fags

Jill perfectly appeals to me.

Attached: why.jpg (68x97, 7K)

Does she want me to blow raspberries on her tummy?
Because that's what I want to do

criminally low amount of content for such a perfect 2d wife.

He only has himself to blame

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Boxman is the best

I'm native too man. If you are already in the line of thinking that you don't wanna be another alcoholic then just don't drink alot lmao. Try some shit most of it tastes awful. Also if you REALLY wanna stay away but still wanna try just only drink when others pay for it.

means nothing when you ain't getting laid lmao

>babies first VN

Fucking retard frogposter, find it yourself newfag.

don't you mean katawa cholo

Sei is cute and it's a crime how little art of her there is.

Attached: 0978d664b5e03f1b17fee477a355ace9.jpg (1157x1560, 1.69M)

>ex was a cute girly cosplayer
>now she's one of these asexual/agender things and only ever does guy cosplays
I blame tumblr and liberal colleges desu

Would kiss those thighs

>not even the devs bother using all the numbers and hyphens when typing valhalla and nirvana