Anime sex scenes are finally being edited

>anime sex scenes are finally being edited

Games hopefully are next.

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>twitter screencap
>"Haha yeah Yea Forums! I agree with this stance that would be unpopular on the Yea Forums board of Yea Forums"
How about you just off yourself with some helium from your local party store.

Dubfags are the very definition of 'ironic weeb'.

>>"Haha yeah Yea Forums! I agree with this stance that would be unpopular on the Yea Forums board of Yea Forums"
what makes you think this is an unpopular opinion?
sex scenes in vidya are cringe.
I'd rather go jerk off to porn.

There was a sex scene in SAO?

Anime has been heavily censored and changed for americans since the fucking 80s

>are you ok? I was worried about actor having to act
What the fucking shit.

dub is shit

Not if I can help it.

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Censorship and cut scenes in anime is nothing new, even for Toonami. I want to say that kind of thing fell a bit out-of favor post-4Kids though.

>You're okay? I was really worried about you doing that scene
What a bootlicking retard.

There are at least two: 16.5 and Warmth of the Body

only nigs or tacos watch that shit

he probably masturbated when she answered

>worried about you

Worried about what? Doing her job as a voice actor? Or am I misunderstanding something here?

SAO was shit anyways tho so why does it matter

Not really. Ironic weebs are categorized by trying too hard to fit in and going with default "elitist" opinions despite not understanding them or having their own thought process. So they'd probably watch subs but then they'd find a way to fuck it up by watching anime on kissanime or some shit.
Dubfags just don't really care to begin with.

nice cope ironic weeb

>he doesn't worry about women facing a warm summer breeze
What a misogynerd you are.

>creating a safe environment for actors
World war 3. Now.

>watching anime in english

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There's a bunch. The source material (novels) are even more explicit

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I always saw the term ironic weeb as basically normalfags that think they are special for liking anime but their anime knowledge is not more than a few shonens and the usual suspected "deep" series like bebop eva or lain.
Ask them to name 5 magical girl shows and they cant go past madoka and sailor moon

Exhibit A, ironic weeb trying too hard despite not understanding shit about anything.

That's not what ironic weeb means you retard. It's people who don't actually watch anime but consistently post anime memes, characters, phrases and injokes to fit in with a crowd.

Do you even know what ironic weeb means, reddit-kun?

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>worried about a woman in her mid 30s that sleeps with guys she met the same day every week having to make pretend sex noises

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This may shock you but not every weeb watches magical girl

No, that's just entry-level people, there's no irony.
is what ironic weeb means.

The one thing I hate more than this conversation between smeagol like creatures is the fact that someone can share this conversation. I hope Twitter goes bankrupt tomorrow. Fuck Jack Dorsey.

why are there so many rape scenes in SAO? I swear there's one every cours


can EOP/westcucks be anymore fucked?

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I dont play shooters but I can name you 20 shooters


>a safe environment for the actors
Anime has actors?
Is this because the voice actors couldn't moan a couple times without being scarred?

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why do people even care about sao? its shit
its literally just
>lol fuck story i gotta save my fucking girlfriend
>save her
>happens again
>lol fuck story i gotta save my fucking girlfriend, again..
>happens to someone else next
>lol fuck story i gotta save someone elses girlfriend
>lol fuck story i gotta save my girlfriend again and some dudes daughter

its shit.

so is like, acting out a sex scene equivalent to the director raping the actress now?

based and hangalltranniesandredditorspilled

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Don't the companies that own the anime really fucking hate it when you edit shit? that's why they don't edit lip flaps, right?


>english dubs


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Who the fuck even watches magical girl anime? It's already embarassing enough for a fully grown man to watch girls aimed at little shows, but it's even more embarassing in the current decade with magical girl shows with an edgy twist.


It really can't be hard to write an image recognition algorithm to catch Twitter caps especially and allow automated filtering
the format is largely static, it would be simple to teach a machine to recognize the pattern and properly identify it.




If Panty and Stocking came out recently it'll probably get edited to hell.

I remembered some user slipped this into a theater's anime night and half the people left after the first episode.

As if dubs couldn't get any worse. Fucking lol

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Wow elitism about the shittiest hobby I’m the world: Japanese cartoons. Holy fuck bro, grow up.


Alicization is at least more interesting than previous SAO arcs since it doesn't involve haremettes hardly at all and the MC gets his can kicked in more times than he can count compared to his Gary Stu-nesss in the last few stories.

Can someone post the sex scene?



the classic reddit "comeback" exquisite

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Muh self insert
It's funny because Gainax was like "make the dialogue more crude". But considering the same voice director/scriptwriter's work in dragon maid, I'm in agreement




We get it, you're trying to spark responses.

It's getting old and tiring. But this place is too far gone and the mantra of "don't respond to trolls" is just something that can't apply with this many people who have been taught outrage culture.


Why the fuck is there so much descriptive nonsense? I know SAO is trash in every way, but jesus christ this is ridiculous.

Not the first time I heard Toonami censoring anime. Good thing I don’t care about SAO.


SAO has a kino rape scene and it gets censored in the west. All the torrents were censored at the time so I was fucking pissed to learn that they cut out like 10 seconds and that I watched a worse version. Fuck the west.


>it's not censorship, it's localisation
Westcucks are the most pathetic thing in the world.

Are you completely ignorant about asian literature
Descriptions everywhere

>dude censoring actually make more sense than the original
>fuck the japs their stuff is shit and their language sounds like ass but somehow I am still watching anime in the first place

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where are the fucking video games


>Being a dubfag in 2019
Do people actually do this?
I thought only niggers still watched dubs.