I for one, bow to my new tiger dad overloards in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers.
I for one, bow to my new tiger dad overloards in Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
>clan of literal orbiters
I want to protect his smile
Wait, why last thread got 404'd?
Isn't FFXIV video game?
Its not WoW so its not allowed
Apparently having constant WoW classic threads is fine, but when new info drops on ShB threads get deleted.
>There's 3 wow thread up right now
Fuck, you guys weren't kidding.
There's an assmad janny that goes purging these threads every now and then. Might lose this one too
can someone explain why XIV threads get 404'd when there's NEW INFORMATION about the NEW expansion to discuss and yet homeposters can have multiple generals up for a 15 year old game?
I want a qt Veena gf
What's the best set up for healers in 4.5 now?
Crit > Det > DH > Pie ?
I'm having problem seeing the difference anyhow. The lightest skin tone Rava and darkest skin tone Veena will be impossible to tell apart.
jannies and mods here do what they want
hiro only cares about the ad revenue
this sites moderation has been corrupted ever since moot left
mommy rava or cutie veena
can't decide
There's no difference. It's the laziest clan distinction yet, even behind basic color differences in Au Ra. They'll have same faces, same ears, the only difference is skin tone palette.
I wouldn't care about the deletion of threads on Yea Forums if they actually did something about /xivg/. That general is getting worse everyday.
this looks pretty good
>straight line
ShB aestenic is Kino
were you expecting a fucking maze? dungeons are supposed to be content made for retards
am i the only one who's underwhelmed by the dancer AF gear? i expected we would get something like this but it's just SO much like the thavnairan gear, was really hoping for something with a more original theme to it like the XI DNC gear
>Two genderlocked races
>No unique subraces.
Literally why waste money on this shit, just fix elezen and midlander and you'd sell twice as many fantasia's.
It was okay for a while when the erp drama whores got exiled to /trash/, but they ended up coming back because apparently circlejerking just isn't fun unless you're annoying someone else in the process.
>clan distinction
I really wish they had more physical differences between the races, the sub races mostly have differing colorations or small differences like eyes or fangs, its pretty lazy and its all the more egregious when you look at Hyur, midlander and highlander look very different
They have to heavily recycle assets to be able to give all the jobs new AFs at this point. The XI outfit would require too many new meshes. Please understand.
it fits my slut cat so I'm satisfied
When are they going to upgrade their engine? Game's showing its age.
>who cares about gameplay right? Only my dressing simulator matters
Tranny pls.
There's nothing to be done. The people there are genuinely ill.
>b-b-b-but THEY can have multiple threads!!!
report them and fuck off back to your containment general
>Instead of spamming Dark Arts in ShB DRK get a motherfucking Install for X seconds
How cool would that be?
>They have to heavily recycle assets
Yeah like in HW. Did you notice recycled assets in HW? Or in SB?
consider deleting your own existence
so what are you going to be wearing when dancer comes out? I'm going for Bartz's dancer outfit
I'm upset that the erpfags got exactly what they wanted with yet another thot glam, and we didn't get the classy type in your picture there.
I can only hope that it uses scouting gear instead of aiming. Ninja glams would go a long way to redeeming it
It's somehow even worse than the BLU AF for just looking like gear already in the game.
It actually looks terrible next to GUN.
why would you want a set that looks absolutely gay?
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
Why would they waste dev time on this shit when they could have just fixed current races at less of a cost and given us more content, possibly a new job?
Dumb nigger.
why are they making up new races
they dont even have all the races that are already in ivarice in the game yet
Depends on what they'll be able to wear. Yoshida refused to answer if they'd be wearing Aiming, there's probably gear category merging on the horizon, they could share in Scouting instead to even shit out.
yea there's honestly a chance that it will use scouting gear, so that it's not just NIN anymore who uses it. i cant really think of much aiming gear that will fit them visually
it looks less gay than the arabian vest thing we got for males now
we can talk about both you seething faggot, there's nothing gameplay wise to talk about until they show us what the upcoming job changes are
They pretty much do, it's just most of them are npcs.
>cant really think of much aiming gear that will fit them visually
>More dumb barafag cat shit
>No GUN content
Man I'm sick of these new races GIVE ME GUNBREAKER YOU SHITTY JAP.
DNC is BRD 2.0
instead of songs we have dances i.e. Salsa buffs crit, flamenco debuffs the target, tap dance reduces cast time etc
My guess is that Scouting and Maiming gear are not going to be made from now on, and all melees will use Striking while all ranged use Aiming. NIN will either use Aiming or be changed to work off Strength and use Striking. They'll justify it by saying it'll make it less confusing for new players to have all jobs of the same role use the same gear, and having fewer types of gear will make it easier to get gear (since fewer possible drops) and easier to gear up multiple jobs, but the real reason will be that it saves them 2 sets worth of effort every time they make a new tier.
Who was in the wrong here? Should healers be doing absolutely zero DPS? Not mine, I just found it.
>The Hrothgar of northern Ilsabard have passed the art of the gunblade from one generation to the next. The weapon itself combines a sword with a firing mechanism, emitting a range of magical effects by utilizing aetherically imbued cartridges. Originally employed by Queen Gunnhildr's personal guard, they were once known as "Gunnhildr's Blades" and differ greatly from the similarly named weapons used in the Garlean Empire.
Here you go user.
I am completely fine with this, this is what I wanted from the job anyways.
that glamour is similar to the Musketeer (MSK) AF5 released in 6.0
shit I need to farm this sometime, only ever got the chestpiece.
Read your own posts tranny.
>new job
2 jobs per addon is enough
Healers can DPS during downtime, which in this game, is a lot.
>I didn't ask your opinion
>stay salty
defo underage
i feel like they might give dancer slashing/piercing debuffs etc instead of removing those from the game
although that would make them wanted in like every party so idk
also would be cool if they had some healing capabilities
>From the Near Eastern nation of Thavnair comes a troupe of bewitchingly graceful performers. Though certainly elegant and beautiful, their movements also speak of martial discipline─of a pulsing, persistent energy whose rhythm can inspire souls and soothe troubled hearts. Inured to the hardships of the road, these dancers have learned to land throwing weapons with the same exacting precision as their footfalls, removing any who would obstruct the endless beat of the dance.
the real answer has always been a matter of priorities, you heal first, and if you find yourself doing nothing in a lull you throw out some DPS.
this isn't actually the fucking lore behind gunbreaker is it?
>they're nomads, that means they're lost
Japan, that's stupid even for you.
Yes. Yes it is.
It is.
>No buy
I meant why would they waste money on TWO NEW RACES when they could have spent LESS MONEY on fixing the current races you illiterate meme spouting faglord.
These races don't even have unique subraces and can't even equip helmets.
>removing any who would obstruct the endless beat of the dance.
I hope their storyline is about bringing back the disco
healers in dungeons can dish out the highest dps on trash mobs (but less than the casters) so yeah, please do dps, it makes your runs last shorter
oh for crying out... do they just not understand that people think the garlean empire is cool as shit and want to have garlean shit?
Healer in pugs should heal yes.
META is when healer DPSing. However look at clear rates between US/EU and JP. Yeah this is power of """""""META""""". Instead of playing safe healers in pugs keep DPSing because of META.
Yoshida doesn't like Garlean shit because that's 1.0 stuff and not his baby.
>unique subraces
Going full Crypt of the Necrodancer would be fun too
>differ greatly from the similarly named weapons used in the Garlean Empire.
what the fuck? didn't players want the garlean ones?
I don't like garlean shit, I actually like that we are going to first instead of having yet another fight with magitek.
Silvertear lake is called the "source" in the first.
What I want to know is how much can a gun on a blade possibly fucking differ, there'll probably be some garlean style ones anyways.
I wish hyur females were real
We've known since their reveal they're not like Garlean gunblades. Garlean ones are more like psitol swords or rifles affixed with bayonets.
Gunbreaker gunblades are FF VIII "vibroblade" gunblades, they don't shoot projectiles.
the source of what
Those are just color palette swaps you nig, the models are the exact same.
They should have just spent money on fixing elezen and midlander and roe.
Christ sake or fix the stupid amount of clipping with lalafells.
I think so but that's not what Yoshi wanted. He thought that people wanted FF8 style gunblades rather than what already exists in XIV.
Plus they're tied to 1.0 and he hates that shit as it was created before he was brought on. Anything to push that further away.
All these clans are
>Average guy
>Independent strong guy who doesn't take shit
how much you wanna bet their ranged pull is just shooting the enemy?
>Plus they're tied to 1.0 and he hates that shit as it was created before he was brought on
You keep repeating that shit
I wanna see the receipts
Remind me of the DREX I had the other day as a SCH
>Tank is full health and doing fine with Eos's regen + Rouse on top of having Excog as a safety blanket
>DPS as much as I want
>SAMfuck stand in every aoe and die like a bitch
>"Where are my heals healer? stop dpsing and do your fucking job"
Stay mad seifer cuck.
Why would you even use garlean gunblades if you can use magic?
Nope, it'll be a shockwave sent from their triggered blade.
If I was thinking of starting the game now would it be worth boosting or does it not take too long to catch up in the story? I honestly don't really feel like slogging through quests for basic shit.
>Those are just color palette swaps you nig, the models are the exact same.
And this is somehow different? >small
So small bunnies and BIG bunnies are ok?
>A verdant region centered around the Source, the great lake whence it derives its name. Rich in aether, this land has long been held sacred by the elves, its original inhabitants. Nowadays, it falls under the aegis of the Crystarium, mankind’s final bastion in the war against sin eaters.
This, retards don't get that the only reason garleans use ceruleum and gunblades is because they can't mold aether.
If you can already use magic why would you use a weapon that doesn't require or benefit magic-users?
Honestly you'd probably just start using aether with your gunblade techniques, like with every other "non magical" class.
It will take you around 200-250 hours to catch up.
But honestly if you're going to skip the story, this isn't the game for you to begin with, even if parts of it (ARR-HW filler) are a slog.
>story heavy game
>basically actino RPG with multiplayer
If you don't gives a fuck about story then buy boosts or skip cutscenes. better to play different game really
No nigger I don't care if they're small or big or slightly more furry and feral, just give them a unique model.
It's the same reason why au ra are shit, they're just tall hyurs with scales.
They keep wasting money on dumb new races when the old ones look like absolute dogshit.
Literally give elezen a neck slider and fix their proportions.
But GUN use ammos with magick inside?
Remember that Thancred can't manipulate aether anymore too, which is why he's a GUN
>pre position earthly star for artificial plasma
>everyone gets inside
>when artifical plasma is being casted the brd decides to run away for no fucking reason
>rescue them inside the star because I don't want to spend another heal
>they immediately go out the star again and eat the AoE
why are people like this
But in those classes the weapons and techniques REQUIRE the use of aether, even Machinist require you to use aether.
Gunblades run on ceruleum so there's no reason to use one if you can be twice as effective with a katana.
>200-250 hours to catch up.
Much less. Especially if you level up one job.
Yes, they are different you blind fuck. It's not like they just scaled up the Midlander model, Highlander has different proportions, animations etc.
well I mean, so does MCH, you only actually load the thing when you need to hit extra hard.
Don't listen to this faggot. Skip everything. You'll get to Stormblood and realize you watched all that nonsense for nothing. Honestly if you're watching all that shit from start to beginning you're better off forgetting about Shadowbringers because the next expansion will be out by the time you're done.
Of course you could give SE some $$$.
If you don't skip cutscenes MSQ from start to end of SB will defintiely take you that long.
>Thancred can't manipulate aether anymo--
We don't know what his condition on the first is as of right now. Y'shtola has her sight back obviously from the trailer so there's no telling what's up with thancred.
I lost count of the amount of people who move out Earthly Star thinking its a bad AoE.
>just give them a unique model.
I don't understand what you want. Alien? Bug? Worms? What is unique for you?
>Y'shtola has her sight back
Hey eyes are still pure white nigga
there's no reason you couldn't use aether with a gunblade, you think a gladiator has a special shield to enable him to shield lob? no he just molds the aether and throws it.
you could just straight up replace the ceruleum with aether, and more to the point, the eorzean alliance themselves use ceruleum in cannons.
The real big brain maneuver is to skip the story with a boost and then just go through it at your own pace using New Game+ feature to be added in 5.0 once you're comfortably at the cap.
>Yes, they are different you blind fuck
Nice headcanon. Those one loos different too
or you know, just use a level boost since level and story boosts are bought separately.
that being said every dungeon you do will result in every other player hating the obvious boost dipshit who doesn't know how to play his class.
If you have a life either skip everything or get a boost. The story isn't good enough to warrant watching all that shit.
>Orbiters are painted in a good light
>Men who think for themselves and doesn't orbit women are painted in a bad light
Don't listen this wowrefugee and discord trannies from /vg/
No, they don't, they have exactly the same model and the same animations. The only difference is skin color.
>the same animations
Post animations
>The only difference is skin color.
You blind fuck.
Then you're just using a gunblade with aether, which again would be inferior to every other job.
Firstly gladiators have techniques SPECIFICALLY FOR USING AETHER, where GUNBLADE DOES NOT. You're still better off using a weapon and techniques that benefit a magic user, all techniques and swordplay used by gunblade users take into account not being able to mold aether nigga.
>You can just use aether in place of ceruleum
Citation needed.
>implying classes aren't braindead simple to learn even with a boost
Only weebs read story. Skip it.
>wanted feol
>get another recolor with tilted ears
yes very simple
LOLIFAGS BTFO. What a glorious day.
>all male race
>serving a queen
The fuck? This is very ruining.
Not either. Just someone that fell for this meme that the story in this game is actually worth sitting through. Well I'm almost caught up after sitting through everything from ARR to the current story and it's fucking trash. Absolute nonsensical story and the biggest waste of time I've ever spent in a videogame.
>Yoshida's autism ruins another aspect of the game
At least BLUfags have someone to be salty with now.
>Matriarchal society
>Also matriarchal society
Nice one
Same models, same animations, only difference skin color.
Different models, about half different animations, notably walk/run on the females.
>Just someone that fell for this meme
"SB has bad story" is meme. So stop meming, wowrefugee.
then why are you here? ffxiv is a game that's best when you can get into the story, because it's sure as shit not the raiding content that's going to keep you around.
What you're showing has nothing to do with job rotations or people learning their jobs. This game is full of ERP dress up game faggots that sit in their houses/limsa all day, comepletely uninterested in raiding, let alone savage.
Final Fantasy XIV is just gay as shit.
>member Cloud of Darkness?
>member Viera?
>member Lightning?
Don' worry they're still gay
They're just yaas qweening their beyonce
>both races have women as leaders
i sure wonder what they meant with this
>Choose between literal orbiters and MGTOW
Damn, this is the most unfortunate race yet.
Gay baracat shit isn't gonna ruin gunbreaker for me. I ain't unsubbing, nice try yoshida.
Looks same.
The raiding content is great, it just takes 8 months for it to come out. People are better off unsubscribing every time they beat the latest savage tier.
Imagine playing an MMO for its terrible story, which is completely solo content. Imagine paying a subscription for that. Even FF13 and 15 had better stories than this garbage.
>Replying to a baiting faggot
Stop user, love yourself.
It's gotten hard to discern baiting from legit morons lately, especially in the whole genderlock debacle.
>he's critisizing this masterpiece of storytelling!
Okay you erp tranny fuck.
XIV and TORtanic have best stories. Your shit taste is problem. I bet you like cinematic experience, western trash and hate anime/JRPGs
>both of Stormblood's raids were nostalgia wankery
>now ShB is going to have recycled Nier bosses for the 24-man and probably FF8 shit for the 8-man
With how much money they get from this fucking game it's appalling how little they put back into it.
>waaaaaaa yoshi is a hack, au ra are just humans with scales and horns
*releases hrothgar*
>waaaaaaa yoshi is a hack, we wanted humans with bunny ears
>le fell for this meme
I don't see criticism. Just shit opinion from wowrefugee.
One question though how come you're all viewing these races through the lense of sexual arousal ?
100% of your posts mention sexuality.
Did you look at this monkey's little penis ?
>Even FF13 and 15 had better stories than this garbage.
>loli just because they're more effeminate
Fuck is wrong with this board?
same cycle
>HW "was bad"
>SB released
>HW is best
>SB is bad
Hrothgar are just Roes with cat heads.
Is this your first MMO?
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
Sorry for what?
he means the moment yoshi shunned the christmas cake during fanfest when she mentioned a young looking face
>feol instead of Veena
>fucking hack!
It's just funny laughing at the fags who were so sure they'd get what they wanted.
Are you asking this question ironically?
It's the FFXIV community. They're all sexually perverted weebs and pedos. Take one stroll through limsa at peak hours and read the shit they type. Absolute degenerate community.
Bangaa when
>Absolute degenerate community.
This is Yea Forums, not resetERA
He doesn't know
note that the blue guy on the right doesn't have a horn
it's either an option exclusive to them or just optional for both
Question to those who wanted male Viera or just don't like Hrothgar
Would've you prefered if the new male race looked like pic related?
It still makes no sense why he shushed her if they were just talking about a hairstyle or face resembling the twins'.
No. Consider suicide.
So MMO players are always sexual perverts who understand their worlds exclusively through penises and vaginas ?
I am glad we could establish the irrelevance of anybody's opinion in this thread.
More precisely it is this game's community on Yea Forums let's say it the perverts are gathering here in these threads. You are the sexual deviants you mention.
>Fuck is wrong with this board?
It's been a reddit board for a long time.
I want loli cats
because it's a story spoiler obviously
>sexually perverted
>weebs and pedos
>Absolute degenerate community
Resetgender is that way
Why? Looks unique.
Isn't the resistance leader for dalmasca supposed to be a young viera or summin?
>you're on Yea Forums discussing a game full of perverts therefore you are one of them
Your logic is infallible. How can i argue with such sound reasoning.
Nah, that's just going to be Ashe.
I am debating on whether I want to level all of the jobs to 70 before the expansion.
I don't plan on playing half of them, so I honestly don't know if I should even bother.
>unique is automatically good
Yeah sure. Only Yea Forums is capable of exhibiting sexual deviancy. Not the furfags and ERP shits on /vg/. Not the entire balmung server. Not the reddit ERP community. Nobody except Yea Forums. Solid logic
Ashe is dead my dude.
She was "dead" in FF XII too.
Or it could be because Yoshi is a libtard and as per their kind think that any form of dictatorship automatically means it is bad.
>whether I want to level all of the jobs to 70 before the expansion.
I'm not sure if I can even get my main job to 70 before then. Is this the power of NEETdom?
There is gonna be new "trust" system. I hope for swotr tier dialogues system. So I suppose leveling alts will be much easer in ShB
Just do leveling/alliance raid roulette daily and hammer Palace/Heaven on High for the rest of the exp, getting to 70 is piss easy these days.
>libtard boogeyman
Why /pol/retards think everyone cares about politics?
Wish faces looked more like the concept art. Looks too much like humans in plastic masks and makeup
The game's story is quite leftist despite some of snipets of redpilling such as when Golbert told Nanamo off about the gibsmedats to the Mhiggers.
>Carls Jr
Man Stormblood advertising was fucking wild.
They also did a Dominos promotion down in Australia.
I leveled all the jobs to 70 because as a healer I feel like it's important for me to know how every jobs works.
Why not Feol? What?
because it's not a subrace of viera
because they have the same model
because the only differences are always skin color and 1-2 body parts
Tell me more about SMN? Is it fun? Pet management heavy? After DRG I want to play someone without very strict/zero freedom rotation.
Yoshi will use literally anything as a marketing opportunity.
Jap companies doing this everytime.
it is very strict and zero freedom but it is fun
Pretty sure it's just squeenix PR dept going wild.
Too much effort to make a second model. Enjoy your recolor
>both of these go out of their way to mention the other gender is present
>posting furry shit, nsfw AND a shitty opinion all together
maximum yikes
There's your response to genderlocks!
>Too much effort to make a second model
Lolicats already in game. Feol can be just resized. So nope
I didn't. Garlean gunblades are just swords that have guns attached. FF8 gunblades are way cooler.
Nobody wants loli you pedo fuck. Cope.
They also can only use like 10 animations. They would have to reseleton everything. Stop being retarded.
Do you really think it's just about having the model?
>the Hrothgar are a burly people of lionlike appearance—or the males are, at least.
Wait so The Lost are basically ancaps?
Shit, I might have to swap over to one then.
>Gunner tank class
>It's not the DUAL GUNSHIELDS class
What a wasted opportunity.
Yoshi just can't stop btfoing everyone.
The game's still unplayable for me on Chaos. Combos won't register, constant 9002's and all that jazz.
>We're gonna get hrothgar enemies that all use gunblades
God this game just can't stop being shit can it?
Even so, they could have just called the new subset Feol. Just silly.
Viking job wielding dual shields in 6.0, please look forward to it.
Animation plus model. I don't really care about races and genderlocks desu.
The problem with new races is the gear. They don't have automatically sliding meshes like WoW, every individual piece of gear needs to be adapted. It's why they're not even bothering with headgear support for Hrothgar and Viera.
>here's your WoW killer bro
Feol doesn't have the same proportions as small cats so no, it would take considerably more work than just changing the skin color or slapping animations on an existing base. That's all the effort you'll get from a cashgrab race
Also what's the deal with the other seething nigger?
We don't know what the min height will look like, so try not to get too down.
but the WoW killer is WoW itself
Fran is min height.
Is she?
That was an annoying quest but far from the worst thing in ARR. The entire Titan questline is so shit that even Yshtola calls it tedious garbage.
>New ESRB rating for Shadowbringers includes Partial Nudity
>Tfw we will be going back to the Source to play as Elezenos retaking his body and empire
>hardcast Verraise
>hrothgar will be more or less extinct from the amount of people that play them
>we'll culturally appropriate their only job
At least there is some irony about Titan questline and corrupted crystal questline ingame
I want off YoshiP's wild ride...
Height in this game is just a scale on the entire model. Biggest meme ever
The proportions need to be able to change
>Dancer AF chakrams have spikes on the inside
Actually they literally do. Only Roe and Lala have unique gear models.
>that nigger who keeps posting about lion mommies with that shitty art of the furry bitch arguing with the Miqo'te will never EVER get what he wants
Fuck you gaijin adding 3 races (2 gender locked EVER is hard work
We're finally up to 8 races at our 3rd expansion (7 if you count the new event new ones as half a race each) even though the game we're trying to copy (WoW) had that many on launch
>Believing this meme
Modders have already shown that only roe and lalafells have unique body models.
Stealth animation still pissing me off. Game full of fancy animations and details but stealth is just horrible
Come on you're all fucking perverts in here look at your posts, look at how you describe races and the reasons people play them. It's all about sex. Sex, sex, sex and fucking and masturbation. ERP. ERP. God i really hate these gays, they're so gay, there's so much gays everywhere i go, i'm surrounded by gays.
You play elezen it's because you get off on that yeah you masturbate all the time, i can see you masturbating when you play, god stop masturbating you pervert.
Only thing with a bad steath animation is DoH/DoL
I will only play 6.0 if this is true
Not true. The game only actually has 4 (technically 5) body models that are shared between every race, and then altered with scaling algorithms and further differentiated with textures and animations. We know this for a fact because of modding, when modders alter gear they don't need to create a separate version for every single race and gender.
The only 5 unique body types in the game are male midlander, female midlander, male highlander (chest only, highlanders use midlander legs/arms), male roe, and lalafell (which is the same for both males and females). Every other race/gender is derived from one of those models. Every female race in the game except female lalafell uses the same base model. And just by looking it's easy to tell that viera use the base female body and hrothgar use the male roe body. Since they're not even adapting headgear, Viera and Hrothgar are exactly zero extra work beyond the effort to make their initial customisation options and animations.
I hate the character "sliding" during animations and the delay between cast and effect.
>Gunblade class has no relationship whatsoever to the generic bad guy empire
Garlemald fanboys btfo
I think I might end up fantasia'ing.
I'm not especially devoted to my character, and the models on Viera unbound by DX9 limitations and prohibitive polygon caps are like night and day compared to the shitty 2009 PS3 models/textures the rest of the races suffer with.
You are literally posting a picture of a game that is extremely popular with fags.
you weren't supposed to mention it....
They do look better. Not to mention the combination of good animations with no tail clipping.
Watch in 6.0 when we finally go to the Hrothgar villages and square forgets their own lore so they are all be in huts and shit with none of the technology required to make the gunblades.
I don't even think they'll bother making current hairstyles including the unlockable ones available to Viera and Hrothgar.
Character legs moving independently with their upper half would look even more awkward
Look at how bad it was in the elder scrolls
>midlanders with bunny ears
wow, ffxiv ripped off PW
Scale> fur
It'll be Allagans again. Hrothgar will be descendants of an Allagan super-soldier slave race, and Gunbreaker tech is a hand-me-own they've maintained over the centuries. Everything else about them will be primitive.
WoW found a way to not look retarded
>the fact they use it means they craft it
maybe if they had an actual scaley body instead of patches of black or white shit over human skin
We will see it in ShB considering allagans didn't exist on the first.
We saw the cartridges for the gunblades in the trailer means they have to be able to refine ceruleum at a minimum, and if the artifact gear is traditional wear for the job then they have to be able to make that too. Armor, let alone munitions, does not last through continued use like that.
They're not engineered, and neither are Lalafells. If they were, they couldn't exist on the First where there were no Allagans.
cope scaley
We need more WARP
hrothgar are just a beast tribe of burly felines that this queendom uses as personal guard
weaponcraft, blacksmithing, tailoring etc is likely done by another generic race
And Limsa Lominsa analogue has no business existing on the First either, yet it does.
And even if not engineered, they'll still have been subservient to the Allagans.
>Hrothgar will be descendants of an Allagan super-soldier slave race
Just imagine, we could have had an android race or something actually interesting instead of kemono bara bait.
Way Yoshi explained it, Garlean gunblades prioritise range, Gunbreakers are melee with the gun element enhancing melee.
Architecture is different and could be the result of some kind of cosmic synchronicity or some shit. We were already flat out told where the races originate and why there are identical races on each world. When the universe split into shards, the single original human race also fragmented.
I want him to be fired and lose the last of his hair. Aught wrongeth with this. Pray tell.
>said the cringy het that will fantasia to bunnygirl on day 1
>literally just looks like humans
If she's a bad player then DPSing will just lead to deaths. Some people really are and always will be bad.
So one is a gun with a blade, and the other is a blade with a gun.
Gunbreaker gunblades don't even have a gun. The 'gun' mechanism is just something for releasing magical energy from the cartridges. Lorewise the name comes from shortening "Gunnhildr's Blades", not even from it being a gun.
Wow classic, current wow, wow erp, wow private servers are all fine alongside 3 /vg/ wow threads. But a single xiv thread that actively hunts down and screeches at any tranny screenshotfags trying to come and that actively talks about the game? Now that's bad and belongs in /vg/ with the redditors and other trash. It's almost as if a butthurt janny is whiteknighting wow.
Yes. That's an even better way of putting it.
furry shit are terrible but you should also go back to your containment game
What's the fastest way to farm Ventures?
I want to send my retainers but I'm running low
How long until the expansion where Yoshi gives us all cat gfs?
Benchmark when?
greed everything in expert roulette and turn it into seals.
Same time as the liveletter, mid-May.
Why Vieras looks like top sluts? Like tribe who capture lonely males in forest so they can fuck them.
Do you have a blue mage that can do the carnivale? do the bonuses and missions required for a ton of allied seals. you get a lot and I mean a LOT of ventures for them.
Because that's your fetish and you see sex literally everywhere you fucking look because you're an oversexualized degenerate
user please you can't just drop a redpill like that
Usually I'd agree witht hat sentiment user, but you have to admit, they basically dress in fantasy burlesque lingerie.
They're the definition of "sexualized".
Stop strawmanning you nigger.
well rabbits are known to fuck a lot
I can't even farm a fucking mount in peace because a tranny who likes to erp as a cute little girl is arguing with his co-healer over a fucking symmetrical position in a retard-proof fight
How come this is the first time I'm hearing of Kholusia
>being a chaoskek
What are you hoping to see for your main in Shad, if anything?
>skill that lets your Ley Lines travel with you
>trait that enhances Umbral Hearts to remove MP cost entirely
>trait that automatically triggers Enochian upon entering Astral Fire or Umbral Ice
>something to make Umbral Ice more than your "downtime" phase
>900 potency aoe spell that burns 3 Umbral Hearts and Polyglot, possibly removes active Enochian to prevent double casting and/or put it on CD
>Innocence is the leader of the Sin Eaters
>advertised as the second "primal" trial next to Titania
So we're wiping out the Sin Eaters by level 77?
Big nerf for Trick Attack. I tired to be TA bot. It's most broken ability in game
just like we'll liberate a country by 68
More focus on demi-primals, and Summon Alexander
I want a static, which job should I play?
Trash talking is one of my favorite parts of FFXIV. Everyone is so passive-aggressive and afraid of getting banned. People get shocked when I call them out aggressively (usually just end up leaving the group). I've only gotten 1 warning in the past 2 years.
i don't play ff14 but what's happening exactly to upset this sheep guy
What is with you peoples obsession with literal whos on twitter?
Make your own static from people who can understand Jap macros.
bara bros won again...
i think i need to dialte right now
Viera are female only and Hrothgar are male only
2 new gender locked races in the new expansion.
Viera, female only bunny girls, and Hrothgar, male only bara lion dudes.
This is bad because a tiny subset of trannies that barely even play the game wanted to prounce around and play dress up as petite little bunny boys.
Those degenerates are so upset that they made rigged 4 stage poll on forums.
sounds like a silly thing to be upset about
the only reason i can see people being upset about this is because of some weird sexual reason
>ignoring the large amount of people that wanted bunnybros
I'm all for bunnyboys but bunnybros is where it's at.
It is in Japanese games :) Lots of "observers". If you die in a trial I'm going to try and get shitters like you kicked.
You're not wrong.
I hate it because it's fucking lazy shit you'd expect from a small indie company rather than AAA mmo but people just eat it up because IT BTFOS THE TRANNIES
That's exactly what it is. Fags and pedophiles worked themselves up into convincing themselves that male Viera would be small feminine traps in lingerie, and then became personally offended when they didn't get their favorite fapbait.
Half of the game is filled with ERPing degenerates, what's new?
this, it's nice being so wanted in parties but it just feels bad to always be like at the bottom of the dps charts when you are a dps just cause all potencies are way lower to compensate for trick attack
but it is the only reason
Whoa it's almost like NIN is meant to be a support dps... whoa..............
Making a completely new race with its own lore is a hell of a lot more work than just taking a miqo'te or elezen body and slapping on some bunny ears.
If anything this is more work for them.
damn half? i always wanted to give 14 a try but never got around to it but knowing so many people on it probably jerk off with each other is putting me off the idea now
It depends on server as well.
Lore isn't hard to make. I can shit out lore for literally anything in about 10 minutes. And they copypasted Roegadyn bodies instead of Miqo'te or Elezen, so it's really not any more work at all.
So that's why they just slapped cat heads on a roe body and recycled "matriarchal cat people race" right?
>Yea Forums is obsessed with trannies!
>they do not exist!
yea and meanwhile BRD has much better mobility than NIN, provides good buffs to the party and still does way more DPS than ninjas on average
fuck off
nin is barely even a support dps anymore cause they keep taking stuff from them to make jobs more homogenized, there will most likely be massive changes in shb for them as well
Anything that's popular with weebs is bound to be a degenerate fuckhole.
Not really, even on somewhere like malb when I played a catboy I'd get random tells for gay ERP.
you can see anything everywhere when you're obsessed with it
>malb when I played a catboy I'd get random tells for gay ERP.
it's crazy how willing people are to be degenerates who want to fuck 24/7
I think I finally understand why I get so irked by this THESE ARE MY PRONOUNS nonsense.
>Gender is a made-up social construct that nobody should care a whole lot about
>As such, people should be free to present as their opposite gender or an androgynous middleground
>Nobody should care about gender
Gender's a spectrum and people can present however they want. And if you're going for something and people mess up, that's fine - correct them and let's move forward. But pre-emptively telling people what to call you goes against the entire rest of your argument.
When you specifically look out for something, of course you will see them.
why did somebody cut off their feet?
I don't think anyone tries to argue FFXIV isn't a tranny game anymore.
denying your whole being because you feel special goes against nature itself and shouldn't be tollerated
>tfw they nerf Trick Attack to 7% or 5% and kill the job for good
Can't have your personal onaholes running around servicing other people now, do you?
I said Egg Hunt in chat and nothing happened so I logged off out of embarrassment
as someone from the outside who doesn't play ff14 or browse any ff14 threads i can confirm this everytime i see anything ff14 related it's always something to do with trannies
It's a lot worse than it was before, unless you play roe or midlander people assume you're some sort of fag and will randomly dote or hug you.
The amount of catgirls that follow people around gridania is gross.
Same shit with au ra male.
tranny is the new cuck and cuck is now in the insult cuck shed. Whats not to get?
>i hate having a unique and extremely powerful ability that makes me the most valued job in the game because i don't get to see big numbers pop up on my parse!
>support dps
With useless ninjutsu right? Support =/= TA bot. NIN exist only for TA. You can literally remove all abilities except TA from NIN and it still be meta. And it's pretty sad when NIN has cool thematic skills like TCJ
>say Egg Hunt at the wrong location
>brainlets copy me and wonder why it doesn't work
>play male Au Ra
>the handful of thirst tells i've gotten have all come from female Lalafell
Man i get it we're all somewhat sexual but can't people just leave it out of videogames it's fucking disturbing can't have a single thread about any game ever without someone posting lewd shit
>tranny cucked cuck
the absolute state of cuck
>Denying your whole being
How so? If my mannerisms are masculine, interests are masculine, aesthetic is masculine and personality is masculine, but I was born with a pair of tits, how am I denying myself or going against nature for presenting as a man?
And if that's fine, why is it not okay for feminine men to do the same?
Need a dyable postmoogle cap tho.
>literally just a % damage buff for your whole team
There is nothing unique or interesting about Trick Attack. It doesn't really add anything of value to raiding other than being absolutely mandatory because it's so absurdly good compared to other, comparable buffs.
DRG has no big numbers but it's fun to play job and very valued job
>I want to suspend my disbelief and roleplay as a lion
>But going a step further and roleplaying as the other gender is TOO FAR, I demand the artists design female variants too
And you can get your ass that if they did that
>What is this bullshit where the men are super muscular and the women are lithe and nimble?
>Fucking squeenix reinforcing the gender binary I HOPE THEY'RE HAPPY WITH THE LOST CHARACTERS
being masculine doesn't make you a man and being feminine doesn't make you a woman simple as pal
because your sex chromosomes are either xy or xx
you can do every kind of mental gymnastic, philosophical questioning and body mutilation but this fact is unchangable
being a very feminine boy or a very manly girl is irrelevant
If I use an attack but my buff wears off during my casting does it count as my attacking have my buff?
>tfw you want to try and seriously learn BRD but you know it's going to be replaced by DNC soon
Remove ninjutsu.
why does that matter
well gee user good point why does anything matter we should just throw all logic and everything we has a species has ever learned because Why does it matter
And why not? If I look, dress, act and behave in a certain way that is aesthetically and functionally identical to a gender, why am I not that gender?
Ah yes, the chromosome argument. Because everyone walks around with a chromosome detector and PhD in genetics.
Consider biological parents vs adoptive parents.
Both raise children. Both play the same role in society. Both are functionally identical in basically every way. Sure, there are medical situations where you have to draw a distinction, such as donating blood or figuring out family history of disease, but otherwise there is no difference in the social role of an adoptive parent vs a bio parent.
Being anti trans is about as sound and logical as demanding that all adoptive parents are banned from the PTA.
>DUDE nothing actually matters and everything is subjective and there's no such thing as morality or biology so just do whatever you want with no inhibition just live solely for hedonism and self-indulgence LMFAO XD
Quite the leap there user.
your question has already been answered if you want to completely ignore it go ahead i guess
big man, very cool and tough
Bit of a leap there user. Some people tend to identify more with the gender they weren't born with and feel more comfortable when acknowledged in that way.
>broooo but your chromosomes
is a bit cringy.
Im surprised this thread is still alive.
>I have a dick my trust me I'm a girl
>I'm mr grumpy user and the things i state are true end of argument
Why come to Yea Forums if you don't want to have a discussion m80?
Transsexuality is a mental illness and should not be encouraged the way it currently is. I say this as a transwoman who transitioned 6 years ago. It is absolutely not the same thing as adoption, and it sure as fuck is not something that should be used as a fashion accessory for twitter follows and SJW brownie points. Fuck you.
when you get created, you get assigned a gender by nature
next time try to get reborn into another creature
i am terribly sorry you cannot live with this undeniable fact you so desperately try to deny
>literal tranny in thread
>make ninjutsu much stronger
>every unique for different situations
>clipping is justified
>4th mudra is unlocked when you press Ten Jin Ten or Jin Ten Jin etc
>like Nastrond
>no skill/button bloat
Yes they should be DPSing. If you do not dps as a healer, you are trash, period, end of story. 90% of your healer abilities on all classes exist solely so you can DPS. In the vast majority of instances, you can get by just fine on your basic single target and AOE heal if you are a moron.
This is ESPECIALLY true for white mages, since their main AOE damage spell gives the entire pack six full seconds of stun if spaced properly. And a good tank with good dps does not even NEED to be healed until the pack is half or more dead anyway.
I play as a female lala with shortest height and pink hair. Its a free pass.
you know it's bad when the trannies are among you even in the Yea Forums threads
Nigga you have a dick, no amount of chopping and cutting will stop you from being who you are.
Trans people are like those nuts that feel like parts of their body should be missing to make them whole. Like the niggas that cut off their hands because they "feel" like a stump is what they should have.
Some people tend to identify more with quadruple amputees than with the limbs they were born with and would be more comfortable without them.
>brooooo but your legs
is a bit cringy.
Psychology makes us a lot more complex, user.
It's a bit odd to want to treat humans as if we're no better or more complex than monkeys.
this guy works the exact way Ninjutsu is supposed to work
I blame discord. IRC times were better
Doesn't really make sense user, people don't really do that.
The same reason that if I get down on all fours and start barking, i'm not a dog. I'm pretending to be a dog.
why do we humor gender dysphoria but more body dysmorphia basically the same shit but you don't tell the 80 pound person with anorexia that thinks they're fat they they are
Except they do.
Can you all just fuck off with the tranny gender politics and discuss a video game instead?
If Dwarves live in Kholusia, would this be Mt. Gulg, the mirror to O'Ghomoro?
in English please?
It depends on when the buff wears off. If it drops towards the end of your cast, the buff will tend to still be in effect for that cast. It all has to do with the way the server snapshots your actions, taking latency into account.
You can see this on Bard; if you press Iron Jaws to referesh your dots when the number on them goes blank but before they drop off, you'll see the dots drop for a moment before the Iron Jaws puts them right back up.
That's way too tiny to be Mt. Gulg. O'Ghomoro is huge.
>It's a bit odd to want to treat humans as if we're no better or more complex than monkeys.
but we are no better than monkeys all living creatures should be treated equally
Let's deconstruct that post hun.
>Transsexuality is a mental illness
People thought being gay was a mental illness at one point. Also, if it is, how is treating by transition any different to treating any other condition?
>should not be encouraged the way it currently is
Because people saying it's okay to be depressed is advertising depression as the trendy new accessory of 2019
>I say this as a transwoman who transitioned 6 years ago
Cool, I'm glad your self-loathing got the best of you. Now you get to gatekeep something that's still extremely difficult to do, to keep those transtrenders out. Tickity boo.
> it sure as fuck is not something that should be used as a fashion accessory for twitter follows and SJW brownie points
On this point, we're agreed. But it also isn't something to sperg out about on a videogame imageboard with a load of ignorant memes.
>Fuck you
Nah thanks, I'm more into dudes
Interesting, the more you know.
why don't we treat gender dysphoria and body dysmoprhia the same
We are a lot more complex and better than monkeys user.
Everything interesting about us transcends what is 'natural'.
Hardware limitations please understand.
>People thought being gay was a mental illness at one point. Also, if it is, how is treating by transition any different to treating any other condition?
being gay is a mental illness though it's just something that can't be cured and doesn't do much harm apart from aids so who cares
because different illnesses have different cures
>so transgenderism IS a mental illness haha tranny!
Yes, and the DHS recommends transition as the proper course of treatment.
well if they didn't recommend it they'd be attacked by the far left for not being progressive enough
>People thought being gay was a mental illness at one point.
And it is. There's data to back it up.
>Also, if it is, how is treating by transition any different to treating any other condition?
Transitioning involves damaging, body-altering chemicals and potentially horrific mutilation.
>Because people saying it's okay to be depressed is advertising depression as the trendy new accessory of 2019
You know damn fucking well that there's more going on with the trans movement than that.
>Cool, I'm glad your self-loathing got the best of you.
I'm not self-loathing. I only loathe psychopaths like you trying to push this illness as something 'normal', and to be celebrated rather than finding a proper cure. If I had known 6 years ago about the successful treatments with anti-psychotics I might have a much more normal life with a lot less health issues. Again, fuck you. You're sick in the head, and I'm not talking about the dysphoria.
Being gay isn't a mental illness, it's a mental deficiency, that being said being gay is WAY less harmful than transexuality because it encourages the mutilation of children.
Didn't Yea Forums used to be all about owning up to the fact that they're the dregs of society?
Where did this mindset that they know what's best for society come from?
Genuinely curious.
Being gay IS a mental illness though.
Sense of scale is always off in xiv desu. Even after HW. Look at Ishgard. It's fucking giant. But looks very small from distance. Or Midgardsormr
>well lobotomy is the recommended treatment so i see nothing wrong with it sweetie
I think encouraging people to be trannies is beneficial for society in the long run. Trannies have a very low chance of passing on a family. I see it as a way to help fight over population. The rent is too fucking high.
That's just a small plateau though. Mt. Gulg should look something like O'Ghomoro which is a huge volcano off in the distance of any zone in La Noscea, except for Outer La Noscea which is in the foothills.
>everyone eating up that obvious bait
As expected of gray parsing cat and au ra fags.
this has nothing to do with complexity
this is a fact among mammals and most animals
your gender is determined at conception
you get created like this, believing or wanting to change it is up to you but goes against reality itself
only reason faggotry is harmful is the slippery slope
Overpopulation is a meme. The real issue is that resources are not being distributed properly.
All of you fuck off to some other board or off Yea Forums entirely before you get our threads deleted again.
what is going on
ha jokes on you i don't even play ff14 i was just interested in why people were upset
t. ranny
>only reason faggotry is harmful is the slippery slope
Did you forget that little disease they introduced to the world, and continue to spread solely through their fucked up degenerate sex lives, called HIV?
thread is already fucked, it appears whining about trannies caused actual ones to appear
be careful what you wish for I suppose
check /xivg/
it's tranny central with multiple discords
/kspg/ light
I sort of agree on that but the most important part of my point is that they have a very low chance of passing a family. An angry person fighting over their gender is not going to be a problem for me or my children as they have no future to fight for. Your ideals are passed through generations and trannies are just angry consumers at this point which are extremely profitable/exploitable.
oh yeah my bad that too sorry your guy is voluntarily celibate so i don't really think about that stuff in the defense of that you shouldn't be fucking multiple people you should find a bf/gf settle down get married and only have sex with them
If you haven't already noticed, the ones always introducing the tranny shit into threads are /xivg/ autists coming to kill our threads for some reason I'll never understand.
Is this what Yoshida meant with "wolf face"?
>its not that brown people are having 4x the kids they can support, it's that you need to give up your stuff
Were it not for the laws of this land, I would kill you where you stand.
>You have a dick therefore are a man
So a dildo should have the right to vote?
False equivalencies don't make for a strong argument user. You may as well use the attack helicopter joke.
Being trans isn't throwing on a purse and pretending to be a woman, it''s living as the other gender 24/7.
>Being gay is being mentally ill!
Do you even know what mental illness means? Hell, how about just "illness."
>I'm not self-loathing. I only loathe psychopaths like you trying to push this illness as something 'normal', and to be celebrated rather than finding a proper cure
>I'm not self-loathing I just want to be cured of the way I am
Have you considered praying away the trans?
Perception plays a significantly large factor into our reality user, it's philosophy 101.
It's frankly embarrassing how often people on Yea Forums think a transgirl is a biological female and go
Seems a lot more intuitive to own up to the fact that you viewed this individual as a woman and would treat them as a woman as a result.
Obviously if they don't pass it's simply more of a courtesy thing.
one of the people you replied to said mental deficiency not illness you fucking idiot
/xivg/ leaking out isn't anything new, they seem to be out in force these days however, wish they would just stay put, but what can ye do
good, this game needs less players. I need a fucking house and there needs to stop being a queue every night I log in.
on topic posts that you disagree with
actual tranny shit
>starts arguing with them about it
Fucking incredible.
>I'm not self-loathing I just want to be cured of the way I am
>Have you considered praying away the trans?
You're the sort of nigger who supports deaf people intentionally deafening their kids because it has evolved into some kind of fucked up culture for them.
hey user you're pretty based
>Seems a lot more intuitive to own up to the fact that you viewed this individual as a woman and would treat them as a woman as a result.
No thanks i don't want to feed into the delusion that they are a female and allow them to further ruin there lives and end up killing themselves
this is reason why you should never join or interact with /xivg/ and discord FCs
We have more empty houses than homeless people and throw out millions of pounds of food every single day you stupid mother fucker. Inefficient use of resources has nothing to do with brown people.
The mods are right to delete these threads on sight. You retards just can't control yourselves.
Ninja isn't nearly as strong as people seem to think it is, even if you add in the rDPS gain of Trick Attack (which is admittedly a big contribution) jobs like MNK can be an overall rDPS gain in the long-run.
The people who still care about shit like trick are nothing but parse fags looking for anything they can find to inflate their personal numbers for FFlogs.
This. Nothing good will come of these threads until the May live letter. BLIZZFAG JANNY WHERE ARE YOU
How do I find a static? Party Finder?
Ah yes how morally righteous of you. I'm sure you know exactly what you're talking about
Is this game still active?
Ok, if I use a time card, but I still have the 30 day free time. Does it immediately cancel my 30 day free or does the time card add to it?
doesn't change the fact i don't want to see people killing themselves because they're being tricked into transitioning and cutting there dick off
admitting it's about perception just means even you accept it is an illusion to fool both yourself and other people
your biological function are already determined, you won't ever bear a child because your body does what it was created to do
>Don't listen to those evil nazi bigots, sweetie. The shadowpeople really ARE coming to get you and you are a reincarnation of Neo from the Matrix. Schizophrenia is nothing to be ashamed of!
yes no shit there's an expansion coming out in 2 months everyones trying to catch up or prepare
correlation =/= causation
they tend to be fine until the discussion gets derailed by the asscocks just looking to raise a fuss
but yes, they really should just be deleted, people keep pulling this shit
It adds onto it.
party finder, official forums, reddit, discord, asking people in-game
I see more than usual low level people.
False equivalency. They are simply not comparable
Not sure. I know trick works when you add game from different platform. Like if you have PS4 you can get free 30 days from ARR PC version. But
They're exactly comparable.
free login week
i see a lot of people regretting there transition so i'm going to just make the safe assumption that it's a huge reason for suicide
"Recycled assets" is the hottest new meme about XIV
Why and how would sprouts use free login week? It's probably twitch prime codes.
I'm one of the people hyped for wow classic. I make wow classic threads every second day basically to get talking about it with other people who are hyped. We deal with the very shame bullshit from FFXIV and retail wow players coming into our threads and trying to derail. This sorta bullshits happening on both sides. Mods are doing a poor job.
Yes we have biological functions, but it's ridiculous to act like we don't do anything but serve our biological functions.
Again, humans are a lot more complex than apes.
>tfw finally got the dyable red mage hat so it actually matches my glamour
its such a nice hat
>but it's ridiculous to act like we don't do anything but serve our biological functions.
but that's all we do everyone wants to bone my dude
"Treatment" doesn't mean "make it go away" it means "make it bearable". Electroshock therapy might be a more permanent cure but we're not allowed to do that anymore.
>shire coat of casting dyed dalamud red
wow, so original
Gross feet
but it doesn't make it more bearable since they're offing themselves in record numbers
also electroshcok therapy didn't always work i've had multiple family relatives who went through with it and when they were let out within a couple of months they killed themselves
if anything the may live letter will cause even more shitposting.
>X job BTFO
>Y job is now in the cuckshed
>Z job is OP why aren't you maining it
>hey guys look at all this datamined shit we got from the benchmark
Electroshock therapy results in suicides because it just replaces "the behaviour", whatever it is, with trauma. If you associate "the behaviour" with mind searing pain you won't do "the behaviour" anymore, or you'll kill yourself because you realize that the people who are supposed to care about you had you literally tortured and that leads to zero self worth.
At least that is gameplay related shitposting, not whatever the fuck was going on in this thread.
Shire gear is some of the most fashionable gear in the game. Of course people are going to use it. At least if you've let yourself fall into the trap that red mages must be red.
if it works it works buddy
What's the ideal GCD for a WAR?
yeah and it never worked
enought to quintuple fell cleave during ir without issues
Of course it didn't work, the entire premise is faulty. Torture has never actually been productive.
PING DEPENDENT just like everything else in the game.
Back to your TERA containment MMO, degenerate
I saw your cat on reddit last week.
>even on somewhere like malb when I played a catboy I'd get random tells for gay ERP.
you can report them for that. it's called sexual harassment.
i hope you upvoted me user
>you can report them for that. it's called sexual harassment.
your dude is about to get a lot of dudes banned tonight
You should look up what shock therapy actually is. It doesn't involve shackling someone to a chair and pressing electrodes into their nutsack.
>You use Upheaval.
>Critical direct hit! The striking dummy takes 27105 damage.
>Doing one inner beast + Upheaval in the opener under Unchained and Thrill of Battle is more DPS than Fell Cleave + Upheaval under Thrill of Battle
Well shit, the more you know I guess.
Yeah, they're pretty cool. As a tank player, gunbreaker is also pretty interesting to me, but I think I'll wait a bit to see what the devs want to do with it before I try it out.
You can report meta degenerates and other fflogs filth too. There is no parsers in game. No way to check DPS. When someone start shit talking about DPS or other fflogs/meta trash ask him about parsers. Play dumb. You don't have parsers on PS4. Parsers against TOS. Report him for cheating. And screncap everything.
>tfw the ARR dungeons are the most fun and challenging dungeons by far
yes but what about you stop being carried every time? when I see people like you that are prone to reporting I just quit from the instance and join another party
>when I see people like you that are prone to reporting I just quit from the instance and join another party
Metatards are reason why we can't pug savages. Are you metatard?
do you know that many people pug savages? I'd actually say that people who pug them are more than the people who are in a static
players who parse are not the reason you can't pug a savage fight and no one is asking you to log 95+,you just need to do your part
It feels so painful to see a ilvl 380+ BRD with no materia on doing less dps than the fucking tanks not bothered at all while the SAM/BLM which is carrying the fucking party get yelled at for their aggro/taking some minor damage
I won't be saying anything
But man, am I judging their fucking ass
>why not the literal halfbreed that was killed off by one of their own?
I just want some Crystal Chronicles stuff and Burmecian raincoats, man. And the only reason I want that stuff is because XIV has no visual culture.
actually bad players is why you can't pug savage. i would rather be kicked from 40 parties for having unoptimized gear or empty materia slots than wipe on a boss for an extended period of time because players are fucking bad
>i cant really think of much aiming gear that will fit them visually
Don't worry all aiming gear will be stupid slut gear from now on, sorry MCH
There are more original elements to the game than there are callbacks, fuck off with the member-berries stuff when every single other Final Fantasy game does that.
Carl, is that you?
>Install instead of spamming abilities
The only way that would work is if this expansion we have to merge with an Eikon.
Which would make sense since it seems like the story is building up to it
Are BLM's fundamentally unintuitive?
I can't help but feel like that's the case when a class based around standing in one spot has to play against movement heavy bosses.
t. never played BLM
I talk about metatards in pugs. Obnoxious as fuck. They always masturbate on fflogs. They can't explain shit. They trying to force meme speedrunners strats and comps instead of safe one. Of course people who trying to "lucky" clears are cancer too. But everything in xiv can be cleared with any comps just by doing mechanics.
I forgot to mention
>inb4 Healers adjust
if the entire crowd walked out of fanfest when yoshida announced the genderlocked races.
They were smart about announcing hrothgar during jp fanfest. Anywhere else and he eould've been bood to death.
You can pug savage, just not now.
All the decent pug raiders are gone, and now you're stuck with the shitty dregs that rely on the echo buff to carry them.
Except no amount of echo buff is gonna get them past Pantokrator or Hello World.
Nah. They get the tools to work around movement interrupting their casts. The point of the job is to use these tools and plan ahead of time to perform their rotations despite a boss' attempt to hinder them from it. This is what makes BLM fun.
Not really, the way fights are designed if you know what you're doing ahead of time you can sling spells with very little repercussion since you'll know where to stand and avoid most attacks. Triplecast also lets you continue to fire off spells while moving in case the current mechanics don't afford you a breather whatsoever.