Im glad they're dead

Im glad they're dead

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Other urls found in this thread:

i miss their e3 streams with the best gamers

I just want SleepyCabin

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I miss Zach. With him on board, the show was actually funny.

As soon as they come to terms with Stamper's death, they may come back

>didn't finish KH2

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lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

watching him rn lol

Go to fucking sleep DingDong

You my daughter from Russia? I miss you.

>the best gamers are dead
>dingdong and julian are forgotten
>rockcock has severe TDS

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>>rockcock has severe TDS
Wait, for real. Christ, I guess he's more of a fag than I thought

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he's only partly to blame for it
it's his lefty asexual girlfriend he white knights for that makes him do it

I had to google TDS, there's no fucking way this is a thing, is there?

what do you mean?

>dingdong and julian finally leave
>great, that means more zach
>it's boring boomer ass mick and tomar with no one to abuse him

recently rockcock went on a rant about how pewdiepie was the direct cause of the nz mosque shooting
most of his followers called him retarded for thinking that so he cowardly deleted his tweets regarding pewdiepie
he stilled liked a few posts that agreed with him

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Their dumb dog is the funniest thing on their whole channel.

Telephone and Data Systems?

Trump Derangement Syndrome you chucklefucks, even The Farms has a thread dedicated to it.

If anyone in OneyPlays ever likes a tweet with a left leaning opinion I will unsub immediately

Sorry I don't keep up with politics, that's gay

There is literally nothing wrong with that tweet

keep saying it

My favourite thing about oneyplays is they never say anything critical about president trump


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Zach does but he actually makes it funny instead of making a moot point you see on twitter everyday
His Trump impression is one of the best

Just Zach, Cory, Stamper and Chris tho.

Have. Sex.

Jeff and Nial though.

Unfunny hacks that don't add anything, cut them.

Really, anyone except Mick.

The Downs Syndrome

One is the much need straight man and the other is a good butt of all jokes.
Niall's Tinder story and Irish stories in general are gold.

couldn’t finish their own game neither

that tinder ep was hilarious. It just a hour of them shitting on Niall

I would argue the first sentence is wrong. Pewdiepie just did that because it's funny, not trying to gain attention.

what did you expect, hes a turbomutt

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it's the kind of shit that only unfunny incels who have no one close in their life choose to watch to feel like they have friends

have sex

I wish they word filter it already.

You could filter it on your own instead of begging someone else to do it for you, incel.

t. soiboy

"The Straight Man" is the worst fucking thing to happen to comedy. It's just an excuse to be the most uninteresting and unfunny retard in a group of people. If your sole shtick is that you're a normal relateable guy, then just do everyone a favor and get your fucking ass out.

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>Implying it isn't the most overused word ever by people who have zero clue what an actual incel is.
Fuck off.

Who taught you how to read? Did you save the receipt? Fucking incel.

You don't realize how much having a straight man improves the dynamic in a group.
If everyone was the funny man, it would just be people trying to outgoof eachother by saying the most asinine stuff all the time.

The novelty of something like Zach's... well his everything, would be destroyed if everyone acted like him or even worse tried (and likely failed) to act like him.

why did the mods filter s.oy?

lmao the incel is buttmad aahahah

No, he doesn't say anything critical. He does the voice. If he criticized trump I would have unfollowed already.


I don't know, ask them.


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“I dunno Id probably get his plates”

as a joke you retarded incel


what's your best guess?

tell me about zach
why does he have the voice?

For some reason writing "you did a great job" on a receipt is really funny. I think I'll start doing that

I don't really care, I'm still calling people faggots. I really don't need the new word of the week to be derisive.


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There's nothing that stops goofs from reeling themselves in, and Zach and Chris often do.

Every single podcast or pseudo-podcast I've listened to that has a self or an audience-proclaimed straight man he's ALWAYS boring. Retards don't realize that what truly works is the deadpan, like Mike from RLM, someone that can follow the joke while slowing the speed of the conversation and deflating it so it doesn't get excessively goofy, not a stuttering fucking retard that crumbles when he's being bombarded by goofs, or gets audibly angry and annoyed at it like that fucking retard Jeff.

thats pretty incel if you unfollow someone cause they insulted your daddy

why are you being so aloof? why can't you answer a simple question?

>supporting an Israeli kike bootlicker

>why can't you answer a simple question?
I did twice, I said "I don't know" and then I said "I don't care."

would you still follow zach if he said he was alt-right and supported trump for president?

I'm pretty sure I remember them talking about this as Zach or Chris trying to embarass Shad with the lame drawing, does anyone remember where this was mentioned? it was funny as hell

Give me your best guess as to why the mods filtered "onions" and stop being disingenuous.

just don't ask him or he'll flip

I'm being very genuine, I don't care. Just go ask them if you want an answer.

Jeff not Nial though

>SJWs come to Yea Forums

I want your best guess
any guess
imagine if you were a mod on Yea Forums and filtered a word
what do you think the motivation behind that would be?

Satire is funny, openly supporting someone is not funny.
If he does satire about Trump, and it's funny, even if I were a supporter of Trump I'd still like it.

That's where you guys become annoying, we can't even fucking joke about a goofy president because we get bombarded by "ORANGE MAN BAD" at the slightest remark.

I miss Obama because we could joke about him and nobody gave a shit and just laughed.

>I want your best guess
Who cares what you want?

>being anti-jew is sjw now
go back

I support trump and I am okay with zach's impersonation because it doesn't actually mock trump's policies or supporters. it is not critical of him and if it was I would drop oneyplays for being SJW

damn, wasn't expecting someone to actually find it this quickly, thanks

Why did I read OP's post in Jack nicholson's voice?

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Good Goy

This, best lineup.

You post this exact same shit with every thread that involves oney. I'd say someone is obsessed

I care, you retarded s.oy consuming faggot

which IS your favorute tho?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

I hope there's more Demons Souls episodes coming, Oney and Jake are really funny together.

it's a copypasta, incel

The first DaS1 playthrough was the best, and Oney was playing alone.

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

If I want to make a joke about mexicans in cages or some other shit relating to his policies I don't have to be a fucking SJW, maybe I just wanna joke about caged Pedros.

You fucking american puritans will never stop sucking the fun out of everything.

I'm glad there are people who always post it because it NEVER fails to annoy at least one oneyfaggot because it's 100% spot on
I don't know why anyone ever thought Yea Forums was supposed to be an oney fanclub anyway

They're pretty good but Demons Souls bores me to tears to watch.

have to keep the reputation of Yea Forums clean

I miss karnivore

No one likes the straight man but he’s 100% necessary for a good comedy crew
He’s the structural support of the troop
The Principal Post

dishonest til the end

Not surprised, it took Julian an entire video to beat Xigbar the easy fucking boss in that game.

Cry more baby boy

RockCock is just monumentally butthurt about Pewdiepie's populadity more than anything else.

o-nee blaze

with fren

They made me laugh a lot.
Also, I don't wanna shit on Zach but I have legit trouble understanding him sometimes.

No, not really.

>Zach does
He doesn't, he just does a voice

I also call all criticisms of Trump "moot points"

Dude his impersonation is the only spot on one out there. Why are you so sensitive to people joking about the president or supporters anyway. Colbert and others are fucking dumb cause they look stupid and don't even sound like him.

If they actually got the cadence and manner of speech right they may actually be funny.

Freddy Freaker

based and Hadelpilled. If you love Zach as much as I do check out The Very Positive stream

>Has a real job in a real institution
>Gets Pussy

Wow, wonder why you don't like him...

I said I liked zachs impersonation. He does a good job matching trumps speech patterns. I also really like that he does the voice but doesn't mock trump. oneyplays never features SJW shit and that's the main reason I like it

Tomar what if Jaxie got her skin inverted and we poured salt on her

Chris entertaining the idea of a hypothetical Irish genocide in episode 4 of Isaac was tragically poignant considering the Irish government's new Ireland 2040 plan. I didn't post that in the youtube comments though hehe

I genuinely hate Mick. Guy seems like a fucking coattail fucking phony. He wasn't even big on Newgrounds and I'd never heard of him once before Sleepcast.

shoo mick, shoo

its just uninspired recycled threads

Lyle is the biggest problem with the channel. While I always want more Zach episodes, any episode without Lyle is a blessing.

Alright thanks for clarifying

This is why I love Oney. Subtle redpilling and NEVER letting SJW shit, even slightly left leaning shit, enter the channel. People like us who hate migrants and muslims and niggers know he's hiding his power level but slipping redpills out to the kids in a subtle enough way to not get scrutinized.

In fact it might be good if SJWs started criticizing him more. That only makes fans defend them more and in turn makes the eceleb under attack more likely to criticize the left.

is rockcock being cucked again by his wife?

Delete this

>tfw one day you might wake up and read how stamper offed himself last night

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