> Return ending 6.6%
> Immortal severance ending trophy 9.6%
These are the ps4 trophy stats. Clearly a huge amount of shitters play through following guides.
Return ending 6.6%
>this game sucks
>I'm only playing this one time then I'm done
>getting mad that they want the best ending on their one and only playthrough.
I can't imagine how mad you must be at me for save scumming all the endings for a platinum in one go
No i don't care about the trophies at all, bit sad that you do. However i like to see what sort of point other people reach. The fact that the perfect ending has nearly the same number as the much more usual one suggests to me a large portion of players follow a guide through.
Return seems rather easy for a completionist to get without a guide. I'd assume anyone who unlocked Purification route on their first go were tipped off though.
Return ending is easier to get than purification so that being close to the default ending isn't all that surprising.
Through further deduction its about 3% of players who certainly finished the game first time with a perfect ending.
> 12.2% have the trophy for beating sword saint isshin
> 9.6% have the immortal severance trophy
Meaning 2.8% can be certain to have first time achieved an ending with obscure eavesdropping requirements. This is of the group of people who were dedicated as by the stats it's clear that most players are only at genichiro so far.
I haven't done that one to know though i have defeated Owl father and he's at 7.7%.
I accidentally stumbled onto the Return ending on my first playthrough
>No i don't care about the trophies at all, bit sad that you do.
says the guy reading trophy statistics
It's obviously not impossible as someone needs to do it, but the eavesdropping makes it such that it would easily be less than a percent.
I played the game quite comprehensively, double checking characters, items and returning to most places and although i had all the persimmons and rice for kuro etc i did not find all the eavesdrops required
I said i like to find out how people got on with the game, i couldn't care less about getting the trophies or the user getting a platinum.
Are you OP?
By your own opinion, these statistics mean nothing considering that they're not """"legit"""" in your eyes.
So why discuss them at all?
>only 10% of players have even just finished the fucking normal ending of the game
Damn even with guides, tutorials and all that shit there were so many retards who just gave up on a game they spend $60 on.
Nobody plays Fromsoft games without guides.
Speak for yourself, scrub.
What? My saying i don't care about trophies is not the same as saying the stats they provide aren't legitimate.
>be genichiro
>be blown the fuck out every player encounter
>resort to cheap lightning magic, get still your shit kicked in
>find a new op weapon, try to fight player again and still lose
>fucking summon isshin help when you cant win
is genichiro actually a clever deconstruction of the typical souls shitter?
From always throws some obscure shit in there that nearly nobody would ever find without a guide.
>Do a specific gesture at a giant brain and hold it there for over 60 seconds
Most games don't see high completion rates. Usually years after the fact you may get a 50-60% normal ending completion rate for most games.
>What? My saying i don't care about trophies is not the same as saying the stats they provide aren't legitimate.
The stats that they provide are not legitimate according to OP, considering that they are achieved by people "cheesing" or "reading guides" and that pisses off purists for some reason
Sure, but it's fine to miss stuff initially.
>not doing purification first so you don't have to deal with owl 2 in ng playthroughs
I am OP and that's not my reasoning, it's just indicative of how you regard trophies, like they're something to be proud of. Once again im just using them to find out how people played the game and they suggest a large percent just use guides.
Not everyone has the time, user.
As said about a quarter of those who have finished have likely used a guide. I find that interesting.
It's not hard to get Return if you got burned with all of DS3's character questlines being retardedly easy to fail, and so you autistically check up on your NPCs at every idol to make sure you're on the right track with them.
You are certified retarded.
I hate to use the "current year" argument, I really do.
But the current year is 2019, not 1999.
Most game devs create their games with the expectation that players will be reading guides.
That's part of the reason why they put such obscure shit in there.
Just checked bloodborne, an already somewhat niche game likely precluding your average gamer. Most endings are around 10-15%. So even if we're incredibly generous and say every one of those was one player getting a separate ending then dropping it, it still means about 60% never finished it.
However interestingly the 'becoming a great one' ending has the most at 14.8%, again suggesting everyone just uses guides.
>You are certified retarded.
I'm certified platinum. Stay mad, "retard"
Is Owl 2 the pinnacle of From battles? Tough, but fair and so fun.
You can't platinum in one go. All bosses and all upgrades make it impossible. You have to do the Shura ending, and only 6 lazulite drop per playthrough. Even then the all skills will probably force you into NG+3 at the least just because the last skill point you'll need it 350k exp.
I did that too but the eavesdropping is new, you have to find specific places to lean and listen. It's highly unlikely many stumbled on that alongside all the other requirements.
It's almost like casual gamers like playing a game once or twice and then moving on to the next, instead of playing it 90 times over 3 years until the next installment comes out like From autists
Why do these numbers imply guide usage?
Yeah but on your first playthrough? Don't get me wrong i complete a from game first then on future ones i read away.
Purification is the hard one that you can easily miss.
You get return easily if you explore and talk often to the NPCs (especially rice girl).
After that they pretty much tell you where to go.
Return doesn't have any eavesdropping. You can start the Return ending before even fighting Owl 1.
Purification is the only ending that requires eavesdropping.
You can get all endings in one go though.
>save scum before talking to Owl 1.
>save scum again before talking to Kuro at the ending.
I don't think FROM does. I think they know people will read guides, but I don't think they design them for people to read guides, that sounds dumb.
>The amount of shitters that still hasn't gotten the Moon Presence ending in Bloodborne
Sure, but there's a difference between "playing with a guide" and "looking up the weird shit after the fact"
But it is a game for From autists. Most people have never heard of bloodborne despite it's fame here. Seemingly the reality is even at this engagement with gaming most people don't finish and a quarter or more of those who do use guides from the start.
that guy said he got plat in one go, not all endings.
Yes, and? The original post said platinum in one go. The way the game works you can't savescum and trophy in NG. You have to go to NG+1 minimum.
The complex requirements. Of course someone has to stumble on them but it won't be many.
That i did not know, I've just done a second playthrough and i rolled purification and return into one. I'd like to know the stats for return then.
Nah, it's cryptic as fuck
>you have to eat rice to get more instead of just resting
>should get rice 3 times
I missed it because I never ate rice on NG
Why are steamfags so fucking pathetic? Sekiro has 100% complementation on Epic store.
It's more tha than just that, i ate rice, did the rice for kuro and got all the serpent hearts but must have missed something too.
Purification is the best ending though, canonically as well since it's the only one where Kuro lives AND ties into the whole Buddhist resurrection=suffering with Sekiro sacrificing himself
It isn't even rice.
It's just centipede eggs.
a lot of people flat out don't finish games
shadow of the tomb raider, which was released 7 months ago and is very on rails and generous with checkpoints is below 60% completion on ps4
> people deciding to just skip demon
>I can't imagine how mad you must be at me for save scumming all the endings for a platinum in one go
That's what literally everyone did for Bloodborne
How difficult is Sekiro compared to DaS1?
Did you dive in the waterfall and get her first tome?
No, because the dragon heritage still exists in the mortal world. Samsara continues in Ashina in ever ending except for Return.
lebbit retard
I just gave her rice to NPCs. Never had to consume it myself.
I did all 4 endings through NG+ after starting with Shura. I'm not mad at you at all, the third and fourth playthroughs only took a few hours each anyway.
Git Gud2
Kuro was the last of the dragon heritage though
>cryptic as fuck
If you never talk to the old hag asking for rice, yeah, then it's cryptic. The old hag literally tells you where the snake hearts are and how to get to them when you give her rice.
I got Return on my first playthrough totally blind because Dark Souls conditioned me to explore everything and check back on NPCs constantly.
>play dark souls series and demons souls
>remember how the game works
>return to npcs and talk to them multiple times on multiple occasions while making progress
>explore areas to find weird shit
nigga i had the rice loli ending in the bag on my first playthrough because i know how dark souls works
Never bothered with her, there is nothing in the game that needs a guide except for endings.
No i got it from the monk as i did senpou prior to genichiro.
>"wtf is cryptic how am I supposed to figure it out"
>if you explore and talk to the NPCs often it's easy
>lol bro no I never bother talking to npcs, btw this game is bs since you need a guide for all endings
He's wrong but so are you. Even repeatedly talking to NPCs and exploring won't get you it typically. As said i got all the snake hearts, rice for kuro and gave persimmons to the divine child but believe i didn't look in the hall of illusions at one point. I was playing pretty thoroughly, so most won't have gotten nearly as far as that even.
Did you not pay attention to the game? Rice loli and the Return ending tells you straight up that so long as the dragon heritage will remain in the mortal world until it's taken back to the divine realm. Severance and Purification only end the contract of Sekiro and Kuro, with one of them becoming mortal again. It doesn't actually solve the issue of divinity being on Earth in Japan.
Half the reason Ashina is fucked is because the waters flowing from the fountainhead palace is bringing the essence of divinity into the mortal realm.
this, rice loli ending was easy as fuck
I even had the snake fruits on hand when she asked for them
You missed the book, which can be attributed to not exploring properly.
You only need to return to the hall of the illusions after the rice loli has moved from her usual place.
Nope. Had that from the monk.
I ate so much rice, it's so fucking useful
So what's the problem? After you get the rice, you give it to Kuro. Then you give the book to her. Then she disappears and you look for her in the illusory hall. And after that you finish her 2 fetch quests (hearts and a book) and you literally got the ending.
Its pretty obvious desu. Watching the opinion on Yea Forums go from FUCK THIS CHEAP BULLSHIT to KINO as soon as the cheesy strats became widely known was funny. Souls shitters are massive guide using faggots
>not playing from games with a guide
It's like you like intentionally paying for less content.
She went missing and i didn't check the past boss fight location. You could also easily complete the game during the long time she's closed off in her room.
Lots to be missed and that includes in my first thorough playthrough, very very few players would actually stumble on it all.
so did i, but the issue is just via how i progressed int he game she didnt feel very important, and i was basically done with the game by the time i had talked to her one time. and after not significant dialogue changes two times in a row, if igured there was nothing else from such a short-speaking NPC
This is a good point. At some points she appears to just be a rice dispensing npc. It's not that it's impossible players get further than that, i did, but just all the steps essentially require a guide.
That's fine, it's actually something I like about from games, but stats suggest people use guides from day one.
So you just didn't bother looking for her after she was gone? I mean there's a reason that huge shining light beam to return to the illusory room exists, it had to have a function since it's not used for anything else.
The closed off room is literally just resting at the idol to proceed the event, something you should be used to if you had done any npc quests.
I assumed the light was if you hadn't completed the taro event prior to the monkeys, which i had done.
>long time closed in her room
>resting at an idol once opens the doors
My point still stands. If you explore properly that means you would've found her after she was gone. Sure it's not easy, but pretending that you need a guide and that it's impossible to finish it during your blind playthrough is just stretching it.
It rewards people who autistically explore every corner of the game.
I must have headed around to farm or something as it seemed a long time.
time sensitive things in FROM games don't progress until you rest or travel, if you didn't know that I can understand the confusion
That's bad game design though and why everyone uses guides. Locking game content behind something so trivial and autistic is silly.
Well at no point have i said it can't be done, is has to have been for guides to exist. However it's obscure enough that the overwhelming majority of players won't get it first playthrough. The fact that about a quarter do is telling. A good number of players decided to finish without killing the demon which tells you about the inclinations of the playerbase.
yeah having to look around and think is pretty awful game design now that you mention it
You know how most games these days have achievements for basically starting the game/playing through the tutorial section. I've never seen a single game have 100% completion on even those.
Lots of people buy games and then never play them, how is it surprising that most never finish them?
Having to backtrack constantly just to do some fetch quests to backtrack even more is 0/10 design.
It's the secret good ending. Obviously the game is going to force you to jump through some hoops to get it.
It's not like she disappears to the bottom of the lake in the mibu village. She's still in the same area, you just have to use the giant blue light portal that's right outside her room.
yeah you're right, the backtracking is a gigantic pain in the ass, would have been much better if there was a fast travel system with lots of locations to travel to
Yeah this kind of trophy
I've never seen 100% either.
You're a shitter tho so go fuck your faggot buddies cunt.
Or if you got endings in a way that makes sense, like best game ever made.
Return is pretty straightforward if you're the kind of player who explores everything.
For some reason Purification is MUCH harder to get than Return, having to do bullshit tell-less eavesdrops and beat Giant Dad 2. Seems odd.
You only need to eavesdrop rice loli for the return ending though, don't you?
You’re also whining like a cunt when no one finishes shitty games. Especially souls games dude. Why waste time getting good for an “ experience” when I can watch an LP at work and make 600 watching it
The endings that requires you to go through a bunch of extra steps, some of which require you doing some extra things that no one would think to do on a first playthrough like eavesdropping from specific vantage points or leaving and coming back to areas multiple times after using items, have almost as high of a completion rate as the normal, basic "beat the game vanilla" ending. And given that the game doesn't have a huge completion rate to begin with (by checking the stats on how many people have beaten the final boss) you can see that a weirdly disproportionate number of people are getting the "secret" endings on their first playthrough. It's not impossible, but it's enough that its questionable. Especially compared to, say, Dark Souls 3 where the secret ending is still one of the rarer trophies in the game.
I dunno. You put in all that stuff about snake fruit you can bet I'm going to try and solve that riddle before I finish the game. After that it seems more obviously to be a good ending because it is more obscure and doesn't kill your lord. I found it without a guide just by being thorough
No you don't need to use the eavesdrop mechanic for the return ending.
It's only necessary for the purification ending.
I think part of it is that the game is fucking hard so there are less people sprinting through to the ending.
DS3 is piss easy compared to Sekiro.
How have more people beaten Demon of Hatred than gotten the game's default basic bitch ending?
Most Publishers actually ask devs to make these sorts of achievements specifically for econometric reasons. They're trying to figure out how much of the game people actually play. Which is why you sometimes see games with the most boring achievements/trophies possible that is literally just "start the game", "beat the tutorial", "finished the Xth area", and "got X ending".
I imagine it must be disheartening to developers who only learn about these numbers due to this system. Over half the people who play video games never ever finish them. It's pretty amazing.
No, there’s not you shitter. Just because you’re too stupid to figure things out doesn’t mean others are as well. Don’t blame me for your mental retardation.
You have to get the the two books that tell her how to do it, finding the first is kind of tricky because you either have to finish Senpou Temple before beating Genichiro or you have to come back after finishing Mibu Village and swim in the pond near the Roberto bridge idol. You also have to do all this before beating the dragon, if you thought you'd wait till the end game to do it all you are out of luck.
Yeah there is.
No one game you've played with an obscure secret that you found by yourself
basic ending is only 1 of 3 endings that lets you fight him
>talk to NPC
I actually gave old hag rice once, figured out she's just there for idiots who can't figure out paths to snakes or what to do with the hole. But I guess I had to do it 3 times to get totally-not-cryptic-ending, you're so smart nigger shut up
great hollow in dark souls 1
I got access to all endings on my first run blind and I'd say purification is the toughest one because of the Isshin and Kuro eavesdrops. Even the sculptor eavesdrop has his hint about the shrine being drafty with the hole in the wall right behind him if you're looking straight ahead to cue you into what you need to do. Return is incredibly straightforward but comparison and has a ton of cues set up throughout the world, from the old lady that asks you for rice to everything related to the snakes.
Some people probably could be filtered there. It was much harder than previous installments.
I actually thought snake fruits are part of the main quest and you use them before going to Minamoto palace
That's pretty good
I still haven't beat rdr2 because I got bored and stopped playing. For me this mostly happens in open world games but I can relate
>he didn't even consider the possibility that the hag would gift you something at the end if you gave her rice during every encounter
I think you just lack imagination for those games.
It's why fallout 4 had the minigun deathclaw scene within an hour. To try maintain some consumers (and avoid refunds).
>gift you something
did she actually? I don't think so.
How difficult is the game? I have no problems with dark souls and bloodborne but i struggled so hard with nioh. I heard the game is more about parrying/blocking than dodging.
I was surprised killing hatred demon is not a part of some super cool ending. But they decided that eat rice 3 times and come back to girl is a better challenge
Such games are a different story though. You're looking at way more playtime and honestly there is a lot of tedium involved in RDR2. In Sekiro you can go from boss to boss and looking at guides and stuff the game shouldn't take more than 7-10 hours even for an unskilled player. No way you tire of it unless you just hate the game, but then why buy it in the first place. Have they never heard of Dark Souls series, Bloodborne or is it really just the power of marketing driving people to buy a game they obviously dislike.
>Go to girl after running out of rice
>She's gone missing
>Freak out
>Think about where she could be
>Mummy cave, pagoda with the senpou arts tree, main hall, and Hall of illusions are the only candidates
>Visit each one and find her
It's like you people don't understand fromsoft
This is the biggest tell, yeah.
stop being a little bitch and play the game
The only thing you have to worry about is horrendous performance on consoles.
Found the ADHD shitter
The discussion is about a blind playthrough. If you go into the game with such an attitude you'll never find any secret endings. Obviously you would have to use a guide in that case.
the dodges either have incredibly small iframes or no iframes, I'm not entirely sure which
it is very parry heavy, but there are different dodges for different moves and jumping is a thing
nigga i bought pathfinder kingmaker and only 80% left the tutorial area. which is like 40 mins long
retards buy games at full price and dont even play them
Found the "no criticism allowed, game is literally perfect" shitter.
Can you honestly blame them? Most people are boomers who don't really have the time for games anymore and knowing From's notorious hidden quests they probably didnt want to take the chance.
The "Best" ending in Sekiro isn't that hidden compared to something like Bloodborne though. I would probably have never gotten it because I always assume these special items were unique and you weren't supposed to use them.
Only played bloodborne but i had more trouble with sekiro. Isshin took me a full day where orphan was a few hours.
That said just ganked him first try on NG+ so clearly a lot of it is just learning movesets.
Faggot, you clearly didn't get that far but I bet you would've loved the massive strawman at the start of the last area if you had.
How is the general feeling? More like dark souls, more like bloodborne or like nioh?
I already found everything in NG+. I don't think anything left in the game I didn't see.
I think 2 endings are too cryptic for the average player to figure out and it's true. There should be hints about using rice 3 times or girl going to hall of illusions.
Also Father fight and different ending behind locked behind eavesdrops is not a good design decision either.
> 7-10 hours unskilled
Most players have just finished genichiro. Im decent enough at these games and NG+ i only died to demon, ashina elite and owl father yet the run still took about 8 hours. Easily a 35+ hour first run through.
Doesn't change the fact that it's a horrible game design in any way.
feels more BB than souls but I haven't played nioh so I dunno about that
the good thing is that parries are triggered by blocking at the perfect time so even if you do it too early you end up blocking the move, very learner friendly until things start hitting very hard
Everyone knows FROM games have incredibly obtuse ways of "choosing" what ending you get so it's not really unusual people checked a couple of guides to know what they should work towards.
Sekiro is especially dumb in this regard, those eavesdropping dialogues sucked fucking dick.
Guess every ending has to be like the Shura ending where you just have to pick one from the choice boxes to satisfy the average gamer.
I thought i absolutely dabbed on him with aggression first time. Sad to learn later he was just a joke.
Also FROM games tend to have weird ways to NPCs killing each other, impossible to predict really what concequences will happen unless you check guides. I guess they want you to continue playing in NG+ and use your previous knowledge but not everyone has time for that.
just because you bum rushed the game in a weekend doesn't mean other people dont explore
return ending is very easy to get blind
the Owl boss is pretty bullshit to unlock but I got the return ending first try, it was pretty easy compared to the rest of the series
>only 16.2% of owners complete the game
a huge amount of shitters play in general
Well obviously. Who the actual hell finds this convoluted shit? Quests in From games are never worth doing without a guide because you are just 100% bound to miss shit.
No, but there should be hints about what you should do, not just "travel over all locations and randomly stumble upon something" especially in this game, where re-exploring is literally meaningless except for diving, which can be done once per water source.
literally from software's fault, they make their games vague as fuck and then fund official guides to get extra money for them, fuck them
>Height of Technique has higher percentage than Man Without Equal
how is this not a direct indicator of widespread trainer use?
i don't get the purpose of this thread
>muh souls
you are beyond pathetic
Why yes, I use a guide to get the best ending. Why wouldn't I?
the amount of guidelets on this site is embarrassing
You can get Height of Technique without beating every boss? You just have to go into NG+.
>more people got the severance ending because people are heartless and ignored the precious and adorable divine child
How typical.
People who don't use guides? True
I don't have a problem with using guides but using them on your first playthrough is pretty bad
I'm on ng+5 and still havent got enough skillpoints for all skills and I never used the mask. the amount of grinding you need to get all skills is very high and I seriously doubt there are people who did the grind while skipping bosses.
I didn't which is why I got immortal severance the first time but whoever wants to finish all side shit in From games just has to use a guide. Even if you accdientall find out you can eavesdrop on your own guys you can still easily miss multiple opportunities for that etc. it's just stupid
They will never know that feel when they fight true corrupted nun and find out on their own that you can stealth kill her in phase 2. I didn't know you could that for phase 1, too, until I started looking stuff up after my first playthrough.
I got return on my blind playthrough but I had to look up how to get purification
Sorry we aren't discussing overwatch.
Fucking finally.
I didnt know how the rice thing worked. I thought it was a scarce resource and knowing I could give it to one of those hags I was hesitant to consume them. found both snake hearts and a persimmon but the questline was at a dead end and I got immortal severance first playthrough. and yeah fuck that eavesdropping shit. never would had known.
Proud of you user
you're discussing why people shouldn't have certain trophies
How did you get the all bosses trophy from savescumming?
This. From games are blind (bar some general online discussion) then further playthroughs are all guide.
just got to the guardian ape, have a feeling I will be here for a while
that shit requires A LOT of XP. I had to clear NG+4 and actually sit down and farm for a solid hour to get every skill unlocked. There's no way anyone will autistically farm for literal hours on end instead of fighting a boss.
It's all trainers
Yes we're discussing how people play the game based on published stats. It's more interesting than 99% of threads.
no not at all desu
>DS3 is piss easy compared to Sekiro.
Sekiro isn't much harder if you don't play it like souls, user. The issue is that people try to dodge instead of literally mashing the block button, which is the way to play this game
But you're still here talking about it you stupid cuck. You could be searching up anri okita post-pregnancy tits but instead you've deigned to talk about trophy stats with us.
>Great Serpent 33.2%
>Sword Saint 21.5%
of course they figured how to get to serpent without guides
how do i kill the headless or should i finish off grandma first
you need a certain item confetti to deal damage to them. You will be able to just buy these items later in the game.
I did one ending without guides, I'm not taking the time to figure out the other 3
you realize that the statistics also include people who just bought the game?
The entire point of those endings is that you have to do the quest chain leading up to them.
You're a fucking nigger if you seriously want the game to spoonfeed you secret endings on your first playthrough that are literally not intended to be done on your first playthrough.
Wait until you have malcontent and divine confetti.
it's alright to use guides if you finished the game once
I got the return ending without any guides
It's easy to get if you are a completionist and explore every underwater area
I haven't had time to play, I've been working a lot. I progress a few hours at a time, i get like two shrines unlocked in a week on average
Don't bother with the headless now, you will regret not having confetti later for when you actually have the shinobi tools meant for them
Who cares the entire game is pretty shit
>throwing hints = spoonfeading
Drone mentality at it's finest
Wait what, that works on them? They are already piss easy with confetti
I actually did. How to use the kite is easy to find out when you give rice to the granny
Found the journalist
It does throw hints you, you don't any hints. You want instructions spoonfed to you.
You're too retarded to give an old lady three handfuls of rice so you want the game to stop you and say "Hold up partner, you've gotta give her rice on all three occasions or else you won't get the secret ending!".
Fuck off retard
Malcontent trivializes headless.
I thought Return was harder to get msotly due to Emma being a shit
i don't have the will to finish ng+ with this game so i don't blame them
This. It's a lot of fun. Early game they're absolutely infuriating so it's great coming back and stunning them with malcontent then wailing on them with confetti and ako.
What hints did you get for purification ending? Keep posting, drones are funny.
I love this game and I just haven't beaten it yet because I'm not a NEET. I'm on the Genichiro/Isshin fight right now and I don't even know how much more game I have left
i already have confetti wtf, who tells me ingame that confetti is what to use here?
Not him, but I neither dodged nor blocked. I ran. Always sprinting, always moving.
That's not something you could do in the Souls games.
You're comparing the wrong things. Return ending is extremely easy to stumble upon just by exploring everything. The only obscure thing about it is having to eat rice a few times which the old lady reminds you to do.
By comparison, purification requires you to hug a wall in a very specific place after a specific point in the story several times. You can get locked out of it and Emma outright lies to you so you might think the questline ends there.
There's also the fact that most people only play a game once so most people will be happy with the easy to get Return ending and won't play again. It comes as no surprise that Return ending has 10.7% unlock rate and Purification has a 6.3% unlock rate on PC.
Not everyone is using guides. Stop projecting.
It says on the description and also on a notice before the first headless.
Found the guideslag
>no you
>all these guys lying on anonymous imageboard
The terror umbrella also makes them piss easy
"turn back our swords did nothing"
I got plat in 75 hours, but I was exploring every corner during 1st. I had to use trainer for infinite sp tho since I hate grinding and this game ain’t about it. Thinking of beating game from 0 again in preparation for upcoming Tomoe DLC. Definitely one of the best games I ever played.
t. From fan since 2011
I'm on NG+ but rice loli dont give me more rice
Anyone know why is this happen?
>Give rice to old lady that asks for it
>Go back to rice loli, notice her dialogue changed
>Keep using rice to see what happens next
Return ending really isn't that cryptic.
>obscure eavesdropping requirements
You need to eavesdrop once on kuro after owl and the rest of the questline is on rails.
I'm at the end and only have demon of hatred and whatever I assume the final boss is left.
I think I'll get the good ending because I sided with Kuro?
Dark Souls had the hint system and I feel From encouraged discussion in other ways of how to beat a boss and other obstacles.
Sekiro is from the same people but doesn't have that subtle hint system, not surprised if the same attitude of just asking "How do I beat this cunt?" has pervaded.
I admit that part of games is fulfilling conditions and what happens is a result of that ending wise, but some are impatient and short of time and want "the best" ending.
And the sculptor and emma.
Yeah. I got one of the fruits and wondered what the point of it was. So I looked it up and found out it's linked to the "true" ending. Which led me to look up the requirements to get said ending.
eat rice
give loli persimmons
eat more rice
continue story
you also need to eavesdrop on emma and sculptor. and the only hint is sculptor saying that its drafty in the temple
> Sword Saint 21.5%
Obvious cheaters.
Which the sculptor tells you to do.
It couldn't be more clear what he is telling you to do. I had a harder time finding the stupid grave.
The game is about 40 hours long, someone only playing an hour a day won't have finished the game yet even if they're still playing.
I accidentally fell on top of the snake's head without even noticing it was there lol
> 1h a day
These games are highly addictive. Besides you cant git gud if you play it like that. Sekiro breaks casuls, they putting it away and scare to get back to
My first play through in DaS1 was with the oficial Prima guide. That shit sent me straight to the Ash Lake without the Lord Vessel and then told me "now return from the same path you came". Fuck guides
I know I figured it out but it's still a meaningless hidden procedure that serves no purpose. I can see some people thinking that you need to advance in the main story to open it up more like you need to do with the rice kid.
It is very difficult to do what the game tells you to do yes. What could "give me rice" possibly mean? and then telling me to use "puppet skill on rat near kite". I will never figure out this great mystery.
>Clearly a huge amount of shitters play through following guides.
does this honestly surprise you? Yea Forums is mostly filled with children born in the late 90s/early 2000s who have never known a world where vidya info is readily available via the web.
I unlocked all skills in NG before fighting SSI while listening to some videos and podcasts and Skyping with friends who haven't yet gotten the game. It takes a lot of hours but I'd imagine the boss XP drops in successive NGs make it easier if you don't drop the charm and die too much.
not available*
People from early 90s bought videogame magazines to find secrets/way to beat a game. Or even called Nintendo help centre (or whatever it was called) for help.
less surprised and more disappointed I guess
>boohoo I'm old why aren't the kids playing their video games like I did 20 years ago!
Doing this on NG i imagine you have grinded for as long as it takes most people to beat the game.
I'm on Isshin right now, he's fun as hell to fight. Only got him to his final stage once out of 30+ attempts, and now I've got to farm more spirit emblems so I can keep abusing upgraded Sabimaru against him. I'll kill the prick tonight. Great end to a great game.
When's Demon Of Hatred? I met an NPC who talked about him earlier but so far I haven't found the guy.
you need to backtrack all the way to gyoubu arena during that night raid phase of the story.
It is. PS4 has it as the second rarest trophy. Easy mode is available on PC yet we're still getting all this "controversy. "
Yeah definitely. I've done 4 playthroughs for all the endings (3 and a half I guess) and I can do a playthrough in one sitting. Killing all the bosses to get as much attack power as I can, I'd say it takes me about 5 or 6 hours to go from start to finish, and I definitely grinded XP for longer than that. Once you find the right farm spots it's trivial though. Very easy to take care of while you're getting through a book or a podcast of some sort.
Go explore Old Grave.
Cheers, I'll do that after I put Isshin in the fucking dirt.
you can get all endings but you can't get the plat.
like the other dude said you need to do the shura ending (or the other endings) on NG+ to get the all bosses trophy and you also need to get back to fountainhead again to get enough lapis lazuli to complete the prosthetic upgrades. i just finished the plat yesterday and enjoyed everything except farming for XP to get all the skills which was fucking awful.
>take care of
Why. I play video games for entertainment. This is just boring work.
If i do Shura ending on ng+, wouldn't i need ng++ to get enough materials to upgrade everything?
grinding and playing games to completion is entertaining.
i backed up my save state before talking to owl for the shura ending then once the all bosses/shura trophies popped went back and stayed loyal to kuro. i did the same thing in NG after killing isshin so i could get return, immortal severance, and purification in one go without having to do 3 separate playthroughs.
Return is fairly easy to get, especially if you've played Souls games before (because then you'd be trying to figure out what the Serpent Visceras are for).
Purification is the extremely specific one.
Ah right, i should just do that.
Yes but we're talking about save scumming the endings to get the trophies as fast as possible without a straightup trainer so you wouldn't need to do Shura ending for NG+ anymore.
What? It is the other way around. Purification is super simple and just requires to find its obscure start point. Return with its weird rice and riceball requirements was much weirder to get.
why are you so upset about this? the 3 endings after isshin have no new gameplay or anything and you can collect all of the items to complete them all during the game. wanting people to complete 3 separate playthroughs for trophies is stupid and i'm pretty sure FROM didn't have you immediately make the choice about what to give kuro after isshin was exactly for this reason.
Not me fuck you.
Not him. I beg to differ. Eating rice is simple because you have some old hag asking for it. There's nothing in the game prompting you to eavesdrop on Kuro, as far as I know. Purification is lower than Homecoming on both PS4 and PC so I don't think it's a contest.
I'm not upset at all. I was just explaining things. Save scumming is easier to type than backing up a save and reloading so that's what I used.
Having to eavesdrop friendly NPCs is definitely not obvious
most people didn't realize they could eavesdrop on kuro. you also had to know to go check on isshin and emma before/right after the owl fight. i mean it's certainly possible to stumble upon the ending but the return at least has NPCs kind of telling you what to do. the only thing you have to do is use the rice which is actually really useful.
gotcha, save scumming just sounds pejorative.
why? You literally get it more or less automatically if you use the rice and then visit the kid regularily.
>you also had to know to go check on isshin and emma before/right after the owl fight
No you don't. You eavesdrop Kuro after owl. rest, talk to Emma and do what she says.
I only spent 20h on the game until now. Not everyone has the time
>visit the kid regularily
What, why would anyone do this. I went through all the talk options and ignored him till next time i was forced to talk with him.
all the guides i saw said the conversation in isshin's tower was a required eavesdrop. maybe not though.
If you consider the reality that the second phase was way easier due to totally-not-Lothric teleport being insanely telegraphed and gave you 3-4 hits whereas in the first phase you'd be lucky to sneak 2 in as a victory lap rather than bad design - probably.
However I really like the solution they found to standing overhead tracking where he'd go into an entirely different move based on what your actions were. Both this and Genichiro switching moves after his slam based on input reading were a nice improvement.
>Most people aren't invested in a console exclusive
That's some concave brain right there
Why is the Owl so fucking heavy?
yeah i fucking hated when owl 2 when switch his overhead swing on the fly if i dashed behind him one millisecond too early, but still cool as a mechanic. i think SS isshin and owl 2 are probably both top 10 all time FROM fights for me.
Because the temple is marked as an important location maybe? That's pretty much how all stories in souls work
Then don't do it. Magical, I know.
I don't know if trainers can take care of this but the reason you need to do at least two playthroughs is that there are two separate remnants for the two different Isshin fights you can do in the game and they're mutually exclusive. The lapis is another trophy that's practically impossible to get in one playthrough.
Return has obvious cues littered throughout the game guiding you towards it. Purification is the only thing in this game that's not really intuitive. I say this as someone who unlocked all endings on his first playthrough without guides.
my god i took me like 5 hours in NG+ to get enough XP for all the skills and that was after spending about the same amount of time in NG farming for XP and sen. i can't imagine how many hours it would take in NG alone. 15? it wasn't that bad though i just listened to podcasts and put my brain on autopilot. still the worst trophy by far.
Yeah. Would've been nice if those mushin arts were worth a damn but double ichimonji and high monk are like the only useful combat arts. I've read nightjar slash is useful too but I haven't checked that one out. High monk is so OP it's broken and way more useful than all the final mushin arts, except for maybe the shadowrush one.
yeah i saved the 9 point mushin art for last and having to get like 70K XP for each point was awful. i guess maybe i'll try it out when they release the DLC but it's probably useless.
what farming spots did you use? i just did the purple ninja right by the antechamber idol in ashina castle in the very endgame. he gave 2100 XP per kill and i could do him 4-5 times per minute so it was like 500-600K per hour. boring as fuck though.
I tried looking for the spiral clouds behind the castle to see if anything cool happened with the art when used there but I never found anything like it.
These were my farming spots
>Early game
300xp in about 30 seconds from three hardhats next to gyoubu's arena
>Post-early game
1900xp in about a minute and a half from all of gunfort because I got there before Genichiro. Stealth kill the first shotgunner, Divine abduction the second, and then stealth/drop takedown the rest.
590xp or so in about 15 seconds from the nightjar at the old grave idol
800xp in about 15 seconds from the monk patrolling behind the final Hirata idol in the second memory
3000xp in about a minute from the three Kabuki's right before the dragon
5662xp in under a minute for all the interior army mobs at the ashina outskirts stairway idol
It's legitimately faster to beat the game 4 times to get all the endings than getting all the skills
t. got platinum after 10 days
That isn't even hard though, literally just climb the ladders, then walk up the path. At worst, there might be one spot where you have to drop to a lower section, but that lower section clearly curves up around the tree and is a two foot drop anyway. Going up is legitimately easier than going down.
I got return on my first run blind, I knew From was going to have some obscure ending thing similar to bloodbornes eating Umbilical Cord. Thankfully I did the mountain early, was eating the rice and saved the fruit things.
Immortal severance was way to obscure for me, currently going for that.
>Immortal severance was way to obscure for me, currently going for that.
Do you mean purification? Severance is the default neutral ending. Purification is the only one that I'd consider as obscure as the Bloodborne endings.
Just got the return ending.
I think I got lucky against Isshin, got him on the 5th try I think? I certainly don't think I'd be able to defeat him again for a few goes if I went back, I haven't really learnt his moves like Owl 2.
>farmed everything to get perfect ending but didn't triggered loli rice quest
I played first time full blind, got 9/10 estus, 36/38 beads. Before start NG+ i read what i missed, and how did i fucked up.
You literally don't really need to use rice though.
It's okay to use it one time, but second time is pretty obvious at this point.
I'd say Owl 2 is arguably the best. Isshin would be in the top 3 if not for the shitty pre-match fight you ALWAYS have to do. It doesn't take long, but I want to get straight to Isshin.