What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch, user?
What's your excuse for not playing Overwatch, user?
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Havent played that shit in over tw-
wait hold on I've never played overwatch, like unironically.
I'd only play it if they released a koikatsu ripoff.
r34 doesn't require me to actually play a shit game
Realized its not a shooter anymore. Its a CC fuckfest with a stale meta. And then I realized it never was a shooter, was always a CC fuckfest, and the meta was always stale.
Honestly I was s big fan and played it daily but now somehow I lost alle the fun and will to play it maybe because my friends stopped playing or because of the lack of content it also sucks that heros get a complete re work its sad because the game was hyped af at the start
i have good taste
shut up and post Widowmaker's ass
It's boring. There is nothing new to do.
I don't like it
it sucks
they won't let me have a 6 torbjorn team.
the open beta week(end?) for overwatch was one of best gaming experiences ive had in a long time. just pure fun
That shitgame is dead, I played a lot but eventually it got trash, the meta is dead and boring, and the game as a whole is repetitive as fuck.
Developers fix the fucking game.
Were you trying to funny or clever? Your post is fucking retarded and you should kill yourself. Also, overwatch is for faggots so you should be playing it.
It's shit.
Tf2 is a thing that exists
fuck blizzard
tracer a shit
I need the source of that fucking Pic goddamn it. The times I tried reverse search It didn't work for this one.
I don't like it. It is not fun.
First-person games have never been my thing due to me getting nauseous from the perspective.
Every time I see that game, I think of project Titan and get disappointed.
That, and it's clear they are using the franchise to politically pander in an effort to recoup as much money as they can to make up for the sunken dev costs of Titan
what does CC stand for in this context? close combat?
Don't bother the artist uses it for futa.
>Fucking about in 2fort TDM
Literally all I do in TF2. It's just too fuckin fun to fuck about.
I can't do that in Overwatch.
>sunken dev costs of Titan
user, please, even Blizzard did not think in that time that they can milk WoW THAT much. They just did not need to release another MMO. And people are still playing WoW, gobbling up levelup tokens for the price of a whole new game. There are no sunken dev costs on Titan project.
Bought into the idea back during first announcement, always kept up to date with whatever and then they did a closed beta and I got in and played that for a while, then the open beta too.
Bought the game of course and played it for a few months with friends and had a blast with fond memories.
Next thing you know it's taking up most of my time.
Until I get a little frustrated with McCree having a blatantly broken stun, and over time getting more and more upset at how people are playing (also lack of updates for the game for months) and then I see that there are slightly more toxic players than usual, so my excitement kind of wears off...
Last game I remember was me playing as Genji cause I rarely played him if ever and I just felt like it, but I wasn't doing too well, and all of a sudden this one guy is typing up a storm the whole game to tell me to get off Genji and stop playing the game. So I listened, I dropped the game.
But here's the thing, I didn't stop playing entirely because of him, I stopped because I felt like I'm forced into one playstyle depending on the side I'm on, unlike every other FPS with team orientation/dependency [like Counter-Strike or CoD: Search & Destroy] Overwatch is a mess.
Hero Shooters we're a mistake.
not enough barefoot skins
There are massive sunken dev costs on Titan. The failure of titan dominates every decision they've been making lately. Go back through November, December, January and read all the articles about what's happening inside blizz with all the bad news that has hit them recently. The whole "atmosphere of thrift" mentality is driven largely by Titan's failure. It was a bigger failure than we were let on to believe
Basically, titan's failure has affected them so much that it's actually bleeding into their other franchises. There is a lot of hand wringing over diablo 4, given that it's been restarted twice now I believe.
shit game
in fact multiplayer as whole right now is fucking terrible. MCC can't come soon enough to PC
Crowd control
Stuns, slows, knockbacks, anything that takes control away from you(hook for example)
Mei isn't fat enough
what strain of autism was this
This is why I don't play Overwatch.
I dont have too play the game too enjoy the porn
I like playing good video games.
>this thread again
>no lewds again
>Im not in a beach this is a bathtub
they got rid of torb so I have no reason to play
Because fuck Actjewvision-shitzzard, and fuck their "toxic behavior" thought police.
reminder to all posters that you have answered this question ages ago and you no longer need to associate yourself with blizzard products any longer
I don't care at this point I just want to see where the fuck is this from and then filter what I like and not. Even if in the end I just fap to this one Pic again
Maybe this game would be a great way to train mentality
but i am
it's not good. the porn is actually pretty mediocre as well. the porn used to be the only saving grace for this game but even that has stagnated. tf2 will eternally be the superior game with better waifus as well
I have it minimized right now
>hiding your name
worried someone might hack you and steal your wiener schnitzel recipe?
>OW in 2k19
because it's a soulless fad game that no one plays anymore
>giving out your info on 4chain
no, but i use the same name in a lot of games/platforms and don't want my friends notice i'm shitposting on the chan
basically hiding my powerlevel
too much homosexuals
>they got rid of torb
Torb is stronger than he has ever been my friend, Torblets unite
if i see another fucking sfm porn thing of overwatch im going to do nothing because im a beta male but i will be mad
noone has any excuse to play that boring piece of shit
but at least you have a good excuse to post the porn
Anyone knows the source of music that plays in this video?
>232 STD
Is AIDS one of them?
somehow with every update it started to run shittier and shittier on my toaster. When I started playing it could run at 30-50 fps, and on the last event, it couldnt even get past 20fps. Its a realy bad optimization
it's like i've never heard this joke before, you creative son of a bitch
>there were people here who unironically thought sòywatch would have killed tf2
>fags think they are like you and me
No need to kill it when it's already dead.
literally noone except tfags thought that.
>game was pretty fun
>each new balance update has made the game worse
>literal no fun zone enforced by try hard redditers
>tfw tf2 will outlive Overwatch
Because they're gonna make it f2p and I refuse to play f2p games.
>tfw TF2 is going to outlive everything
Youre a cuck
I ain't no fag, son.
Because I'm not a Korean or bugman.
I remember in TF2, you could just fuck around and do your own thing. Didn't matter if your team lost, because you had so much fun. Overwatch is not designed around fun. Overwatch was designed around the sweatiest players, the ones who play to win. The ones who treat this as a job.
The rest of us, who just want to chill and relax while playan vidya are forgotten in the age of "esports".
Also, maining Pharah is a rage-inducing aids-fest. Fuck Overwatch.
unironically soul vs soulless
triggered overbabs
It's time
>literal toddlerface
Tracer doesn't look like that tho.
Look I didnt mean to write that I even played it, I was thinking of some other game I cant remember the name of right now, they just had very similar artstyles and gameplay that I got them all jumbled up in my head, but to answer on topic ah Paladins that was the name, I played Paladins 2 years ago but now I dont play it anymore, nor have I played Overwatch ever.
Too casual to be interesting. Good fap material tho.
I don't hate my real life lmao
This, unironically.
Back in the good days of TF2 i remember people playing engineers literally not moving from theirs turret spot, they could spend 30min in the same place hitting the fucking turret, not being seen the whole game and no one carred about that because everybody had fun.
I played S:76 and then they made him "identify" as a gay man and I'm not gay so I cant play S:76 anymore. . . right?
>tfw ur team tries to get u to play zenyatta but u arent a robot irl
yeah, the game sorely lacks a portion that's just fun, instead of stressful or frustrating
no dedicated servers, I never bought it. also heard the map design was fucking terrible
I just miss the simplier times, season 1-3..
>ftw team tries to get me to play Tracer because I'm English, but I'm not a time-challenged lesbian.
>What is arcade
>What are custom matches with strange rules like all Doomfist
I haven't played the game since Brigette came out, but there was definitely plenty of ways to fuck about, just not in QP or Comp.
Even better
the game isn't fun
I do not think I would enjoy it. I expect I would be frustrated by the very repetitive gameplay, the matchmaking system, the bans for toxicity, and the very slow-paced tank/support mechanics.
On the other hand, Overwatch Artificial Academy sounds interesting. Assuming it doesn't somehow have matchmaking shoved into it.
Foo a cute
Because im worthless garbage that deserves to die and no matter how much i practice or play i will never get better.
Tracer is the most vile stereotype in all of fucking Overwatch.
Sure, we can all laugh about germanosphere women being tall blonde bimbos, we can all laugh about the strong tribal black man and the gay military man, because all of those are somewhat true.
But I have never met any Brit slag talking like this and be this cute.
I realized after trying to play competitive on my own that I can't handle disappointing people, which causes my performance to tank in a negative feedback loop the second anyone calls me out for choking.
I'm also not someone who terribly minds stuns on their own, but so many characters in this game have disables and getting stunned by three different characters before finally being killed is pretty not ok to play against.
Unless you're a woman, you've got hormone imbalance. Stop eating so much sugary shit and start eating meat and eggs
Lesee now...they haven't done shit to fix the game's actual gameplay mechanics in years, and instead of doing that they pander to queers by making some of the characters fags. Yeah no, I'll give this game a pass, it's only really good for the porn of the girls in it anyway.
I've got some anxiety disorders. Nothing new. Runs in the family. I didn't end up an alcoholic shell of a person like some of them, at least.
It's a trash game for trash people
I want to fuck D.va