Thread for good boys about good boys

Thread for good boys about good boys

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another fucking whack ass ness! im tired of seeing this dennis the mance looking cornball! throwing yo-yos and lollipops and shit... this niggas CORNY!

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Smash has made me despise playing against him with a burning passion.

EarthBound is still pure kino though

Shotacons are subhuman
All ness/lucas/toonlink players are shotacons
Do not interact with

I wanna kiss a good boy

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Aye Im tired of these trash ass niggas mocking me for clout on a anime message board. DEAD ASS. Someone come in this thread and BODY THIS FAT NIGGA. ASAP.

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thanks for the laugh

you are a good boy user

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Just. here to inform. you all that using the n-word will automatically delete your post and get yourself a warning.

I for one am glad 4chinel is becoming an inclusive, diverse and family friendly board.

fuckin jej

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What happened this time, user?

When I was younger, google searching for Earthbound related images with the safe search off turned me into a degenerate shotacon.

>play pit
>shotacon status goes by most peoples heads

There's nothing purer than loving pure boys

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What's so pure about that?

>Not even bring up YLfags
We're the kings, baby.

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It shows you appreciate and fully understand what's cute and innocent, and yet delicate, and you want to embrace it and protect it and maybe even utterly consumed by it

Some seething post-op janny got triggered while working for free.


I was very pure from that point on then.
I sadly never got to experience the joys of being in a relationship with other boys at that age, but those shota images really made me want to.