Being able to slip in and out of VR quickly and being able to wear the headset comfortably for long periods of time...

Being able to slip in and out of VR quickly and being able to wear the headset comfortably for long periods of time (With no chunky cable running down your back) is of higher priority than resolution currently. Comfort and ease of use is more important than pushing the tech further right now.

Attached: valve-index-headset.jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

>being able to wear the headset comfortably for long periods of time
i can do that already with my WMR headset though

I sure as fuck can't do it with the original vive though.
I forget about shit like fov and resolution (Except when using ironsights) pretty quickly when playing, but comfort never stops bothering me.
Wireless is basically fucking necessary for the index.

I disagree, I had a CV1 and although I loved it spent hundreds of hours in there, it was just too fucking low res and the SDE was a massive dealbreaker even after all those hours.
I want to read fine text, make out pink nipples, look at sick landscapes of pretty alien trees and I just couldn't do that very well on the CV1.
I want to do what I'm doing right now, browsing the internet in VR comfortably.

>I bought a gtx1660 to update from my super old amd gpu and it can't use my WMR headset anymore

end my life

I agree res is important for reading and watching media, but for most other gameplay I forget about it.

I mean even in games I had a lot of problems. For example front iron sights for guns sucked ass in H3VR and completely took me out of the experience because some were impossible to make out at all.
If things aren't designed to be comically oversized in VR then a lot of it is unusable, we need every headset to be a high baseline res so developers can actually start to develop immersive games.

>browsing the internet in vr comfortably
Any time I did that, it wasn't very comfy
What program/browser are you using?

I mistyped, I'm very tired.
I don't have my CV1 anymore but when I did I tried every program including the built in ones, browsing the web in VR sucked ass no matter what.
It's a hardware problem and there's no fixing it until we get higher res displays.

I wear contacts, and any time I browsed the internet in vr it was blurry and absolute hell
I thought it was just because I have bad eyes, didn't know it was a common issue
I want good Web browsing in vr

I imagine quest will be good for video's and internet browsing, it has a resolution that's almost the same as the vive pro and the odyssey.
PCVR needs to have 2k per eye as standard though.

Fuck that, being at the mercy of the walled garden app store without a keyboard and mouse sounds even worse than blur town.
Imaging browsing the web and typing with only those controllers, it'll be as bad as that original nintendo wii internet browser but even more difficult.

I dunno man, I can type pretty quick with the vive wands.

You think I'm going to downgrade to a shitty VR headset over the AKG K712?

No matter how you spin it, you can't type even close to your normal 80-100wpm using those controllers and you know it.
The worst part are also learned shortcuts, ctrl-t, ctrl tab and ctrl f I especially couldn't live without. The keyboard has stuck around for so long because it's fucking awesome.

>A single wire
Wireless is better sure but a single wire being clunky? That's some hot shit.

Attached: 1533602979373.jpg (400x400, 42K)

Will Tylar finally kill himself when the Index comes with no new Valve game?

I don't want to nuke my eyes 2bh

The one for the vive is big and chunk user.
It anchors you to the real world at severely damages immersion.
Anyone who thinks wireless is not a dramatic immense improvement has never tried it.

Wireless is an improvement but you have to be autistic to think that a single wire severaly damages immersion.
>B-But its clunky!
They all are. Least the vive doesn't also have fucking third party headphone requirements like the shitty wmr.

dont bully him

No because he lives in an endless cycle. Once the Index page goes up with no software, he'll just go on saying it'll come later, and everything is fine. ITS HAPPENING.

Honestly I am OKAY with the resolution, OKAY with the weight/comfort, OKAY with the cable. My biggest problem? Those shitty ass lenses that have like a 20 degree sweet spot FOV where everything looks great, and the rest of the screen is either chromatically aberrated out the ass or just downright blurry. I'd take a Vive 1 headset with flawless lenses over an 8k 200 FOV pair of sunglasses with shitty blurry glare inducing lenses.

I agree. Tried watching a 3D movie yesterday on Rift and never felt comfortable and relaxed. I barely lasted an hour. Same goes for gaming.
I wouldn't call it a priority, but comfort and ease of use is what's hindering mass adoption at the moment. It needs to be smaller and seamless, but using today's tech it doesn't look possible. In 5-10 years, maybe

Attached: zeal-ion-camera-goggles-mattenightblkmetalmirror-13[1].jpg (1200x736, 97K)

is that how Vives are? On Rift it's sharp all over the lenses, not a one blurry spot

People give WMR a lot of flack but really its so simple to set up I love it.
Plug in, turn on your controllers, wave it around a bit to setup the play space, and go.
Usually it even remembers your play space if you slave it plugged in but sitting in a box. (I have mine in a case I sit next to the PC)

>Anyone who thinks wireless is not a dramatic immense improvement has never tried it.
Who said this?

how long before
>until they're glasses
>do this in VR!!! *posts cutscene*
>only a little better than lightgun tech
>yeah but WHY would you need to do that in a game
user shows up?

i keep mine plugged in permanently. it will remember the play space until you reboot the PC usually.

apparently it works like

>scan area (save this copy permanently)
>update scan as environment changes (moving chairs, tidy/untidy bed)
>PC restarts
>reverts back to original scan

so if you dont move anything it should be sweet, but if you move stuff during the day the next time you boot your PC it wont remember most likely.

>Being able to slip in and out of VR

Yeah but this step is still hundred of years away.

>only a little better than lightgun tech
I love this one because there's literally no counter argument.

And there never will be, not until you solve the issue of haptic feedback that isn't wearing a fucking rumble suit.

My biggest issue is the setup.
I don't really have much space by my PC, and my living arrangements don't allow me to have it setup all the time. When it is setup there's fucking wires everywhere. I don't have the audio attachment, so after turning VR on at my PC, walking to the other room, placing my headset on, fumbling about with the headphones, having to switch controllers between hands because steam VR set them up wrong, and while playing I feel the fucking weight of the whole setup on me, and the headphone cables and the HMD cable running down my fucking back, having to be hyper aware of where I'm facing at all times because the room is not too big and TVs are smash able. I hate it. I fucking hate the effort.

That's why I'm excited for the Quest. You slap it on and just go. I can move to an area in my house away from my PC with more room too.

>Usually it even remembers your play space
Mine literally never remembers my playspace. You also have to fuck around with your own headphones which don't feel good at all working around the headset, so you need some shitty earbuds or something.

Then on top of that, you've got the shitty controllers that feel cheap, run on batteries and if you've got manly hands that grip the entire length you'll end up pulling off the shitty battery cover.

WMR is trash. Would never recommend anyone get one over just saving up for the vive pro or waiting for these gen 2 headsets. Literally the ONLY good thing about WMR is the lenses are slightly less shit than the vive and oculus.

>Being able to slip in and out of VR quickly
I mean I can put my chair aside, put my headset on and steamvr will just load and i'm good to go. How much more quick do you want?

Yes. Rift sacrificed FOV for better clarity/reduced SDE across the entire image compared to the Vive. They both use the exact same panels so the distinctions have to come from somewhere, well there it is.

Todd may have made it a meme, but "It just works" is a big thing for the general market. If you aren't an enthusiast, having to fuck around even a littler bit can turn many people off.

Honestly seated GAMING VR is better anyway. You have far more control and power with a keyboard/mouse or controller than you do with autism awareness gloves trying to fumble around in VR land. The real OG setup is racing chair with one of those buttkickers setup and a wheel like a G29 or something. Then just play racing games all day. It's fucking amazing. I have been loving Dirt Rally lately, on 5.1 surround sound setup speakers hearing the exhaust behind me and the engine in front of me. It's the best experience I've had to date.

I wear glasses so VR is a giant failure.

I disagree, once you get past all the setup, swinging a sword or firing a gun reallike is fucking amazing. You sound like you love racing sims, so I understand why you like seated, but I hate race games so it's not for me.

Most headsets but the Vive have ways of increasing the space between the lens and your eyes to allow for glasses.
And, if you're desperate, you can buy special lens that fit over the normal lens to allow you to use it without glasses.

>>And, if you're desperate, you can buy special lens that fit over the normal lens to allow you to use it without glasses.
Call me when they make the actual headsets with custom lenses.

I wore my glasses while I used my friend's vive you'll be fine.

I wonder why headset lenses can't just be adjusted for focus like the GearVR could.

How do these work if you wear glasses? Can I just leave them off and have it work well or do I need to wear the glasses inside them or what?

Well, in the Vive, everything is focused around 2 metres, so if you can see at 2 meters fine in real life, you can see at all distances in VR.
Otherwise you just wear the headset over your glasses.

>Call me when they make the actual headsets with custom lenses.
You can literally already get custom lenses that fit directly over the default ones. Retard.

Ignore this brainlet.

If you're gonna tell me I'm wrong, at least give some explanation user.

Attached: ragdolldance.gif (434x398, 833K)

that will just depend on people's head,
got the oculus over a year ago and i've never changed the straps after day one, never i wanted to remove the headset because it was uncomfortable,
only to take a piss or wipe off sweat.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find the facefoam on the Vive unpleasant as fuck?

Attached: 1554771740701.jpg (1152x1200, 1007K)

>multiple threads on Yea Forums every day about vr
>consistently see threads in the steam discussions about vr

Is vr finally becoming, dare I say it /mainstream/?

This, oculus is fine, the ONLY problem I have with it is that the goggles keep misting at the start of a session until the head set heats up

These threads always have low poster count, so it's just a few dedicated people.

Not when you have 3 separate vr threads going at once, I saw that earlier this week. It's really picking up

That's not what I'm asking for, retard. I want the lenses truly combined, to save room and increase FOV.

I've had a Rift for over a year now. The main thing I want is actually good games that aren't shovelware tech demos.

Mass adoption needs to happen, so larger more competent devs decide to throw their hat in the ring.

Whenever some user says they don't care about normies, remember, that persona is a retard whos opinion should be discarded.

I want more fucking games dammit.

I want Nintendo to make a headset as they're the only dev I have confidence in actually supporting it with games of their own, instead of just releasing the hardware and letting devs ignore it.

You're not blatantly wrong, but the resolution is still very much the top factor up until HMDs can provide really good 1080p/1440p virtual monitors.

SDE and resolution really are different things at this point. Odyssey+ has demonstrated that and hopefully Index will be demonstrating Valves patented alternate solution, solidifying this fact in HMD mfgs minds.

The 'standalone' vr-console design is not an acceptable solution to the wireless VR problem. It's no solution at all.

The physical tether is an essential ergonomics problem for VR and no amount of memeing will change that. Ironically it's when trying to use VR seated that it's the worst, and forget about smoothly transitioning between seated and standing use in VR - and THAT is the problem.

>Most headsets but the Vive
The Vive is pretty well recognized as the best, for this. The entire face gasket assembly slides backwards and forward, giving nearly a full inch of IOD adjustment.

Yes it's picking up right now after all the big new product announcements of March (Rift S / Quest, Reverb, Index). Partly Facebook shilling, partly Valve fanboying, but between that some people genuinely excited to see how the 'gen 2' will improve and if it will be enough to silence to anti-vr tortanic memesters.

Attached: odysseyplusSDE2.jpg (1920x1080, 887K)

but isn't the tracking garbage?

>I want more fucking games dammit.
Which console did you get suckered into? There's over 4k VR games on Steam, user.

the shittyness is way overstated. it's good 95% of the time

I have a Vive.

Those steam games are mostly fucking shit user.
I like to play big ass story campaigns, or games with big ass worlds to get lost in, and most VR games are bite sized shit that costs 30 dollars because the market is tiny and theirs not much money to be made.

'Gen 2' is a meme.


probably doesn't realize display port adapters exist