>they thought they were getting Feol
FF XIV Shadowbringers
Other urls found in this thread:
Also hail to the matriarchy.
>The Hrothgar of northern Ilsabard have passed the art of the gunblade from one generation to the next. The weapon itself combines a sword with a firing mechanism, emitting a range of magical effects by utilizing aetherically imbued cartridges. Originally employed by Queen Gunnhildr's personal guard, they were once known as "Gunnhildr's Blades" and differ greatly from the similarly named weapons used in the Garlean Empire.
>From the Near Eastern nation of Thavnair comes a troupe of bewitchingly graceful performers. Though certainly elegant and beautiful, their movements also speak of martial discipline─of a pulsing, persistent energy whose rhythm can inspire souls and soothe troubled hearts. Inured to the hardships of the road, these dancers have learned to land throwing weapons with the same exacting precision as their footfalls, removing any who any who would obstruct the endless beat of the dance.
Are people still Seething over Hrothgar? The more I see of them the cooler they look.
So the alarmists crying that they wouldn't have two tribes btfo.
>the dungeon finally pops up
>salut mon ami!
chaos truly is the cursed data center
hon hon hon
je sui mont, mon ami
i like them
my gripes are mostly the human feet with beast hands and the fact they won't wear helms
if they actually have decent emotes and not wacky funny emotes like roes, i will likely stay as one
>cool looking
you're fooling no one furfag
>queue pops
>aids macro
wtf bros i thought Light sucked dick
>dungeon pops
>OwO hewwo
>*draws katana and grins* time to finish this...
Fucking Aether.
meme race for jojo fans and unironic homos/furries
>queue never pops
wtf I hate EU now
Is there anything in Shadowbringers that hasn't been a disappointment?
bizzaro shard limsa
Lakeland looks pretty.
New monster designs
Il Mheg
Dark Apocalypse
Dancer isn't a faggy healer
Viera are hot
Gaia is hot
HW Ultimates incoming
Everything's coming up
The current Schrodinger's Box of the reworks to be made to DRK, WHM, and MCH.
Spot the male viera fag
>for jojo fans
>The more I see of them the cooler they look.
I like them. I'll be playing one as I've played a Roe since ARR and they're basically the same thing but new. All the furry bara jokes just make me want to play them more. Not even gay but I'm thinking of name changing to Billy Herrington too.
>ultimate thordan
Guess I'll die.
Twitch faggot claiming young elezen viera BTFO
Hrothgar? More like Hrothgay. YAAAAAAAAAS QUEEN!
I expect the Hrothgar are savaged and stole scrap test dummies of the Gunblades from Garlean troops then made their own. They only recently learned how to speak the native tongue.
The helm thing sucks as i currently use the Lionliege pvp helmet which is literally a metal lion head. I thought it would've looked awesome on a Hrothgar.
>enter mandatory story primal fight
>hi first time lol
what do?
>some dps dies
>healer starts raising
>a 6+ line essay of a macro fills the entire chat
>its some cringy RP shit
if we get 2 HW ultimates, it will be Alexander and either Thordan or Nidhogg
I feel Thordan has a better chance, also I'm fucking sick of fighting dragons, O10s was fucking boring as shit
You say "TIME'S UP LET'S DO THIS" and pull everything.
my sides
>he doesn't know about the Aztec Gods of Fitness
daily reminder that mentors are literally slaves that love being exploited for free
God can't they design more than two archetypes of subraces
>subrace 1 is nomadic hunter gatherer
>subrace 2 is not
this is true for literally every single """""""race""""""" in this fucking game holy shit
why do they even try to establish lore when they're so bad at it
>Thordan Ultimate
>queue for O9n
>tanks debating who MTs
>dps starts countdown
>we start
>none of the tanks hold the boss
>both are still in dps stance
>he kills everyone one by one and we wipe
>"wtf why did no one tank?"
>"we hadn't decided who would MT"
fuck these retards, why queue as tank if you aren't going to do your fucking job?
Your eyes have yet to open.
Fear the old blood.
That's a double reference.
Japs are shit. Don't blame this one on Koji.
Oh I know, I just didn't make the connection.
Do Hrothgar have some Aztec asethetic or something? Or is it just because they're buff
>the king's refrain
>fight starts with sephirot, sophia and zurvan
>after being defeaten, thordan swoops in and absorbs their essence, slowly casting ultimate end
>meanwhile you have to fight harder versions of his knights
>after ultimate end you get to fight him directly with his knights
>Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Everything so far, what has been talked about that is disappointing?
I'm bi and an unironic and unapologetic jojo fan and I think they look like asshole. And not the good kind of asshole either. Where the fuck are my bara hares
That only applies to Au Ra, Viera, and Hrothgar though.
>tfw put up tank stance and target the other tank
>they just stand there silently until the timer is almost up
>everyone says hello
>tanks dont communicate
>pull the boss
>they fight over who holds aggro
>boss cleaves entire party several times because the tanks are standing on opposite sides of the boss, fighting over aggro
Truly /ourguy/
White bitch looks like a midlander with bunny ears. Speaking of, I'm kicking white Viera on sight. Such abominations should be purged
they look dopey as fuck to the non-mentally ill
>j-just wearing the subligar ironically guys haha n-no homo
I wouldn't make one but they do look cool, I would say most people complaining are still fags complaining about male vieras
Another day, another case of FFXIV "fans" being stockholm-syndromed into pretending they like the shitty new content because they have so much money and time sunk into the game and now they HAVE to like it.
oh u mad
You're not kicking anyone, you don't even do content.
Another day, another random guy who comes into the thread hating something he hates instead of avoiding the thread.
>Another day, another case of WOW "fans" being stockholm-syndromed into pretending they like the shitty new content because they have so much money and time sunk into the game and now they HAVE to like it.
I know MMO threads are rife with redditors, but you should know that this site works differently. Yea Forums doesn't organize itself into echo chambers and censor dissent with a voting system.
>Originally employed by Queen Gunnhildr's personal guard, they were once known as "Gunnhildr's Blades" and differ greatly from the similarly named weapons used in the Garlean Empire.
Who the fuck asked for this? When I talked about wanting a Gunblade, I very clearly meant the shit Gaius/Regula/Fordola was doing. Probably would have got it if GUN was DPS. I guess it's retribution for SAM not being a tank
imagine being this insecure lmao
>summoner's eyes brim over with tears
mine too
Look at this pack of downy fucking prats. Look at them and burn into your mind the image of your future tanks.
Yoshi doesn't like Garlean gunblades because they're from before he was put on the project. Honestly that's also probably why he hates that people love Gaius too.
yoshi already said you won't get garlean tech but ff8 shit
It's because Garlean gunblades stuff is 1.0 stuff, and Yoshida wants to move away from it as much as possible.
I do Savage because I'm an incel who can't write for shit so I'd be garbage at ERP. Prepare your ass cheeks, cause this boot's a-comin!
Nice datacenter you have there Chaos, it wasn't even during early morning, something like 2pm ST.
I like the remix a little bit more.
At least come into the thread with some sort of argument on why you don't like something instead of literally coming in and taking a shit. That is why this board has become as bad as it is.
>"Why yes, I am a WAR main. How could you tell?"
Get a job or go to school like everyone else
They are planning for 3 ultimates in ShB, what else is there left? Warring triad?
yoooooo this guy unironically queuing LONGSTOP lmaoooooo
this split was fucking retarded, yesterday I waited 7 minutes for an expert roulette as a healer at 8pm cet
>Yea Forums doesnt need a voting system to be an echo chamber, the users are perfectly capable of that on their own
I could tell by the fact you regurgitated a meme so stale it makes lukewarm water sound tasteful
They look like male Mithra, but xiv players are too young to have ever touched ffxi. They just want human girls with ear accessories as different races.
>Final Steps of Faith (Ultimate)
>Knights of the Round (Ultimate)
>Warring Triad (Ultimate)
>They look like male Mithra
Are you fucking retarded?
God damn, monkey pawed like a mother fucker. Maybe I should be glad there was no new healer.
>Here's Geomancer, your newest limited job!
based war chad
>final steps of fate (ultimate)
so the version before the nerf?
way to miss the point of the joke
>no alex
>I can act like a mouthbreathing nigger thanks to anonymity, that means I should disrupt the discussion of people who actually enjoy something rather than find a thread about something I enjoy
I'd noose you in a heartbeat, but not before I stuffed my cock in your faggot face and made you choke on it.
The more I see stuff like this the more I believe both Chaos and light are almost equally fucked now.
What? It's was 5pm my time, I get back from job at 4pm.
They're a waste of resources, just as Viera, but at least with Viera they just lifted the model off XII so it took less time.
let's be real: if hrothgar looked like lehko, literally nobody would've complained about no male bunnies
Imagine listening to a tripfag
all pc hrothgar will be playing dancer/healer and be dressed like pic related
>time-sink fallacy
>Wild barbaric beast-like lionmen who wear leather scraps are the originators of a high-tech weapon art with modern soldier aesthetics
This is so ill-fitting I don't even know what to say. This is very very obviously a hamhanded attempt to squeeze Hrothgar lore into the game to try and justify why Eorzea is suddenly swarming with bara lions despite never being mentioned before 5.0. Just another reason why Hrothgar were a mistake I suppose.
what weapons can they make for warring triad ultimate? they can't make unique skins, they have to be reskins of existing models
>Ultimate Alexandrian
>Ultimate Of the Round
>Ultimate Horde
that's more like it
most of it is due to being pre-exp but yeah it's worse for sure, pf was pretty much dead before the split already now there's like 4-5 groups only
>MMPR Rangers
>Zeo Megazord
WARs so goddamn stupid they can't even get their references right
>Alexander (Ultimate)
would be the best content in the game
>talking about ultimates when nobody here cleared one
I have to believe it's bullshit. They could have gone with a rogue Garlean scientist absconding with prototype models, and having WoL and Thancred field-test them. These things blow those knife-mounted muskets out of the water
Ultimate Diamond because it ends with a Kefka battle
>post logs
>no logs posted
>wasting time on Ultimates for the 1% who do it.
That one on the right looks kinda cool actually. Might make one as an alt or something.
>Queen Gun's Blades
Allagans, user. It's always Allagans. Hrothgar are just another Allagan slave race experiment, and the Gunbreaker tech is just hand-me-down remnants of when they were used as Allagan army super-soldiers.
>Hrothgar are just another Allagan slave race experiment
We know that's not true because Hrothgar/Ronso are on the First where there were no Allagans.
Am I gonna get meme'd on as a sprout because I picked warrior for my first job?
>nigger skinned midlanders don't exist
top kek