explain your stance on pic related.
Explain your stance on pic related
I'm glad it bombed to a degree ( though not enough, the 1st kit still sold a million, but that's bad enough ) so that Nintendo can learn that in these days their power lies in highly anticipated 1st party titles rather than gimmicks
Cool novelty that makes creative use of the hardware. Would never consider purchasing unless I was a Jewtube personality. In which case I'd only do it ironically.
I don't intend to buy it so I'm ambivalent.
I hope the people who did buy it enjoyed it.
Well I don't think is a bad thing. Probably price is not for cardboards themselves but for software what uses cardboard creations.
I don't think is a product for pure gamers but is very good for people who want to create things.
And cardboard is not a bad material for that, because well, if something is destroyed you can easily replace it because cardboard is very cheap and Nintendo gives you free acces to schematics for labo creations.
Labo VR will give the sales Nintendo truly expected from Labo.
>Create things
>Flip cardboard together in 3 steps like the manual shows you
>"play" "game" on the level of flash shovelware for 5 minutes until it gets boring
>"Be 100$ poorer
Nintendies are THIS stupid
It did extremely well hell Nintendo even won the award for engineering and innovation
Believe me this takes up nowhere near the resources of even Mario Tennis
30 year old fat man children are not the target audience retard
>theyre actually selling cardboard
>Im convinced after this Nintendo will NEVER drop gimmicks
>they spent time and effort on this instead of making games or a new ip ffs
Cringy, overpriced, and dumb as fuck, but I'm glad Nintendo at least has the sense to keep its marketing and promotion separate from Directs and shit.
I bet you're the fat dude with the switch I saw a week ago on the train
>The award
> The one (1) true award that's internationally respected
>Nintendo won it
You literally have the intell of a toddler my friend
Nintendo really knows it's target audience
It's for children, like most videogames desu
only resetera trannies complain about it
Neat idea for children's vidya but it came about in the wrong time period. Kids in say the 90s would have eaten that shit up.
>On the same level as labo
no, my little drone
Just because you eat shit doesn't mean everybody is
Don't bother with sonyfags.
Already tapped to toddler squids today?
It's to cover their tracks, a decoy from Nintendo to throw parents off the track while they secretly feed the children Fortnite to turn them into cold blooded killers. I KNOW WHAT YOURE UP TO NINTENDO
Garbage that costs a fortune, of course Nintendo would make this stuff
>, a decoy from Nintendo to throw parents off the track while they secretly feed the children anime tiddies
>costs a fortune
Dude, it's about 20 more than a regular game.
for cardboard user. for fucking cardboard. thats a fortune.
It needs to be no more than 30-40 bucks. This looks like it would be fun to play around with with my kids.
The cardboard itself is like 5 bucks to order... it's the packaged game that makes up the bulk of the price.
Luckily, since it doesn't sell for too hot, that's about the price point many of these sets are now
oh well fuck me user.
Last I checked, it was still 60 or 70. I've been keeping an eye on it for a while, hoping they would drop the price, but Nintendo.
I love the idea of it, but it's too much goddamn money
Nintensonychad here, I think it is ok for families where you want to build shit with your children and play together.
But holy fuck Nintendo is beyond retarded thinking that something like Labo could carry the sales of Switch in early 2018.
And they are still retarded in 2019. They released fuck nothing in 2019, aside from Travis and Yoshi which are not games that move units anyways, and then chocked full the last half of the year with like 11 or 12 games I want to buy. Fuck their planning.
The piano is actually pretty fun and the driving pack was awesome
Fuck everyone who says otherwise
Spongebob plug and play tier gimmick
There's a fucking game with it.
You're acting like there hasn't been special editions that haven't just had slivers of paper
>The cardboard itself is like 5 bucks to order
You also have to consider the weight.