How do you respond without sounding mad?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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"have sex"

gg ez

>My hips are moving on their own!

you just ignore them completely

you have to go back

>post literally anything
>"lol mad af"
fuck these threads

You don’t. Any response is going to fuel their ego, do deny them. Dismiss them as an ass and move on

lol mad af

you don't. report and move on.
best to not let them understand why they got banned in the first place.

I will stop being mad in 3 minutes , but you still be retarded

"thanks u2"

you to ;)

I bet you also think domestic abuse is a real crime when it's not and you should let people figure out their own personal business.

I think stay mad stay bannd

you have to have sex

"have sex"
also: fuck jannies and niggers.

Damn, I can smell the virginity through your post, user.

You can't. Silence is best option.

Even if you respond GG, I'd respond lol nah it wasn't or something else to force a butthurt response

It's pretty funny when somebody says gg ez and then the game suddenly turns around and they lose.

"what evs"
just keep it short

>what evs
Absolutely dripping with seethe. May as well screech like a monkey.

gg ez
mad af

If that happens it only makes you butthurt about a game in my eyes. I don't get it.

only correct answer is to look up their file (on games that have elo or k/d or winrate) if you are better than them then let them know what your better stat is

if not either ignore them or tell them you are at work (makes them jealous of working somewhere that lets you game), playing on your laptop in an airplane on your way to a company vacation, or something else really cool to bring a unique spin on the "im more successful than you in rl" humblebrag. dont mention kids, having kids and playing in front of them isnt cool

please stop you are hurting my feelings

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Unironically true.

lmfao fpbp

all that effort to try and not look like youre seething. also
lol mad af



Overwatch is full of crappy players that think they are good, mainly cause the game manipulates them into thinking that.

So when someone says ggez it hurts their ego and could lead to these whales quitting, blizzzard don't want that.

I don't respond at all.

Lmao ok tryhard

gg wp fag

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"You did great!"
>They either say nothing or struggle to respond to genuine kindness after being an asshole.
>If they double down, I double down too
>Eventually, they act friendly too

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I like this one!

mad af lol

Are you me? I do this shit all the time, can confirm this is the right answer.