What games did survival right?
What games did survival right?
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I played newvegas in survival mode and liked having to eat and drink. Other games like don't starve feel like shit. What are the best games with survival elements that are still secondary?
Unreal World.
Don't Starve
Long dark, neo scavenger, and i suppose rimworld and dwarf fortress qualify
Rust is great if you're into pvp survival.
>One Australian on youtube has developed more advanced technology than the Aboriginals did in millions of years.
Really makes you think.
Pretty sure he stays in a trailer just around the corner.
Neo Scavenger
State of Decay. It's not for everyone but if you enjoy it you can get a lot out of it.
isnt he pretty rich and those place is basically his backyard?
Except he didn't.
>errandboy: The game
Always feel nice to gather up 100+ in every supply only for them to be gone the next day because the game is still running or simulate running time.
Yeah, agriculture is really important for tech development. You have a stable food source and location you can spend time building in rather than having to chase a fucking emu across the desert to bean it with a boomerang.
Pretty difficult when you've got different tribes constantly trying to rape, murder and/or eat you.
Why does he have so many poo in loo copycats?
Yeah he owns the land he films on.
Because the word "primitive" is part of a viral thing in the youtube algorithm atm.
those poo in loos make some pretty amazing shit
none. humans don't require food and water every 3 minutes. no game touches on true environmental and injury hazards, interesting challenges, but instead uses tedious resource drain
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
only two pages worth, 20 item slots
hunger mechanic that drains every step
empty stomach drains health
Baroque is another roguelike/lite. It has bad food and all of the above.
They are fun games to boot, though PMD is better.
good points
I'd be interested to hear you rant, genuinely
I watched his stuff like a month ago, pretty good dude but his transition music is so bad
He hasn't developed anything though.
Keep watching, his vids are super comfy.
its also a group affair in reality. irl if you have a serious injury or illness and you're alone, you're fucked. humans are social animals that survive by pooling resources and assisting each other when weak. a good survival game would be controlling a small group
desu, i got a lot of hours out of skyrim entirely thank to frostfall and realistic needs/diseases. Throw in some extra goodies like scrimshaw and realistic wildlife and the huntan' gets mad comfy
I already watched all his stuff, just saying that the beginning part of his transition music is bad, if he cut that and just kept the drums part of it I'd have no gripes with him
Didn't Robinson's Requiem do that?
playing it right now
gettin dem winter furs
>He hasn't developed anything though.
Fat feminist or seething incel?
Depends on what they've been eating.
yeah i really like that guy who made a fish farm in his rice field and plumbed it back to the river
His name's Chad so his genetic superiority gives him the necessary advantage to survive. Everyone else would just die within the first three days out there.
if by injury hazards you mean a small squirrel bite can turn into major infected wound and end up killing your character then I think rimworld does that
Ha ha, dumb berry picker
Best rock is pcrock. Rockstation and rockone are buuga
People don't survive alone.
>all those knockoff channels from SEA jungle monkeys
>they did it for Brave Wilderness too except only in name
I'd ask if they had better things to do but I'm sure they really don't
Fucking this. I absolute hated the survival Skyrim mods. They added nothing except the annoyance of having to drink and eat every few minutes.
Because most of the time 'realistic' game mechanics don't actually feel fair. While that's literally the point of a more true-to-life game, casuals people wouldn't find it fun, and so considering how difficult it would be to make a game like that, companies with the capacity to do so don't want to touch that.
go actually watch the video though
I fucking hate that shit. Every time I look at Jewtube, it's full of "most secret underground mansion with for to swimming pool best nice"
I get what you're saying but if you're running around all the time hunting and gathering you'd better have a decent amount of water and a little bit of food on you
>start the game with 6 survivors
>only guy skilled in cooking stub his toe because you didn't learn to craft footwear yet and he's bed ridden for a couple days
>the rest of the survivors can't cook for shit and keep ruining food
>everyone dies of starvation
That's what happens when you civilization is completely isolated from the rest of the world. Aboriginals actually lost tech - forgot how to do things their ancestors had done - because of how isolated they were.
I dont know why but it remind me of that one youtube channel who goes into the wild and do dumb shit involving random animal
and one time he crawl into a water pipe for no good reason and some animal block the exit
cant recall what the dudes or the animal called
he's not any chad, literally a zuber chad.
*huff huff huff huff huff huff*
*crnkCRNKLECrnkle SMACKSMACKSMACK chewchewchew*
*huff huff huff huff huff huff*
*huff huff huff huff*
Dwarf fortress?
to an extent yes, with the surgery and tools, but its still almost entirely resource bar tedium. again, lacking the group aspect iirc
haven't played it but rimworld does look like its on the money
you can have these mechanics for a realistic style of survival while balancing them to allow time to react and respond
that's what waterskins are for or bottles/bladders for modern
you can go without food and still be active and effective for a very long time. water is vital though
I think what he meant was he's not inventing and there's no discovery happening. Doesn't make what he's doing any less good though.
that sounds good bro
Or a 1 gallon/3.785 liter jug if you're persistence hunting
I use a 3l camelbak myself
He's applying knowledge from the past that barely anybody knows about today and showing it to them, that has to count for something
He got all this shit out of books, regular people had to work all this shit out through years of trial and error.
because of how subhuman* they were.
read up on the Old Believers, they separated from the rest of Russian society completely in the 17th century, were rediscovered in the 20th century and still had the same level of technology
and then there's the various mesoamerican civilizations as another example who flourished in isolation
isolation is no excuse for sheer stupidity
That is a pretty ugly back.
DayZ the mod, early days
This, unironically.
That's basically Rimworld, and Rimworld is good.
not a fair comparison
How do I get as swole as those boys?
live in the jungle and build your own civilization with your own hands
Not him, but why not?
The straya dude might be using knowledge available from books etc, but that knowledge came from people doing trial and errors over centuries.
It's just that the abos are retarded.
Go outside and do shit. not just simple shit either, like on the move 24/7 hard work type of shit
It surprises me just how many women dislike really muscular men. I'm ottermode at the moment, and it definitely gets attention, but a lot tell me I'm just at the brink of where it stops being appealing and to go no further.
You know it to be true
Are you comparing a modern man with a million years of knowledge in the form of books and education with actual primitive people?
How is this fair?
What's your beef against the abbos? They're just isolated people, not a modern people with influence from around the globe.
>that knowledge came from people doing trial and errors over centuries
Which he doesn't have.
>They're just isolated people
So were the nips for 500 years and they still managed to do productive shit.
everyone knows you work out for the admiration of other men
>ze uber chad
we fucking lost bros
Maybe. I want to get bigger regardless, just as a personal challenge.
>What's your beef against the abbos? They're just isolated people, not a modern people with influence from around the globe.
Some of the tribes lost the knowledge on how to make fire, user.
You said it yourself,, he has the knowledge of centuries of books and he has an anthropology degree, he earned that knowledge
Abos are also believed to be a subspecies of human because of just how different they are. Their culture regressed while other people that settled developed
What the fuck
>one copy of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice please
This. Project Zomboid gets some stuff right like jumping out a window and breaking your leg and it taking in game weeks or months to heal essentially meaning you're going to die if you haven't built up a secure base with a stockpile of food and water but that game is essentially shit.
Having developed those technologies already helps
Okay, go make an arrowhead out of flint
>show 1 or 2 people digging a hole
>cut video
>several people do the work
>resume 1 or 2 people fine tuning their ditch
>after all that the 'pool' just leaves behind a mess that falls apart in a few days while drowning the surrounding trees
60h one life is simple yet complex
Good fun but tiring
Kind of thing you can play for days straight then rage out and never play for months in between
This game does
>lifting for women
never gonna make it
your gains will turn into flab and you will die a slave to a whore that has you in a leash
lost in blue
Sounds like This war of mine.
Any of these ripoff channels making anything with water also ends up being a stagnant pool of still water exploding the local mosquito population, so atleast they get some sort of punishment.
>arrowhead out of flint
Literally found instructions on how to make an arrowhead in under 10 seconds. You think some cavefucks have the same advantage as us when we have the access to the largest repository of knowledge ever?
Those sprites look way nicer than how I remembered them.
Is it still free?
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
>go through the game only accepting quests that give reviver seeds and max elixirs until you reach the fugitive section two or three hours in
>take your revivers out of storage
>stop worrying about items completely because you now have atleast 10 reviver seeds on you at all times
Dont try to pretend item management is at all difficult, even for a beginner. The game even throws apples and gummis at you during the only part of the game where hunger is even an obstacle, outside of Purity Forest.
Was about to post this but saw someone else did. (also known as stranded kids)
>seperated from relatively modern society for 200 years
Try tens of thousands of years you stupid faggot.
Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead would be my choice to suggest
literally the comfiest game ever
>rust is great if you have a 20 man clan and play rust full time or if you like being fucked to death as a solo player and being on servers that are either so crowded you get door camped every time you go home or so empty that you never see another player in 2 hours of playing.
Fixed that for you, bucko.
Well since you want community so much
Does anyone want to play Haven and hearth?
>How is this fair?
How is it not fair?
Aboriginals are some of the oldest people on the planet yet completely failed to develop beyond the stone age, hell they even failed to develop Neolithic era technology despite Australia being one of the richest and most habitable and arable countries on the planet.
Australia is literally life on ezy mode and they still couldn't achieve anything.
Am I the only one that sees James Franco doing shit in the woods every time I open a video of this guy?
>Australia being one of the richest and most habitable and arable countries on the planet.
finished watching our planet on netflix
we're not gonna make it bros, cyberpunk will never be real
I suppose you're right that you can just keep dying over and over again. I can't think of any penalties for doing so.
>Australia being one of the richest and most habitable and arable countries on the planet.
>literally 90% of the continent is unhabitable
>6% of the land is arable
>ezy mode with all the deadly flora and fauna
u having a giggle m8
Alright, now make one
>Australia is literally life on ezy mode
Yes it does but it's not "development".
Because there are none. Using a reviver instantly gives you a fresh pokemon as if you had just started the dungeon. By the time you get to post game your inventory should look something like
>first page 10+ revivers
>2 huge apples
>4 max elixers
And your hold item should be xray specs until you find a no-stick cap. Then eventually get a friend bow and slap it on when you get to whatever legendary youre recruiting.
Item management past Mt. Thunder is pretty much just horde all the revivers you can.
Godlike opinion.
The Long Dark is a perfect example of this bullshit.
I'd like to see a survival game have hunting like in hunting simulators like theHunter. Where hunting is actually just walking very slowly through the woods, using calls, following tracks, losing trails, setting bait, etc. But then rewarding you greatly upon success.
UnReal World does this well by making it nearly impossible to hunt any large game, but you're set for a very long time if you manage to kill something.
Early civlisation doesn't have any benefits if you can just move around and find tonnes of food.
>could never hunt shit in URW
>had to settle eating scraps from bush, and occasional fishes
Australia is fucking huge, we could support our current population with the arable land we have now, let alone handfuls of Aboriginals.
And no, 90% of it is not inhabitable.
I don't suppose the other PMD games are any better?
>Lost i-
>1 of 1 match
My nigga. Loved all the games The wii game didn't exist
>irrigate everything
hurr we could support our population with the arabe land we have now
anyway, aboriginals did farm their land by non-traditional european means (kangaroo herding, slash and burn, management of river ecologies), which I'm sure you learnt in school
>no game touches on true environmental and injury hazards, interesting challenges, but instead uses tedious resource drain
Haha yeah could you imagine if your real life was like that haha
There are little to no eddible plants, the environment is 6% arable, and the environment is subject to massive firestorms, storms, floods and cold snaps in the desert
what a monumentally retarded post, as expected of your average /pol/mong
hunting is too easy in URW, spears or bows then a bit of jogging then punch the shit out of it when they blow
Real life.
You're the one being a retarded nigger here. They had no domesticatable animals and didn't luck into any good crops. Abos got cucked quite hard.
Yeah those poor abos got cucked hard by nature.
>laughs in eskimo
>ITT: Seething abos
eskimos were just as useless as the australian aboriginals??? what are you, a halfie native?
You're giving abos too much credit.
Its fucking horrible what are you talking about?
>people hiding like little bitches in their base and just shoot people who they can see and never come out
>clans of 30 go up and fuck your shit
>hackers everywhere
>leave for an hour and you're dead
>need to farm for hours to make a decent weapon only for someone to raid your base
You mean
>laughs in whiskey
You also forgot that almost everyone learnt farming from someone else. They didn't invent it. And, with ONE exception (mesoamerica), the people who did invent farming were all in contact with each other. Farmable crops and animals could filter across Eurasia without being blocked. They couldn't get into Australia.
This is still an ahistorical perspective. People tend to believe that agriculture = amazing progress. It wasn't like that. Agriculture just allows you to have more kids and, eventually, conquer all the hunter gatherer niggers. Yes, agriculture also allowed amazing technological progress, but only after a good few thousand years of it hanging around. If you're not in the fertile crescent or indus valley then it's just not worth that kind of investment.
Mein negger
only the strongwilled survive
You work out to prove yourself to other men, intimidate them into cooperation or beat them
I may just have gotten from a bad source but wasn't Australia actually a beautiful jungle before Abbos started hunting with fire and burned everything to the ground?
what is rimworld
No, he's right. Pretty much everyone's into lean guys, but many girls aren't into bulky ones. I get it, 'cause I'm the same way -- cute guys are cute, but bulky bears are too far.
>despite Australia being one of the richest and most habitable and arable countries on the planet.
lmao what are you even saying
The Long Dark
yep. welcome to rimworld.
>some randomass game from '94 that nobody played
Maybe it did?
You tell us, user
That's not what development means. Even reapplying known things is nothing compared to inventing them. Is English your second language?
Only game that does it right is Unreal World
The animal is a wombat, I remember that clip vividly because getting trapped in constrained space terrifies me
This guy btw, he has some really great videos
Does rimworld count?
Solo/Duo servers mate
that post was the explanation of women's own psychology, not the man's
I know. It's not insecurity, just an aesthetic preference, which I understand because I also have it. It's pretty much guaranteed that a kpopthot is gonna have that preference. It's a damn useful one, too, because God knows I'm a skinny shitter.
There's the opposite, too. Plenty of girls love big bulky guys and just aren't into the slim ones.
No. I mean dispite it not being development
watch you all reeee but Dayz was the closest i ever got to good survival mechanics. most "survival" games are based on combat and minecraft building not maintaining your health. SCUM is supposedly in the same vein
Minecraft with the TerraFirmaCraft mod.
Needs more drama and psychology, I just go into full survival mode and play every character the same.
>start scenario where you father gets killed by a predator
>strip weapons from dad and set out for vengeance
>it's a fucking bear
>throw a javelin and hit it's front leg
>charges at me
>chunk another one and hit it in the neck
>starts running away
>tracking it down by following the trail of blood
>bear slowed to a crawl due to injuries
>start throwing every javelin I have
>every time I miss I swearve around it and pick it up, then chuck it at the fag again
>bear looks like a hedgehog
>still crawling towards me, refusing to die
>finally falls unconscious
>take out a club and start smashing his head for the next hour until it's finally dead
>turn the pelt into a cloak and burn father's body
>ctrl f darkwood
>0 results
>nips were isolated
Holy shit you're a fucking retard. I wish my country had the guts to sterilize your parents.
i usually play comfy mode, build a nice cabin near a river bend with a rapids tile, fish, grow hemp, milk my sheep
is a nice escape from my IRL stress
The Isle
>dey din do nuffin
>dey was isolated in sheet
they hunted all their megafauna to extinction and ruined their entire continent with slash and burn agricultural practices. This is a reason that only the most extreme/aggressive/dangerous organisms are left on that god forsaken continent. Their isolation was self imposed as they continuously sought easier and easier food to acquire until one day they crossed a land bridge only for it to disappear behind them. They are a failed civilization and should be eternally mocked, not pitied or empowered. Literal genetic dead-ends.
>Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
>So were the nips for 500 years
hmmm yes 500 years with regular european contact vs. 40,000 years with absolutely no contact
>abo is mad
This, horribly underrated game.
TFC mod is maybe the one thing autistic enough to satisfy me as a realistic survival game. Shame it isn't really worked on anymore.
The video where they literally just cooks supermarket food makes me seethe
Super is alot better about it since tiny reviver seeds which only restore your health and regular elixirs are added and are much more common than full power ones, as well as being a more difficult game in general.
Wands make it ez mode though.
I'd say Dayz but zombies really cause some issues. Other than that hunger and thirst are a challenge. Having diseases back in the game makes everything more challenging. And after all the recent patches the fact that you now limp after taking to much damage is impressive and a god send for pvp.
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
Mah nigga
That game is fun as fuck and a lot of those dungeons are a real pain in the ass especially the ones with monster houses.
Try the technodefirmacraft mod pack mein neger
plus some chinese influence way back that got their shit together in the first place
Lost in Blue
>no good special cave paintings
Not surprising that people don't think body's like Rich pianoman are attractive. There becomes a point where it doesn't look natural anymore so most people are turned off.
Of course I'm talking about roid sizes though
rust but only if you are locked to primitive tier tech no gay ass ak shit
Darkwood, especially on Hard mode. Scavenge for items and materials during the day so you can survive the nights in your hut. There's also very little in terms of grind and you also have to balance scavenging with exploration during day time so you can also advance the main plot. Since you're switching safe houses as game progresses and you unlock new areas it encourages you to make do with what you have rather than holing up doing nothing. Hard mode gives the game semi-permadeath with a live system and very rare non-replenishable 1UP items, so it strikes a nice balance between the easiness of Normal mode's lack of death punishment and unforgiving Nightmare that only gives you one live with one fuck-up possibly costing the entire run.
I wish something like Subnautica had that type of life system since in that death is cheap and only possibly results in more farming if you lost a vehicle, whereas Hardcore is too final especially if the game happens to bug out and something hostile like a Reaper suddenly clips through the environment on top of you or you hit an invisible wall while escaping.
Ark Survival Evolved is literally everything in that pic.
>berrypickers still complain sharp rock too sharp
Sharp rock only sharp when not use much
When use much, hands not get cut more often
This is just Youtube larping, walking around outside without shoes is a death sentence.
What kind of a pussy are you to be so scared of going outside without shoes?
No dude your feet lack callouses. Around a billion people walk barefoot daily and they keep having and feeding (too many) kids, so clearly they're not dead.
Conan exiles
It's like when women have tits the size of melons or asses the size of boulders, too much and it looks disgusting.
No mention of one hour one life? I thought it did it pretty interestingly despite the kindergarten tier art.
It was mentioned.
Fuck off man i walk barefoot on pavement and gravel all the time
the free version is still on the site but these fancier sprites are from the retail/steam version.
get em both I'd say support the cunts if you're able.
State of Decay 1 and 2.
Has anyone played Raft? Is it worth it? My hubby and I are looking for something to play that is survival based. We have done minecraft and Terraria but don’t know what to try next.
they themselves actually migrated to australia a really long time ago. If they weren't such subhumans, they would've discovered that the big rock ends somewhere and there is big water at the end of big rock and there are small rocks in the big water.
Rain World is the best survival game
Hunger and poison are dumb lazy mechanics
>developed more advanced technology
>Australia is literally life on ezy mode and they still couldn't achieve anything.
haha yes easy...
Project Zomboid
There's just so many details and things you can do with your environment, it's a bit overwhelming at times
>Australia is literally life on ezy mode
Australia is difficult to live in even for the modern white men
fucking why you disgusting neet
>Australia is literally life on ezy mode and they still couldn't achieve anything.
Seriously dude do you hate australians or what?
Thread theme: youtu.be
DayZ has a special place in my heart for showing how fucked up people would be if it came to it.
I'm sure that's ugly to some onions filled beta bitch
I would give anything for a game like this but with proper graphics and a third or first person perspective
>Throw a rock/ball/frisbee into a bush
>go to get it
>get injected with every combination of biotoxin and venom known to man
australia is the sekiro of earth
>SEA jungle monkey cooking channels
>jungle girls with their tiddies out cooking fresh fish, crabs, meat etc out in the jungle
I played it a few patches ago. I really liked it but there wasn't a ton of content back then. They did add some stuff in since then.
fucking this. I have 400 hours in this game. Built a big fucking mansion in the southwest area, double layered with fence and traps. Cows and fields inside. I bought some sort of shooting range where i place a cow and shoot with arrows to increase skill in bows. I have masterwork northern bow and a lot of armors.
Fuck the devs for so slow development though. Nothing changed in the game since like 2 years. Latest major update was the quest system.
..so this is who keeps VB in business
redpill me on this game
He actually uses Aboriginal techniques
Is that Joshua Ngoka, the inventor of the personal computer?
This. Escaping slavery only to starve to death in the desert and be torn apart by sandskimmers is top tier
Yes, but you have the resources to deal with an infected cut. We're discussing the flawed premise of Youtube videos, not your anecdotal hippie shit.
whatever this game is
Is this the dwarf fortress of whatever the game's genre is?
The long dark
I want a survivalist simulator game where your character doesn't know shit
>People itt don't even know abbos burned australia to the crisp it is today, because hunting by burning down the forest was all they ever knew
Should of been called manage all these vitamins before you die due to a lack of vitamin D while running across shitty laggy empty servers
legitimate cringe
hand wounds get me so fucking bad
Indeed. You can even puke, piss and poo on command. What kind of children is this game targetted for?
Im failry sure I bought that game due to that sole reason of being able to squat and shit but I refunded it soon after
chink kino
Japan was isolated for a long time and still managed to develop a civilised society
No it wasn't you fake history sperg
I bet you also think crusaders wore greathelms
I want a suvival game that gives me the same feel of this movie
>Japan's isolation policy was fully implemented by Tokugawa Iemitsu, the grandson of Ievasu and shogun from 1623 to 1641.
18 years. Such a long time. Japan must've gone back to stone age after this long 18 years alone.
You mean like nothing matters, every setback is temporary and you know beforehand that you're going to make it?
This, modded Skyrim is one of the best survival experiences. Just wish someone would make a full game that emulates it.
thanks for reminding me of how hard I laughed at that shite
All the women I know want fatter guys and disregard skinnier ones. I guess wanting thiccness isn't just a male thing.
Australia is so habitable they even live underground
>Needs more drama and psychology
You fool, finnish ubermenschen are immune to such nonsense. They are like stone, unyielding and uncompromising.
People in general have been pretty good at deforesting shit for ages
Next your going to say that Zimbabweans fighting rhodesians didn't know how to use the sights on a gun.
this looks perfectly designed to give you an eating disorder and probably body dysmorphia
Astroneer but you are not allowed to use the starting shelter. Rush shuttle and move to Calidor.
I honestly think 7 Days To Die has pretty good survival elements in place... for a 7 year EA game that can't decide on it's Alpha build.... it's really the bugs that ruin the experience. I dig it's survival gameplay though.
UnReal World
>single white man has created more with his bare hands in a year than the entire African continent has in its whole existence
> that /k/opypasta
does anybody have this game?
how bad is it?
there are pretty bad reviews on steam yet playthoughs on youtube seem like a cool game
is it another unfinished survival crafting sandbox cashgrab?
Seconding this. Finns have 100% full control of their emotions. A unique genetic trait that allows them to annihilate Russians when hugely outnumbered 20 to 1.
What's the point of even splitting that tiny piece of wood?
pick any farming game and plant a potato field
I have heard of that sorta preference, but I've never come across it.
Project Zomboid is nice too
>Australia being one of the richest and most habitable and arable countries on the planet.
how else would he edit his videos and upload them? At least he does more than fake Bear Grylls
>slash and burn,
unironically why so much of the land is considered not "arable"
Without white people constantly correcting them, Africans would quickly devolve back into tribal ape men. Their ability to objectively use logic and reason, and their ability to communicate those concepts effectively to other Africans is SEVERELY DEFICIENT.
Early Africologists who studied Africans for their entire lives all came to the same grim conclusion. Blacks are basically trained animals. They cannot sustain, and re-train the same skills to their younger generations.
In the same way you can train a dog to fetch but that dog can't train other dogs. It's an evolutionary quirk that they simply did not develop.
It literally is. So is Africa
and look what the niggers did with it. Fuck all.
The sims castaway for the ps2 was a good game
How can one person be as stupid as this user right here.
>tfw nobody can do or build anything without making Africa look bad by comparison
When is the western world going to cut all funding to Africa? It's been over a hundred years of zero progress. It's time to just let nature take its course.
>When is the western world going to cut all funding to Africa?
Would you like Africa to be China's bitch in that case?
> Finland
My Summer Car is unironically the best survival sim.
she was trying to look badass or something
White people are clearly too soft to be involved in Africa. They too easily feel pity for inferior people and begin constructing safety nets and hammocks everywhere...An unsustainable and temporary fix that only postpones a small catastrophe in favor of a much greater one. (I.e. letting 3 people starve to death a year vs growing a population 900x it's original size and letting EVERYONE starve when you can no longer afford to feed them)
China's cold, unfeeling, temperament would be more effective.
And the (tragically) funny part about this is, if they get it they'll just ruin it again and revert back to eating rats.
>Epic games store
>Not even related to China other than Tencent
>China putting Africa into a chokehold as a means to get UN votes as a way to push their agenda
>Who cares. Africa deserves it anyways
I hate all of you
/x/ once told me that abos where a failed alien experiment placed on Australia as to not interact with the rest of the world.
The fact that some tribes literally forgot how to make fire or forgot how to fish, makes me want to believe them.
Also, they can sleep in water which is really fucking weird and unnatural
easier to burn. If the wood is wet, it'll also expose dry wood that can burn/dry the outside.
unironically minecraft beta
Why would a man care what the insect does to the monkey? It's only when the insect starts to buzz around the human does the fly swatter come out.
incels aren't human nor men
lmao imagine thinking Abbos were even human
>shit talking the long dark
>literally the one game to make the gameplay cycle of survival work on its own
What did he mean by this?
just irrigate bro haha, like, just throw water on dirt, easy as that haha
I heard he's a real whizz-kid
It’s such a shame no one acknowledged Rain World in this thread. It’s a survival at its purest form. You have to eat and find shelter before the rain comes to kill you. That’s the most simple explanation I can give you to this once in a generation game. Great lore by the way
>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Those games were brutal
Shit, that's me
Which one is that? Honestly I can respect the Indian cooking channels more. The ones where they're some old dude in a village cooking things in bulk for the people.
Wonder how long he can resist perfidious Albion invading.
The Forest
The Long Dark
(pretty hardcore and exhausting to play imo)
Hey buddy wanna talk?
>Yes friendly
I got some canned food, do you have ammo?
>FOOD!? let's trade
What am i looking at in this webm? Are they trying to make it the the beach but they literally can't?
Nevermind I see what it is, and i'm retarded for asking in the first place.
I think they're trying to get to the camp.
that game isn't even close to a survival game.
yes, pic-related looks like it, but back then, when i played it, it had even waaay less survival-amount than subnautica or the forest
this is a totaly overhyped piece of trashgame
>The Forest
You're joking, right? Both of those games were alright overall but the survival mechanics were an absolute joke.
>Don't Starve
Only SP tho Together is shit
not him, but "The long dark" is by far the most hardcore survival game i've played.
There is little to no time to waste to stay alive.
playing it is......exhausting
...like propably real survival
you are right, they are very lite-survival, but the athmosphere was just great
the forest on hard-mode with very strong cannibals was still pretty difficult imo
New Vegas because it was an unintrusive mechanic rather than a monotonous focal point of the game.
I don't understand why the "Survival Open World Crafting" meme took off since Minecraft didn't launch with survival elements and I can't think of a single game that focuses on Survival/Crafting as the core gameplay that isn't abysmal boring dog shit.
>Some of the tribes lost the knowledge on how to make fire, user.
That is a myth.
On Tasmania the local Abbo were hunted into extinction. The remains abandoned use of fire because hunters(like with dogs) have easier job to find them and at the end only some old folks and youngsters remain.
>Australia being one of the richest and most habitable and arable countries on the planet
>On Tasmania the local Abbo were hunted into extinction.
Based tasmanians.
bodybuilders in general look disgusting
Honestly, why would you ever want to? What a dirty, weird thing to do.
i like outward's survival mechanics