Name someone more instrumental to the story of Elder Scrolls than Fargoth.
You cant
Name someone more instrumental to the story of Elder Scrolls than Fargoth.
You cant
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Sometimes, I like to create a Bosmer character identical in face and hairstyle to him. Then, in the dead of night, pick his lock and enter his house, completely naked.
I murder him. I take his clothes, and dispose of his corpse. The rest of the game is spent not taking quests, but travelling around Seyda Neen, simply being him. I sleep in his bed. I eat his food. I walk in the same aimless pattern he did.
And I talk to his bed friend, Arille. Though we maintain an air of friendly chatter, I can see the uneasiness in his eyes. All the villagers. They know. They're watching me.
I've passed 100+ game days doing this.
>first elf you meet in morrowind is called Faggot
What did bethesda mean by this?
Well that’s not fair, Fargoth created the whole universe.
This man.
filthy dumb bosmer scum
But the optimization is bad, how can I play the game when it runs like shit, like why is it that a game that looks like it was made in 2002, runs worse than a game made in 2019?
Here we go again.
OpenMW runs better than vanilla.
First bosmer, the first mer you meet is Jiub.
I will when I can have the draw distance of MGE XE.
OpenMW looks and runs worse than Sekiro.
It has that, as long as you only want to look at the terrain.
it's from fucking 2002 what does that even mean
No it's not.
So without the static and everything ? Because with MGE XE you have to create the models for everything.
Guess I'm wrong then, getting 60fps in sekiro while seeing constant drops in openmw must be my imagination.
old game+new hardware=bad
You're right, I don't know much about the story because I don't play shit games.
But it doesn't run better and look as good as Morrowind + code patch + exeOptimizer + 4gb patch + MGE XE which is how I play the original.
Autism Cat
I did this in New Vegas with Doc Mitchel. Made a character look just like him, named him Doc Mitchel and killed the real one, took his clothes and began living in town.
>not playing Oblivion instead
it's like you retards don't know what good games are
It must be your schizophrenia, user.
It doesn't run better but it's a shitload more stable.
looks like a star wars alien
>doesn't run better
it runs better and more stable
>Schizophrenia posting
When did this become such a huge meme?
Based Will poster
Then it only needs the MGE XE options and I'll use it.
>haha I managed to make an oblivion character look retarded XD im so original
People who still find this funny in 2019 have brain damage
remind me, what's this pasta from? it looks familiar
To be honest, I'm quite convinced I popularized it, but that might be my schizophrenia.
They both do it differently, OpenMW has a large tessellated plane that changes based on the players distance, the terrain within the currently rendered cells and the terrain outside are one single large contiguous mesh, there are no statics, it's not finished, in MGEXE, at least from my understanding it generates meshes for each distant cell and combines them into a single object, hence the player having to generate them, you can actually turn on wireframe and see that the close and distant terrain are two separate things, the OpenMW technique will do more for a lower performance cost, at least based on what I've read/heard.
Asolutely false, in a previous Morrowind thread some autist lost his shit trying to make this claim, we proved him wrong like the retard he was.
Last Morrowind thread some autist tried to claim that VanillaMW was actually comparable or more optimal than OpenMW, when it is nowhere near that, it runs like shit in comparison.
shut up schizos
>being so buttmad that people are pointing out openMW works fine that you carry your grudges over multiple threads
>tfw actually diagnosed
> I started revisiting Morrowind recently, installed it with the graphics extender and some texture mods.
> But it seems like I keep getting stuttering FPS no matter where I am in the game, graphics settings at max or at min, in an interior or exterior, with the graphics extender disabled or enabled, the stuttering doesn't go away. The game will drop 20-30 FPS every 5 seconds or so, happens every 3 seconds if I'm travelling, the game is nearly unplayable.
> My specs are intel i7, gtx 1070, 16gb ram, and I'm running on windows 7, for fuck's sake my computer should be able to handle this game.
The stutter meme is real.
>Asolutely false
With those 3 patches I don't have any crash. Vanilla obviously don't work, I can't even start a new game on my machine but that's not the point. And the 4GBpatch let the game use more memory so it helps a lot.
So it's still unfinished. Anyway, OpenMW is still not in version 1.0, I'll wait until then probably.
Try exe Optimizer and the 4GBpatch.
Could be water, I think it renders beneath every cell even if turned off, so if you have the OpenMW is both very close and miles away from being finished, it has like a few features missing for feature partity with vanille, but then it's also being held back so it can release side by side with OpenCS, but until OpenCS is finished many features currently ready to be merged into OpenMW are being held back because the main goal is to have a stable 1.0 release of both MW and CS and freeze them feature wise to exist as a perfect replacement for the vanilla engine.
4GB patch is included within the codepatch, you shouldn't be applying it a second time, I have no idea what that would do but I'd imagine it wouldn't help.
>4GB patch is included within the codepatch, you shouldn't be applying it a second time, I have no idea what that would do but I'd imagine it wouldn't help.
didn't know that, I reapply it everytime. Though it means it doesn't change anything since the goal of it is just to replace some stuff.
Can you make an oblivion character that doesn't look retarded?
What if the Doc Mitchel you killed was a past instance of you making a character that looks like Doc Mitchel that killed the real one and assumed its identity only to be turned into a NPC you wouldn't realize was already your PC?
it runs better than vanilla, what the fuck are you on about
It's just something good to know, maybe consider reading the Code Patch page to see if anything else is in there, not that I use vanilla, it's almost to the point where it's deprecated, although I say almost while ignoring that OpenMW will never be a complete replacement for Vanilla Morrowind, entirely because it will never support MWSE reliant mods, and it may end up fixing bugs that players used as an exploit.
Look, all I know is i'm armed to the teeth so the second I get a patient that starts morphing his head into Doc Mitchel his ass is grass.
>fo3,4 and nv can crash and stutter
>Oblivion and Skyrim can crash a d stutter
>but old Morrowind works perfectly fine
Thread from 13 years ago:
And guess what? Meme patches doesn't work:
>and it may end up fixing bugs that players used as an exploit.
That's why MCP is really great, it let you choose entirely what you want to be patched or not.
>but old Morrowind works perfectly fine
I never said that, I don't have any problems and I tried to help that guy with his but that doesn't mean it works on any machine. I have windows 7 but if you try on windows 10 it might be very different for example.
>it will never support MWSE reliant mods
Lua scripts? Are delusional or something?
>And guess what? Meme patches doesn't work:
Have you even read the answers ? The guy said he corrected his problem and it had to do with some hotkey thing on his laptop.
From what I've read OpenMW will never support the scripting functionality added by MWSE in the way that it's implemented by MWSE, so mods not updated fro the planned Lua scripting engine will not be compatible with OpenMW, which is the sentiment of that part of my post.
Well you got me. You win.
I win what ? Because I never said that morrowind was working perfectly everywhere either.
I just started playing Morrowind for the first time since I first played it in 2006 or something. The first time I barely played it and just fucked around a bit, so this is my first proper playthrough. Are there any essential mods? I’m playing GOTY.
You caught me lying and you won invisible smart boi points.
Was it really a lie or did you just not paid attention to what you were linking ?
Morrowind code Patch, exe optimizer (you might not need it) and for graphics MGE XE if you don't want anything more fancy.
Usually Yea Forumsirgins too dumb to read articles, so i thought i could get a way with this.
You could try sleeping for another 5-10 years and wait for OpenMW to be finished and make all your TES related dreams come true. Other than that, the bare min I recommend are the basics like Tamriel Rebuilt and Project Tamriel, as well as mods that fix and improve the Vanilla engine like Code Patch, Script Extender, and MGEXE.
Anyway here's some text from one of the programmers on OpenMW's Patreon
I worked on OpenMW's shadows until they looked better than those of the original engine and MGE XE, and am going to be working on further graphical improvements. Things I'd like to do include:
Creating a system for post-processing shaders, such as SMAA, SSAO and bloom.
Performance improvements. Everyone likes it when things go faster.
Better shadows. Stuff like having soft shadows or allowing point lights to cast shadows would be nice.
Modern rendering techniques like forward-plus or clustered rendering. Some of these will make things run faster, others will make things look better, and a few will do both.
Proper distant statics, hopefully without MGE XE's limitation that objects disabled by scripts are still visible from a long way away.
Adding ripple simulation (like the vanilla water shader had) and other water shader improvements.
PBR material support for more realistic-looking objects.
Helping add support for more model formats, such as GLTF or porting cc9cii's work on Fallout, Oblivion and Skyrim Nifs to work with modern versions of OpenMW.
And here's some interesting OpenMW videos.
Try a longer one next time, it had only 6 posts.
Dunmer girls are for high test chads. You win over her bitter nationalist brothers and control her whoreing ways and you are rewarded with the first blossom of a body that will stay supple and sweet for lifetimes
Or you end up with a 200yo girl who already had multiple husbands.
His Skyrim series shows how bad Skyrim is compared to Oblivion.
>implying its hard to tell whose an egg miner three time widow and broken on redguards
Vvardenfel ages people like nothing else. You can tell the maidens simply by virtue of not being blight storm withered hags.
Win her over. Plough her ghostgate and live a comfortable life fleecing the imperial dogs who decide to visit Suran instead of intimidating Vivec. Take your wife to temple, revere the tribunal and enjoy the best life
I want to be a Dunmer girl.
Well if you go with plebeian girls, that's true. But the ones with a more noble heritage aren't as marked by the difficulties of life.
Ashlander. Outlander. Native nobody or Great house member?
Post your character.
True enough. That said lower born girls are also less likely to come with the same lethal baggage as their hither ranking kin. Imagine for a moment a nice, proper Redorian girl. Sure you don't have to stop her getting reamed by orcs down by the docks. But her siblings are going to hire the Morag Tong to kill you instead.
Aiming a little lower makes the dream a little less all or nothing
Whatever gets me a Nord husband.
>not being the one hiring the Morag Tong to kill her family and everybody who gets close to her
Ah yes
A bold move. Killing the assassin could also work if you lack the coin or clout to start a feud with an entire family
Shit, just started the game after a few weeks of not playing and I have this bug, when I start the game it puts me directly in the game a bit north of Balmora, in the foyada mamaea with a basic dunmer named "player" with nothing on him except the clothes you have at the start. I was curious so I got to Seyda Neen and this is what I see.
It does the same thing every time I start the game and puts me in the same place. I can load my older saves normally but shit's weird, why can't I use the main menu ?
Watch the sky
>sHiT, jUsT StArTeD ThE GaMe aFtEr a fEw wEeKs oF NoT PlAyInG AnD I HaVe tHiS BuG, wHeN I StArT ThE GaMe iT PuTs mE DiReCtLy iN ThE GaMe a bIt nOrTh oF BaLmOrA, iN ThE FoYaDa mAmAeA WiTh a bAsIc dUnMeR NaMeD "pLaYeR" wItH NoThInG On hIm eXcEpT ThE ClOtHeS YoU HaVe aT ThE StArT. i wAs cUrIoUs sO I GoT To sEyDa nEeN AnD ThIs iS WhAt i sEe. It dOeS ThE SaMe tHiNg eVeRy tImE I StArT ThE GaMe aNd pUtS Me iN ThE SaMe pLaCe. I CaN LoAd mY OlDeR SaVeS NoRmAlLy bUt sHiT'S WeIrD, wHy cAn't i uSe tHe mAiN MeNu ?
Then what ?
>he wasted 5 minutes of his life for this
Fargoth will appear and turn hyperrealistic, blood dripping from his eye sockets.
Nobody made a tool on a website to do this automatically ?
Oh shit
Copy and paste into word and use shift+f3
Wife of a Great House council member that sleeps with other council members wives. uwu
That puts everything in uppercase, not just some letters. Or maybe I have a too old version of word.