Itt: vidya PTSD

itt: vidya PTSD

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DSP had a point here. crouch-jumping was never taught.

It's taught in the training segment of half life

I don't know about Black Mesa but it was for sure taught in the training level in og hl1

this situation showed one of DSPs biggest problems: when he doesnt know how to progress, he tries the most outrageous things without giving a single thought to how unlikely it is that the devs intended them to be the solution

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It was, but it was taught WRONGLY.
The room which had the corresponding prompt, also gave you an opportunity to progress through physical environment interaction (which you already knew how to do), which is exactly what DSP did, thus learning the wrong principle (from what I remember, he DID try to do the same at where the screenshot was taken from, lodging barrels in between of those pipes, and such - wasted a shitton of time there).
It's just a poorly made tutorial.

That reminds me. Does Black Mesa even HAVE a standalone tutorial, you know, a remake of the hazard course from the original Half-Life?

if the player isn't literally forced to learn it, it shouldn't be a necessary mechanic to advance at such an early point in the game.

While you detractor faggots wallow in your basements, the king gets his queen

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Please tell me, just how the hell is it possible to zero in on crouch jump on all things?

I am not even sure it's a thing in HeXen 2, which was also made on Quake1 engine with crouching mechanics patched it.
And it definitely isn't a thing in a single one of Build games.

Has DSP ever played a game like Myst or The Witness?

The makeup makes her look like Captain Disillusion.

This. I never knew you could even do that before this part.

Why did he put off panda for so long but hitch the horse instantly?

That is
not a particularly nice looking woman. Both her looks and her apparent attitude irk me quite a bit.

Well, the horse hitched him, obviously.

>getting married
begging for a JUSTing

The op is black mesa right?
Surely he would not play black mesa without first finishing the original half life.

but you are literally forced to learn it at that moment in the game or else you can't proceed

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He didn't play original HL. That's the whole point.

training map isnt forced

Except the game doesn't tell you WHAT to learn at that point.
It tells you earlier, but at THAT point, its application is NOT mandatory to progress and is, in fact, extremely easy to circumvent.
This is entirely developers' fault.

>Game has a tutorial to explain how the game works
>Don't do it
>Later on, don't know how to proceed
>"It's the games fault for not forcing me to do the tutorial"

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What cultures names with +-x=.,()?!#$%*/": or ; in them?

Robotic ones!

SMT sure is forward- thinking.

I-I guess I could use my real name...

That depends. Does it have robosexuals in it?


Then he's not worth worrying about.

Happy for him, waiting for my turn.

You don't wanna know

This, its in the goddamn tutorial level.

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real first name and fake japanese sounding last name

what move is this?

Crouch jumping is a PC FPS standard, everyone should know how to do it.

Pretty sure the tutorial teaches you that.

he fell for the marketing scheme
look up kat lore, this bitch is insane

>gets divorced
>starts begging on stream how he needs more money now

Charlie Tunoku?

John Josuke

Furious Fernando

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lol I quit playing here



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what the fuck even is this?

Flashback sequence in one of the Assassin's Creed games where you play as the protag from the first game, I guess it was poorly tested because when you're climbing that tower you get stuck on that ledge and can't progress for some reason.

He might be trying to divorce her to get her money.