So what the hell is it? Other than DOA EA trash
Jedi: Fallen Order
>the force is female
hard pass
Are they not using Frostbite?
Has ANYTHING new Stars Wars been any good?
Dunno, I'm praying if anything it's an RPG mixed with the gameplay of something like Jedi Academy, anything other than that I have 0 interest in it.
As for the engine, it could be Frostbite, or more likely Source due to Respawn using it for pretty much all their games.
I suppose we'll find out in a few days
Well, I'm retarded, turns out they aren't using either one but instead Unreal Engine 4
nah, it's shit. chuck wendig is leading the vanguard in the new eu department and he's the big name.
JK reboot
He's been fired like a year ago though.
Dude, he imploded on twitter and they cut tied with him after he kept posting his pornographic murder fantasies.
will it have batman combat?
>preset protagonist
it's trash
Lucasfilm control the license, they tell the developers how the game will be.
But it's still EA who's directing the studios.
Don't get your hopes up mate. EA have raped everything so far so there is no fucking reason to believe this won't turn out like bad diarrea.
god, hopefully not.
Hopefully a good game but I'm not holding my breath.
>releasing a good game
never ever
since we know they canceled amy henigs game because she refused to make a lootbox filled live service shitshow this game could be just that. also there is a slim chance this could be a pure single player game, more like an apology from ea (which would make the cancelation of amys game retarded as fuck).
pick your poison
It could be single player but they've figured out a way to fill that with lootboxes and other microtransactions.
>implying EA won't sell us half the game at full price while charging 80 bucks for the DLC and microtransactions for different lightsaber crystals and outfits
retarded animeposter.
>apologizing with a good game
Nigga you dumb as fuck you stupid animeshitter.
I mean as long as it looks and sounds like SW...
I honestly think EA is incapable of making a good game at this point. Corporatism affects every level of their game devs to make sure the games are as profit driven as possible. The game will be focus tested and mandated to be as safe and bland as possible. Microtransactions and DLC will be pushed heavily. At best we'll get a mediocre, but servicible action game, at worst it'll be a nightmare like Bioware's latest games.
EA honestly need to just stick to FIFA, Battlefield and Madden. They're the big money makers and there's plenty of retarded whales who buy that shit every year. I honestly don't understand why they even bother buying up actually good devs in the first place when they make most of their money with annual franchises that are far lower risk and much cheaper to shit out.
>mainstream music turned to shit
>Hollywood turned to shit
>AAA games turned to shit
I just want to go back to the 2000's lads. Mutts and their jews ruined everything.
Are you posting from the past, because they've already killed Battlefield the same as everything else.
>Ebbin Gay Semen
It'll probably end up as Squandered Potential: The Game.
star wars anthem/destiny
I like the Darth Starkiller suit except for the claws.
Here's to another flop.
We designed him like that as a joke.
I have some hope on Respawn, they never let me down
Them buying out and killing devs are just long cons to ensure that their sports shitter games are the only decent halfbaked vidya left. Screencap this and repost in 10 years when only madden and fifa names are out.
What the fuck
star wars has more bad movies than good ones now. Let it go.
>they never let me down
are you a faggot nigger by chance?
Not only that but once the shrill woman said they didn't want the old fans, I walked away.
tiananmen square massacre
jesus fuck that took me longer than it should've
Force dilation kit
They're just trying to make more money for shareholders.
Yes, sport games make mad money, but shareholders are not just interested in raw money, they're interested in growth. If EA ever peaks, they'll take their shares and leave. EA is trying to make vultures believe they can grow forever.
Capitalism bro
Honestly if we had socialism we would even have video games so we wouldnt know what we wuz missing bro
>So what the hell is it?
KotOR 3 spiritual successor. Chris Avellone is writing it and it's set further in the future after all the business with Kreia and Revan is long over (It's just after Episode 3).
>"Don't stand out"
>reveal yourself as Jedi and save lives at the risk of being hunted
>do nothing and remain unnoticed
That's gonna be the entire game, right?
Are we in for Apathy is Death 2.0?
Everything peaks and fall, user.
You can.only.hope it peaks again, instead of just diyng.
>ya but if we went full socialism
Never go full retard user, any form of extremity leads to destruction which is why US society is in ruins now but whatever.
There's still plenty of Yuropeen game devs in countries with both a combination of capitalist and socialist systems that churn out pretty decent titles most of which is a lot better than what's been coming out of the USA and Canada in the last few years.
>Mainstream music
>Good in 2000's
What the fuck
It's all getting streamlined. Big corporations buying up everything with broad appeal, then getting scared of not having the broadest appeal possible with every single one of their products.
Yes, some pretty catchy shit came out in that era.
Nowadays it's all mumble rap and Ed Onions.
AND FUCK THE EXILE (both literally and figuratively)
Mainstream music hasn't been good since the 80s
>(It's just after Episode 3)
i hope you don't mean were getting even more between rots and anh shit
"mainstream" music has literally never been good
It's me, Poppy
Poppy did nothing wrong
16 hours of training in and then you have to pay for your first lightsaber via microtransactions or get a weak one in game.
>Are we in for Apathy is Death 2.0?
Well Avellone is on the team, so there's a chance.
It's a remake of Jedi Starfighter 2 exclusively for mobile and oculus rift
>still no new clone kino game
At least BF2 can give us that I suppose
>Barrissfags Screeching that Barriss is an inquisitor in this game despite that she would have been executed
How many "I RECOGNIZE THAT CHARACTER" moments is it going to have?