Stop being racist. Install the Epic Store.
Stop being racist. Install the Epic Store
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Ok. Better than being a steam mutt.
People genuinely and unironically think steam is good?
Ah yes, the classic left wing strategy whenever you can't refute valid reasons as to why someone disagrees with your latest agenda handed down by your corporate overlords: call them whatever buzzword you've programmed the masses into believing is arbitrarily bad!
Fuck off.
Don't lump the left wing together with those libtards. By the same token I wouldn't compare a cuckservative like you to an educated right-winger.
Why do they refuse to argue in good faith?
Yeah fuck those libcuck marxist SJWs.
winnie the pooh
>it's another "go find some literally who twitter just to get mad about it" thread
/California people
I'll add extra point into "racism" skill.
I'm getting so pissed off I'm fine with being called racist now, fuck chinks.
Why the fuck does epic have anything to do with forced diversity? fucking fortnite has more white people innit than any other modern AAA
This tweet has one like and like retweets. How brain damaged do you have to be in order to go around looking for shit like this? Do you search twittter for "gamers" or "racism" and just sit there getting mad?
Go outside. Have sex. Stop the future mass shooter that's brewing.
>hehe its free!
epic shills still can't defend against the fact it reduces your buying power to two stores and shuts out everyone else and timmy flip flopping from "pc should be open nobody should be able to force themselves as the middleman" to "you don't decide, publishers decide"
now cue up the same meme images every epic shill posts.
seethe, tranny
The easiest solution to the homeless problem is for those hobos to go back to whatever state they or their forefathers came from. People thinking they can "make it big" in California has been a problem for well over 200 years. If it's not "I'll strike gold and be wealthy as fuck" its "I'll be the next big hollywood hit" or "I've got all these ideas and will be the next big name in technology".
>"exposing" a tweet seen by 3 people
>by letting it reach far more people than it would have naturally
Great job on that one, inceloid.
Reverse search the filename on fireden if you don't believe shilling is real
What're they going to do? Walk?
I don't get this image. Who is it supposed to be making fun of? Those memeballs are used to mock those ideologies, so why is ancap on the right and ancom on the left?
Looks like the bugmen are crawling out of their run down commieblocks
meanwhile it's based when tim heidecker exposes 15-year-old groyper avatars, right? it's based when david futrelle runs a blog dedicated to seething at no-name right wing tweets, right?
I don't need chink spyware on my computer, thanks.
I guess his argument is that people who don't like diversity in skin color also don't like diversity in gaming platforms. I can't see how else he arrived there.
Nigga they're homeless, not cripples.
>eyy no racist I watch movie by blacks for blacks
Fuck, that's me
Yes. Did they have somewhere else to be in a timely manner?
>educated right-winger
that's an oxymoron
I have it installed already and I'm still racist.
What now?
So they're just supposed to walk from Cali to Maine or wherever? What're they supposed to eat on the way?
>e-everyone is part of some ongoing culture war!
Don't shoot up a mosque.
>All of that.
well? is it based?
Handouts from other retards, duh. If no one was dumb enough to give these people any sort of money then they'd all die from starvation and none of these homeless people would be a problem now, will it? Regardless of state, someone's always going to be a "good samaritan" and give these people a buck or two for food or booze or drugs.
Shit, look at the threads its in an watch this.
You realise you can walk all day in some parts of america and literally not see a town, right?
I'm just gonna save that pic with the same filename just to make valve drones seethe
You realize that's a problem for the hobo and not for me right, or that human beings can survive more than one day without either food or water?
you're mistaking shilling with autism. you attack an autistic manbaby's tribe or interest and he's going to spam you with the same memes and images 400 times over the next four years in return. do you think ACfag is a corporate shill, for example?
>identifying as left wing in current year
thats gonna be a yikes from me
Not true. Most of them are snakes though. All the uneducated ones are just brainwashed "NPCs" ironically, same as "libtards".
It's true though. I hate chinks and I hate communists.
>SJWs are on the side of Epic
That's how you know that Steam is the correct choice.
>Rainbow Flag
Oh look, there is the reason why I will ignore this shitpost.
They didn't pay for them to be shot on sight, so I suppose it's not as bad as it could be.
because you're exactly the kind of bigot that fag was talking about?
The left wing needs more people like you user.
TRANSLATION WHEN? I will never find out why they are so smug.
No games except ones made by valve are exclusive to steam. Some are just exclusively on steam.
That baby is giving the bedroom eyes.
Imma fuck it.
More like
>I can't prove you wrong, but some of the people that agree with you are racist so you're wrong
Plz no, I like the amount of butthurt Epic gives Steamsois, but I can't enjoy the SJW rage.
Usually I would agree with you here, but the only people who are on epics side are the paid shills constantly spamming about epic, that or they are just very bored trolls
Personally I welcome epic store, it's the only way valve are going to be forced to actually make games again, also if it ends up becoming the standard I can just pirate everything.
Go be the 40% faggot.
this kills the insect
ACfag is different, we're looking at people who spam Yea Forums with the exact same anti Steam threads every day
I think the connection between dudes complaining about forced diversity and dudes complaining about game clients is that: they are all complaining to people who don't care about things that don't matter while they continue to not get what they want as the world marches on
user NO
user YES
>family sharing
its fucking shit
if you want play the shared game the parent account need not to play any games
This tweet has 2 replies and 1 like.
Why do you people go out of your way to find things to get upset about?
>its another "I put everyone I dont like in the same group" episode
Is your IQ literally room temp? Do you have any brain function left whatsoever? Because you're really trying your hardest to look like a complete Autist who doesn't understand at all how this world works
I can't imagine a single person, even an autistic on, would be awake nearly every hour of the day dedicating their time to reposting. I mean if it was a sole autist there would be posts upon posts of angry ravings, but this is more like a group of people reposting something to meet a quota or something.
>local user can't read
The retard broken English makes you easy to spot you yellow fuck
Don't forget
>n-no, 30% is too much!
>w-we don't know why it's that high!
i am not telling that epic is great or i gonna ever use it
but family sharing on steam is classic bait
also fuck yourself amerifat
>fuck homeless people
These fuckers are all virtue signalling and no payoff.
>No games except ones made by valve are exclusive to steam.
>Post games made by valve that are on xbox 360
Did I miss something?
>I can't imagine a single person, even an autistic on, would be awake nearly every hour of the day dedicating their time to reposting.
So you've never been to Yea Forums?
Steam is the white man store
house nerds are going up against the wall
They would die from the heat
>whenever you can't refute valid reasons as to why someone disagrees with your latest agenda handed down by your corporate overlords: call them whatever buzzword you've programmed the masses into believing is arbitrarily bad!
sounds like you're talking about conservatives though
Did they empty their pockets for small change?
>falling into the trap of grouping the entire economical/societal left together into one term, proving you're as uneducated and dull as the people you're trying to insult
Big yike from me
You idiot. He's contradicting your statement, but in a way that puts Valve in a positive light. By putting out the fact that the orange box was available on the 360 he's saying that not even Valve games are guaranteed to be Steam Only.
It's a stupid thing to point out because consoles could give less of a shit about whether or not a game is on EGS, Origin, Steam, or Uplay though.
>think of the devs
thinking of me thanks retard
They should do what they're doing to not die from the heat in California then : fucking sit in the shade until it's cool enough to go about.
>Install the Epic Store.
I will once it gets some games I'm intersted in.
>be in US
>make epic account
>buy game
>incorrect email put in, can't redeem game
>can't change email
>epic support cannot assist
>can't refund game
>credit card purchase done in Kyrgyzstan
>start receiving spam phone calls from Nigera
Yea its totally cause I'm racist against the Chinese? has nothing to do with the poor support, security and lack of refunds.
So because there are higher overhead costs in some countries the 30% cut is justified everywhere? I'm sure Americans would love to pay more for their games because in Europe there is a 22% VAT on sales in some countries. It is only logical. Then everyone could have the same sticker price.
What I find surprising is them ignoring Epic trying to become a monopoly and LITERALLY pride themselves into not catering to consumers but to publishers and big corps.What sense does that make? They raise the prices of games anywhere not in the U.S, so fuck you if you're not American you pay more for games.
They get off on having the "moral highground" in their mind. So they try to force it by any means neccessary.
Except with Steam no one pays more, retardo. Valve eats up all those costs.
i'm laughing but if I ever find you I'm fucking you into the dirt
You're the one suggesting they walk off and die on the road, rather than stay in a city and live off the generosity of strangers.
Don't suggest a solution to a problem and then act put open when you're asked to explain how that solution would work.
But some people could pay much less if Valve passed the true costs to the consumer and had a smaller cut, instead of comfortably "eating the costs" within their huge ass cut.
>You're the one suggesting they walk off and die on the road, rather than stay in a city and live off the generosity of strangers.
No. I'm saying they walk off and live off the generosity of strangers while fucking off back to where they came from.
What is that image trying to show exactly?