April 2019, I am forgotten


There, I summed up the last few weeks of discussion before everyone got tired of it - this game is dead

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I am not tired of discussing Claire.

so what else has been going on in your life the last few weeks OP?

How do you even expect people talking about new things about single player game's gameplay and content after few months?

People still discuss New Vegas and Souls games years after

I would not compare discussing about open ended games with character builds and large modding communities to discussing about linear action game.

It's a remake of a game from over a decade ago that was part of a huge franchise. Do you want us to talk about lore?

It was a great remake but everything that can be said about resident evil 2 has been said.

No one discusses New Vegas and as for souls, not much. Sekiro currently has that, but DS1 barely.

I think this game is shit but even I think you're retarded. What more is there to talk about? The game is a singleplayer game with a beginning and end? And it's not comparable to things like New vegas or souls games because 1, it's not a choose your own adventure/rpg type game and 2 it doesn't game gameplay mechanics that challenge the player. It's a straight forward game, with straight forward mechanics. That's it.

Either than that, people can talk about how they failed to remake the game and do it justice but most of the people who think this don't really care enough to convince other people that they like shit, so they just move on.

I really don't understand what you want people to say about this game.

What a brainlet you are

gold edition when

>giving a shit about claire when they gave us Leon rendered as twink perfection

I like this new coping method


At least you don't have to deal with your threads being 95% homo degeneracy, like DMC threads have become.

I still like it

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New to dmc I see, the series was always cursed to be like 80% gay porn for some reason.

It's just on this god-forsaken board. Somehow the /vg/ general is actually far better than the Yea Forums threads, something that is basically never true.

>for some reason
DMC is fujocore

DMC needs more hot chicks - only time I'd argue for diversity.

Because it's true. Do you want the honest truth of why people discuss certain games over others? I was describing why people talk about Souls and New vegas over Re2R specifically. There are other games you can list and it could either end up being because of story, music etc. When it comes to Resident Evil 2 Remake, there's really nothing to discuss. Nothing it does is memorable or special. From music to game design, nothing. The only thing people can talk about, like i said, is how it fucked up the scenarios but besides that, there's really nothing to talk about.

modern nintendo hits (breath of the wild, super mario odyssey, and xenoblade 2 all get discussion often)
every modern fromsoft game (except sekiro. most of that ""discussion"" is blatant shilling and the game is extremely shallow so expect discussion to die out within months)
nier automata
persona 5
animal crossing
devil may cry 5 probably will get discussion for 1-2 years after its last dlc
if you actually participated in vidya discussion on this board rather than flocking to bait threads and shill threads, you would see this

Nintendo's entire fanbase is bullied autistic kids, how have you not realized that and left them to it? There are supposedly grown adults talking about zelda.

There isnt much to discuss when we already know about the story.at least REmake one have Lisa Trevor soo we can discuss something New.Even RE7 forgetable as It was have discussion about what the Hell Chris was doing.
That is why i want soo much RE8 over REmake3


>There’s a new Resident Evil 2 Remake DLC for those who don’t want to bother going for unlocks the hard way.

>The aptly named All In-game Rewards DLC for Resident Evil 2 Remake is just $5, and it unlocks the extra campaigns for the fourth survivor, as well as Tofu.

>More importantly, the DLC also unlocks all bonus weapons (with infinite ammo), bonus costumes, and all model and concept art in the game’s gallery. Of course, all of these can be unlocked by playing the game, but not all of them are easy or straightforward to get.

>Setting aside the weapons, the DLC is a good opportunity for those who didn’t finish at least one campaign for both Leon, and Claire to access the Hunk, and Tofu campaigns. The All In-game Rewards DLC is available now on Steam, as well as the PlayStation Store, and the Microsoft Store.

Discuss this

How was RE7 forgettable? Jack was the best.


We have threads every day. We have THIS thread every day too.

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>he thinks everything has to be a general
I haven't seen any KH threads lately and you dont see me bitching about it

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I hate it. They should make real DLC; Ghost Survivors was nice and free, but it wasn’t really anything special and is just as devoid of replayability as the main game, only worse. They should make story DLC that shows the downfall of the police station or that shows how Ada escaped Raccoon City, if not both. Also, a Mercenaries or Extreme Battle Mode for fuck’s sake. RE7 had Five Hours in the Baker’s Basement at the very least, but the fourth Ghost Survivor is a poor man’s substitute for something that should have been in the base game.

I 100%ed the game in about the first week it was out and this is harmless. There are scrubs out there that wanna get the wacky rocket launcher for their funny youtube video and don’t have the time or skill to dedicate towards getting S+ ranks. It’s not a multiplayer game anyway, so whatever

You can't. Shitposters are fucking retarded.

Tfw sewing Ada made me depressed my girlfriend is a fat white woman

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People are only talking about souls because of Sekiro and New Vegas has plenty of mods to keep people interested. Re2 has nowhere near the same type of mods NV has.

Are you retarded? You expect a linear survival horror game to get the same amount of discussion and open world rpg with different builds available and different outcomes for questline?

I literally got the platinum trophy, got Sekiro day one, got bored after 3 hours and did another Claire run. Its just way too much fun.

Game was a critical and financial success. It was a story-driven game, so of course once everyone has finished it, there is very few to talk about. It is not a game-as-a-service. You are just cucked by other companies to think that games have to be relevant during the whole year which is simply not true.

I dont care i already got everything, i dont care what others feel the need to do.

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The chicks get less screentime to the hot guys, that's why. Lady and Trish barely do anything in dmc 4 and 5, and were only really prominent in the games they showed up in. Kyrie didn't even get to make a physical appearance in 5.

>breath of the wild
>being surprised the zoom zooms love nintendos first ubishit tier open world of a massive map with not enough content to fill it up save generic shrines

Sounds about as useless as the red orb microtransactions in dmc5. Only used by impatient zoomers who want the big boy toys right away.

Was there a mercenaries or extreme battle mode in the original re2? (not that really matters)
>but the fourth Ghost Survivor is a poor man’s substitute for something that should have been in the base game.
You mean no way out?

My issue with that, despite holding me up for a week being a brainlet, was the whole thing is scripted, enemies come out are preset points, just like the base game, giving you a chance to just memories sequences and get better, nothing dynamic at all to throw you off and make for a more varied experience other than the odd zombie at the start swaying into the doorways making you miss a few pitiful shots

They had a chance to really randomize enemies and they didn't, like come on there is enough room to throw in a tyrant in there (maybe super to kill him at least)

It's goty so far. Also one of the best REs.

You are retarded. Resident Evil 4 and RE1 Remake are replayable despite being SP linear games with no updates. There's just no fucking content in RE2 and RE7. They are both shitty games that focus on photoscanned actors and muh graphics more than the gameplay.

Because it underachieved and didn't replace the original.

Still the best thing to come out of the franchise since Outbreak.

RE2 is a blatantly rushed game. The difference between the first remake and the second is that the first accomplishes everything it sets out to do, fully redoing the original and adding extra on top whereas 2 remake is one full of compromises and cut content that the original had.

Ignoring the botched scenario system we have the following.

-Cut 2nd run character streets before station (Roundtable actually showed gameplay of streets near that side-gate, it got cut)
-G-adult as a compromise for removal of various enemy types
-Chemical plant+Marshalling Yard cut
-Every boss re-used for both characters aside from one
-Ivy's replaced with boring plant zombies not out of creative reasons but to avoid needing to animate an enemy from hand and just use mocap instead
-Everything to do with Annette being a bipolar cunt and her deaths makes the game feel blatantly unfinished

I really like remake 2 but I'm still disappointed in it. I wish you fags would hold it up to the standards as a game made over 20 years ago by a team half the new team's size with a smaller budget made in 2 years.

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But Claire is a good topic

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This thread was about a game being dead because nobody talks about it. Nobody on here talks about REmake 1 or RE4 so does this automatically mean they have no replay value? No. Replay value does not go hand-in-hand with people talking about a game. Also the fact that you picked REmake 1 and RE4 kinda shows that you are just a triggered Nintendo sucker that is mad recent great RE games did not come to underpowered systems. This is not Capcom's or the games fault, it is Nintendos fault for building weak systems.

>inb4 muh portability
Yeah hope you enjoy playing old games on the go because you certainly won't be getting any of the new ones.

Still my game of the year so far. What else do you want me to say about it? Why should I keep talking about it, and what else is there even to say about it? I don't want to be annoying.


4 I can agree with, but re1 remake and 2 remake are about the same in length, one might seem better only because the game doesn't have as many clutches

>set enemy placements
while both the same I found 2 made sure to have them in places where combat was viable and not a desperate battle or even avoidable, say the licker out of the window, you can just cheese that
>the tyrant, while ever present, has limited tracking due to fairness
why won't he go into the stars office, because he'd block you in, same for most save rooms
>very few rng moments meaning speed runs are a matter of time, not skill
so much for dynamic difficultly, play on hardcore and everything is set in stone
I wouldn't call it rushed aside from B scenario horseshit, but not having Shinji Mikami had a clear influence, he might have kept the spiders and moths, and fuck the lab's only real "specimen room" was the greenhose, only failed creatures were the ones in birkin's lab

As for the ivy those were fine but if that's the reason that's bullshit, just have a guy leaning over and animate its tendrils

2 was the best game this year but if this is the true gold star (year isn't over) it proves gaming is in decline

RE is not a game you play for months OP.
Get you are ass out of you are head.

>but re1 remake and 2 remake are about the same in length,

But not cut from the same cloth of quality.

There's a reason we still discuss San Andreas but 5 is forgotten

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I don't even mind the cut enemies, they barely appeared in the original. I don't even mind Ivy's being replaced. If that was all the cost to making both campaigns more different then in the original I would've been satisfied but it wasn't.

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>less enemies a good thing!!!!1

This is why Sekiro will always shit on western inspired garbo like RE2 demake

Nah its alright

It seems to be they spent all the time making the RRPD look and be amazing, because the game falls apart once you have to leave, I admit sherry's bit was nice but the rest was all meh

The cut enemies I'm impartial towards, the damn alligator should have been what the g's were and the g should have remained as boss status, the lab could have had so much more to it but its just a straight way towards the end

I've never understood the demake retards argument of

>W-w-well spiders weren't prominent anyway!!!1

So make them prominent you fucking retard - it's a FUCKING REMAKE

Take your meds michael

I honestly like the sewers over the original.

I didn't like NEST much, mostly for the west wing just being a straight line with absolutely nothing interesting.


Remake suffered from deciding to not make a B route and then due to backlash quickly throwing together a rush job of a B route and no zapping. It's a good game and I can see it getting zoomers into the series and more use to more slower paced shit compared to RE4-6 type shit but it doesn't replace the original. I'm still optimistic about the re3 remake. That said, if they don't have Jill's outfit from the original as at the very least a classic outfit you unlock after your first playthrough, or fuck up her face as much as they did Claires they can fuck off.

Take a nap michael

>A-a-anyone who criticizes demake is this guy I strawman!!!1

Is this guy from RPGCodex Michael? Are the 1,000+ negative user reviews on Steam Michael?

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Seek help michael

But Shinji Mikami wasn't in charge,nor was the original guy, and obviously went by what people talked about, hell we almost lost the alligator which I gave even less of a shit about and its inclusion is token at best

At this point, its not even a remake, but a homage to resident evil 2, I'd like more enemies but what we lost didn't bother me much, rather I felt like we needed more to it, would a spider crawling on the ceiling be as necessary as the far more deadlier licker, how much of the crows did we loose to make them relevant

We lost something, we needed something, I just don't feel they were necessary for the direction they went, but for a remake the moment they made the tyrant a constant presence has lost all credibility as a remake, he was just a "hi and bye" thing and could have EASILY being more discard worthy than the spiders, but no they made him a meme and many were scarified for it

So in short, this is a homage at best

I dunno about re3 remake. It felt like they could barely handle making the actual city part of the game for 2R and the majority of re3 is set in the streets.

>it's another "soulsfag has to remind everyone how much better is super hard game is in a thread that has nothing to do with souls" episode
When will we stop having this rerun?

There's just not much else to talk about in regard to the game anymore. For now, at least.
Did my first run since DMC and Sekiro came out the other night and did pretty well, about 5 minutes off my PB.

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I want to see Claire Redfield in a hardcore situation, if you know what I mean.

Let's see how they can fuck up 3 shall we?

>Julia Voth/whoever it was for revelations isn't the capture model
>Nemesis is a direct copy and paste of the tyrant, including no rocket launcher or running outside of mandatory boss battles
>No boob tube dress for nu jill because MUH FEMINISM precautions somehow thought it was necessary

Or plan B

>Its re4 but in racoon city and nemesis can be dodged with on screen qte's

They did want 3 to be more action-y but wasn't until 4 came that they got the action part right, re3 remake would either rip alot of re2re's mechanics or it would have to be a whole new game and that sets it up for a fall

Bend over

Things to discuss with RE2
>Are you a Leon A or Claire A man?
>How many items do you leave for B scenario?
>Do you get the costume key from Brad?

Things to discuss with RE2 remake
>Uhm... uh... err... what about... no... hmmm

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Not in a milion years michael

Doesn't unlock the cat ears so it's useless.

I'm happy with how the RE2 remake turned out. My only real complaint is the B Scenarios being gimped. Regardless, it retained the core essence and feel of the original pre-rendered REs while also giving it a modern presentation.

The cat ears only work within those modes so its meh tier

I'd rather an infinite magnum over what I slugged my way through

> it retained the core essence and feel of the original pre-rendered REs

No it didn't

>while also giving it a modern presentation.

I bet you think the nuGhostbusters was good too

I know, but the dlc is just not fun and I need the dlc mr raccoons and finishing the final scenario outside of training to get my platinum and I want to cheese it. The bullet sponge artificial difficulty bullshit was a mistake.

The Best anwser on this whole board, No shitting or dick sucking;
Just fair praise and criticism
Take notes every one and that includes you too,michael .

Stop smoking meth michael

*Blind praise and not real criticism

Sure michael sure

>Nemesis is a direct copy and paste of the tyrant, including no rocket launcher or running outside of mandatory boss battles
That seems too retarded for even capcom to consider doing.
>No boob tube dress for nu jill because MUH FEMINISM precautions somehow thought it was necessary
They still kept Leon and Claire's original outfits in 2 as a unlock when you do your first scenario, they'll do the same here and she'll have a different default, maybe even just do something like Ada and have her wear a jacket at first and then take off the jacket later at some point.

I beat it 2 nights ago after starting the game a month late and no way out isn't *really* that hard, every enemy that pops out is scripted in appearance, if you can keep the hand gun usage down and try not to use your combo herbs before 20 kills you stand a chance, even the helmet zombies go down in 2-4 hits to the chest if you want to save that first sparkshot for the poison zombs (and if you're in fine/caution when they show you're doing well), just cap their heads with it and watch others shudder

Im a brainlet and fuck up under pressure and failed my 4th attempt with 98 because I literally stood there while a pale head raped me leading to why I took so long (spent a week on this one stage), but I took the time to unlock the rocket launcher and minigun in the main game, I coulda cheesed with the machine gun alone but there was simply no need, hell ditched the infinite knife because it took up inventory space

You can do this just fine user if I can do it, just let the gun focus and learn to make the zombs lunge and outrun that, once you get the other weapons just remember, shotgun for DELETION and flamethrower for crowds and hold down that damn trigger dont tap fire

Thanks man, gonna give it a try with your tips

>That seems too retarded for even capcom to consider doing.
If they outsource it like the rumors say, its a possibility, I have my own idea for nemesis personally

>runs in large areas but walk in smaller ones
>rocket launcher can be used at random but he'll give audible warnings ie STAAARS before he fires and only fires in the direction he's facing as he calls giving you time to evade without looking at him directly
>hiding spots in larger areas to evade him but on higher settings he'll break these spots so you can't keep hiding in that same bathroom stall
Well in re lore tyrants went by smell so it works for me, but all in all the tyrant's mechanics should be a base and expanded upon, but kept fair too

>They still kept Leon and Claire's original outfits in 2 as a unlock when you do your first scenario, they'll do the same here and she'll have a different default, maybe even just do something like Ada and have her wear a jacket at first and then take off the jacket later at some point.
I hope so but I see them nerfing jill's top, she ain't gonna be uses the same model as re1 remake's unlockable re3 one that's for sure, but just to say your point doesn't match with what I'm saying, I'm saying capcom might play it safe and avoid any sex appeal

>maybe even just do something like Ada and have her wear a jacket at first and then take off the jacket later at some point.
I can see that happening as a bait and switch.

Guess there isn't much we can do but wait and see. I can see Nemesis working like that though, though maybe tracking you a bit before stopping and then firing. They didn't really cut down on Claire, they just fucked up with the face model and made her look like shit.
>inb4 some assblasted waifufag shows up defending her shit face

Just watch a guide, but note they do get tougher after the 40th is downed, so ditch the hand gun if you're gonna go full retard after, BUT if you're doing a good run, have 36 like I somehow had within the 80's considering keeping it as a clutch weapon

One of my failed runs I had 10 zombies left, there was a supply zombie and since I discarded my pistol with 20 rounds safe to use I was fucked because I ran out of everything, fucked up on some pale heads meaning I used 4 rounds instead of 2 and missed a few shots with the sparkshot (which I will remind, use it when things are safe and calm and at a distance unless herb guard is in effect, if zombs are all around move towards the one you shot so you at least kill the fucker and not lose the charge and after you used up).

Speaking of sparkshot, with the first one try to get headshots on the first 4 enemies (poison if possible) and the body shots for everything else, when shit gets crazy going for headshots and missing will fuck you over

Claire's facial model is fiiine and from some angles the ingame works out but up close you can see they exaggerated her too much

The model is perfectly fine, but there face scanning shit seems pretty hit or miss. Ada looked great, Lady was okay and Trish and Claire looked fucking awful.

I thought trish was based on a tranny unless it was a tranny that just looked the part

Don't remind me, it was just Clairecucks spamming images of her and writing up autistic shit shipping her and Leon, and SEETHING anytime someone said Ada was better looking.

This shit was such extreme case of wasted opportunity and appealing to the lowest tier zoomers out there. For the most anticipated remake ever, it completely blew it all up and ended up being worse than the original game.