Why don't weeaboos (NIER), furfags (Undertale), womyn (Crypt of the Necrodancer, Transistor)...

Why don't weeaboos (NIER), furfags (Undertale), womyn (Crypt of the Necrodancer, Transistor), understand why Cuphead won best soundtrack?

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Cause I’m too smart to understand retard manbabies?

Despite being immensely overrated, the one thing that Automata did perfectly was the soundtrack. Cuphead's was phenomenal, but Automata unironically has the best soundtrack of any game in the past decade.

Yeah I really don't. Other 4 easily had better soundtracks.

Literally nobody is surprised that Cuphead won best soundtrack. Literally.

>he looks into the aybss of retardation to act like a faggot
getting real tired of you, putting me to sleep.

Sure the game was all the rage at the same time the votes were up but this is some delusion

Post best Cuphead track

undeveloped taste
cuphead should've win best music and art direction two years ago

Stop arguing with sadistic people.

>waaah waaahh why do people have different opinions

>I'm too smart

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No one with a brain will dispute it winning best soundtrack. Nothing compares to the production value, authenticity of the era it represents, along with it just being jammin'. Weebs can die, even though I like most games in general including weaboo games and western games, cuphead's soundtrack is amazing and they are out of their depth.

>it sounds old like the game so it's the best XD OLD GOOD
fucking cuckhead fags I swear


I like electronica as much as the next guy, but Cuphead's music has soul

The others like Nier and Undertale are for niggers to one day put shitty rap lyrics

Everything said was correct whether you greentext or not.

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>he thinks the reason people like the OST is because it "sounds old"

lol retard

Oh so its one of these threads, got it.

>feeding energy vampires with your retardation
learn from this, just dont say anything next time.

you are so brain damaged that the word soul makes you feel like you can disregard facts and shitpost. Some people cannot handle the internet

>feeding energy vampires
>with a post on an imageboard

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Have sex

lose weight

Name one (1) memorable song from Cuphead.
I can't. I could name a few from Nier or Necrodancer though.

Floral Fury

Botanic Panic
Hi-Sea Hi-Jinx
Die House

I don't remember any songs in Automata aside from Peaceful Sleep. Undertale had some pretty damn good tracks. But Cuphead? Perfection. Can't wait for more big band from the DLC.

Man you guys really can't cope that your game's ost lost to a better one can you. You are either shitposting or haven't played cuphead

I played through Cuphead. Have absolutely 0 memory of any of the songs.
Sure there was background music but it didn't stand out.

I preferred the music in Neir, but Cuphead's music was such an integral part of the game. Try playing it without it.

I didnt come into this thread to do this back and forth shit with you faggot.

>Cuphead Music didn't stand out
Do you hear bigband everyday user?

>lying on the internet

Then leave nigger

>it's an OP wants to argue to waste time thread
kinda sad

you can't use the n word on 4channel.

>it's good because it's unique
it didn't stand out from the overall theme, it just was there

These games didn't even all come out in the same fucking year, what the hell is this shit

>all these brain damaged people
Jesus christ no wonder the gaming industry is dying when people think that their beep boop music and weeb shit can compare to Cuphead. Truly no hope left in man.

If I was brain damaged I'd listen to gay mickey mouse shit like Cuphead lmao
>le trumpet

>it was just there

Yeah right, look user, you keep forgetting your opinion doesn't matter if you don't make a good argument.

>Truly no hope left in man.

Except it won (which I didn't believe at first because of the amount of furfags and weebs and women on Steam)

Maybe you don't in your shitty little African village, but I do.

This is true, maybe like a few heroes remain, like 4

>trying this hard to fit in
Lurk more

post tracks retards




you have to go back, and stay. Your karma points are showing user


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>Lurk more
Ironically, those trying too hard to fit in randomly spout oldfag shit like that.

You both need to shut the fuck up niggers

How am I trying to fit in retard? I'm going against the common opinions on this place.


I've never even played the damn game and that shit is baller

The introduction song is better than all the other osts in that line up combined

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>human waste is better than poop, shit, and fecal matter you guys!
All just idiots smacking drums and pianos, all sounds like when I'm having a diarrhea

>I'm going against the common opinions
Exactly. I bet you "hate" video games too.

>I dont like being here
I'd tell you to start your own threads and try to find an outlet on this board that doesnt cause tension but, you do know you're dealing with jaded faggots right? You'll get other predictable replies talking about reddit, but I'm letting you know you're retarded.

Why didn't you paste "on this place" retardo? It doesn't fit your retarded narrative? Lol

>resorting to literal shit flinging
The state of people with no musical knowledge or taste.


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I can't even remember the motif for the entire sound track on either cuphead or near a tomato
But I listen to cotnd and transistor regularly

Who says I don't like being here? Been here for over a decade shaping this place, making it the ocean of piss it is now, I'm not going anytime soon.

>giving a shit about the least significant rewards in the whole industry

Did your bleeding vagina make you vote Hillary or was it just your black heart?

Cuphead won because big band is a nigger genre and they give brownie (lol) points to diversity

disregard this I sucks cocks

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I don't think anyone even knew about it here before this post.

It was a user vote

Also I don't like nigs or (c)rap music and still like Cuphead

? Cuphead won because it was the least shit... I wouldn't even call Nier's stuff music

They did.
This isn't the first time op has posted this thread

They were all pretty good, I'd be fine if any of them won.

They hate what is honest and true
I still comeback to Cuphead after going out and play for 20 minutes before crashing

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There's even a huge difference between old Hiphop and new Hiphop, you can't compare it to bigband.

>I don't like nigs but I still like nig things

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>B-b-b-blacks invented playing instruments

White jazz artists > black jazz artists

ITT: OP gets outshitposted

my brother

one drop rule, whoops you're a faggot

The Steam awards are a joke. it's literally just a popularity contest for every category. Cuphead won because normalfags had heard about it, and the internet hivemind dictated that it wasn't as cringe as Undertale.

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Or because it actually does have the best OST, which it does.


I love how it sounds like something you'd hear in Grim Fandango

Based as fuck
Never played the game, but that song reminded me of those old disney movies with the bad guy singing

complex =/= better
complex = more rewarding to play
at best

>steam users
>implying normalshits would even think about voting

I didn't vote, didn't even remember there were some awards going on at the time and I'm here everyday.

>argue with me
Make better topics of discussion.

I remember reading about some white jazz artist on wikipedia that had all the blacks mad at him because they thought he was colonizing jazz. Any jazz experts here who have any idea who it was? I can't remember.

Good to know things never really change.

>complex =/= better
so cuphead isn't better than those other games

looks like I don't have to

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now that there's danganronpa and necrodancer in the same thread, did you know there's a DR soundtrack remix made for Necrodancer

For me, it's Japanese jazz.


Cuphead had a good soundtrack but it only won because it was so heavily stylized that it was more memorable.
Prove me wrong.

Are you okay retard? I said one drop rule isn't better

Holy fuckola, these songs are making me cringeola

Music awards never go to the right people
It's a fucking crime that that shitty song from the circus movie was nominated for an Oscar over open up your eyes

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haha oh wow, weebs man

>it only won because it is better

Of course? How else could it be?

Please give earrape warning next fucker.

Crypt of the Necrodancer and Dagonropa have those kinds of songs that are the classic cringe

>I only listen to video game and anime music *dips fedora*

Nice choice

>Crypt of the Necrodancer
nigga what

The fuck?

hey, didn't ask for your bad taste

Nier has really good music but a bunch of violins in a video game soundtrack is getting pretty old. It's rare to hear brass in vidya.

Link a Necrodancer you'd be okay with being caught listening to

3D World
Mario Kart 8

All I can think of.

If think that sounds good, you are a child fucker.
You can't find any
outside of arias ascent that is

I wish I was. That's illegal though

You have bad taste in music.
Yes you reading this.

>That's illegal though _>

Anything that has any orchestral music at all has brass in it, unless you specifically mean jazz/big band brass which yeah that's basically Nintendo+Cuphead

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vocals don't belong in vgs

I get why Cuphead won, but I literally listen to Transistors soundtrack on spotify. I have a playlist of just Darren Korb shit, and plenty of his songs are good songs period.

persona games would be a lot worse without vocals

Yeah, it's illegal.

>vocals don't belong in v-

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Floral fury hands down best track

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Why can't I be a weeb and like Jazz?



Because Electro Swing is a fucking overrated genre enjoyed by hipsters and faggots with no actual taste in music but think they do because they like something that sounds older than their grandparents when in reality it just makes them look like they deserve to be put through a great depression and have to stand in line for soup and bread.

If you go to store page of Nier, Transistor, or Undertale, you will find that the first user defined tag is "Great Soundtrack", which is not the case for Cuphead, which is a good proof of a massive circlejerk itt.

What the fuck is electro swing and who was discussing it?

Because "Great soundtrack" is literally a filler category meant for games with no gameplay.


Sounds like something from Underbound.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Earthbound OST, but I wouldn't want anyone to know I listen to it.

If Undertale can get the "Great Soundtrack" tag then I don't think it is a particularly meaningful tag.

Do you listen to music for yourself or for others?

>being ashamed of liking video game music when even what you people call normies have varying taste
You're not in highschool anymore, user.

Bit of both - I like knowing about music I didn't learn from the equivalent of a cereal box

op, if you're going to argue at least pick one

I'm not that guy but now THIS is cringe. It's one thing to cover video game music that was originally live but covering beep boop music with live instruments is so fucking cringe.

Hi, OP.


Yes EB has some great music (and possibly has the record for the most music in a SNES game)

What about it?

>beep boop music
>used samples of actual music

Like how do you explain the goodness of EB to a normie? A lot of why I like the soundtrack is because of nostalgia from when I first played it and my relation to the SNES as a system as my favorite game console

That's hard to explain

Cuphead's OST is generic as fuck. It's competent and perfectly fitting but in the end it's just shit that gets bonus points for sounding old.
Undertale's is even worse though.

you forgot to post the best song

It's beep boop music, it was made to be listened to in a specific way. Have you ever heard the "restored" versions of the DKC soundtrack? Those were samples of live music as well, but it was composed specifically for the lowered quality on the SNES and the restored versions sound shit.

>Have you ever heard the "restored" versions of the DKC soundtrack?
You do know those are fanmade recreations, right?

>how do you explain the goodness of EB to a normie?
Fucking everyone knows what Earthbound is at this point
I suppose in '94 you could say it's some experimental stuff that sounds like the Beatles

>Fucking everyone knows what Earthbound is at this point

loooool - this is what living in a bubble sounds like

>This was made possible by locating the sounds from workstation keyboards and drum machines such as the Korg Wavestation, Roland S770, and Roland R8, and plugging them into the music instruction data ripped from the game, plus a little mixing magic to create might have sounded like with the veil of 16bit compression lifted. Part of a project to restore the entire DKC series soundtrack
It's not like they arranged it and every by themselves and recreated the whole song in their own vision or something.

Practically anything that tries to be a quirky RPG cites Earthbound as an inspiration. Are you going to pretend Undertale and LISA are obscure after YouTubers memed so much?

>I don't like it so the people who do must be hipsters
I don't like it either user, but the only faggot here is (you)

they sound like crap because despite them being "restored" they added bizarre fucking reverb and some sounds are kinda off. gangplank galleon is a good one while most of the stuff they've redone for 2 sounds BAD.

Do you talk to adults at all, zoom zoom?

No offense, but I have people I talk to about nerdy shit and then regular shit with normies. EB is nerdy shit no matter how normalized it's become on YouTube.

>It's beep boop music, it was made to be listened to in a specific way. Have you ever heard the "restored" versions of the DKC soundtrack? Those were samples of live music as well, but it was composed specifically for the lowered quality on the SNES and the restored versions sound shit.
Have you never heard of a cover user? That's literally the point

Automata has like, what, 12 good (legit) excellent tracks. But half of those are variations of already existing tracks, and of the remaining half, another half are reprises of the first Nier.

XC2's is far more impressive, it's a massive 100+ tracks OST, hall of those being 5/5 stars track, and the other half is 4/5. By its quantity and quality, it's only rivaled by FFIX's soundtrack.

Can we have a discussion without you throwing out flavor of the month buzzwords? Besides, Earthbound is trendy nerdy stuff now. You know, the Big Bang Theory type stuff like gamer hats and carrying Pokeballs in public.

>EB is nerdy shit
It's more like hipster shit.

Hipsters only know surface level EB because every youtuber spoiled the good parts about the game already

anime website