R.I.P. amagami

R.I.P. amagami

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is he involved in the amagami translation? I can't find anywhere besides his twitter saying that

Imagine being an EOP
You deserve your trannified soicalization

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>eop problems

the more we expose these guys and the games they're butchering, the more we can avoid them and ensure they'll be out of a job

I love this shit. Fuck you weebs and your shitty incel games.

looking at his twitter he is an actual translator/localizer, but he's just a huge amagamifag and isn't being serious about working on amagami so don't worry lads. in 6 years you'll have the nishishi translation to enjoy. or you could learn japanese in the meantime and never have to deal with these ``people''

Not my fault English took over every language. Maybe if you stopped using languages that make you sound like you're clearing your throat like arabic, constantly shouting like german, or braindead like finnish which is probably because the average fin is braindead from their many, many suicide attempts, or filled with dumb shit like pictograms instead of actual fucking written words, people would have cottoned onto it for more than the truest translation of gay loli sex.

based, fuck weebs

>anthony israel
every time

the person on that photo needs basic hygiene tips

Fins sound like elves

>literally who visual novel
Not video games.

cool 6 years of nothing

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>it's another brazil nigger thread
none of you know english, japanese, or your native tongue of portuguese.

t. rannies

Localization is becoming more and more filled with people who got into it solely to poz Japanese games

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dumb amerimutt

It's a joke. One Angry Gamer was dumb enough to not take it as a joke. Amagami is not actually being localized.

you wanted this Yea Forums

Can a brainlet learn japanese in 6 years if he is also studying math during these 6 years?

>Go to hotel
>Book a smoking suite
>The reception gave you a nonsmoking one because smoking disgusted them
In every industry the consumer is god. Why should vidya industry be an exception?

This is why you should learn MOON

>999 listed as separate from zero escape
what did he mean by this


What is it about Japan that attracts weirdos from both ends of the fucking spectrum. You can have feminazi weebs and white nationalist weebs in one place

How long would it take to actually be able to consume japanese media at a level above retarded if I throw like 2 hours a night at learning the language?

what the fuck race is that faggot?

Because they're different games

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there is no such game as zero escape
zero escape is a series which 999 is a part of


virtue's last reward you pedantic ape

holy fuck you're dumb

>Constantly shouting like Germans
Haha, I've also seen that YouTube video, funny as h*ck!!
Have an (You)vote!

faggot conspiracy theory from conservashits

>the daigo umehara of dating sims
Daigo is a fucking legend. He's literally a Japanese national treasure, what the fuck has this schmuck done to compare himself to Daigo?

Feminazis somehow think it's a society that's very welcoming to mentally ill people like them because a small portion of the society has weird fetishes. White nationalists are attracted to the strong sense of 'us' Japan has, as well as the blatant unapologetic racism and mockery of social outcasts and think white nations should learn from them. Normal people are either attracted to the history, the culture, the food, or the masturbation material.

gotta agree with the other user you're dumb as rocks go google 999 and VLR's full titles

I doubt the fan translation is even still alive.

>2 hours a night
40 minutes of flash cards, 40 minutes of reading, and 40 minutes of listening (Ideally speaking) daily will get you really far pretty quickly. If you honestly kept that pace you'd be able to play most games in about 6 months. A word of warning though, it's work. Boring work. Especially the beginning when it's almost 100% route memorization.

look up that nigga's portfolio. that's obviously what he meant

because you'll still buy it cuckold

well last update was from 19 march 2019 but fuck all has progessed

America is an incredibly patronizing country towards it's own audience, and despite all the big halo of "cultural relativism" and "breaking down the homogeny of the mainstrea, white-dominated culture", it actually absolute rejects the notion one's cultural norms should ever be challenged or questioned.
This is a problem that runs very deep into the culture and history, and isn't by no means just a modern SJW and political push invention. The idea is that Americans can't deal with non-american view of the world.

This shit has been seen since the begining of nerd culture in the US. We can go all the way back and see how UTTERLY butchered Princess Mononoke's translation was for the official release, and how US actively sabotaged many Japanese products that were even slightly confusing to western audiences since the ninetees.

America has a cultural standard where translators and localizers simply believe their audience is not capable of dealing with anything that is not typically american. The political stuff only started being an issue where "being SJW MEANS being American" ideology has also began to seep in the culture.
But the problem has far deeper roots.

Wait, wasn't Zero Escape the third game in the series?

when is some obsessed weeb going to go apeshit and cut one of these fuckers to pieces?

Welcome to the soviet union. All party members are trained to have correct opinion and help you have it too da.

>jo-ke? what's that?

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imagine how much of a degenerate you have to be to take issue with christ centered gaming, arguably the most unbiased and factually-based review site on the internet

Obsessed weebs would just learn Japanese.

Zero Time Dilemma

liberals dont make jokes

Because its an extremely young industry that for the most part has been looked down on by mainstream audiences, media outlets and government officials as essentially a separate brand of children's entertainment for almost 30 years. It's like this for every industry, the boom years are wild and unregulated until it becomes so mainstream that standards are made and enforced by government and people can't get away with as much.
Why do you think gaming journalism is such a vile cesspit of sum and villainy? It's because no mainstream outlet sees it as legitimate journalism so the regular standards and ombudsman don't poke around and kick out the shit. people can write some wacky shit and get away scott free, but if a normal journalist wrote it they'd get the boot.
People like this get away with scummy practice and behaviour because no authority pays attention, and because the things they do are exclusive then people will still buy because they can't get it anywhere else. Its the same reason you'll never get rid of criminal drug dealers while drugs are illegal, or why cunt youtubers get away with scamming children.
They're bullies who tell you what to do and you have no recourse but to support them