Are you willing to play games that are ugly as sin?
Are graphics the most important thing in games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yea Forums will defend Mario Odyssey and its disgusting green.
Reminder that Digibro doesn't play the games he reviews on I am Games and when he plays games himself he usually turns down off the sound to listen to podcasts or his own music.
Do not trust this man's opinions on games. He's good at articulating himself but don't fall for it.
I only play games that are ugly as sin. Fuck Botw and fuck Mario Odyssey.
I guess your answer is no.
Digibro looks like a fucking crackhead
Why do people trust his opinions on anything? Dude looks like a literal autist who fixates on youtube analysis instead of toy cars
Depends, if the concept is compelling I'll give it a shot. I recently got Darklands, its a fucking DOS game that looks like pixelated vomit, but its about historic medieval germany if all the medieval mythological creatures existed and the systems in place are basically medieval serf simulator, so I'm giving it a shot and having fun. Its only when a game is old as shit but also mechanically really frustrating to control, like those FPS games that'd make you use your mouse to move or something, then its time to give up.
gameplay > music > graphics > story
That is not. He has many interests.
>drinking heavily
>doing drugs
>watching porn
>uploading videos on pornhub where he talks with panties on his head about porn
So what dumb thing did he say this time?
that dude has a really ugly beard.
Because he's good at talking, so people will listen to him. People don't have high standards, they'll eat up anything.
And he actually knows a ton more about anime than your average fan. He's not always right but it's less insufferable than almost all other anime youtubers.
Digibro is a fucking brainlet -
Mumkey did nothing wrong
digibro is a fuking retard who dropped symphogear
He's extremely pretentious. He's the definition of insufferable.
fuck off you youtube pedophile
I listen to the Dick Show and don't think this guy is terrible on there, but it fucking infuriates me he doesn't edge his beard. A beard isn't an excuse to completely quit giving a fuck you lazy cuck.
can I get a TLDW on this
he's got some good videos about behind the scenes anime shit, which makes for good watchlists.
Other than that, he's peak pseud.
Maybe insufferable was the wrong word, he is sometimes. But his content is o dnot quite as trash as most others. Sometimes he actually tries to something new and be creative.
He's a bit pretentious but not in a bad way. He just doesn't like eating shit and pretend that it's great.
He makes videos like 'The most boring taste in anime' or 'Here's every show I ever watched' I mean he is interesting as an example of review culture taken too far but that's about it.
I know this is bait but ill bite,
List of highest selling games:
-Grand Theft Auto V
-Wii Sports
-PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
-Super Mario Bros.
-Counter Strike: Global Offensive
-Mario Kart Wii
-Wii Sports Resort
-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
None of these stood out cause of the graphics when they released, except GTA V
FUN >>>> GAMEPLAY > Story > Music > Graphics
Do you mean graphics or design? People play a ton of retro games with shitty graphics, but most still look aesthetic
But Mario Odyssey even looks flat. How much fun can you have on a flat map in Mario game?
Is this the guy that embarrassed himself on Destiny’s stream?
I don't need to explain myself, goddammit. If it looks ugly it is ugly. I don't need a reason.
Yeah, he's a total brainlet.
I only know Digibro from the Dick Show and he seems like kind of a retard.
I don't hate myself enough to listen to Destiny's awful grating voice and obnoxious cadence. Sorry, faggot.
They better be fucking good, like Kenshi.
Otherwise, they better look great, like Horizon.
quick Rundown?
PCP Tier list
God tier:
Ben Saint
Top tier:
Best Guy ever
Great tier:
Endless Jesse
Good tier:
Tom Oliver
Okay tier:
>liking Ben Saint
accurate list desu
Watching that right now and it's hilarious.
Digi just applies his typical argument for sujectivity (which is correct) but in the completely wrong context.
What's more funny about it is how he gets asked about school classes and shit. Digi fucking hates school with a passion, it's too perfect.
He's going full post modernism, I don't know this Destiny guy but seeing him take Digi apart is a real treat.
Best to worst:
My favorite game is a PSP game, so I think I'm ok with bad graphics
>Not liking Hippo
>Acknowledging Jeff
Artstyle matters more
Hippo is weak.
I legit have a hard time keeping him and Davoo apart sometimes.
I even forgot he was the one that did the Kirby videos.
Weak personality, almost non-present, like a ghost. I'm not even sure if he's the Lord of Ghost or if it was someone else.
if a game has shitty graphics, then the devs probably suck
Arguing bout the most meaningless shit ever, fuck destiny, fuck digibro, and fuck you user for wasting my time
Realistic graphics are a meme
Two retards arguing bout what makes a good point a somehow both being wrong
I exclusively play ugly games
Morrowind, Diablo 2, Deux Ex, AoE2, AoM..
Those looked good when they came out
Mount and blade?
Age of empires 2 looks good fucker
Yes I play old games all the time.
But I hate playing recent games that don't have top of the line graphics too.
So long as graphics aren't so bad they interfere with gameplay
Some games rely on graphics to make the gameplay better, like survival games and shooter games where you need to be able to discern things in the distance
Art style will always trump technical prowess, which is why windwaker is still perfectly playable but older call of duty games feel awful after playing modern grafix
whats actually important is of course gameplay, but also on top of that the ability to run on low end PCs. this is a big part of success of games like minecraft and counterstrike. availability via pirating also drives awareness and then sales. AAA studios dont realise any of this though
It has to be tolerable. I couldnt get through Drakengard 3 cause the framerate drops made me want to tear my eyes out. I did play all the Senran Kagura Games and invested a little too much time in Dungeon Fighter Online.
If you think only graphics matters, congratulation you got brainwashed by the industry.
Games were already good before and we (even you) liked them even if they weren't running in 4k 60fps. Personally, I'd rather play NES/PS1 games than the new generic shooter extremely realistic
And pedophilia, you forgot about that
digibro says you can still "win" an argument even if you make bad points if the audience knows that the conclusion you make is right
destiny argues that's retarded
Considering that the audience is the one who decides the winner. Yeah destiny sounds like a credit to her gender.
Are you willing to defend art?
The audience are boot lickers from both sides.
This destiny queer doesn’t ‘debate’ with people who know what they’re talking about because it can’t give him a clickbait thumbnail with a :O face and youtube drama points (since e-drama equals “I’m right” to many egos and untalented channels rely on it), but the moment he starts to waver he rage-quits the debate and does the most dumb apples and oranges comparisons ever.
Funny how he’s very liberal but thinks non-whites need the good old white saviour to save them because they’re too stupid. Thank god this lanky manlet doesn’t come up in my recommendations. These drama channels have zero talent.
Pleasing aesthetics are a big factor in games for me. If I can't get into how it looks/feels I will drop the game. So no, I am not. But Super Nintendo had beautiful games, even the PSX sometimes. Old isnt ugly, and power isnt pretty.
Destiny is a cast member on this d&d show run by a guy I like, I can't watch it because apparently Destiny is the biggest fucking metagamer on the planet, and very quick to jump into PVP
Only if it doesn't have neon colored explosion.
magenta and teal particle effects are fucking awful
Super Mario Bros. was a graphical marvel at the time though. You have to remember that people in the west had just come off of games from the Atari 2600 and other machines like it, so to see a game side scrolling as fast as Mario with characters and environmental detail to it was something new outside of arcades.
>”if violence is okay, why not lolicon?”
>ignores context of violence (murder, war, genre, etc) that can be for many things but forgets lolicon is intended for arouse otaku in the way it’s framed
>The ‘free speech’ meme
What are disgusting looking human being holy shit. Isn't this the anime pedophile guy? This is what I imagine all people that are into loli look like.
Meta gamers are the freaking worst. When GMing I will fudge dice rolls against the player whenever they try to use out of game knowledge. I fucking hate it.
Are you alright man? Srsly there are a lot of idiots on the web. Don't let one live in your head rent-free
admit that you got out debated and loli art IS art get fucked
He has an ego bigger than his micro-penis and gets very insecure when he’s not right. He resorts to stupid points when faced with people like nakedape and that metokur guy.
There’s better things to do than listen to nerd drama.
If a YouTube channel resorts to drama, they’re lost any credibility and never had talent.
>tfw you used to be friends with Munchy IRL until he got sucked into the PCP crew and stopped talking to you
Feels bad man
>‘free speech’ meme
fuck off and die, faggot
Graphics are important. Nothing excites me more than a technically impressive game.
yes, i dont care if the game looks like dog shit, just as long its good. heck if it was like the most photo realistic but the game was bad, i wouldnt care
Sure is but it’s use is always sexual.
Look at the framing of the scene and the genre of the show. Please show me why it isn’t.
Meh... most open world games are pretty boring. The least they can do is make it comfy and give us nice vistas.
>He fell for it
Whoa, easy tough guy!
Why is it always dumb privileged westerners who dislike freedom of speech?
I wish games looked realistic, but so few of them do. What you think looks realistic is in reality cartoon graphics with realistic character models.
His failed attempt at rebranding himself into an anime-focused Hunter S. Thompson will never stop being funny.
If the game is fun
Though I hate it when games try to go for that "retro" look
Quality SFX is unironically more important than GFX
My only request with graphics is that the information displayed is legible. Usually my cutoff is somewhere around the older DOS games although there are some exceptions there too.
Man he's really turned into a faggot since his pony days! I guess this is what happens when you go too far down the weeb hole!
>Are you willing to play games that are ugly as sin?
Depends on the game and generation. It wouldn't be fair not playing a fantastic game like FFIX in favor of a shit game like FFXV just because FFXV is the far better looking game
Sorry Jack
this guy looks like a homeless critikal
Digibro is such a retard
But I'm glad he talked about her comic, even if he was the only one
>he usually turns down off the sound to listen to podcasts or his own music
i do this too but only after the first playthrough. Never during the initial run unless the game's soundtrack/voiceacting is unbearable.
This guy looks like a sex offender.
skyrim looked like shit when it released and it's still popular because of mods and releases
He's an anime fan who browses Yea Forums
theres nothing more insufferable on this earth than these debating youtube channels
I don't get why people would dislike Digi. He makes great videos and doesn't look half as bad as 3 years ago
I agree that he is a faggot but fuck right off with that jab at free speech, you fucking gulag
went from looking like a hobo cultist sexual predator
to somewhat normal and presentable. Dude definitely got a woman in his life that isn't his mom.
>he usually turns down off the sound to listen to podcasts or his own music
His favorite games are Dark Souls and Zelda so it's not like he is missing much.
In terms of personality, I'd say it goes
If Mumkey were still in the group he'd be below Munchy. And Davoo is that low because of how long-winded and autistic he comes across. I am sure he's a good kid, but his voice annoys me terribly.
I hope this pedo is the first one to get the rope when they finally ban loli porn.
>when /pol/ are being SJWs
whatever pedo
When it comes to visual design art style is what matters, not the fidelity of the graphics.
Stay mad
post more, pls
shut up nigger, go back to reedit
I love Abi!
peni hehe
/pol/ likes lolis
Those faggots are just reddit niggers that pretend that they've been here all time.
Whiny bitch
I like where this thread is going.
Yikes look at that complete lack of chin
No wonder he used to grow his beard out so long
hippo, muchy, jesse and davoo are the chillest and coolest. everyone else is a fag autist who cant stop bitching about worthless trash
>And Davoo is that low because of how long-winded and autistic he comes across
He just wanted to talk about raisins
yea everyone is playing Division 2
Isn't he the one who keeps sperging out and crying like a bitch because people are trolling him?
Reminder that fucking furry's are more accepted then lolicons.
You fags are disgusting.
/pol/ aren't the ones trying to ban lolis.
He’s only really metagamed a couple times that I remember, not more or less than the others. The gnome on the other hand metagames nonstop, and has shit rp on top of that.
Yes because unlike anime, television and movies, games are not purely a visual medium.
anything mumkey does is the equivalent of the autistic kid in school who would punch others for fun even when everyone around him was obviously unconfortable and annoyed. If he sends out his legions of other retards to send your mother dildos and threats, im pretty sure youd complain too. I get the retard mumkey was either a spoiled edgelord or that his drunk dad beat him, but no need to excuse him or blame jesse.
>running damage control for animal rapists
You will never succeed in censoring art. 1776, bitch.
>All these ben fags
What in the fuck
He's almost as unlistenable as Mage
Jerks it to illustrations oooofff little girls getting...
>Super Mario Bros
you are either a brainlet or very very young
>I don't get why people would dislike Digi
Because he's a retard who thinks being loquacious is a good substitute for having taste. I watched his two-part review of K-On a while ago and promptly decided that nothing he says is worth listening to.
God Tier:
Top Tier:
Good Tier
Hippo (is up in god-tier in any other context, but doesn't shine on the PCP where everyone talks over him and he's too shy to interrupt)
Ok Tier:
The rest
Bad Tier:
Havn't listened to a full episode in over a year though.
Holy shit thats the most default response you could've made
Move story to second if it’s an RPG
All the people on PCP are dogshit. Mumkey, Ben and Best guy were the only decent ones. Them kicking Mumkey is makes me hate all of them though, because its such a bullshit thing to do to your friend.
Also, that Munchie is the fucking worst, even worse then Digibro. Hes so insufferable I have no idea how they can tolerate him and encourage it.
Most accurate list so far. Jess belongs nowhere but the very top
Hi nate
Why have literally none of your fucking cretins mentioned DUSK?
Munchy's a babby, I'm pretty sure he only recently turned 18.
No surprise he's loud and excitable, especially in person.
because it isn't ugly?
He explained it in his Deagle nation video that he wants to be a living shitpost like Deagle, but he seems to skim over the part that Deagle was an actor.
Also, its really fucking weird all these dudes in their mid twentys are hanging out with some teenager.
No he was better when he wasn't acting like a salty bitch like he is now
Yeah I have no doubt that the PCP was a pretty bad influence on him.
Is he now? I haven't been in touch with him for years now; I remember him spitting bantz left and right.
Only a stoner could believe something as complex as games could be reduced to one attribute like "graphics" or "gameplay".
Yes, in fact I'm super hyped and replaying kingmaker just to get by
Digibro just comes across as insufferable. First off, it really bugs me that he unironically calls himself an "anime gonzo journalist" when he does no actual gonzo journalism. The guy's got shit taste, but people listen to him because he admittedly has some charisma, usually when he's not on camera.
Munchie's gotten a lot better with age IMO, he isn't screaming as much anymore or pissing into bottles. That and he talks more levelheadedly now, especially whenhe was talking about going to college and Digibro was being the same smug asshole as usual about everytime someone has an opinion he doesn't agree with.
>it really bugs me that he unironically calls himself an "anime gonzo journalist" when he does no actual gonzo journalism
This. You're a fucking vlogger, Digi.
Shouldn't even dignify with a response, but graphics are the least important aspect of games.
The reason modern games suck as much as they do is because entire budgets are blown on pretty graphics, leaving devs little time and money to make the content of the game good.
Look at Final Fantasy XIII. It was in development for almost 5 years, and it's 90% hallway with shallow combat and tacked on momster hunts as "content"
But why? Surely SE, one of, if not THE biggest game dev in the world could have done better...
Well they did, in a manner of speaking. They did better in graphics, sound, animations and making sure every single line is voiced.
If they had used a simpler engine and uglier graphics, they could have made an epic for our times instead of a pretty hallway.
Look at the PS1and 2 FFs; VII is the ugliest, but is the bedt of them all, VIII is prettier and has lots of tacked on busy work, but is a decidedly worse game. IX is even prettier, and is a hallway with no options for the player for 30 hours, X is even prettier and is presented as a literal hallway with "color by numbers" combat.
Funny thing is that FFXII has simpler polygonal models than FFX, and the environments are larger, have more shit on screen at once, there's more actual content, player options out the ass and etc.
It's the same no matter what series you talk about. As budgets and graphical prowess grows, games shrink. When a game has simpler graphics, they turn it around and make a far better game.
Fuck pretty graphics. And fuck morons who think they're important.
Don't trust this fucking retard in anything
>And he actually knows a ton more about anime than your average fan
>thinks Eva started anime
He's a fucking brony
>This destiny queer doesn’t ‘debate’ with people who know what they’re talking about
Like who?
Don't know who this faggot is but OP yeah an ugly game can be an amazing game. In fact if a games emphasis and focus is on graphics then the game mechanics are often what ends up suffering.
>not understanding the power of HIGHnalysis
using weed to tap into the ethereal truths of vidya and experiencing the global consciousness of the experience the game intends to provide both the good and the bad
>I made this post to seem as dumb as possible
That's nice sweaty
>He makes great videos
looking back now
he was right about Mario Odyssey, wasn't he?
Issue with Digi is that he thinks he’s hot shit because he tore apart some shitty SAO/Infinite Stratos clones in like 4 hours when most people only need like 5 minutes. He doesn’t really say anything beyond the surface level afaik.
I regularly play PS1 games, so take a guess.
"Graphics" is a little misleading, but visuals are a very important part of VIDEO games.
It's possible that a game could make up for terrible visuals if it excels in everything else, but it would have to really be something for that to be true.
He can spend so much time talking and wind up saying so little
>and its disgusting green.
digibro reminds of this guy
Fun and gameplay are interchangeable, so it's no wonder your opinions are so bad; you're retarded.
Like, name one video or general statement that was genuinely insightful from Digibro and not because of how retarded the statement was.
Hopefully they share a similar fate.
the "video game" term comes from how consoles look like VCRs, not because they use visuals. stuff like text adventures and MUDs exist.
While not mindblowing by any means, I did enjoy his videos on the Cowboy Bebop character designs and the one no Kill La Kill's inventive animation
>He resorts to stupid points when faced with people like nakedape and that metokur guy
it blows my mind when i hear these 2 trotted out by Yea Forums as examples of destiny getting crushed. Apparent destroying destiny is just making a lot of short jokes and ignoring the subject at hand as much as possible. I guess that makes sense that Yea Forums would identify with whats in practice the real life version of shitposting
A game should be competent within its limitations. Only the absolute most primitive versions of 2D and 3D are unacceptable, but a game that completely fails within its parameters (see: Assassin's Creed remasters) is unacceptable where an uglier game (like Alone in the Dark 2) is fine. It's not just art direction, but the gap between quality in aspects of presentation.
graphics, gameplay, and music are equally important
>Yea Forums has digibrony threads
Why the fuck
His After Dark channel is good for the gonzo experience, I watch it for the narrative of a virgin hobo guy becoming a not so virgin not so hobo guy
Ah yes, the "gonzo experience", aka watching 5 minutes of some random anime's first episode with your tranny gremlin girlfriend and then trying to come up with reasons why it's shit because you were too high to stay awake.
I'm a digi patron and I gotta say he really fucked up on this. Even E-Kon came out looking better, and E-Kon is human garbage
>I'm a digi patron
He's absolutely right about NGE setting the way for many late night anime and influencing more experimental shit in the late 90s thouhg.
As long as the graphics can accurately portray hitboxes and stuff, I don't mind too much.
Citation badly needed.
Just because he's only slightly less insufferable than people like Mother's Basement doesn't make him any more tolerable.
The only thing Digibro is right about is that K-ON is the greatest work of art ever made in the history of mankind.
Who is this Max Res-De'fault I keep hearing about?
>being less shit doesn't make him less shit
Digibro is a perfect example of the power of parasocial relationships. Dude hasn't released a decent video in years but people still follow him because their brains tricked them into thinking they are friends with him
t. was a fan of his back in his pony days
>digi hasn't uploaded anything after getting shat on by his own fanbase in the debate video
It's like saying infinity minus one is less than infinity. It doesn't mean anything.
Why does digibrony look like a homeless pedophile?
>Dont trust this man's opinions
Why would you ever place trust in an opinion?
I mean I can see trusting a fact or action but an opinion is purely speculation
Graphics are pretty important or have always been important but the most important I wouldn't think so like Reggie said
"If it's not fun why bother..."
Every opinion he has is objectively wrong, even if I agree with it.
The pretentious nature of his presentation and the retarded way he formulates his opinions in the first place means that even if his conclusion is agreeable, the actual opinion and entire thought process behind it is just flat out wrong.
His Crunchyroll video was alright, but explaining why Crunchyroll sucks is like explaining why brain cancer sucks.
If a game plays like absolute shit but it looks gorgeous, that doesn't mean shit to me. If the game looks like shit but the gameplay is amazing, I'll still play it.
Objectivity doesn't exist.
>Mother's Basement
Clickbaiting jew cuckold who keeps padding out videos with little content, shilling in videos and pimping his girlfriend
The most arrogant person on Earth, only states obvious things, makes shitty videos about stuff he didn't research and yet thinks he is a genius. Every single of his videos feel like high school presentations.
le epic meme redditor
Why are anime youtubers so shit?
>thinks Eva started anime
I think Digibro is obnoxious but NGE absolutely did contribute to the medium. He never claimed it "started anime".
Yea Forums banned e-celebs (for good reason) so Yea Forums is literally the only option to discuss this person
Yeah, fuck Luigi and his gay ass balloons.
>implying it's just limited to anime
are there any anime youtubers who are actually good then?
watching the others just makes me appreciate Digibro more because he seems like the only one who isn't a boring shill or moralist
I feel like Mage is only a part of the PCP because she been there since the beginning and it would be awkward to kick her out now, but she doesnt really fit in the podcast
What the fuck does pretentious even mean?
Isn't his favourite anime K-On? Not like he pretends to be some elitist god who's better than everyone else. Ohh wait that's exactly what he does, forget what I said
>about stuff he didn't research
He's like the ONE guy who actually researches stuff.
>Why are anime youtubers so shit?
There are good ones but they're not popular because of course actual thoughtful analysis of Chinese cartoons without memes or le ebin contrarian elitism isn't popular.
Objectivity clearly exists.
The only argument against true objectivity you could make is one based on subjective idealism, and while such arguments are epistemologically interesting they have no practical value and are literally a waste of thought in virtually every context.
Solipsism is nothing more than masturbatory apathy.
Digibrony is apparently so spiteful and autistic he stopped eating sepgethii because he couldn't stop slurping it and that pissed off his dad. This tard is a gem among ecelebs.
>mother's basement
why would they kick her out? they're friends and all the fans like her. she's just a nice person
wait but what's the problem here
>eats spaghetti
>hey, son, that's kind of obnoxious
>oh, okay Dad, I won't eat spaghetti and eat other pastas so we don't get into meaningless conflict
Digibrony legitimately thinks that not brushing his teeth is healthy.
Yea Forums is the dumping ground for what better boards won't tolerate
I don't always trust or agree with him but listening to his shit when he started to do Anime stuff taught me to think more critically and I'm thankful for it.
>Nier came out way before Madoka
>MONACA (the ones who do the Nier soundtracks) work on Yuuki Yuuna
>Yuuki Yuuna's soundtrack literally sounds like Nier outtakes
>Houseki no Kuni's mangaka has been writing weird non-human humanoid characters like plant people since her first work
Enjoy your muh realism
Eyepatch Wolf is the only good one. He is a SJW but you would only find out if you read his Twitter, hid videos are fine.
I enjoy Craftsdwarf
Graphics are the least important part of a game.
This is the same faggot who made a big scene about how From the New world caused him actual physical pain to watch, then proceeded to play videogames and watch the show in the background with the dub on and then proceeded to put out his godawful video on the show getting basic plot points wrong
This dude has the easiest job in the world and he somehow still manages to constantly fuck it up.
Nier came out a year before Madoka, wouldn’t really consider that a very long stretch of time. Digi is still retarded tho
If a game has bad graphics it breaks the immersion, people who say graphics don't matter are brainlets who can't immerse.
>tfw he's never coming back
Sad. I'd love to hear his thoughts on the recent Berserk happenings
He still streams and is pretty active on his discord user, he's not that hard to find these days
Entry tier guy who mostly likes shounenshit and really popular stuff like Berserk and Made in Abyss.
Not a youtuber anymore and he plays gacha cancer.
Unironically my favorite thing Digi ever did. It really outed him as a contrarian fag who makes reactionary content and has to double down when called out on it. Also calling Re-Zero "literally SAO" when it first came out and doubling down on how "shit" it was when called out on his bullshit.
>streams and discord
Huh guess I'll have to check this out someday
I demand at least graphics and decent gameplay.
If it only has 1, then fuck that game. Idc about the other feature/shit you're trying to peddle.
I'm surprised at how I ended up liking the other PCP members compared to Digi, despite them being less knowledgable about anime overall. Wish they did more content.
Only one I can't really stand is Davoo. And Tom is just meh.
I didn't even know he finally watched Shinsekai Yori.
LOL at the title of the video though
What happened to their shitty PcPtown idea? Is that still a thing? What a trainwreck that'd be.
The more in depth description was that Digi said that this guy Destiny debated called Dick Masterson I think won the debate. Destiny argued with him a bit on twitter and it ended up with him saying something along the lines of "do you actually think he substantiated a single point in that debate?". Digi said no, so then Destiny said something like "OK so you admit he didn't make a good point so..." and then Digi replied "You're putting words in my mouth, I didn't say he didn't make a good point, you always put words in people's mouths and I'm going to come on and debate you about that".
So in order to prove that Destiny put words in his mouth he needed to make this retarded semantics argument about what "good point" means in order to prove that a point can be a "good point" while being completely unsubstantiated. Destiny (and most of the audience) interpreted this as being about Digi's attitude to debate in general, like he thinks people shouldn't have to substantiate points in debates or something, when in reality it was pure semantics just so he could say Destiny put words in his mouth. They then proceeded to argue for like 45 minutes on this while getting literally nowhere because it was all just semantics even though Destiny didn't interpret it that way.
tl;dr He's not so much a brainlet but just autistic and desperately grasping at straws and arguing over semantics to prove that Destiny put words in his mouth.
Games are probably 49% visuals, 59% gameplay and 2% sound for me. So no, I won't play ugly games.
This is literally the worst possible taste
Dude has to compare everything to sword art or make clickbait titles to even stay relevant, it's really sad.
It is what it is and I'm going to continue enjoying what I enjoy.
Except I can't hit a 4 when I'm trying to and hit 5 instead.
Movies are even more in the swing, they're 75% visual and 25% story.
>tfw you can't enjoy games 110% anymore
I envy you, user, even if you got shit priorities.
>look like a pedophile who fucks dogs
>actually turn out to be a pedophile who wants to fuck dogs
Was, he got worse when he stopped being one.
>anime youtubers
How fucking retarded do you have to be to need someone to explain ANIME to you? What kind of two braincell moron needs to watch a 25-minute """analysis""" to understand cartoons made for literal middle schoolers?
The fact that these people exist and somehow make money pisses me off. I wish they would all die.
Jess is annoying as fuck though.
If you're okay with movie youtubers and book youtubers but not anime youtubers, neck yourself.
I don't think there's a single person that watches any kind of e-celeb faggot that isn't in it for the friend simulation.
analysis and discussion is fun and part of being human
if you do not at least see the appeal of this then you are not human.
he's the best, except for when he gets mad about fans and commenters.
but even that is understandable when you realize he has to put up with bronies, anime fan, incels and such.
prolific over perfect
e-celebs usually kill discussion. See what happened to the (admittedly mediocre) Octopath Traveler on this very board
What the fuck does e-celebs have to do with Octo?
>he doesn't remember when every single Octopath thread was full of e-celeb dunkey shitposting
discussion on Yea Forums sucks regardless
That doesn't mean things can't be made worse
I guess I just don't understand his appeal. I remember there was this one episode where he was playing this character the entire time and the joke got old after like 5 minutes. He's all right when he's chill but it just seems like he always needs to deliver a bit instead of just being real.
t. Crunchyroll
What kind of shit does life hit you with to end up thinking "Yes, I like this look".
>The ‘free speech’ meme
going to have to NOPE on this one. The second you allow people to control what you should or shouldn't consume is the second you give up your right to complain about it.
The "literally SAO" thing was wrong but at least he was right about it being shit.
>Yea Forums banned e-celebs
for no reason. they also banned dragon ball discussion outside of generals because of the Funimation controversies. GEE I WONDER IF THE ANIME BOARD MODS ARE STILL BUTTFLUSTERED THAT VIC WAS IN THE RIGHT?
I think good games are about deep systems, which is why games that look like dogshit like Kenshi and Dwarf Fort will always be better than Crysis.
because demo isnt making videos anymore
anyone got an imgur of this whore's paid sets so i don't have to give her free clicks?
What is this look called?
>for no reason.
Because e-celebs then take over the majority of the fucking board, because it's way easier to gossip about people instead of watching and talking about anime.
I don't pay attention to DB threads at all so I can't help you on that one.
>Nu-Bulma is going to stuck at some dinky comic book shop while everyone else will be at Kamehacon
did Monica Rial REALLY expect her male co-conspirators to turn down an easy con check after it turned out she was full of shit?
She's an ugly cosplay thot dude, just type porn into google if you want to get off.
>turned out she was full of shit?
Or is this just StandWithVic propaganda
i'm not desperate i was just curious and didn't want to give her attention by directly having her on my browser history. you are not wrong though.
t. angry digifag watcher
He's a fucking idiot. Crunchyroll is shit, but just because it's shit doesn't mean digifag is suddenly good.
But Vic is a pedophile. You can google search an actual decade worth of videos of him kissing his 12 year old fangirls at anime conventions, some of which he went on to get banned from for trying to get a good taste of some of the cunny he was drowning in.
I don't care if his co-workers are neon haired professional victims with their non-binary pronouns listed in their twitter bio, by no metric is the man defensible.
>hates SAO
>likes much any shonen
how does anyone justify this? Theyre both the same shit p much.
show me the counter claims from Funi saying that they have irrefutable evidence that Vic sexually assaulted kids. oh right you don't and his accusers have backed the fuck off and cons are slowly welcoming him back with open arms. The only ones still stamping their foot about it are the ones who refuse to believe he is innocent.
yes user i am aware of the fact that the accusations are older than most people posting on this website but nothing has evolved past bathroom gossip until recent when roasties tried to metoo his ass.
SAO is pretty bad to be fair. Mostly because the creator of SAO is shit at writing.
at least some shonen (specifically older stuff like Dragonball pre-Super) can have massive influence and contribute to Japanese culture, SAO does none of that because it's so painfully generic AND bad.
He has been a notorious cunny chaser for an actual decade you fucking newfag.
You can't just fabricate 10 years of video documented creep behavior and con staff testimonials because a bunch of >muh SJWs popped up in the past few months with accusations
It's not just accusations dude you can demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that Vic has an unhealthy relationship with his young female fans.
Participating in #StandWithVic isn't sticking it to the SJW roasties as much as it is literally aligning yourself with a known pedophile because of bandwagoning.
I'm not saying he raped anyone, it's just a well known fact that he's been a bit of a creep and/or asshole since the early-mid 2000s.
Drakengard 3 was directly inspired by Yoko's own word so it isn't that much of a stretch.
Most people don't want to debate Destiny. Especially any of the youtube "skeptics".
Because they know he'll curb stomp them.
you can't really blame a man for becoming a pedo when he's drowning in 12 year old pussy like that
still he should've kept it internalized and just jerked off to his fantasies at home
What the fuck
New introspective video by Digibro. Tell me what's wrong with it
I mean he thinks everyone is stupid, nothing to do with thinking non-whites are stupid. I don't see how there's anything wrong with that. Only stupid people think that the average person isn't stupid
none of this is true lol
>are you willing to play games that are ugly as sin?
Yes, but only if the game ugliness dont bother me.
It is true, his parents were so ashmed of him not being able of leaving home them themselves left and left the house for him
because Destiny is an arrogant sperg who lives on the internet and has no common sense, wisdom, or life experience
debating someone like that is pointless because they aren't seeking knowledge in the first place
>youtube debates
I'm not giving you a view, digibrony. Fuck off.
his dad is the same kind of a pretentious asshole anyway
Fuck digibrony. I heard he stinks of shit
what do you mean, this guy seems chill as fuck
So fuckin stupid. Amazin'
I feel story and music should be one category because music can dramatically affect a scene or a moment in a game.
This retard has haruhi, k-on, and lucky star in his top 10 anime. Clearly he has no worthwhile opnions
I'll ask my cretins why, give me a sec.
they say it's because they don't know what video games are and now they're asking what they are incessantly, thanks asshole.
Reminder that the pony fucker destroyed the virtue signalling autistic manlet
>not liking Haruhi
>Dude definitely got a woman in his life that isn't his mom.
yeah he has a fiance/wife whatever
I've been seeing those "aesthetic" threads on Yea Forums in the last four months. It seems the pony fucker was behind all of those threads and you retards gave him content for his "aesthetic" ane you did it for free.
Fucking morons.
This is literally the correct answer
there's a huge difference between liking and top 10 user.
Name 10 better anime than Haruhi
Pro tip: you can't
K-ON is unironically the best anime ever made
someone's been drinking the youtuber clickbait kool aid
Is this the Vic Mignogna fanpage?
He makes a video with this topic like every year. 'Aesthetic is narrative" is #1
graphics are overrated but style and atmosphere is NOT. Its not how big it is, but how you use it
that's a single youtuber milking vic fanboys for all they're worth
This fucking guy is the most pretentious motherfucker I've ever seen and I hate him. He was a holier than thou fag even when he made pony videos
the "a e s t h e t i c" meme is years old, it came from vaporwave and shit like that
I demand to know what game this is
Graphics hounds are the reason western gaming sucks now.
knights of the chalice 2, turn based rpg based on 3.5e dnd ruleset
"im insecure about my looks but still wanna look unique"
nah, it's because they know they're too fucking retarded to take him on
>Has a video called "We Have Accepted Mediocrity"
>Favourite anime is K-on
>Literally steals formats from the melon
>Generally has no idea about anime
Agreed, digi is a cancer
Stop talking shit about K-ON you fags.
I wouldn't want to be in the same room as him, but I respect that he's literally living his hobby and is articulate enough to create content out of it
Digi said it poorly, his argument is that; if its been proven before, then regurgitating previous points is redundant. He was trying to prove that destiny puts words in peoples mouths.
What is the video game equivalent of K-ON?
Digi it's time to stop posting
Let's see the criteria
>Non-existent characters
>Made by awful company
>Somewhat decent music if you're into that sort of thing
>Loved by idiots
I'd go with Destiny
articulate as in; he's decent to listen to, not that his vocabulary is special or something, or whatever you took from my post
Digi time to stop
The last two games that I've put a lot of time into are Kenshi and Morrowind. Both games are really fucking ugly.
as if anime reviewers arent insufferable enough.
Think about this post for a second, everyone.
>Person looks like this!!
>Therefore, I query why people trust their ideas!!!
Can you imagine being this much of a goddamn cultist? Ugly folk can't be right..?
Graphics do help sell atmosphere just like music so I'm not sure why people put graphics lower than music.
>only time the PCP is discussed is in Digi threads
It's a sad world.
Read the Kiwi Farms thread about Digi, he is actually a way worse person than you imagine.
Where's your Youtube channel user?
>Eyepatch wolf but he has a very annoying cadence, even though I like him a lot
>Gigguk when he isn't being wrong or ironic shitposty
>Anime Everyday but I think he's dead
>Best Guy Ever
Really? He's a pretty horrible person the way I imagine him
I mean I do have one but it's just videos of me playing bits of games, it's time to stop posting Digi
For example, I like relaxing games so having an art style that's easy on the eyes and is enjoyable is a pretty nice visual treat.
defending lolicon apologetically is already low user
Craftsdwarf is legitimately good. How does he dew it?
Because the PCP is shit. You know a podcast is shit when its most successful member is fucking Digibrony.
>Crafts dwarf
He's shit.
yes but fuck games from the bloom and brown era
I mean I wouldn't say it's THE most important aspect but it's pretty important. In games where immersion is key and depending on the art direction graphics can become the most important along with sound etc.
>Gonzo journalism is a style of journalism that is written without claims of objectivity, often including the reporter as part of the story via a first-person narrative.
Literally nothing he does is gonzo journalism, or else anyone who fucking reacts to media on youtube is a gonzo journalist
Graphics matter to a certain extent, like I don't want to play an ascii game, but otherwise it's all about art design over graphics.
The only games I still play that are straight hideous are protected by nostalgia
Why, you knew Digi was right before the debate started?
Good artstyle > MUH REALISM in cinematic 20fps
What the fuck is the PCP
When is demo coming back
Destiny's argument blows Digi's out of the water. What Digibro was arguing that if you know the answer to the debate is objectively correct, it doesn't matter what either sides debates since you know that one side is objectively correct no matter how retarded their reasoning is. That's a horrible philosophy to have. Sure Digi's arguments apply to flat earth or something but no one unironically debates flat earth in a academic setting unless they are intentionally being contrarian or just practicing debating. When you try to apply his ideology to something that can only be argued over theoretically or just opinions (such as theoretical physics or just politics) his argument falls flat on its face. In that situation, you can't just default to an answer because there is none, you need to properly back everything you say with examples or data to prove that you are correct. Whatever the fuck he was arguing for only applies to debates in elementary schools and retards on the internet. No where else will you see people debate things with a clearly objective answer.
I wish eyepatch wolf would talk like a normal fucking person instead of trying to sound like le ebin feelsy storyteller. It’s like this awful vaati-tier shit where he’s for some reason trying to sound deep and dramatic when talking about Dragon Ball.
But he looks like some kind of giga-chad so I guess he gets laid anyway.
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard, no wonder he worded it poorly.
If there's a substantial group of people out there who actually think that the earth is flat, it's NOT redudant to tell them it's bullshit.
There's """"proof"""" that the earth is flat out there. That's what's being argued against and what should be argued against.
If Digibro had it his way no one would even call these people out for being retards. That's probably why he likes the idea, no one would call him on how much of a foul-smelling goblin he is
Pro Crastinators Podcast on yt
>check out his channel
>his second most recent video is about Hidamari Sketch
Yeah that's my biggest issue with him, but I like him. On Clemps' podcast he's a lot better
>Generally has no idea about anime
What are you on about, he's clearly very knowledgeable if you've actually seen his videos
>retards on the internet.
But that's what they both are
That's not what he's arguing. He just says you can be right even if you can't explain why you're right. Doesn't mean he thinks it's a good debate strategy. But someone who has heard both side's arguments before can tell if one side is bullshitting. It's pretty easy
>Favourite anime is K-on
Like I said, no idea. Stop posting Digi
What does his shitty taste have to do with his knowledge?
He has Eva higher anyway
What knowledge? Anyone who thinks K-on is a masterpiece is someone with a shallow understanding of anime
It certainly is one of the most influential works in the medium. No one seriously disagrees with that.
He’s not actually good at articulating himself
thanks, sounds retarded
you should take everything he says with a pound of salt if you watch him. Dude thinks nicki minaj is a good lyricist
OK so if his favourite was [your favourite anime], you'd agree that he's very knowledgeable?
Funny how spics are white when it's convenient
I got really, really tired of his video format where he says “and that........ is why you should watch..... [x show]” in a really gay voice at the end of every video
>recommends trannies in youtube video
Come on.
Graphics are only as important as their effect on the gameplay.
Graphics innovations haven’t had a material effect on gameplay since the 3d leap.
Grafix don’t mean shit, it’s all about style now.
Graphics don't but art direction is next to gameplay and soundtrack the holy trifecta of good games.
>The way he signs off every video by reiterating the title.... with dramatic pauses.... for emphasis...
PCPs shit and has outted themselves as a bunch of soft skinned shallow fags who are willing to fuck over a "friend" and kick him from their circle based on the fact they were friends with someone else.
How is this thread still up over 12 hours later?
Half of them wouldn't have considered him a friend anymore at that point
I followed Digi a good bit when I began watching anime, thought his stuff was the bees knees but not so much years later. The last video he made that I bothered watching in its entirety was the Your Name/Shinkai analysis. He's been going downhill for some time and doesn't produce anything worth keeping up with. He's still better than most anitubers which isn't saying much considering they're all a bit autistic.
Digi is the literally opposite of shallow, he's textbook pretentious hipster from autistically studying everything about anime and thinking he's the greatest fucking anituber on the planet. He literally went out of his way to rant about people in 3x3 threads having taste in anime that was 'too mainstream'.
Anesthetic graphics >>>>>>>>>>>>>technical graphics.
>hipsters aren't shallow
>Dude thinks nicki minaj is a good lyricist
I mean, she can be sometimes. though, I wouldn't use "good" because it implies consistency
substance > style
t. risk of rain fag
I will play games with NO graphics.
based and woke
Those are clearly ascii graphics. Still too many graphics
I don't get the hate for Munchy. He's a good boy
And that...
Is why..
You should watch.........
...Yoo Yoo Hakushow...
Loud Munchy is best boy
Quiet Munchy not a good boy
to be fair the dilemma of 3x3 threads is that either people are honest and 70% of the 3x3s will feature the same top 20 anime that are universally praised or on a level of their own quality-wise, OR people just bullshit about their favorites and instead put in stuff that they think is "unique" to them, even if it isn't actually necessarily your favorite. And his argument was that the latter would at least make for more interesting threads
This is the kind of guy that thinks cursing and yelling a lot makes up for his lack of wit.
Are graphics the most important thing in paintings?
Are you willing to look at paintings that are ugly as sin?
Literally what drawings are
>for no reason
because e celebs are cancer? theres nothing inherently wrong with them and people that like them but what the fuck do they contribute to general discussion besides side gossip? Side gossip does is absolutely useless unless you enjoy drama. If you really want drama go literally anywhere else but dont fucking bring that garbage here
Unique enough to the point that I haven't watched any of them
>Gunsmith Cats
Depends on how bad it gets.
Technically, Gunsmith Cats, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, Black Cat, and Houshin Engi were meant to be manga choices, though they do have animated adaptions.
envision the odor
>demo isn't making videos anymore
Thanks for reminding me
figures that guy's a cuck
he looks like a 10/10 chad, I don't like it
OP is a faggot
The only thing ugly as sin is that thing with the glasses.
I mean as long as the game's graphics aren't Electric Soldier Porygon tier then I won't care if they're gorgeous as hell or ugly as sin.
I listen to it for Nate
It has to be in the happy medium spot.
If the graphics suck the game can be hard to play/look at but still be fun as shit Ex: Kenshi. But if the gameplay sucks no matter the situation the game will always flop Ex: Nu Battlefront 1 and 2
Outworld is a good example of the happy medium. Early 8th gen graphics with fun gameplay and good story. Easy on the eyes and fun to play, the way i like it
The beginning of this episode is kino
Holy shit that destiny argument was one of the most moronic shit I've ever heard.
Why do people with shit beard growth think that allowing it to grow longer will make it presentable?
K-ON is a masterpiece
>tfw he got banned from Ustream
His movie streams were so comfy, fuck I miss them. The twitch streams aren't the same.
Digibro has never gone to higher education, or at least he never listened in class if he did, because he's got zero understanding of critical thought processes.
I'd say part of the point of a debate is to convince an objective observer who is right. This is done by raising as many points as you can substantiate. You have to assume that the observer is versed in recent affairs, because if he's from 20 years ago of course he's not gonna know what's going on, but you can't assume that making a generally non objective point is something that can be stated without any evidence. The assumption that digibro makes that "dick is right" is literally confirmation bias like destiny said and it's amazing that he stuck by his wrong point for so long.
minecraft definitely stood out.
Graphics aren't important its the art design that's important.
>mfw great growth but can't trim or style for shit
>also have a big head and starting to grow white hairs in my bear
It's-a me, Mariddle age
giguck is literally doing demo's schtick for popular shows without funny voices. If you want more of his content go watch g's seasonal anime review
i can't even grow anything respectable and what does grow has gray hairs in it
i'm 24
wow haha so funny you used le /pol/ meme word lol
I dont get the appeal.I dont think its an aquired taste because ive heard every pcp episode propably twice and I still dont get why people are so into him. At least he is getting better.
Thorin when's the next podcast coming out?
haha yeah
it's called being lazy
wtf just use a guard on your trimmer
I really think it's just taste in different styles of humor.
They truly deserve each other.
The King and Queen of making money from dumb people.
yeah well he's got a big, expensive and painful surprise awaiting him then.
I know she's objectively gross but something about her turns my dick into diamonds. Nutted so fucking hard when she finally showed pussy.
I currently don't have one. I was borrowing my stepdad's but his pulls my beard hair. I want to buy another one but I don't know what's a good balance between low cost and avoiding garbage.