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who the fuck is this chick being spammed on her lately?

Is there anywhere that I can read up on the lore of Magic the Gathering?

wrinkles ew

my mommy


>they ACTUALLY LITERALLY (literally) used that song

She's running for president in 2020. She wants to limit gun ownership, increase immigration, provide universal healthcare, and take action against climate change.



MTG fucking died the moment they tried to make it about their shit budget superhero 'plainswalkers' instead of anything of actual fucking interest.
Hiring 'diversity consultants' just to make a fucking black planeswalker was the absolute apex of cringe.

Teferi has existed as a character since forever.
Kill yourself you stupid pretender.


Teferi existed since 1993

>Teferi is the only black planeswalker

You are fucking retarded trannies


>MTG died when the mending happened and it went from the internal struggles of gods to petty squabbles of wannabe superheroes

stop talking yourself out of this you pretendious faggot
you literally know nothing of mtg and came here only for your political baiting
unironically kill yourself /pol/ cuck

He talking about Sammut.
I'm not going to lie, in the 15 years or so that I have played magic I never thought I would get hype over a cinematic trailer for a new set, especially one with a Linkin Park cover. This set seems pretty good so far, they actually did a pretty good job with the uncommon walkers (except Nahiri fuck you wizards for making her shit). Hopefully after this we can go back to isolated, plane specific stories or revisit the New Phyrexians.

>I got rightfully called out and get my magic news from unsleevedmedia
Fucking. Kill. Yourself. If you're going to complain about SJW shit, complain about the women; because that actually is a recent trend that WoTC has already admitted to anyways.
Fuck off with your race baiting retardshit though.

>This image of a 1993 card with Teferi on it means that WotC isn't currently pursuing an active policy of attracting African-American customers by including a vastly larger amount of African-American characters on their cards and Planeswalkers in their universe

Nigger go fuck yourself. I've been playing this game since fucking Arabian Nights.

You will never be a real woman

>I’ve been playing since Arabian Nights
Sure you have, kid.

No I wont complain about women because the women aren't out of place in the universe, unlike the African-Americans.

haha so funny! fucking retard

Nah planeswalkers are stupid capeshit and I loathe the idea of a whole set revolving around them. I don't need a bunch of superheroes when I can have a simple forest tiger or some kavu.

kill yourself, tranny


>durr why is this darkie in a desert Egypt-style set
wew lad

This entire post is the “absolute apex of cringe”.

>only retort is to cry tranny
Swiftly btfo.

Why would I need to retort to you calling me a liar?
Want me to say no you?

You'll still never be a real woman tho

>everyone who disagrees with me is a tranny
shouldn't you be sucking TheQuarterings dick right now?

Yea Forums - Ecelebs and not video games

Nah not everyone. You are though.
Should I know who that is? Investing your time in ecelebs and twitch is something trannies do.

Post proof then. Prove that you played Nights. Post your ARN mountains.

What do we think about /ourboy/ Davriel?

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this cringy linkinpark cover is quite fitting to that retarded clip
>a mother and child just died
>quick, let's overthrow Nicol Bolas!
who the fuck thought this shit was a good idea?

I wasnt agreeing with him I was just pointing out that the diversity consultant shit was directly in reference to Sammut.

Not mother and son, brother and sister.
Same thing that happened to Liliana. That's why she's so shook

idiot Liliana was never evil just egocentric. she hate bolas for everything he did. seeing the siblings die triggered her childhood trauma with her brother.

if you post proof you're not a tranny

dont pretend you don't not him and his tranny obsessed internet army

You mean the childhood trauma she caused very deliberately. I don’t feel sorry for her and I can’t wait for her to eat shit and die already, just like Bolas.

Imagine giving money to a Jewish company that exiled a promoter from the scene because he posted pictures of a frog.

Fuck MTG and their SJW fanbase that are now trying to get an artist exiled because she liked a tweet by Alex Jones.

I’m not getting banned again for posting my hairy balls. Post those ARN mountains, user. Prove yourself.

Good for 8rack. Will probably make the deck relevant again

Reminder that /ourgirl/ is coming back

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i dont even play magic im here for the pissing contest
dont be a faggot user post your old magic cards

Nielsen is a nutcase and you know it

>it's just an enchantment with health

groundbreaking design

Youtube it, one guy has a really good series that you can listen to like a podcast.

youtube.com/watch?v=NTEkrELfUSY&list=PLGsoeNcK9QA9EMhTeA2y8eVMGEWSdyPh6 this guys a fucking massive dorker but I imagine him to be like a level 90 wizard on tcg, and explains the story pretty well.

1st for Urza did nothing wrong.

How do I get a Liliana gf bros?

Attached: liliana_vess_by_doubidoubi-dbx7ttr.jpg (1080x1527, 163K)

You can't kill enchantments by attacking them though

>You will never be a real woman

kek, 10/10, fuck that tranny

>wanting wrinkly old woman hands on your cock

are we supposed to feel sorry for liliana now for some reason?

while she's still wearing a trophy from killing an angel?

If her banging pre-Ixalan Jace is any indication, just be as beta as humanly possible

>with health

Jace smashed ? Neat

I wish Garruk would come back and choke her like she deserves.

In a novel of dubious canonicity

Well sure, but artifact creatures are just artifacts that can be shattered. Ground breaking design

I personally cant wait to see the zombie versions of the other gods

I'm currently traveling so I only have my commander decks with me but here's what I have with me. The card completely covered by glare is survival of the fittest. Also there are 2x Vamperic tutors, 2x wheels, 2x gaea's cradle, 2x bayou, 2x wastelands here.

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How will those trannys ever recover ?

Nice cards bro.

Oh wait I'm retarded. It's three visits in the upper middle and volrath's stronghold is the left most glare blocked.

bazaar is legal in commander? what a weird format, that seems crazier than half the stuff actually banned

It's my MVP in Daretti prison stax.

half of the ban list isn't there for power level reasons but for BAWW THIS IS UNFUN reasons
which I agree with

I've never played it, but looking at what's allowed and what isn't make it seem super foreign. I have no idea what's going on there.

Have sex

It's really not that complex. Everything is allowed except the ban list. The colors in your deck must match your commander's.

As for the ban list, the cards might not seem significant by themselves, but they are banned because of what they could do (and were doing, at the time) in combination with other cards.

Good shit.

I'm just saying it's weird to see gifts banned, but intuition allowed

or like time twister being allowed but having stuff like sylvan primordial banned

It started as and still is a dumb casual meme format where most players, like yours truly, just want to slam craw wurms at each other

Since the format is sort of self-correcting because it's A) multiplayer B) mostly playgroup specific, so there's not that much need to ban the stuff since slight or moderate differences in deck strength can be fixed by FOCUSING THAT FUCKING GUY

Then if someone brings several thousand dollaridoos worth of broken manarocks and reserved list staples to make the strength difference severe, the three craw wurm babby timmies will just bitch at that guy until he changes decks or starts playing with other turbospikes fishing for that turn 3 combo or staxlock

is this from the latest sony interactive movie?

Gifts Ungiven gives tutor that also gives a card advantage. Intuition is just a tutor. That's the given reason, anyway.

go back to your tranny discord

>time twister vs. sylvan primordial
I don't really see the comparison here, but time twister is just a form of reset (of which there are many), while Sylvan can be a tremendous swing in permanents (10 cards, if 5 opponents) in a format that gives you over a hundred ways of cheating Sylvan out early and repeated. Sometimes repeatedly in the same turn.

Mass, one-sided land destruction is very much frowned upon. Sylvan was banned even before Wizards took over the EDH format, for good reason.

The extra target is much more relevant than the extra mana in commander, meaning a gifts pile is much more likely to end then game than an intuition pile