Good Jap games this year:

Good Jap games this year:
>Ace Combat 7
>RE2 Remake

Good western games this year:

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>Good western games this year:
Risk of Rain 2

Deltarune demo was pretty fun.


Borderlands 3
DOOM Eternal
Mortal Kombat 11
Cadence of Hyrule
Apex Legends
Halo Reach Remastered (PC)
Psychonauts 2

>Good Jap games this year:
>Ace Combat 7
>God Based Eater 3

Good Western games this year
>Call of Duty 32
>Battlefield Empowered Afghan
>Far Cry : Antifascist Edition
>DLC Simulator 3: Another Ubisoft Video Game

Risk of Rain 2

Literally no jap games have ever been good. I'm sick of you faggots ruin this board. Say bye bye to the thread. Here it comes.

Attached: 51236733473.jpg (920x1211, 373K)

>Borderlands 3
>DOOM Eternal
>Mortal Kombat 11
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Apex Legends
>Halo Reach Remastered (PC)
>Psychonauts 2

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Those games haven't released yet.

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None of those are good, least of all Devil May Cringe 5 and Shitkiro.


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All the good Western shit hit during the October-November stretch of last year.

Attached: Oof.jpg (565x546, 63K)

RDR 2 is already forgotten. And PC port begging has stopped about 8 weeks ago

Japan is way in the lead, the only pleasent surprise has been Apex Legends. Risk of Rain is great but not above say God Eater 3 game experience wise for me.
Someone here actually hyped up Doom. Western games went to tje shitter when they push female agendas in multiplayer situations in an ocean of dicks. Just come the fuck on already, Im personally enjoying Dead or Alive as well despite the trashing threads. The fact is its more fun than say Red Dead Redemption 2, so fucking hit and miss with Western games.

you sure showed him

>EA shilling
Just stop. I'll give you 500 dollars if you stop doing this

I did, didn't I?

>RDR 2 is already forgotten
>several videos made about it just a few days ago with tens of thousands of views

yeah but we had based God of War last year so that's something

If you sucked Japan's cock any harder you'd reach the schwarzschild radius.

id rather have the best games than a bunch of good games quality over quantity, i bet gta v is out selling all those "good" games by october and thats a last gen game. and witcher 3 will be fondly rememberd when the rest are forgotten. so fuck you and fuck your opinions never share them again.


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? what videos? streaming? reaction?
The fake "DUDE IT LET'S YOU KILL WOMIN!" controversy didn't even work out. They are rushing the Multiplayer mode for the PC release hoping to make some cash with cosmetics


Where's the rest of it, faggot?

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List 3 games you consider good. Any year.

Baba is Good.

fuck off

>what videos
just search "red dead redemption 2" into youtube and filter by "a month ago" and there are videos uploaded literal hours ago. none of them are about women or reaction or streaming.

Doom, Mafia 3 and Watch Dogs 2

the division 2

Ghosts of Tsushima will be the GOTY

Attached: ghosts of arkham.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

>Ape X

Attached: 1551933894508.gif (800x430, 564K)

>Borderlands 3
>Apex Legends
>Halo Reach

Attached: 1548056935837.jpg (461x394, 67K)

2 billion pajeets and 4 billion gooks are playing japanese games with chinese subs not RDR garbage

Do zoomers even know what a Halo is?

>Basedderlands 3
>SOYM Basedternal
>Basedtal Basedbat 11
>Baseddence onions Basedrule
>Basedpex Basedgends
>Basedlo Basedch Basedmastered (P ONIONS)
>Basedchonauts 2

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the first söy shooter

didn't even know there are 6 billion gooks and pajeets. god damn they are horny as fuck.


I didn't buy sekiro purely because it is a single player game. I'm constantly tempted to buy it because I love hard games, but the single player nature of the game makes me keep thinking that I can just push it off to whenever. I hate to admit it, but the existence of a invasion mode would have convinced me to buy it sooner. As it is I feel like I can buy it at any time and hold it off as far as I feel like since it's not like the experience will change at all.

you don't know how wrong you are. nips always loved western games and praised them. now, with even more japanese normalfags engaging in "otaku culture," the praise for western games is even higher. a lot of akihabara was also taken over by normalfags. you and i really don't know that much about nips -- but you know nothing

All those aren't even out yet.

This. A thousand times this.
KH3 plays like a fucking PS1 game coated in UE4 and is as cringy as a fucking shounen animu