Yea Forums likes tumblr character design when Japan does it

>Yea Forums likes tumblr character design when Japan does it


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Other urls found in this thread:–present:_Foreign_acquisition_and_brand_restoration

Because Japan does it better.

>purposefully breaks the rules of anatomy to accentuate sexual features
>in good physical shape
>big tits, wide hips, skimpy outfit
Haha yeah tumblr as fuck

Besides being a dark skinned character what makes this a tumblr design?

I thought tumblr character design was a clothed ugly dark-skinned woman with small tits.

This is a white woman with a tan, big(ish) tits with a revealing outfit.

Attempt to make an actual critique without using buzzwords and memes and then maybe someone will give the slightest fuck.

of course

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>implying this is tumblr art when her nose and cheeks aren't red and her body isn't fridge shaped.
Nice try retard.


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SNK shills
No one is even asking them about the netcode or they aren't acknowledging the questions
Also porn addicts are weebcucks because they consume a ton of hentai and end up worshipping Japan

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Why are so many black women in western games, ironically, racist caricatures?
I swear that's at least half of them

because she's hot and not shoehorned in under the guise of "progressiveness," she's there just because SNK was like "we want the people that like dark skin girls"

This is peak anti tumblr design
>Skimpy outfit
>No retarded tumblr nose
And black girls are already hot

You don't get it? It's because they aren't
>inaccurate, racist caricatures
That's how black women in the US actually are, and so, Western developers are producing realistic facsimiles as best they can.

She literally looks like Brianna Wu with dreads

Attached: Samurai-Shodown-Darli-Dagger-Wu-Ruixiang-Yashamaru-Kurama.jpg (680x383, 71K)


Japanese woman or Chinese woman?

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I like most designs that my dick likes.

Though I don't really see what the hell you're talking about. Dark skin = tumblr design? Come on, man.

and you're literally a nigger

I'll put it in simple terms sweetie.

This appeals to my vagina as much as it appeals to your average Yea Forums fucktard dick.
I want to fuck it, or rather I want her to fuck me.
Tumblr art is nothing but filling a spreadsheet to be as inofensive and inclusive as possible to get the praise of a hivemind even if it ends as a racist caricature.

This instead just tells me the artist wanted to fuck his drawing as much as I want to be fucked by it, and I'm loving it.

I swear the west can’t look outside for 8 minutes and discover Afros have been out for so long it’s not funny.
Hell Japanese is closer to accurate since most black girls I know have their hair either down or braided.
I haven’t seen an IRL Afro on a girl in years and I’m black

You need to explain what you mean with your buzzword first.

You been to the eye doctor lately?

They both look like they could femdom so I'll take either.

I wish the model looked as good as the concept.

I don’t know
I fucking hate it.
I could walk around a mall for an hour and find far more accurate hairstyles regarding black woman

I think you just have trannies on the brain. Try not being a homosexual chaser.

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Don't use words you don't understand, it makes you look like a fool.

Yea Forums is a shithole, what did you expect. Her design is clearly hideous.


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>Tumblr design
>Small waist

Attached: A2DE1F8F-D64B-446C-9695-5C26915A2472.jpg (1024x1024, 61K)

Why are they so short?

I've seen girls with Afros where I am, I live near a college so you have 18-20 year olds who copy 70s styles walking around a lot, so it's actually possible to see a modern day black girl with an afro(but it's never insanely huge, at most it's like a little cartoon sheep fluff)

Why are you assuming they're short when there's no point of reference?

Nice lie SNK shills

>super fit
>showing more than just cleavage
>it's tumblr cuz she's brown

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If it was a tumblr design she's look like pic related only with a big fat red nigger nose

Attached: gorillawoman.jpg (900x1200, 128K)

You do not have free speech here, watch your fucking mouth.

sideways pusi arr rook same

You need your eyes checked.
That said “Black features” and “white features” is s retard tier /pol/ meme.

I’ve seen black guys that could pass for David the 35 year old insurance salesman facially
I’ve also seen Tupac looking mother fuckers who are white

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head size per body size.

>able to afford shills
They're broke as fuck

>genetic how do they work

awful bait

You've seen mutts

funny enough I think that guy just doesnt have the an ability to recognize faces

its actually a pretty common problem at 1 in 50 people

>actually cute

She's hot so it's ok

>this threads already becoming a race thread

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>dude I saw a quadroon with a caucasian skull structure that means a 100% black african can look exactly like a 100% european in all but skin color :^)

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As if that wasn't the OP's intention from the start.

Always gives me a chuckle when people use "apart" like that.

That’s still very isolated cases.
I’ve see Afro variance like Twin poofs, Poof-tails but full Afros are legit rare as fuck.

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Because you're accentuating their negative characteristics because you don't like black people. The creators see a character who is forceful, confident, and assertive. You see a character that's crude, arrogant, and disrespectful. They don't think there's anything inherently wrong with black women, so why would they consider the characters negative or stereotypical?

>They don't think there's anything inherently wrong with black women,
Have you never had a white sjw friend? They are racist as fuck, and I don't mean in a retarded " but da dems are da real racis!111!" way
They just don't admit it and feel guilty about how they really feel. They notice black women are loud and annoying and violent for sure.

dark skin = tumblr
hair style and color = tumblr
tattoos = tumblr
masculine (not feminine) = tumblr

Think logically and stop asking your dick.

That makes me sad, I like big hair.

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You fell for memes and can’t look outside for more than 10 fucking seconds.
I’m American we’re all mutts
Melting pot is just a nice word for mutts

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Can't wait for this shitty game to be released so it can fuck off already. Tired of these shills man.

>Think logically
Good advice, start following it.

Sheltered weeb who actually believe Yea Forums studies

weebcucks do it for free

>think logically

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I fucking hate how these cunts think no black woman ever could be cute and petite
It’s sickening and honestly more racist than anything the east puts out.
Hell even they learned Black face is not ok

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You're a retard, that's for sure.

>masculine (not feminine) = tumblr
>pronounced hips
>substantially more tits than her otherwise low bodyfat percentage would have you believe
>feminine face

You got brain problems

That's true but for the majority black people have black features and white people have white features.

I swear they are inverse Klansman who just thought of more sneaky ways to share their haterd of black people under the false pretense of “inclusion”

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What you're doing is called projecting. Because you're racist, and you think you have solid reasoning for your beliefs, you assume that everyone else is either just as racist as you, or they simply don't know all the facts you do. It doesn't occur to you that these people legitimately respect black women and see them as equals, or even an ideal.

The afro-haired women in that image are heroes. They're portrayed as the good guys. Their presence is saying, "This is what we think a morally good person should act like".


Token black diversity quota characters with purple hair are ok when Japan does it.

So is she somekind of bikini carpenter pirate?

because japan gives us super hot big titty bitches

>Think logically
My dick has all the right answers to what I like.
Drink bleach and die faggot

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Except that's not really what happens, but okay.

Wait they make stereotypes? So their based?

>What you're doing is called projecting
Didn't read the rest of your garbage. I can tell you I'm not though. Because I joke about niggers around these sjw idiots and they even join most of the time. When I start talking statistics though is when they start cutting me off and saying " hey now that's racist as fuck man "
Because they know that would break their entire worldview, and make them admit that they are really racist and there's good reason for it. Blacks are genetically predisposed to violent, irrational behavior. We all know it, it just takes living amongst them for bit to come to this logical conclusion.

They just genes not some magical force segregating people
Hell I remember reading stories how native Americans after a few generations had lighter skin and blue eyes

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Yes it's okay when Japan does it because they do it for the sake of their dick/fetishes not for good boy point.
Take Nico in DMC5 for instance, if she was from a western game she would probably have been hated (and would have certainly have different lines & personality); she was put into the game because bad girl who scolds you was Itsuno fetish

Big tits
Long legs
Wide hips
Anime face

Sure, tumblr as af

You're etarded, blacks in America have literally 18%+ baseline average white European DNA, this is why some of them have European features
White Americans are barely white and have tons of mutt genetics that make them have black/latino features

Kill yourself you stupid faggot.

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Scared your worldview is getting crushed?
Or are you a nigger getting asshurt about the truth?

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No, we don't "all know it". A lot of SJWs, like most young people, are okay with edgy humor as long as they know it's not serious. When your start to bring up "statistics" is when they realize that you're actually just fucking racist.

You're literally proving my point about projecting, because you believe that all people are innately racist, but are just hiding their racism to fit in. That way you don't feel like you're an extremist with a cruel and dangerous outlook on humanity, you're just "saying what everyone's already thinking".

>18% Baseline European
Doesn’t that just make them bi-racial though?

Lighter skin could just come from being less exposed to the sun. Blue eyes means that there's some white guy involved. Genes don't change just like that. And what I was saying is that there's still a general trend of features that you find way more in some populations. Here african black and european white. Some black african people can even have asian-looking features but that doesn't mean they're like asians.

You are a retard, I'm a dog breeder and brainlets like you are the type the create abomination mutts that attack people because you won't accept that genes determine everything from looks, behavior and health

Japanese I like both though

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Black isn't and never was a race though. Look at a black dude from oceania and a black dude from africa. They're nothing alike. Even in africa, ou hvae plenty of very different races.

Yes, this is why the black community has calls themselves lightskin and dark skin and Africans dislike them
Everyone in the world but white people understand this shit

Kill yourself tranny

>because you believe that all people are innately racist
They literally are. Its evolutionary. Preference for "ingroup" and fear of the "outgroup" is what kept our ancestors alive and able to reproduce.
Only in the 20/21st centuries has "racism" as a negative concept even become a thing.

Attached: evolution is true or all races are equal.jpg (1024x1024, 106K)

There is literally nothing wrong with abortion, and the woman you're quoting makes a very good point. I don't think only blacks should be allowed to have abortions, I think everyone should be allowed to have abortions. I believe abortion is a morally good thing, and a genuine improvement of modern living.

damn, you're right. i've never seen any dark skinned anime girls with colorful hair. fucking retard lmao.

The only "black race" that exist is the one in the US that's a mix of black and less black people from everywhere even though mainly from some parts of africa.

>dark skin = tumblr
This character is classic Japanese 'delicious brown', not Tumblr's token black with vitiligo and a rosacea.

>tattoos = tumblr
She has tribal-esque tattoos that fit and serve the theme of the character - that of an exotic pirate. If she was a Tumblr character, she'd have some weird rose on her ankle or something ghastly across her midsection that didn't really fit with the design to emphasis personal individuality and not conforming to norms.

>masculine (not feminine) = tumblr
This design is completely feminine.There's no way you'd have a design on Tumblr like this without getting crucified - they'd accuse her of being some kind of problematic sexualised minority made to cater to the 'male gaze'. She shows way too much skin and has high heels.

No. Only white people should be banned from having abortions. For non whites it should be enforced. Thankfully as it is its great for keeping the feral nigger population under control.
Any doctor or white woman that kills a white baby deserves to hang though.

Dumbhead post

they hate her actually

What kind of mods does unist even have?

tribal niggers get this hair from cow piss just so you know

No all I see is a retard too blinded by /pol/ memes and an irrational fear/ hate of black people for no reason.

Who in the ever living fuck wants their kids to contribute to the slave trade?
Shit was brutal and inhuman as fuck.
Henry Smith tier shit happened every damn day.
Why do you think we had a bloody civil war over this shit?

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>I'm a dog breeder
Humans aren't dogs you utter retard. Also there are a ton of misconceptions of dog breeds anyways, I highly doubt you breed dogs.

context is anti-abortion activists are trying to pass churchlaws to stop people from aborting unwanted fetuses by banning abortion if there's a heart beat (which starts at about 5 weeks). this politician is awkwardly trying to play the race card to stop it in any way she can.

He means he has sex with dogs

Evolutionary Psychology and Social Darwinism are borderline pseudoscience, and are deeply contested fields today. The human brain is way too complicated to be reduced to a simple "ingroup vs outgroup" psychology, and even if some inherent biases exist, humans are rational, thinking creatures and can actively choose to reject our instincts when they are no longer helpful for us.

Population control is a fool's errand, and immoral besides. The only person who should choose whether or not their child should be born is the mother. No one else has an ethical right to that decision. Every single person, of all skin colors, should be allowed to determine their life for themselves, and as having a child is an extremely influential life event, it's morally imperative that women have as much control over it at all stages, including the freedom to abort it at any time before birth.

Strangely enough still not the weirdest thing I ever heard of island folks doing.
Face tattoos still weird me out the most

>/pol/ memes
>no reason
I've lived around niggers all my life. I know their nature.
>slave trade
who said anything about the slave trade? Shit *is* brutal as the only countries that still practice slavery are non white, especially black though.
>henry smith
>murdered his toddler and got lynched
Shit like that happens every day in other countries, it just happens that white people saw that it was too brutal so they put an end to it. But non whites never stopped lynching. Go pay a visit to liveleak or bestgore if you don't believe me.
>why do you think we had a civil war
because money and power, that's why.

>X to doubt
Enjoy your inbred dogs

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>including the freedom to abort it at any time before birth.
nah. Just beat the bitch to death, this is where I agree with the muzzies

*redditors hate her

>I've lived around niggers all my life. I know their nature.
You and every other /pol/tard who lived in a white super majority neighborhood all of his life.

But that would be denying her freedom to choose for herself what to do with her child, as well as her own life.

Do you think we should still have child marriages as young as 8?
Or how about brutal raping near 24-7?
Slaves still cool to anyone paying top dollar?
Blood leaching is cure your sniffles?

We are sentient beings we don’t need that brutal shit anymore because it’s a detainment to society

Nice projecting idiot.
You don't know what its like to live around niggers. I bet you've never even had a gun pointed at you faggot, or held one ready to blow a nigger's brains out if he keeps trying to open your locked front door

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>thinking race is real is the same as raping children and slavery
k den

Why does SNK suck at making 3D models? This nigress looks ugly.

Westerners can't into hot girls anymore, even nips do it better in afro.

Attached: black-anime-girl-with-no-glasses.jpg (960x541, 49K)

People just dislike western games and try to nitpick everything, especially in this place.
If something is bad or disliked, everything about it has to be bad.
Then you have weebs who think that western gaming is complete trash and japanese can do no wrong.
It's kinda like some idiots think that women can't have jaws nowadays. Of course some devs fuck up and give their female characters manfaces but it's more than just a strong jawline.
Anyways, you don't really question it. You just want a brown girl thread which is pretty cool desu

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I'm currently living in a heavily black neighborhood and have zero problems. Any guns at my head have been jokes and jokes by Russians because they love doing shit like that.

but tattoos are great user

so you live in a shitty neighborhood where shitty people do fucked up shit. And that gives you a pristine worldview?

t. victim

No the fuck you didn’t.
My old hometown was literally 88% Black
I’m Black, the police are black, just about everyone in the surrounding area is black and we were peaceful as fuck.
We’re going on 65 years since our last murder
Also thanks to a big county, a well funded school, and mandatory enforced curfew our street crime is non existent
Go back to your soccer mom suburban Jacob

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I don't speak /pol/. Is the middle one a nigress?

Asian women aren't typical renown for their height.

It's a shame Western character designers don't understand people from different parts of Africa look different as well.

I've lived in the South Side of Chicago. It was more dangerous than most places I lived, but that's more about the poverty than the people. Most of my friends there were black or latino, and we had plenty of lively conversation about philosophy and politics. Most of them weren't as educated as I was, but that didn't stop any of them from being quick and attentive conversationalists.

This design isn't particularly tumblr, but it does suck

God bless nips
You beautiful slanted eyed bastards

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>65 years since our last murder
kek lying nigger

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>but that's more about the poverty than the people
>wealthy black neighborhoods have more violent crime than the poorest white neighborhoods

Who's that cute feet girl on the left?

>big tits
>pretty face
>sexy hips
>thin otherwise
>tumblr design.

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but she doesn't have vitiligo and red nose

Attached: tumblr_os22ezmS0s1udg24qo1_400.jpg (400x400, 50K)

>japanese "black characters" are literally just every other anime sameface but with brown skin

just admit you're thinking with your dick and don't pretend you actually give a fuck lmao

nip because i don't like how Chinese sounds and i wouldn't want my wife to run over people on the way to work

>An attractive scantily clad amazonian anime girl
Listen user, I know you want to shitpost and get (you)s and be outraged about everything but try and at least make a little sense next time.

She's not a pirate at all actually, she's a shipwright

Actually they don't. Those statistics are pretty skewed and I don't think they make a meaningful argument regardless. Do you think convenience stores in wealthy black neighborhoods are getting held up by black businessmen and executives in suits?

tumblr probably already has a fatwa on her head, what are you raving about, snoyger?

Yo dawg I know you brothas have a hard time with the whole words thing so ima give it to ya straight homeboy. You got years and days mixed up but dont worry i feel ya 65 days without murder for in a black community is still a monumental achievement. (hope those words aren't too big you can use google if you need help with some of them)

>dark skin = tumblr
fuck off, /pol/ has constant black girl threads.

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>I will post a rare genetic condition literally only known in a few tribes and call it "who cares about gnenetics, fuck drumpfs and fuck science.jpg"
protip : human studies aren't science, dr goldberg lied.

black-black japanese characters are still better than tumblr shit

>Skewed between a dense city with poor neighborhoods next to rich ones vs a rural area with no neighbors for miles
Based retard. Rich whites in LA counties next to poor areas have similar crime rates.

t. mad roastie

>I'm a dog breeder and thus an expert on eugenics
every time

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With your permission, i would like to honor your penis

>thin lips
>thin nose
>soft, curving facial structure
Gee, I wonder why this "black" girl looks so good.

Chocolate milkshake

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Shouldn't you be deleting youtube comments right now, dunkey?

Olympic level Gymnastic there.

>Wanting your wife to be working

you have it the complete opposite, more black women are wearing their natural hair.

It's basic logic and understanding the variables.

Oh shit really ? I might become a /pol/tard then.

>Rich whites in LA counties next to poor areas have similar crime rates.
show me the rich white people getting arrested for dealing dope and robbing stores

Attached: Tekashi69-trial.jpg (1200x707, 68K)

you ain't gonna breed very good dogs otherwise

>humans aren't animals

Attached: 1398453289755.png (646x293, 84K)

>draw white girl and color her black
>Yea Forums likes it
You don't say?

Japan never draws black people with actual black features.

>I can reapply any observation from any animal species I want to humans because all species are pretty much the same in terms of dna and behavior
>letting two of the same types of dogs have sex basically makes me a scientist

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I dont I think it looks like shit and doesn't tell you anything about her being a pirate from the outset its just pandering to a crowd of shitheads who will eat up any new EPIC BROWN WAIFU of the month then forget a week after the games out.

>posts a mexican

>dyed hair

Attached: 1536819338851.jpg (923x687, 96K)

this definetly lacks the tumblr/reset era masculine features
though the upper arms are on the border

thats not what is meant with black/white features you idiot

>think logically
none of those things are inherently political and they only ever get complained about when it's done for politics in a lazy shitty way

hence why japan, with no politics involved is free to do whatever

seems ok to me

Nefertiti. Ozy's wife

Also Tekashi isn't black at all. Blood isn't a race gang.

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>sexy brown lady abs
Thats a win for me OP. You a fruit?

I don't see any tumblr taint in rhe pic you posted

>appeal to nature
you aren't an adult. Probably not even 16 already.

Whatever else happens, it's a good thing we get more brown musclegirl art.

came into this thread expecting to quench my jungle fever and boy am I disappointed

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>Angry/edgy unattractive dykes
>Usually african because obviously the only dark skinned people on this planet are niggers
>Stereotypical as fuck (Afros, "sassy" talk and clothes)
>either no muscle mass, obese or literal men in drag
>looks sick, tired or "realistic" to the point of nauseating skin imperfections

>Beautiful or cute
>Exotic or eccentric clothes that aren't afraid of showing skin & cultural tattoos/markings beneath
>Strong because of their backstory, not because of "we need diversity and girl power in our game!"
>comes in all shapes and forms, short & petite, tall and fit or thicc and voluptuous
>always looks healthy

Give me ONE reason why I should hate japanese design.
No, "unrealistic" isn't a bad thing.

Be the change to want to see in the world, user.

>Usually african because obviously the only dark skinned people on this planet are niggers
this is what bothers me the most

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>Racism isn't racist, math is

Man he baited you up good. Literally walked you into a trap and when it didn't go off the first time you stamped on it

>Strong because of their backstory, not because of "we need diversity and girl power in our game!"
Nadine was a mercenary yet people on Yea Forums still bitched about her. Her background is even crucial to the story.

Dumbest shit I heard.

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>anything that isn't a white man is tumblr

Trannies are racist.


That's why even Blacks hate them, I'm black and want trannies wiped off the planet.

First of, Tumblr didn't invent black people
Second, western devs include minorities to push political agendas while japanese do it because it's adapted to the context of their games

>Tumblr didn't invent black people
I'm pretty sure they did, sweaty

This isn't tumbler design.
If this was tumbler shed have the following.
-facial piercings
-tribal tattoos
-an afro
-combat boots with lots of buckles
-a pink/purple weapon OR one that screamed "girl power"
-be pear shaped, or purposely unattractive body shape
- a random big scar so you knew she was tough
-not sexy #metoo

This design is actually very anti tumbler.

>tumblr didn't invent black people

look at this shitlord....I'm literally shaking right now

Dark skin is more than just black. You have the middle-easterners all the way to the native American Indians..

Yes, those Native Americans are quite renowned for their afros.

>Blacks are genetically predisposed to violent, irrational behavior.
I've met more white people who were violent and irrational. I was even friends with a person like that when I was young. When something happened to a family member of his, he started going nuts and taking it out on me, for no other reason than that I was black.

Never hurt him. Never dissed him. Never did an ill thing to him. Just happened to be the wrong color.


>Usually african because obviously the only dark skinned people on this planet are niggers
Yes, that is the point of the word. It's a word exclusively to insult blacks people. White people try to redefine it, but they're not fooling anyone with two brain cells to rub together.

There's a reason "Honkey" isn't a common word on Yea Forums.


You have to be utterly fucking braindead to think this is the tumblr art style.

dunno about english but then equivalent of nigger in french always was the normal word for black people. Just another way of saying noir.

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Good job proving him right, retard.

Because it looks good
Western designers are hacks and make ugly things

Let me tell you a (not)secret, user:
SNK now belongs to Chinese.

>In March 2015, Leyou Technologies Holdings submitted a disclosure of interest document to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, highlighting a "possible investment in a renowned Japanese video game developer".[30] Later in August, it was announced that Chinese web and mobile games giant 37Games, along with an asset management firm, Orient Securities, had formed a joint venture to invest in Ledo Millennium, a subsidiary of Leyou Technologies. Through Ledo, the venture acquired Kawasaki's 81.25% stake in SNK Playmore for $63.5 million....[6][31]
>Parent Company:Orient Securities Co., Ltd. 37Games[6]–present:_Foreign_acquisition_and_brand_restoration

Time to screech now.

Attached: SNK.jpg (720x360, 122K)

>Muh anecdote

Wow what a surprise, a black is dumb as shit.

How can a disgusting homosexual furry shitposter on Yea Forums such as (You) can be this retarded.

>Time to screech now.

Permission granted

Attached: 5BED2039-D5B0-49FF-A79D-945FBDCD2F92.jpg (457x586, 43K)

>anecdote vs actual statistics

But it's fine when white people bring up "muh shitty black neighbourhood!"

I think the real problem is making them the most obnoxious characters

Attached: gw087.jpg (1920x1080, 874K)

They’re lighting engine is ass

Because Yea Forums is filling with anti-chinese shills and they always screeching/seething whenever someone speak of Chinese/China.

Numales always gravitate to the worship of other cultures over their own. It's the sign of an addled mind.

You guys are funny: Look at all dem facts and stats. Next thing I know you'll be telling me you know genetics because you breed do-oh wait! Well at least you guys now know what "projecting" is.

Besides voice/color/music mods, I'm pretty sure french bread decided it was getting out of control when people were doing things like recreating UNIST character changes in UNIEL and even recreating character from Dengeki fuckin Bunko (though looking back on it UNI Rentaro looked pretty fun).

I swear Yea Forums gets more retarded every single day

>Why do you think we had a bloody civil war over this shit?
So you could go from slavery to apartheid. Do you really think north USA were some black live matters people ?

>slam unga bunga hair on your Mesmer
>complain about unga bunga hair

Why are black people on a majority Anglo site if they feel such strong hatred towards us

It would be like me going to a japanese majority site and demanding them to pander to me and my people every second

They choose to model after attractive people instead of going for "realism"(read: average, mediocre).

Attached: 1549573046626.png (1465x888, 1.6M)

>complain about unga bunga hair
but I like unga bunga hair

that top right image has me dead

>in the modern year

Wolf 2 isn't American

what's your problem jamal
just make a black imageboard and call it a day. what are you even doing here with anglos

Master Raven is the best looking black woman Ive seen in a video game. A fighting game nonetheless and these western AAA titles cant even come close. It makes you question these devs competence. We actually HAVE black people walking around and you still fucking suck at designing them.

>White women

nips really don't see them as attractive though.

Attached: 1553790957203.jpg (1280x720, 175K)

Yea Forums attract losers of all races and nationalities. If you're on Yea Forums, you're messed up in some way. If you're not messed up going in, you certainly will be going out.
Yea Forums is for losers who hate themselves.

Attached: AnonymousIdentityPolitics.jpg (716x542, 312K)

user I think you'd be surprised by how many people on here actually blend into society and function somewhat normally.

Vast majority of people here are from the anglosphere where the majority of people are anglos or assimilated ethnicities. This thread literally proves that blacks are way too stupid to assimilate
Nice filename, user. Look at which countries mostly post here

Attached: 1320898536143.png (601x695, 9K)

I am. I don't give a fuck. Niggers are shit and so are you. Sage and hide.

really rude user

Attached: 1554209934814.png (544x473, 45K)


Attached: INT as a dump stat.webm (400x226, 715K)

Mostly slavery fell out of style in the north because of automation and foreign business man complaining that beating your slaves in street isn’t good for business and makes Americans look like savages.

Nigga I’m Anglo too.
I’m as much as an American as you are

Attached: D3B979F6-00EF-477B-BAA7-C8DF960734F9.jpg (225x225, 9K)

I'm not american and I'm not your "nigga"

I live in Maryland, and most black women here wear braids. I can count the women I know with afros on one hand.

More like they needed people to do shitty jobs while still be able to buy shit and make the economy works.

imagine being so deep into anti-SJW that you can't appreciate muscle girls

Attached: thigh crush.jpg (1200x1488, 241K)

It proves the oppisite actually: You seem to be under the impression that a bunch of black aren't om Yea Forums, and it was only challenged when /pol/tards started pushing /pol/ memes. It's almost like we understand that this is an Anonymous imageboard and identity has little place among the discourse.

Frankly, a black user fits in more than an Anglo who can't shut up about being white.

Attached: projecting.jpg (800x600, 209K)

Black anons post the most race related shit on the entire site. Ruggarell is a black guy with a 3 inch dick and he spams cuck porn and race bait everywhere lol

This. Also most blacks post on sp but a cumskin on v is allergic to sports

Muscle girls disgust me due to the gross biological inaccuracy and how it scream of a weak man's fetish.

One guy is proof
Omg most whites are tiny dick manlets dude lmao manlet tears does nothing but shill his unfunny YT with his 3 inch dick and 5 inch height

>Shitty trollbait thread
>Yea Forums still takes the bait instead of reporting the thread

Attached: don_t_feed_the_troll.png (933x960, 316K)

Imagine being so insecure of your masculinity that the mere existence of an attractive woman with muscle makes you feel like a weak man.

Attached: 1538253902957.jpg (601x601, 27K)

Nips try to make them cute, likeable or both. Looks better then that shitty butch looking dyke for the nu borderlands game that marketers were trying to shill as a waifu.

You can honestly do whatever you want. I'm just saying the equivalent of this would be me going to a japanese website and calling them piss skins


Attached: C0E63B71-0A79-4ABF-836B-CAE17A213FD0.png (450x368, 175K)

Your obsession with some black guys small dick is telling my friend. Youre wearing your insecurity on your sleeve.

Btw cope is a black twitter meme. Lol. Stupid mutt

I assure you that if you see someone who you think is black acting racist against whites on here it's 99% a white dude doing it either to bait or to fuel his interracial fetish.

>masculine (not feminine) = tumblr
Tomboys are tumblr now?

West is realty

Pretty much, I can't stand this trend of lovingly designing characters to look as fucking revolting as possible. And that's just on top of being insufferable.

Attached: pipe.png (301x309, 223K)

>I’m American
No Pedro you have to go back

I'm not a fan of weeb shit in general but this is true. Nips try and make them attractive compared to dykes and soi devs from the west because that's objectifying women or some shit.

Me too

Attached: 130D4F27-9EF1-4127-8473-A7CD10C6A9AB.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

I actually like ruggarell but he still proves you wrong. Guy is the biggest shitposter on Yea Forums
Fine. Everyone is white

Is she a amputee or something?

Are you implying at Yea Forums is a white website because it was made by a 15 year old white kid in New York. Step outside in NY and there's minorities everywhere man. Unless you're using the English language as your basis, in which point countries like Trinidad and Jamaica speak English natively.
It's an anonymous image board user, anyone who brings up their race is a faggot, including you.

Attached: 1554076509852.png (600x450, 514K)

Bite me faggot

Attached: 28670081-E1C2-42E8-A50D-1C9696043E81.jpg (400x400, 77K)

majority of people here are anglos or ethnic groups that have assimilated into anglo countries. only the blacks want to stir shit up here. how often do you see italians and greeks making race bait threads here? just admit that the black posters are mentally unstable

The west does it to meet a diversity quota, Japan does it to cater to fetishes.

You have to be out of your mind if you don't think the only people stirring race shit in here aren't /pol/ fags.

it's been objectively proven that austrailians are the #1 source of shitposting

Attached: 1547385738610.jpg (600x733, 29K)

I'm black and he's spot on. white sjws are really fucking racist on the sly and will call out anyone any little thing that could be misconstrued as politically incorrect. They are literally projecting and have to cover up the fact that they think brown people are ugly helpless creatures with aggressive liberal ideology

a-user cant you see? he's one of them.

SamSho is not on shitch.

I haven't said anything politically incorrect

Attached: 6B7228C1-A847-4DE9-A568-FE72A89C500A.jpg (205x61, 5K)

"Black" women with white women features are the best.

That's because all of you are fuckin mutts

>OP post an image of a woman with darker skin
>Entire thread becomes a political cesspool


Attached: 1497394985162.jpg (230x219, 11K)

WOAH man. Dont bait me now. I got nothing to do with this!

its fine when you snow niggers repost skewed statistics by unreliable sources without understanding why those stats even exist in the first place, in a thread that not even talking about race. There's a reason why people tell you to fuck off with this shit because its annoying

Attached: 1539204425550.jpg (1890x1630, 153K)

Whatever. You don't see Slovenians coming here and making threads about themselves and constantly posting racial shit. This is exclusively a "black" thing

You're posting a picture about white women being servants for Japanese men who rape them regularly.
You're exactly what he is describing.

With Canadians right after

What is tumblr about it?

I love when you /pol/ fags sperg out because I know as a black user I'm living rent free in your head. Your creating a boogieman when everyone calls you out for being a fucking retard derailing the thread. "O-oh no, people don't agree with me, it must be all the niggers trying to get us beautiful angelos". Heres a (You) for your troubled mind, faggot.

Attached: 1344224749835.jpg (481x350, 25K)

see I have nothing against you personally, it's just that most of the abhorrent posts comes from you guys being tribal freaks. Lithuanians don't do this shit

>tumblr has coopted cookiecutter amazons
Even if so, shame my dick is apolitical though

Attached: mWJuqXO.png (386x242, 89K)

>You see a character that's crude, arrogant, and disrespectful
Because they ALMOST ALWAYS ARE those character types. There's a difference between confidence and being a cunt and all these retarded black characters nowadays are almost all cunts.

God I hate sheltered idiots thinking they’re hot shit because of their race only with no achievements of their own

What if I'm the only achievement my race has made ?

What is that monstrosity.

Christ this is the saddest samefag I've ever seen, just let it go my man

My wife!

The game looks good.

Attached: Samurai Shodown - Introducing Nakoruru.webm (854x480, 2.7M)

what now?

Attached: 0 v v likes tumblr character design when Japan does Video Games 4chan.png (673x250, 28K)

why are Vice Admirals all the wise and experienced admirals while the Admirals got where they are by being the biggest dick in the Marines

>unreliable sources
The FBI is unreliable?
>without understanding why those stats even exist in the first place
Its obvious why the stats exist, because black cultural norms have essentially doomed them into a future of serfdom. All the media they consume and the garbage they look up on social media 24/7 from worldstar to black twitter is full of antagonistic garbage and the idea that unless you act like a fucking anarchist cocksucker that you're no better then a white devil and that all blacks are oppressed in a modern society where Japanese and Indian families make more money on average living in America then White European descending families do. It's also a problem that they have a schoolyard mentality of never ratting other people out for doing dumb shit. Why do you think crime is high? If blacks weren't predisposed to this Italian mafia mentality of not being a rat then the crime statistic wouldn't be so fucking shit, it's because there's no consequences for their actions until they got shot by a cop that the crime rates are so bad. I've lived in black communities for a long time and it's blatantly obvious when you actually talk to good black people, yes those exist along with asshole racist whites too just like every race, but the cultural problem is deeper with blacks (and possibly now with Hispanics in the US South) then other races because they won't put their kids up to task for being fuckups. If a white kid in a small town raped someone they'd be ostracized and forced to leave. If it was a black kid doing the same in a small town of black people he'd get away with it because nobody would rat on him. That's why the crime problem has skyrocketed, because the black community doesn't give a fuck about making their kids accountable in life and you can blame fuckers like Maxine Waters and DeRay for this shit. They are the reason blacks have fallen behind and the stereotype prevails.

Oh yeah well one time I saw a black being a criminal

Owned another conservative with speculation and emotion

>All the media they consume makes them criminals.

Oh my god user you went full circle and became one of those "if you play violent videogames you become violent" guys.
This is fascinating.

That's what happens when you play too much video games.

She's a negro if she has black skin user.

What about brown skin ?

Josie is a flip you stupid motherfucker.

You think just because you have a darker shade than white you're automatically from Africa you dumb retard?

Then she's a poo in loo.

Hate to admit it but it's true.
Japan's mass amounts of Turbo virgins somehow equates to better looking sluts

The woman from dishonored 2 was good though

I like big boobs

Wow check out this fag

He's not wrong though, most of them are animu characters with darker skin.

Yeah but she was ugly so who cares.

>japanese "black characters" are literally just every other anime sameface but with brown skin
That's why they're based

>That said “Black features” and “white features” is s retard tier /pol/ meme
Nigger there is an entire wing of anatomical/physiological science that focuses on the varied anatomy of the different racial/ethic groups.

Josie isn't even a nig nog. The rest are just anime girls with darker skin, other then the skin colour they don't look any different to other anime girls. West is more realistic because none of them are attractive, and thus better representation since its a he truth.

And also fake since no darkie is attractive.

Designed by a woman

i believe it will be early next year

everybody in that game was ugly

>wanting to be dominated by a women
Pretty gay desu fampai.

Because she looks like a dark skinned white person instead of a nigger

grow up

Never understood why Yea Forums thinks blacks like sjws. Fighting games have the most T&A and are played mostly by black men

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-10-18-49-21.png (720x1280, 489K)

>muh white features

Every time.

>Because she looks like a dark skinned white person

>Thread instantly devolves into FUCKING NIGGERS and Muh all anime characters be white tier shitposting

Attached: 1454360880469.jpg (1600x1854, 516K)

>attractive female character
>skimpy clothing
>looks like a woman
>no big red nose
how is it tumblr

Cope harder nigger

No u

Attached: 1554938625795.png (861x810, 1.34M)

Because she actually looks good

She is some shade of brown, as if Japan didn't use that to make characters MORE attractive since the 80s

>No red nose
>Fat tits
>Thicc ass

How the fuck is this remotely tumblr

Attached: 1554694187761.png (499x338, 36K)

I want her to sit on my face

Attached: giphy.gif (1920x1076, 2.17M)

Because The SJWs keep cramming Blacks in to the same group as gays and transgenders. Sexual preferences don't have anything to do with one's skin color and descent, but because of the way their morality system works, all "marginalized" people are placed in the same group.

The absurdity of it peaked when they were trying to shove Islam in with gay and transgendered people.

The woman from Wolfenstein 2 was pretty cool, still ugly tho

i enjoy looking at attractive females

>100% bait threads that can't be more obvious grow so well without getting removed

Since when Yea Forums was like this?

Thing is
Delicious anime brown is not black
Brown grills aren't niggers.

>I like big hair.
Best taste.

Attached: 1491023619323.jpg (668x960, 85K)

>Hips like that
Spotted the jealous tranny

how is this tumbler design if it screams of SEX

tumblrwhales draw _ugly_ mutt womyn on purpose.

>black women


>90% of them are gorillas, 9% are mediocre, 0.9% are decent, lastly cuties are only 0.1%
>find out a black woman who has never dated a Black man otherwise your non-Black sized dick won't fit in her anymore
>anyone in her ghetto never likes you so be careful when you visit her and her visiting you can be problematic too
>never relax, ever, because in site of black men, wtf he stole our woman gotta kill him thing can happen at any time.

Attached: Boyfriend Dungeon - Date Your Weapons-s.webm (853x480, 3M)

>imagine the smell

Go back to whatever shithole you crawl from faggot

Eh Capitalism can have its perks

>sexy woman
>big tits
>normal color nose
How is that design tumblr?

Attached: 1460331397869.jpg (580x937, 171K)

first post, exactly what is wrong with this board. anime.
the best are naive faggots who still think Yea Forums is still some sort of jap culture board when it's just a place for lonely virgins to jerk off to cartoons drawn by other men.
Every single aspect of jap culture is trash, from their personalityless women to their ultra feminized men and especially their shitty art.

Attached: 1341785645971.jpg (400x363, 31K)

She's a darkie and that's enough to make it Tumblr design

wow, it's almost like Yea Forums ISN'T racist.

Yea Forums just hates fat, ugly women.

Attached: 1501024159309.jpg (2048x1152, 157K)

Fuck off Jesus


Attached: 1513346626646.jpg (312x219, 10K)

Two of the 3 images there with afros take place in the 60s, when afros were more common. The other one takes place in some made up future world.

Does that make GTA:SA a tumblr game?

Fuck off soccer mom

I don't mind fat, ugly women, but you damn sure better not tell me that I'm wrong for not being attracted to them or that I shouldn't want better looking women

>brown people don't exist

imagine writing this post, thinking you'll BTFO Yea Forums

Attached: 1545643164156.jpg (480x473, 14K)

The tumblr ideal is taking the fun out of fantasy. It's including designs bereft of appeal for the sake of a few whiners who do not play the games. It's taking standard metrics for beauty like symmetry, apparent youth, cleanliness, and wholeness and shirking them as a power play. It treats sex appeal as sin in a confused and uncharacteristically puritanical twist of logic. It speaks unfun truths like "no warrior would fight in a bikini," while at the same time saying "why wouldn't an obese black wheelchair-bound midget with vitiligo and cerebral palsy be in this fighting game?"

This is the fun kind of diversity. Maybe you like brown girls? Maybe you like fit girls? Maybe you think dreads are hot? Maybe you like the pirate/brigand aesthetic? It aims to appeal, not to appease.

Attached: tumblr_o6q65qWolx1u5srk8o2_1280.jpg (1280x1282, 237K)

>Draw Lani
>Call her Dagger
What did they mean by this

Attached: 1243205591069.jpg (600x510, 60K)

>wide hips
>big tits
>big ass
>fetish for weak men
>t. jealous roastie/tranny

yes I am weak as in not being able to defend myself from all this test that is causing me to crave actual non-fat curves on a bitch

Attached: 1533007237478.jpg (230x219, 18K)

They take the fun out of everything and shove in lame shit that applies to 0.001% of the global population.
Some much potential yet they throw the baby out with the bath water

Attached: 6B29F693-1EA7-4961-ABCB-7BC14196BC5B.jpg (1519x2048, 320K)

actually kill yourself dude, jesus.

Are any if the characters on the left even black? Josie is Asian

Because she has a cute face and a delicious chocolate body?

Attached: EV162CC.png (1600x900, 1.54M)

Mixed race dog are stonger, healthier and live longer than pure race breeds. Pure race breeds are an absolute meme, full of genetic diseases, poor inmune systems and most will die early due to a tumor or a rare infection like parvovirus.

Your """dog breeder""" argument doesn't helps your case at all.

Grace from FC5 is my waifu.

Can you tell me if my goblina is healthy?

Attached: IMG_3397.jpg (3264x2448, 1.95M)

>promoting dark skinned women in any way

Attached: 1506561860574.jpg (452x523, 12K)

1st off Phone posting deserves death
2nd when you hear purebred you should think inbred.
If that’s a purebred dog you’ve essentially brought Sister fucking Cletus the dog


So what's the endgame of those statistics, totally not fake graphs and charts on how white people are more """"intelligent""" than black people and black people are the cause of everything wrong with the world.

Let's assume you do manage to prove it. Now what?

Imagine being this fucking retarded

My man step off Yea Forums for a day. Walk outside.

Pack it the fuck up, we're done.

Attached: 1554627549719.jpg (900x506, 70K)

I really like Grace. She's so kind that I want her to be my aunt.

So Elena isn't Black even though she's from Kenya?

>wow, it's almost like Yea Forums ISN'T racist.
It isn't?

>brown rather than black
>attractive face
>big tits
>"tumblr design"
Are you high?

Nice projection, retard.
I actually come here to blow off some steam at you losers.

Okay, but what SNK game is she from? Is it the heroine tag game? Skimmed the thread and no one even says the name of the game.

>Sexy half naked pirate


What the fuck?


guess i wanna fuck tumblr then haha

Didnt realize it was gonna be on switch. Really looking forward to the game.

Damn looking at this is day and night.
Looks like absolute death.
Like it’s just given on even bothering to washing it’s face
Wants to put a bullet into its own brain to end its suffering
Just disgusting.
>Black Sephiroth
Look at this dude
Looks cool, Strong, confidence like he says very little and strikes with absolute precision
He’s look like a difficult final boss- EX Secret boss that if he catches you slipping has a 0 to death combo
He’s not to be fucked with.

I don’t have jungle fever but would definitely blow a load inside this broad and leave her alone to raise the child

>Darli Dagger

Attached: CHINGER CHANGER.jpg (258x300, 9K)

Project harder you fucking faggot

Look like i'm going to win a lot of karma and upvotes en r/Yea Forums thanks to this post
thanks user! :D

IMO the moral way to handle it is to understand the truth (whatever it may be, even if it's upsetting to swallow) and to not let it influence your decision making or assumptions. Evaluate people as individuals without treating people like a typical member of their race.

People worry about this kind of stats/research because they rightly don't want to be generalized or denied opportunity because of it.

the cat got me intriggued

Armpit sluts are always superior

Attached: 1554403248181.jpg (1200x675, 147K)

>Do you think we should still have child marriages as young as 8?

is there anything objectively wrong with this as long as the underage partner waits under they are of legal consenting age? asking for a friend.

Attached: 1554952769521.jpg (1024x597, 23K)

She looks like if Woolie was a video game girl

kys pedo

>bikini pirate chick with long hair, wide hips and big tits
>not feminine

Attached: HAHAHAHAHA.gif (360x270, 439K)

>Muscle girls disgust me due to the gross biological inaccuracy

the juxtaposition of big bouncy tits with washboard abs is exactly why it is so appealing.

Attached: 1545683061808.jpg (540x960, 112K)

>The FBI is unreliable?
you are serious right?

Attached: 1207063042624.png (170x163, 60K)

>Muh all anime characters be white tier shitposting

stop poisoning the well faggot no one is saying all anime waifus are white just most of them

>I like big hair
Good man.

>Yea Forums just hates fat, ugly women.

revelation of the century

Attached: 1243003709283.jpg (812x887, 65K)

>at most it's like a little cartoon sheep fluff
Floof is just superior.

Attached: Haru fluffy noir.jpg (1200x857, 169K)

Are you Arc Sissies in full damage control that everyone realized that your shitty companies meme games are fucking garbage?

is it pedophilia if there is no sexual connotation in the relationship until the younger partner understands what sex is?


you are groomed all the time user. by people you talk to, listen to, admire, etc. stop pretending you or anyone else doesn't have agency and are incapable of making their own decisions. that said. If I cultivate a nubile young girl but pursue NO sexual urges until she is of the consenting age where she can fully understand what that means then how the fuck is that pedophilia. I'm not attracted to kids mind you.

>big tits
>pretty face
>sexy outfit
Sorry bro it takes a little more than brown skin to make it "tumblr"

>wow, it's almost like Yea Forums ISN'T racist.
Exactly. It's not my fault niggers are ugly.

They both look white. As expected from japs.

Why do white anons think all blacks have exaggerated noses and lips? Not all black people have that.

You 'brownposting' retards just made up a fictional race. You claim brown people aren't black or south american or middle eastern. So what the fuck are they? 'Brown' girls in your animes and games are supposed to be representations of african or middle eastern people but you cover your ears and pretend theyre some vague fantasy race called brown girls.

Attached: 0038.jpg (640x960, 117K)

Imagine being a nigger, going onto 4channel, and getting offended by racism. I suppose the real question is how did you even get on the internet in the first place with your sub 80 IQ.

The ones in America do. If they are full black the literally look like apes.

Maybe it's not the color of the skin that's the problem.

But that's literally not true. Plenty of fully black girls who don't look like the stereotypes that you guys want them to be be.

that's the point user

according the ideologues who care about these things moonland can't make black people because of their facial structure being too similar to other anime characters that are not dark skinned.

In short they are low key racist as fuck as seen

you mean the america where just about every black person has white in them? That america?

Attached: 1535856018631.jpg (640x640, 74K)

>If they are full black the literally look like apes.
Leave your house and get some fresh air.

Then what's the problem, Cletus?

Attached: 0042.jpg (535x767, 74K)

There's an entire region of the world, one closer to Japan than the ones you listed, that you're forgetting has brown people.

>>Yea Forums likes tumblr character design when Chinese does it
SNK is not Japan anymore

>Implying cares about the differences and will just call them niggers regardless

The point still fucking stands. "Brown" is not a race.

low IQ, nigger

Prove it.

Looks like an ape. And the problem is whenever one of you tries to elevate themselves beyond savagery the rest of you call them an uncle tom/house nigger/oreo. You glorify your stupidity.

They're still headquartered in Japan and employ Japanese people. That like saying Ubisoft is Chinese because tencent owns a majority stake in them.

>everyone is intentionally taking the obvious bait to let /pol/ stuff on going

Nu-Yea Forums is a mistake.

it's their ugly facial features that are the problem
sure there are good looking black women, but they're one in a million

The picture says "diversity" not "Africans" in video games. What Filipinos do we have from any recent western games?

Attached: 1531698924915.jpg (540x540, 56K)

did biology know it was being tumblr when it made blacks?

Even if I did you would do your best to disprove it like you did with That doesn't look like an ape at all.

>exposed underboob
>brown girl with primitive tribal design
>no giant lips and nose
>no woke afro

You got destroyed.

>And the problem is whenever one of you tries to elevate themselves beyond savagery the rest of you call them an uncle tom/house nigger/oreo.
>Still falling for this meme

>but they're one in a million
They're not and you'd know if you ever left your echo chamber and went outside.

Attached: 0131.jpg (1080x1350, 160K)

>ape nose
>typical big nig lips
Dumb nigger.

Brown japanese video game characters represent a region or place as vaguely as any other character in the same types of games. Barret is as vaguely "American black" as Yuffie is "fantasy Japanese". The most common brown characters happen to be "those desert people" but it's clear who they're supposed to be representing.

>Why are so many black women in western games, ironically, racist caricatures?
That's because a lot of American black women are programmed to act this way. Stay away from the aggressive and ratchet black girls.

Delete this thread.

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>dark skin = tumblr

HAHAHHAHAHAHA, found the MAGA /pol/tard

>Literally proving my point

Attached: dcda514cb0bc237f80527cd48cca429d-702938-artful-photos-of-beautiful-black-girls.jpg (702x938, 271K)

>perfect thread for brown girl posting
>ruined by /pol/tards

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Shiki has exposed back and shoulders so she is superior.

I still don't get where this "black people hate successful black people" meme came from. A large majority of black parents try their best to make sure their kids don't become negative statistics.
And many black people celebrate black excellence

Exactly, we celebrate the ones who do right and chastise the ones who do wrong. It's on the news right now. A rapper (Nipsey Hussle) who was cleaning up his neighborhood just got killed and black people are coming out in large numbers talking about him and praising what he did for the neighborhood.

Sniper girl from farcry 5 was cute and redpilled

I bet anons will say she's white lol

None of the girls on the left are nigger though. I remember the P3 girl being from Okinawa

I took that as part of the comments, the west mostly only does African brown women.

Man, you haven't seen some of the biggest tumblr shitstorms where popular artists draw someone without exaggerated ethnic features have you? Tumblr is even worse than that stereotype depicted, hilariously so.

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If anything black people should call out or boycott the hip hop industry for having zero quality control, and for basically making blacks look bad for years to come.

>No red nose
>Isn't a fat dyke

>why aren't you hypocrites following the rules I made up for you!

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there's definitely a crabs in the bucket mentality and anybody who's excelled in a predominately black public school has probably experienced it. The most detrimental thing to learning isn't the curriculum but the other students. Honors classes are pretty much the only exception

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The FBI fucks up all the time.
Do I have to remind you about Bay of pigs?

I know this post is being sarcastic but one, black people do actually celebrate those doing good for themselves or their neighborhoods and actually denounce that gang life and crime. Even though he was a former gang member he did turn around and try to do right by the community. Plenty of anecdotes from people of him assisting them.

Because the lefties that design these characters are more racist then the audience.

There are some decent characters out there who don't even show up in black female list like
Fran from FF12 or Shinobu from no more heroes

Get out of your room
The scent of piss jugs and cum socks is rotting your brain

The point is there, but the comparison is retarded. Only dicklet weebs who think with their dicks fall for this

you know nothing john snow,


because Yea Forums would like ramming nails in their ballsack if SJWs didn't like it

that doesn't change fact that i am right

I wasn't being sarcastic.

That's true but look at what you said >Black public school.

Children and teenagers are gonna be stupid shitters no matter the race.

She's white lol. Just like the Elite Egyptians, whites with a tan.

Genital mutilation seems more like an SJW thing though.

Rap now is shitty but hip-hop from the 80s and early 90s was less about drugs and bragging and more fun and about stories
That's not untrue but that's mainly younger kids picking on each other for being nerds. I've been called white before by classmates but after doing some growing up those same people are celebrating the career path I'm planning to take. There are always gonna be people who try and hold you back no matter what race.

Looks shit

>Rap now is shitty but hip-hop from the 80s and early 90s was less about drugs and bragging and more fun and about stories
Agreed. I miss those times.

>It's a dirty dark secret, you know when there are young black kids doing well in school, the loser kids tell 'em, "Oh, you're acting white."
Didn't white people do the same thing, sans the racial flavor? I mean, I know there's a reason the terms "Geek" and "Nerd" exist.


Telling someone they owe it to their people to fail is a lot more powerful and effective than just calling them a nerd

This was accepted as a reply?

Yea Forums is so fucking garbage now. Jesus.

Left isn't diversity. The point of diversity is that more people feel included. If only demure supermodels feel represented, that's not very inclusive.

>Rap now is shitty
Sounds like you're not listening to enough rap then because ALL MODERN RAP IS ABOUT BITCHES, MONEY AND DRUGS is a meme that was being forced since I was in high school.

What's with the obsession with blacks? You're all sheltered and will never encounter a black anyway, why are you constantly thinking about them?

I guess the main difference is black people/kids should know better and have it more instilled into them that academic success is a positive thing considering all they had to overcome. I work with a lot of elderly black people and one thing that consistently comes across is how disappointed they are with young people. Not in the boomer "back in my day" way, but in the "you know how many ass kickings my family/friends took just so we could vote?" kind of way.

This image is my spirit animal

It depends on the chink. Tencent? Fuck right off. These guys though?
>alright we bought SNK
>let's have a look at what they've been doing
>why the fuck are you guys mucking around with pachinko?
>drop that nonsense, we're going back to kof

I need art of Darli and Master Raven making out. Might commission it for research purposes.

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The same reason they're obsessed with the Jews.

A company that complains about modding doesn't deserve respect.

All pop music is that way. Even if the artist is white it's still all about getting laid.

Western vidya black women don't have much personality outside of being aggressive, dipshit.

>tattoos = tumblr
Dude what.
I mean I hate tattoos myself but tumble are far from the only ones to use them.

>long hair
nah. This design does nothing for me.
But however, I doubt it was made with "Lets make a progressive black character to tell those alt-right nazis to pee their pants!" in mind like every western studio.

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who's the green dressed one and what game is she from?

Some of the instrumentals aren't bad but when it comes to the lyrics these artists spew the same brain dead repetitive bullshit. Don't make excuses for garbage.

I'm pretty sure she predates Rasta anything by centuries.

I hate Yea Forums so much


yes, and? Doesnt change what it looks like to me.

Dogs have a little something called
"Animal Nature"
Animal nature is the unbelievably powerful ability to literally transmit information in the form of DNA to their offspring.
Information like "this smell means danger, run", "If you see two white glowy things they are eyes, run"
Now, the reason animals have Nature, is that they are so dumb they cannot learn fast enough to survive, so they straight up "One For All" their own knowledge onto their children.

Humans are so intelligent that we have almost completely done away with nature.
Comparing dog breeds to human sub-races is a fallacy

Well, Jews run everything so it's not exclusive to blacks.

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Black sephiroth is unironically a concept I would get behind if he looked like this.

because it's not a tumblr design when Japan does it, just a cool design.

Because, much to the dismay of dumlbr, she is not a racial stereotype

>yes, and? Doesnt change what it looks like to me.
Rule 63 Woolie?


> in-group preference is pseudo-science because I say so

yeah okay, buddy.

>Sheltered white girl with a white savior complex on Tumblr draws an ugly caricature of black people.
>Black people get called niggers and blamed for it.

Every time.

Yea Forums is my place to shitpost my true emotions with absolutely no fear of retribution
being on Yea Forums has actually taught me about how NOT to act in public.
It's like Yin and Yang, dude.
Yea Forums is the Yin
real life conversations are the Yang

> humans are rational, thinking creatures and can actively choose to reject our instincts when they are no longer helpful for us.


every single person on earth immediately identifies three things about a new person they see: sex, age, and race. classification is an inherent part of our visual and broader mental subconscious.

>google him
>some literal who youtube faggot
this place realy went downhill. Acting like everyone needs to know some youtube cunt.

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Get out

maybe you need to go back to twitter.

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Dreadlock trensils is actually a european way of keeping your hair, used by Greeks, Romans and Spartans in the B.C.s. slaves adopted it and it became ingrained with afro-american culture.

Meagan Foster was fine though. And her series' artstyle is that of caricature. Everyone is deliberately ugly as an art style choice to accentuate their features.

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I won't even pirate this if Iroha and Mai aren't in it

>not being exposed to him and his ex best friends
>in 2019
I hope your echo chamber has good snacks user

this shit hits me hard

I do remember seeing that cunt in some thumbnails here, but why would I willingly expose myself to eceleb bullshit.

New SamSho

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