Countries that never made a good game
Countries that never made a good game
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People Can Fly made fucking Fortnite
not good
This is funny. Because Poland made a lot of good games. So it's wrong. And that is funny. People will come and say "that is wrong", which means you we totally trolled and pwnd them, hahaha. So funny. Us games and our master trolling and Yea Forums culture man.
how about Painkiller or Bulletstorm, same team
Sweden, Germany, France and Portugal
ale piecze
REAL gamers hate video games and only talk about politics in them, don't you know?
Any FPS that incentivizes a mix of melee and ranged combat is good in my book
the only good game eastern europeans have made is stalker
in fact europe in general probably has 10 good game/series total
Nice one
Back to /r9k/ normie
painkiller, witcher, bulletstorm, superhot, soldat, kings arthur gold...
Witcher 1
Witcher 2
Witcher 3
Parts of the world that have never made a good game aside from Turkey.
[spoiler[I want them to.[/spoiler]
inb4 someone posts the US
OP said "good"
typical polish ""game""
So you’re saying that if we want to have good videogame discussion, we need to invade and take over /pol/?
They only made one of the best games ever made with the best writing of any game ever made.
>What is Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, and Battlefield 2142
>that dub
too late. Yea Forums(nel) is /pol/ property
fuck off ruskies
we made more good games than you
what have you made? fucking evil islands?
all of them are good funposter and you have not played half of them
Hard Reset? Bulletstorm? Shadow Warrior? Thronebreaker? not even gonna mention upcoming goodness
>the only good game eastern europeans have made is stalker
Mafia 1/2
Armed and Dangerous
Serious Sam
Frost Punk
Talos Principle
Earth 2140
Machinarium and Amanita games
Original War
The Void
Il-2 Sturmovik
Space Rangers
Silent Storm
Men of War
Arguably also Witcher games and Shadow Warrior 1/2: they ahve more than a little flaws, but they are certainly worth at least a look.
all literal fucking garbage
This War of Mine?
or not, give me an example of a good game that you played
Really? You are going to debate over having the Witcher when you put shit like Eurotruck and Pathologic on there
he posted testoviron thats how you know he is baiting
have sex, video games are for mentally retarded children
Superhot is kinda boring even at its pitiful length and it has the nerve to charge 30 fucking bucks, the VR one is good though
Every american video game is trash.
Yes, and if you weren't a complete fucking mongoloid, you'd immediately know why. Eurotruck and Pathologic are games with extremely niche appeal, but exceptionally great at what they do.
Witcher (past TW1 I guess) or SW are very much a major broad appeal titles that however can be heavily debated in whenever they succeeded in what they set up to do. It's like comparing those Night Watch movies Russia made to compete with movies like Underworld and Blade, to some of the most Obscure Tarkovsky or pre-emigration Forman.
MUCH less people will ever see the draw of Andrey Rublev or Loves of a Blonde, but for those few who look for that kind of experience, they are ingenious.
Meanwhile, Night Watch will draw a LOT more people with it's premise, but whenever it really succeeds to make something special is... much more up to debate.
no need to explain me why are you here, i noticed
As a citizen of the latter, I can confirm. Its a real sad state of affairs but its just how it is, I guess.
>t. consolefag
literally the best non-Japanese devs come from Poland, faggot.
>this is what subhumans actually believe
>insulting to prove a point
Hatred? basically a Postal remake
or maybe IS Defense? killing screaming arabs is cool
took someone long enough to say this. you're a minority, user.
Nope, I am White.
slavshits aren't white
Yes, we are proud Mongolian warriors.
pic unrelated
t. p*lack
Get Even would be amazing if it was released on schedule
Remind me, what did Turkey make?
mount and blade
mountain blade
And Mount&Blade.
>Armed and Dangerous
Game's made by murricans bro
Maybe he meant Hidden and Dangerous, that one is made in the Czech Republic.
>testo is a international meme now
My bad, I was indeed thinking of Hidden and Dangerous.
That's fair enough. I never like Armed and Dangerous.
based and redpilled
I'm gonna be honest - I'm not even sure what it is. I know the title (hence the silly mistake), but I can't in any way say if it's good or bad.
Kangurek Kao suko
this tb h
Say no more.
>fishnets without any meat on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>her legs
It's shit.
Isn't The Surge made by pastas? I mean, OP is a retard, with his "good" criteria.
as much as I like to shit on Poland, this is just not true.
sram hooyem xD
Surge is German I think
>gothic series
German development house but almost entirely polish leadership. Surge and the awful one that they before Surge were both brain-children of one of the lead developers of TW1/2 who spit up after the TW2 exhaustion and decided to persue his own path, taking some of the Witcher team with him.
Replayed NoTR recently. It still shits on so many modern games in terms of progression and soundtrack.
fucking traitor
Stay mad mutt.
Your country will always be full of niggers
tez macie z dupy zakres zbanowany na kara antoni?
Pretty much take robin hood, monty python-ish humour and dakka, toss 'em in a dryer and spin.
Completely average game tbqh, but I had fun when playing it in high school.
>is mad to get called out as an incel
>post incel picture
what did he mean by this?
But PainKiller is a good game?
Apart from silent hill, I completely agree.
a country full of niggers is better than your country that's pretty pathetic.
yikes, that's not a good look sweaty
better than yours mohammed.
was się powinno jebać
jebać ruchać i na was zarabiać
>progression and soundtrack
Oh I know this is bait but I can't just sit idly by when such shit taste is exposed. Fuck off my dude.
>wchodzenie na ten spermiarzfest
Earth series are kino tho
Has Europe in general ever made a memorable game? Japan is the obvious winner and Murrika is hit or miss, but I genuinely can’t think of a single notable European game that isn’t F2P shit
Don't you have some dilating to do?
While they've figured out basic shitposting, that changing the narrative shit gets shot down without fail.
nice deflection faggot
I'm the chad you'll never be, keep seething incel
eastern europe is doing better than western europe in game production. why?
>majority are war related in some way
Imagine being this obsessed over a century later lmao
Mostly because eastern europe is not as much influenced by SJW as western Europe.
Also eastern Europe game Devs are not associated with shitty moneymilking publishers like EA or Ubisoft.
>Yea Forums
>western europe in game production.
literally doesn't exist
get out
>ITT: Baiting polish people to give (you)s
Here, have one OP. It's free.
>country full of niggers is better
easy on the brain hemorrhages
Because studios like Cryo have died long ago.
has korea ever made a non mmo/online game?