So have they said anything about the Definitive Edition content getting added to the other versions of DQ11...

So have they said anything about the Definitive Edition content getting added to the other versions of DQ11? I wanna know if I should wait for the Switch release or just get it cheap on PC.

Attached: dq11.jpg (1280x720, 155K)

Yes, it's free update for PC and PS4 versions

3DS version won't be getting it

Never ever.

Since when was JewEnix in the business of giving shit away for free?

gimme a source on that bub

They are "considering" it.
Means they will release it as paid dlc for the other versions 2 years after the definitive edition, so that people triple dip.

Thats bullshit. There would be no point marketing the switch version the way they do.

I just said it's not coming to the 3DS version

do we know what the content of visiting other dq worlds is yet, is it just nes sprite shit or did they put actual work and made new models and enviroments?

It's bare minimum content in order to get 3DS idiots to double dip, I don't even know why you entertained the question when you knew the answer.

Its not happening. Is this your first time encountering a re-released version of a game ever?

this is wrong and stupid if anyone believes it.

They already said Definitive edition features won't be exclusive for the Switch, so either they're adding it to the old versions or.......?

Like the others said, show a source instead of pulling out of your ass, it's not that hard
I have a friend that has the game on ps4 and I want the dude to have those advantages too, but without a source means nothing

These exclusive special editions piss me off. I was thinking about picking up the game, but now it's gonna end up in the backlog as it feels stupid to buy an "incomplete" version. Although we don't even know if PC and PS4 will get it.

>Dragon Quest 11S


It's definitely coming, don't bother buying the Switch version, just wait for the definitive PS5 release.

At least the switch version has music

They haven't said its coming to any other systems.

>just wait for the definitive PS5 release.
Which will never come.

Fuck the Switch, Sold that crap yesterday. Just get it on PC

It's extremely unlikely since apparently the Switch version is being built on an updated version of the engine so adding the content to the PC/PS4 versions would require it to be rebuilt separately for the old version or porting the entire game to the new engine version, which would be incredibly unlikely for a free update.

They might port the Switch version to PS4/PC and charge again for it.

>just get the inferior version!

They've said they haven't decided whether it'll come to PS4/PC yet, which is bullshit since these decisions are always made long in advance. So the only question is how long it'll take.