You've been tasked to revive the Mass Effect franchise

you've been tasked to revive the Mass Effect franchise

How do you do it?

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Make it an action RPG KOTOR-like, including adding Melee
pure shooting games are aids

A dating sim, but every path leads to Tali.

Make it a visual novel like Rance.

Just like DMC5, aftermath of the reaper thing with the boomer squad but with new characters at the wheel, retconning everything wrong with ME3.
Also dating sim too

RPG where you play as an alien, set in the criminal underworld

Delete every game after the original
Re-release the original with instant load times and no texture pop in

bury it

Just let me pick a non h*man protagonist

>Refine and expand upon the original
Was that so fucking hard Bioware holy shit

that's obscenely vague

First Contact war prequel

as a grand strategy game

Full reboot.

Remake 2 and 3 with 1’s mechanics only with even more depth in loot/weapon and armor customization. fucking axe anything cerberus related for being the retardedly predictable evil Corp you’re forced to side with in 2 only to discover that they’re obviously evil in 3. Axe thermal clip bullshit. Lore behind basically unlimited ammo in 1 compared to thermal clips in 2 and 3 was unironically the pinnacle of soul vs soulless.

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You ME1 fags need to die. The gameplay was fucking shitty

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My point is that the sequel to Mass Effect felt like a completely new IP. They turned the cool and mysterious space theme into Gears of War. Instead of refining the combat from the first game and having their "own style", they just made it into a console bro-shooter, and tossed the plot out the window, even though the reapers were coming.

genre shift spinoff

Zoomer detected. It’s great because it’s not another copy pasted cover shooter. God forbid you have to get used to different mechanics in game .

>me1 gameplay was shitty
>implies me2 or 3 didn't have even worse gameplay
I thought all the biodrones were deactivated after the last war

Hard reboot with the atmosphere of the first game
Add a lot more races and fucking develop them so the big sci-fi setting doesn't feel so embarrassingly small
No sucking humanity's dick

Basically make a Star Trek game.
Fuck it, go full DS9 and have the main hub be a space station and the villains an evil version of the Council from the other side of a newly opened relay.

Shamelessly samefagging ME 2 and 3 fucked up because they became shooters. ME1 had classes where you actually had to rely on your teammates and your own abilities other than your weapons to be successful in combat. You can play through 2 and 3 without using any abilities at all and just going gunz blazing. It’s boring and removes what made ME 1 interesting.

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Only thing that could save it is a reboot by an outside studio like Larian Studios + Capcom, but even then would Yea Forums even be interested in a Mass Effect reboot at this point?

Not made by Bioware?

Actually, probably not. EA would fuck it up not matter who made it.

depends on what's in it / what's the gameplay.
isometric shit can get fucked

A First Contact War prequel with Anderson as a squadmate and Ashley's grandfather playing a key role, as would Jack Harper, just as an easy way to invite people back in with familar faces.

After that maybe a Krogan Rebellions game that introduces a race-choice mechanic, turian, salarian, asari.

Going forward from there I'd create a "new universe" set during the Prothean cycle, a few decades before their own Reaper invasion, you play as a character that is eventually involved in the creation of Vigil, thus giving the next cycle a chance, not sure what a Prothean lifespan is, but Javik can be a squadmate to connect it to the originals.

>First Contact War
I never get people wanting this.
Restricting it to just humans and one alien race in a conflict that sounds kinda uneventful.

Pretty sure Javik was born well after the Reapers started harvesting the Protheans.

He says he fought for at least a few decades, that's what I mean by I'm not sure what a Prothean lifespan is, as in whether your character could survive long enough to see the beginning, meet Javik, and contribute to the end.

Take Freelancer’s Space Exploration & Space Combat, now combine that with everything good about ME1, while relegating the story to Space Bounty hunter tracking down dangerous aliens like Saren or Terrorist organizations like Cerberus

I checked, he was born in the midst of the war with the Reapers, one of the last warriors.

It'd be human-centric yes, thus the need for familiar faces like Anderson and Harper, you could also encounter Saren and his brother.

It's a good start as a "love-letter" of sorts, a ya, we fucked up, here's some of the people you loved from the original trilogy, deeply connected to the start of said trilogy to show we're getting back on track.

Yeah, some other studio than bioware. A better writer and a better team of animators. The combat started to feel a bit boring after a while, but I guess it's hard to balance the game without bullet sponges.

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dating sim

Turn it into a battle royale

A bounty hunter spinoff game set on the Citadel, similar in concept to Prey 2 before it was canned.

>Give the trilogy to an actually worthwhile dev studio and just redo the entire thing.
>Change most of the hack writing. Same general plot, Shepard dying at the end is fine, but just tell the story better.
>Better graphics and animations somehow.
>Try and think of an RPG type system that works with third person shooting.
>Fold all good dlc into the base games, delete the rest from existance.
>Cut all the agenda riddled homo pandering and actually spend money on good writers that can make a character that's not just about being gay.
>delete mako / hammerhead segments
>Either get a real morality system or fucking drop it

Literally the biggest problem with mass effect is that bioware is incredibly inept, whether from retarded devs or pressure from EA

Would EA hold the rights to Mass Effect after they shut down BioWare? Could they give it to another studio? Maybe sell it altogether?

>Either get a real morality system or fucking drop it
Fucking drop it

The only time Bioware didn't fuck it up completely was DAO, because it just tracked how much each companion liked you.

Moral choice systems are retarded.

Pre-ME1 stories unrelated to the grand plot of the franchise
>citadel detective game similar to LA Noire but good.
>N7 focused republic commando-like squad shooter with stealth focus, set during the early days after the first contact war.
>bounty hunter RPG dealing with a corrupt citadel and mingling with criminal bosses/mercs/aria/Drell assassins while trying to avoid spectres and Csec.
Progression through the game is dependent on you completing contracts to obtain new gear like biotic amps, stealth cloaks, weapons and omnitools.
And if you want another grand narrative
>make the indoctrination theory canon
>kill off shepherd
>instead of genociding the geth/quarians/krogan kill off 40-60% of most races
>have a locust-esque plot where the protheans didn’t actually completely die off, rather they were hidden away like javik but because of the reapers all of the “vaults” were isolated from each other
>protheans return and aim to assimilate or destroy the remaining races, assuming they would be wiped out by the reapers

There’s so many different avenues to expand the universe and make the world so much richer by taking the main character out of the grand narrative and making you another person trying to get by on somewhere like omega/citadel.

So hear me out
Biotic co-op shooter with Jack and Miranda. Think Army of Two, meets Force Unleashed, meets Bayonetta.

After a shore leave spent at the Citadel, Jack returns to Grissom Academy, only to find it has been attacked by Cerberus (I know, again) and kidnapped her students. The Shadow Broker, a.k.a. Liara, extends her help and offers to meet up back on the Normandy. There, Liara explains that Jack will need some backup to free her kids, someone that knows Cerberus very well and has an agreement with Alliance brass to take them down, in exchange for her immunity. Jack realizes all too late, it's Miranda.

Co-op is drop-in/drop-out. The gameplay scope is doing crazy shit with Biotics, including anything from throwing shit around, to tossing YMIR mechs left and right, to flying. And we'll make it highly stylized. In addition, the girls share a Relationship meter, which impacts both dialogue and gameplay. The less the two of them get along, the more constricted the dialogues become and their relationship deteriorates. There is also an internal timer, where one of Jack's students will get killed off and for each one killed, it will subtract a substantial amount from the relationship meter. Lose too many kids, or let the relationship meter drop too low and it will trigger an event where Jack and Miranda battle it out to the death. This also results in a bad end, regardless of survivor. The relationship meter can be raised by saving Jack's students, or having the two girls interact in ways outside of missions, or dialogue choices. There will be 4 main hubs; Citadel, Omega, Noveria and Ilium. In these places you will be able to have the girls engage in various activities, e.g. Armax Arena in Citadel, clubbing in Omega, skiing/snowboarding in Noveria, pool party in Ilium. There will be some free roam to explore these places more.

There are some decent "morality" systems that exist, like divOS2, but you're right, it's probably better just to drop it.

Fire all sjw's, hire competent men.

It makes the writing too restrictive

Primarily cosmetic packs, like furs, winter clothing and skiing gear, that can be used in Noveria, swim suits in Ilium, dresses and casual outfits for Omega, armor and weapons for Armax Arena, though those will be droppable in game, with some limitation; Jack doesn't particularly like armor, finds it too constricting and while she will wear some, she will vandalize it and deface it enough, that armours equipped on her, will be unusable for Miranda.

Will be drops, in the same was as in ME1, all types of armours will be available, from light to heavy and will have levels from 1 to 10. Heavy armours, in order to be equipped, will need to be level 10, first.

Lots of them. Liara, as already mentioned will primarily be your handler, Aria, will show up in Omega, naturally and a separate team up for Jack and Miranda with Kal'Reegar and Tali will take place there, Wrex and Grunt will show up in the Citadel, as another Krogan clan plans to usurp power, during Wrex' diplomatic mission there, Kasumi will have another James Bond like adventure with Garrus in Noveria and Samara tracks down a group of smugglers with the help of Zaeed, for some stolen provisions for Falere's monastery.

>Why Jack and Miranda? Why not Wrex and Garrus?
As much as I like Wrex and Garrus, I can't sell lingerie and swim suits for them. And before you say what you're thinking, no, stop that.

>But Jack/Miranda died in my playthrough
It's a Mass Effect story that pretty much happens outside of canon. Think of it as a Dragon Ball movie. You can kinda see where in the timeline it would happen, but doesn't fit entirely. It's a little up in the air.

Would you like to know more?

>Krogan Romance

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1. delete ME3 endings from existence
2. Make freelancer style of protagonist in ME setting
3. no reapers.

>Axe thermal clip bullshit. Lore behind basically unlimited ammo in 1 compared to thermal clips in 2 and 3 was unironically the pinnacle of soul vs soulless.
I've been saying for years that they can both have a place. I mean, sure, I kinda stopped saying it for the last 5 years at least as I cared to talk about the atrocity the setting was turned into less and less, but still.

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That might work.

Finally release a sequel. The game released 11.5 years ago.

Um, sweaty, those are Innusanoi statues, they were the previous cycle.

>>delete mako
Just because you're a scrub who can't help but try to drive an APC/light tank up a 90 degree cliff doesn't mean others are just as retarded. Adding a button "skip to pure EVA/interior section" for casuals would be trivial.

Dead Space with dialogue options, classes, and biotic powers.

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Yeah, and that's why Shepard sees them in the beacon vision. The beacon made by Proteans. Whoever came up with that and all other retcons can jump into Venus atmosphere.

I'd make an open world game about exploring unknown planets for new human settlements focusing on the vital contribution of gays and travesties to the task.

remake from scratch, ME1 2 and 3 all trashed.

No asaris, fags or retconning tech.


Give it to CDProjekt.

re relase andromeda and make it like this guy said

39 minutes 01 seconds in

also give out 80% discount to people who already owned the original andromeda but don't pull or remove it from their possession just make it so that people don't buy it anymore instead of the new one

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ME3 had best gameplay but you wouldn't know that if you didn't play the multiplayer which was surprisingly great for its time.

I agree almost 100% with this post, except that I think that Cerberus might be used, just not the way the did it.

For a shooter. Which ME3 was. As well as ME2. But not ME1. Which is something gearfags are simply unable to grasp even after all these years.

Mass Effect 4.
Find Shepard.

Jesus Christ, are you retarded you massive nigger? Mass Effect 1 was shit, why make the sequels the same way.

Honestly, the fanbases from ME1 and ME2&ME3 seems so different that they might as well make different games to try to appeal to this different audiences.

It was a shit premise and setting to begin with, can't be saved, same goes for all Bioware "RPG" shitfests.

Soft reboot, set twenty years after 3, mostly glosses over how the Reapers were defeated as just "Shepard sacrificed himself to stop them, destroying the mass relays but we repaired them and have rebuilt galactic society in new ways".

You play as the commander of a science vessel in what is essentially an open world space game where you search for anomalies throughout the galaxy, going where no man has yadda yadda yadda.

There's a galactic power struggle happening since basically the entire Citadel system was upheaved by the war. The humans, salarians, asari and turians want to restore the same system and remain in control, but other races like the krogans want independence and their own territories. This is why you're exploring space to chart unclaimed areas for colonization, and why explorers from other races might be hostile to you.

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By making a Stargate: Universe game instead