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Bloodborne when?
Nuclear meltdown tier pick for a game to put on the Epic store.
I'm just pirate the game :)
Fuck Sonycůcks.
Why not just own Epic Games launcher and Steam instead of calling people steamfags like a cringe normie REEEEEE
so epic has to copy steam and put movies on their store now?
fuck gaben and his monopoly
Are shills resorting to fake images to win over people now? Or is this some lame unfunny bait?
Oh jeez, can we get a rip for Sony? Gonna pirate the shit on PC. Epic games store is trash because it doesn't have gift card support like Steam.
im not loyal to any platform, in business a monopoly is bad. it allows gaben to dictate all the prices and terms.
In case you don't know, it's fake
No, the average person on this website (and the internet in general) is just a gigantic retard who can't be bothered to double-check or think about anything.
PS: Can't you still play Uncharted on PC via PS Now? Just get a free (TM) trial
Publishers dictate prices you fucking idiot.
gaben takes a 30% fucking cut for HOSTING FILES.
that is absurd.
i'll be glad if they do any PC port so I can pirate it and finally play it
And that has to do with publishers setting their prices, how?
>dude humble integration
>but also no search function!
lmao idiots
i mean, i get that and i'm all for it.
but no one is happy when you drag a beloved franchise and lock it behind some third rate launcher that doesn't even have a shopping cart yet.
Plus isn't Borderlands 3 the same price on both Epic and Steam despite the fact that they were cut a deal for the timed exclusive? so how exactly does this benefit the customers?
>Yea Forumsirgins can't even tell a blatant HTML edit
I care about devs cause they make the fucking games I like.
Gaben takes 30% for hosting files. almost 1/3 of the entire piece of pie.
u..uh.... MONOPOLY!!!
Do you think hosting petabytes of data and developing countless Steamworks APIs that devs can use is cheap?
Google doesn't charge me a penny and gives me gigs of free online space.
Gaben seems to think a server with hard drives is worth 30% of the money a game makes.
It's clear the anti valve faggots are sony incels.
That's because with Google, you are the product. They are using your data to bring in advertisers.
this user is either intensely stupid or just baiting.
its either very amazing or just convincing that he plays a role of a stupid person.
he might not realize he's actually one.
fuck you. Gaben decided a shitty card game was worth making over HL3.
>for hosting some fucking files
>30% of an entire games sales
Considering sony want valve to dies, just like sony incels fanboys, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened.
Fake and gay
Imagine you made shoes, and Foot Locker took 30% of your profits.
How in the fuck does that make sense.
>Considering sony want valve to dies
wat? really? when and why?
Stfu and go play on your ps4. I hope valve release hl3 on steamonly so I can hear you bitch.
>Gaben decided a shitty card game was worth making over HL3.
half life 3 would suck with modern valve and you know it
PSniggers are seething more than steamcucks
>Loyalty to some fat faggot or any corporation
worthless drones
as a consumer I care who gives ME the best deal. go suck valves dick on your own time.
Even if that were true who the fuck would want to play uncharted?
don't give a shit, just more games to pirate for me.
I already played Uncharted
you tell me how white knighting gaben/valve, helps you as a gamer.
why do you WANT one man to control the market.
Considering footlocker is selling my shit and not me myself, i don't blame them for trying to earn a dime.
Also if my shoes are selling well enough, footlocker gives a discount even further less than 30%.
I'd rather sell my shoes in footlocker than have literally no one on Epic Games + shit on every potential customers. Really i would rather sell my shoes in both places but lower my price on epic games since that's the more reasonable approach.
Stores do take a certain percentage of sales, moron. Otherwise there'd be no point of them existing.
You know thats what Footlocker does right?? They're a shoe retailer, have you ever fucking seen a cobbler at a footlocker?
but you agree 30% is absurd, yes?
the point is: fat ass gaben needs to realize he can't monopolize the market anymore. as a CONSUMER I do not give a single fuck about valve or how much revenue they generate. I care about who gives me, a gamer, the best deal.
valve can rot for all I care. adapt or die.
>Xbox exclusives go to steam
>Playstation exclusives go to epic
The console wars have finally come to pc
>durr don't you dare criticize lord gaben!
retarded fanboys care more about how many yachts that fatass can buy instead of devs getting a better deal from epic or steam, as they have OPTIONS now.
And shops take the same for displaying a box, on top of Sony and Microsoft taking the 30%. But I bet you wank off to physical copies all day anyway even though they hurt publishers much more.
and how much do you think consoles take?
Brick and mortar stores take $15 of a $60 game sale.
As an idort, this concerns me to no extent.
My enjoyment is unwavering for all games are within my grasp.
But epic games is still a shit platform.
But I can already emulate uncharted perfectly on my PC. It‘s called youtube.
does that make it right?
nintendo charges 60 for old ass games, doesn't make it right, ultimately competition means more money for devs, I don't give a shit about valve or epic.
Book authors only get like 10% of sales and they manage somehow you nigger.
>implying there are fanboys for free client software
Aside from the astronomically minor inconvenience of downloading a new client, does anyone actually care about this steam vs epic BS?
>. it allows gaben to dictate all the prices and terms.
And the terms are better for consumers than Epic's.
Valve doesn't dictate prices at all retard
so gaben has to compete with epic and devs get more money. how is this a negative?
>stores take a cut of sales
no... what the fuck...? it can't be true...
obviously no one works for free, but if gaben takes 30% and epic says "we'll do it for 20", what do you do?
400 dollar for what?
That's the standard for digital stores. Gabe did not set that price.
what about janitors
well now fatass has to compete with epic. and now devs get more money. which is GOOD because valve does not make videogames anymore.
>ltimately competition means more money for devs
publishers get the money so they can distribute it to their shareholders. vast amount of devs are just hired codemonkeys who are told to fuck off after the game is complete unless they have direct ties to the company
it makes it right when it's literally industry standard
and then steam takes the brunt of this "criticism" people jumping out of the woodwork fighting steam, all while buying $60 games on consoles and saying nothing about the 30% cut there
to be clear, I do not give a shit about valve or epic. they are just crappy programs/launchers.
but, if devs I like make more money by picking a specific platform, that's a good thing. cause I want devs I like to make more games.
They won't get more money because Epic's strategy is unsustainable. The select few games which will get exclusivity contract may end up giving devs more money, but Steam will never lower its cut because they already operate at a loss in Asia. 30% cut is not enough to cover payment fees in that region. That's why Epic pushes payment fees on the consumer there. Valve cares about consumers though so they subsidize.
i'll go to steam because the larger, more dedicated fanbase
this has nothing to do with devs
and you just proved your a retard for believing in the narrative of devs getting more money from a deal like this
They're only shoving it out on PC now because emulators are finally at a place where they can run the Uncharted games well so they need to feel like they're not losing out on revenue
If I'm a publisher, yeah, I follow the dollar. (Which incidentally may be on Steam, if putting your game on the Epic Store costs sales in the long-run.) But claiming Steam takes 30% simply for "hosting files" is downright retarded. They take 30% because they're the single most popular storefront on PC with a huge install base.
Has it stopped being a "hold W to keep watching" movie?
I'll pass.
Ok but im not a developer. I'm a consumer.
And the developers don't see that money either, the publishers do.
>Epic take 15%
>Gaben takes 30%
>Each sale nets you 15% more money
And how is this bad?
Why are you so gullible?
you mean the only real option. GoG can't compete with Steam. Epic can cause they are rich.
Why do you keep mentioning gabe when everyone but epic and a few obscure stores take the same cut?
In any industry, no competition is bad. Even if Epic fuck over Valve for 1 year, if it forces ONE change for the better, it's worth it. Without Epic, lord Gaben can rule like a tyrant, basically saying "pay us or fuck your game."
That's bad. Monopolies are bad.
but you said devs. you're talking about publishers/owners/shareholders who get that cut
Epic just burning money didn't make a lot of sense to me until I realized that the head store guy is also one of the guys who ran telltale to the ground. I get that the idea is to operate at a loss to grow, but they currently only have 5% or less of their claimed users even adding free shit to their accounts. That's not a good sign at all.
Cut doesn't matter a whole lot if going exclusive costs a ton of sales. Ideally games would be available from all stores, and they would have to compete for consumers interest.
You keep insisting that valve holds a monopoly when they don't. Being the most popular does not make you a monopoly.
Remember how PS competed with Xbox? PS3 online was free, X360 online was paid.
Come PS4 and XOne, online is paid on both.
Great competition.
i can't believe this is an unironic post
Fake and also gay
Fuck Sony and Steam though.
>moviegame consoleshit
but that doesn't benefit the customer at all. competition is only good if it benefits the customers as well
Epic slapping Valve around actually helps GoG and other small stores. If it forces/drives change, it's good for the industry.
oh yeah, monopolies are great. Imagine one ISP offering 10 megabit connections for $1000/month. And they are your only option.
oh no he has the power to sell us video games
Well, all my friends are on steam, and steam has a better service, and steam doesn't do shitty things like buy exclusives from devs to make me use their shitty launchers.
>what do you do?
I'll go to steam i guess.
Hey guess what faggot, the developer can create cd-keys for their games and not take that 30% cut. That's why site's like IsThereAnyDeal exists.
this is bait
there's no way people are this gullible and easily manipulated by game journos
I'm saying Valve could be even better if they had competition, instead of people perpetually sucking Gabens dick as if he is perfect and the store is perfect.
I don't care about Epic. But I do care that they might cause Valve to change to adapt or retain some consumers, with better policies.
Ok but steam isn't a monopoly. And valve hasn't really done anything wrong with steam lately other than not making games but that has nothing to do with the store. So how exactly was steam broken?
>monopolies are when companies have market dominence even when other competitors exist and there is no exclusivity pressures
but steam is not a monopoly
"the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service"
The mere existence of the Epic store might cause Valve to adapt or offer gamers a better deal. This is a good thing. And regardless, who fucking cares about Epic or Steam, if the game is available i'll play it. If the price is lower or services are better, then great.
Epic dickwaving money is actually hurting other stores. See the gog layoffs, end of gog fair pricing program, how games like the division 2 had all their keys taken off the smaller stores, it really adds up.
what is a moral hazard, what is setting a standard
>Cut doesn't matter a whole lot if going exclusive costs a ton of sales
epic gives them a sales guarantee.
>but now valve needs to offer a better deal than epic!
there is no deal. if anything shit is more expensive on the epic store because they don't allow third party key sellers. all epic is doing is paying publishers to make their games exclusive for a year.
Stunning and brave.
do you care about the devs or not?
you seem like a shill hiding behind a cause you don't care about
when has valve given you a free game?
cause epic does that, business practices aside, free games > no free games imo.
remember when video game media started hating steam around mid-late last year? when even normalfags knew it was all a sham, they started claiming that steam was sexist and racist and homophobic even though their store is the one that truly allows for real diversity in games and game devs -- for example, a poor, dark-skinned 3rd world shitter can have his or her game on steam while being shunned everywhere else because the creator a nobody/no money.
anyways, back to the steam hate from video game media -- it was likely planned to start a console-like launcher war with steam and epic, and their goal is to attempt to get people to drop steam and move onto an inferior launcher. this will tell them the state of "gamers" and how easily they are fooled and how easily they bow down if they do choose epic. they will know who is weak-willed and ready to be controlled
>If the price is lower or services are better, then great.
that's steam for ya
Every time I get a free steam key, which is about once a week.