Why are gamer constantly horny?
Why are gamer constantly horny?
>People say Yea Forums is nu-/pol/
Explain the rampant degeneracy and behavior that would make Jesus roll in his grave
/pol/ is the degenerate board, unironic pedoshit and horsefucking
degenerates pretending to be based and redpilled
once horny level goes up, it can never go back down again
because i don't have a sissy onahole to use currently
I'm not though. The SSRIs have butchered my libido.
maybe if developers stop making their girls so sexy we wouldn't have to suffer.
Because mass media instills hedonism in its consumers, and causes them to loose control over their sex drive sending them into seeking nothing but pleasure and instant gratification through dopamine rushes, and this can eventually lead into nihilism. We're going down the path Nietzsche warned of. It's a clown world and we're actively witnessing its slow decay and death. We're fucked.
This entire website is degenerate. If you come here regularly, you have no right to shame anybody else for degeneracy. You're all faggots and losers. Also have sex
/pol/ is unironically degenerate
the whole christian uber moral thing is just a meme
Unironically have sex, even if just with a whore
I left that board 3 weeks ago because I couldn't handle its demoralisation and degenerate shit. I'm taking a long break from it. I'm only on Yea Forums because I have to slowly escape Yea Forums
I don't know. I just want to have a regular conversation but these horny anons keep trying to fuck me.
I want a boyfriend....
It's not a meme, it's consistent with the degeneracy.
Most pedophiles are very strongly religious too.
Yea Forums was better when it was something people were ashamed of.
because it makes faggots pissy.
Fags kys.
I've been in a relationship for 2 years dumbass. I hate the fact I have to be on this board before I escape this site and take a long break from it. I literally never post here otherwise
if you keep taking that shit it'll ruin your memory. I speak from experience.
I think its funny how they try to spread the idea that all homos are pedos despite how many cunny and loli poster visit Yea Forums.
Toshinou Kyouko!
fuck off to facebook please
Most people who play games these days have had access to free porn longer than they have without.
it already has, been taking them for the better part of a decade
Because all these Yea Forumsirgins are just so cute!
Unironically have sex, you're not taking that celibacy well and are coping really hard
because this is video games now
if you're going to fall for the antidepressant jewpill, at least take something that won't make your dick stop working like wellbutrin
They aren't. Incels are constantly horny. Not all gamers are incels. In fact, most gamers are NOT incels.
I haven't had Facebook for 2 years. Why does this board have such a low attention span you spam 3 word responses like a bot?
Yea Forums is full of underage teenagers, underage teenagers are total horndogs no matter how lowtest they end up as adults
The whole idea of sexuality affecting pedophilia is non-scientific anyway. Vast, vast majority of pedophiles don't have any attraction to adult men and are attracted to adult women, but the retards will use their stupid projections to reason about the world.
What DOES consistently correlate with pedophilia is religiosity.
Strongly religious countries are child rape shitholes.
That too, especially when there are far worse threads and posts going unchecked. Mostly, it's just enjoyable, everyone's always horny here, and arousing anons further while funposting or after lurking is just way too much fun.
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