You gain the agility to move certain threads on Yea Forums to another board except /trash/ and Yea Forums

You gain the agility to move certain threads on Yea Forums to another board except /trash/ and Yea Forums.
Mods cant stop you

What threads do you move and to what board?
Inb4 this one

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Any and all political threads get insta-moved to /pol/.

All non-vidya threads go to /pol/. They deserve our suffering (shitposting).

I move every thread that isn't about video games to Yea Forums

Why stop there user, at that poin you're creating order, you're just doing the job of the janitors at that point, why not send them to /quest?

I'll just move all threads including this one to /r9k/ or /k/ where they belong since both have cuck fetishes

Move all video game threads to /g/ and watch the lincucks explode

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I move all porn involving niggers from the porn boards to /pol/
I don't like niggers in my porn

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Any gachashit goes to /trash/

I move all high-quality draw quests from /qst/ to /tg/
I also move all wojak threads to /r9k/
and i move all tranny threads to /pol/ for a couple days just to see what would happen, all the discourse and madness y'know?
In my hands, this site would hopefully flourish once more.

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>you gain the agility

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Move all off-topic shitposting and bait to /lgbt/.

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op can't inb4 you fucking newfag

I move every single twitter screencap thread to Yea Forums

console war and wojak posting threads to /pol/

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I would move /ptg/ to random boards until watching everyone sperg out got boring.

political bait threads to /pol/

Shut up old man, nobody has said that around these parts for at least a decade.

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Don’t you DARE associate Fuyuhiko with your fucking mental illness you mental defective

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All the twitter screencaps to /mlp/

All social media threads goes to /lgbt/
All Smash threads go to Yea Forums
All porn threads go to /pol/

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That looks like the guy from chapo traop house

Whenever some mod deletes a thread I like, I flush the whole board in autistic rage, leaving only shitthreads.

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when mods delete my threads I go on autistic shitposting rampages

All smash threads to /vg/. We really dont need 10 at a time with that HE IS IN spam

smash threads to /vg/
e-celeb threads to Yea Forums
sony threads to /lgbt/
console war threads to /r9k/
lewd threads to /e/
fire emblem threads to /vg/
can't think of much else

dmc thread to /vg/ too faggot

DMC is only getting so many threads right now because of DMCV
before it's announcement they were pretty non-existent
smash threads are up literally 24/7

occasionally move random political threads to [s4s] for the lulz

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