What games have good revolvers?

What games have good revolvers?
Handling, style, fun, whatever.

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revolvers in a modern setting are gay

i forgive revolver ocelot due to memes

delete this

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Red Dead Revolver and Fable II in my opinion.

They're really meaty and you can cock the hammer and shit.

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Basically all Half Life games including Black Mesa.

real life


>Revolvers in a modern setting are gay

You shut your fucking whore mouth you piece of shit

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Killing Floor 2


The broken butterfly was my gunfu

"the best gun in the world is the one next to you"

One of my trainers had this like some kind of mantra to new comers. Every gun has its own perks.

A revolver (hammerless) is one of those guns you can shoot from inside your pocket without risking a jam.

>A revolver (hammerless) is one of those guns you can shoot from inside your pocket without risking a jam.
wow that's very useful, especially in a video game

RDR2, except the guns are too accurate


The absolute pinnacle for revolver mechanics. You can hip fire, aim, go akimbo (and fire seperately), and even fire by fanning the hammer. It seriously is amazing.

>on a controller, depressing the trigger softly you can see the cylinder turn to index the round and the hammer pull back before you shoot
Nice touch.
>GTA Online adds the double action revolver as marketing for Red Dead Redemption 2
>it does the same thing
>RDR2 comes out
>the double action in that doesn't do it
Fuck off

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>tfw still no good Civil War shooter

You're right it's pretty uself, Game devs could even implement this as part of their plot or gameplay. only an absolute moron would limit himself from a gun because he thinks it "looks gay".

>only an absolute moron would limit himself from a gun because he thinks it "looks gay".
True I want glocks in my games now.
With an exploding mechanic.


half life 1, modern warfare 2.

Absolutely. In a stealth game that lets you go loud this would be a very useful ability. Sure your staying power in drawn out fights is compromised but in strike first situations it could definitely be a top pick when deciding your equipment.

This. Borderlands 1 has good revolvers too, love that the hip fire is fanning the hammer.

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this is the only true answer
in any semi-realistic setting, revolvers are completely obsolete compared to pistols, just like in real life, and only exist for cool-points
destiny gets around this by circumventing the issue of round properties, because all guns just seem to pull from a liquid pool of kinetic, energy, or power jelly so it doesn't wind up being a case of revolvers (or hand-cannons as they call them) just being pistols with shittier action.
It also stops the whole "revolvers are stronger than pistols" trope from being too prominent, since the game doesn't follow that same train of logic.

>gun fedora

Hunt Showdown the weapons themselves are pretty cool and they're adding more guns so there might be some new revolvers too and the setting is pretty authentic for those too

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