Here's your new EVO game, bro. A game where you dismember little girls.
Here's your new EVO game, bro. A game where you dismember little girls
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your pic is literally the farthest the game actually goes and you can turn it off.
Thanks, awesome.
No pantsu, so it's okay
Naks for Smash!
Fuck off incel feminist
>it's okay when mortal kombat does it
She has never been less than 17 years old in any game period.
whoa holy fucking shit zoowi hooowi what the flying fuck? I love samurai shodown now
wasn't she a little kid in the first few games and because of that they made it so she was the only character you couldn't actually use the finishers on.
Her little sister is a kid in 5 Special and you can kill her in all sort of violent ways.
weapon-based fighters are back baby
and we also have the Granblue Fighting game which is a weapon based fighter
and I guess unist but most anime fighters tend to be weapon-based anyway
Might as well add koihime enbu
>no boobs
>no ass
>almost no skin shown
ok this passes the EVO core values test, but you should consider putting her in a hijab just to be on the safe side.
I'm pretty sure the first and only time I saw a samsho cab, I saw her being eaten by a giant monster that spit out the bones shortly afterwards.
Hijabs are too offensive now user,
She has to be in a full radiation suit to meet the minimum muslim approved requirements.
What is the best game in the series?
Which ones should I play?
2 and 4
2 and 5s are the only ones people are still playing in any capacity.
No and no again
2 is a decent start. 5s gets active
Fuck yes equality
Core values are safe.
This is cool and all but when's the new Bushido Blade coming out.
Same day a BAT comes out. NEVER. Look at the parent companies.
So the game is neutral focused instead of anime combos and rush down? Sounds super beginner friendly, why does everyone say it's a hard series?
Mr Wizard: showing too much skin
Fine. I'll just have to keep playing FH and hoping someone makes a samurai sword fighting game with one/two hit kills.
Whats FH?
Bushido Blade is dead and ended on a kinda okay note.
Unless you are baiting
Because beginners actually don't understand how hard is it to play proper neutral. They focus on combos (they can't even do), get killed by simple pokes and anti-airs and drop the game.
Because neutral focus and meta play is why fighting games are hard, not combos. That's what everyone that knows anything about fightan tries to say but companies keep dumbing down execution to try and compensate. New plays still get dicked on and cry for less execution.
For Honor
It's not fighting games but it's the closest thing I can handle that lets me be a cool samurai man. I've tried other weapon fighters (SoulCalibur, Samurai Shodown) but I'm too slow and stupid to get anywhere near competency.
The most popular ones are 2 and 5s.
2 is like the first one but more polished.
4 is like 3 but fixing the crippling issues that game had.
5s is quite experimental and unique.
6 is like SS trying to be CvS2, silly fun but feels a bit derivative in some places.
No one liked the 3d ones apparently, I never played them.
Cause neutral is hard, especially in a series where nearly everything is negative on block. The series does let you cancel into stuff on block but that also leaves you open
Because the people who complain about all those combos STILL don't realize that neutral is what matters the most in 1 on 1. Getting past the enemy's defense is one of the biggest skills you can have next to keeping your momentum.
Animecombo nerd can't do shit if he can't get any clean hits in.
What even is neutral? I feel like it's something I don't really understand even though I think I know what it is.
Tell me what you think it is and we'll start with that.
This game is going to the fun as shit the first two weeks when me and the rest of the scrubs can scrub it out with big hits and hysterically unsafe shit, then week 3 is going to be just tryhards just playing the characters with the most safe moves, then it dies. I'll probably still buy it though.
like the beginning of a boxing round.
It's the bit where you're trying to hit the other guy before you can use any big combos or whatever. Like the regular moves, the punches and kicks.
I'll be honest, part of my issue with fighting games is that I don't know what you're supposed to do in general, beyond 'attack the other guy'. Should you just go in and hit attacks, should you block and wait for them to attack and then try to attack after?
When I was trying to learn Tekken someone described it as being 'turn based' where each player tries to attack, then once they try the other player has an opportunity. I thought that made sense but then I kept getting bodied and it didn't feel like it actually applied.
this has been a thing since forever.
go and check the samsho sen finishers and tell me what do you think
It's turn based if you know when their turn ends and you can press something (opponent does something unsafe for example).
If you don't know at least what moves are safe and what are punishable, turn-based gameplay becomes single player one.
You're not far off in your understanding, but application is where it gets hard. You're essentially feeling your opponent out through safe strikes and whiff punishes. The entire neutral game is based around doing things to convert into advantage states. You try to keep yourself safe, forcing the other player to make the first mistake, capitalize. You take risks when in neutral to try and get into the advantage state. You learn about your opponents tendencies and habits while in neutral.
Characters at mid screen attempting to gain an advantageous position so they can land a hit. Characters have a space where they do best, where the buttons and moves they want will hit while the opponents either won't or will be punishable. If a character is sending out multiple fireballs in an attempt to keep the other out that is zoning. If characters are at close range and having to block multiple different things that is pressure.
>where each player tries to attack, then once they try the other player has an opportunity. I thought that made sense but then I kept getting bodied
That's cause you were doing stuff that is negative at the wrong time. You have to apply safe pressure, mix up what you are doing and only take big risks on occasion. This is why positioning is so important in Tekken and KBD becomes such a big deal.
>no boobs
>no ass
Well, she's a teenager from a conservative backwater village.
that sounds totally made-up
Its whenever none of the players has the offensive and are looking for ways to force a mistake by their opponent and capitalize on it.
When you see the characters moving back and forth over and over again while attacking with quick pokes every now and then in Street Fighter or similar fighting games you're watching the neutral face. Once one player makes a mistake then he will get hit or will have to block a string of moves made by the opponent, that's no longer the neutral phase.
Every fighting game has a very different ways in which you approach neutral like in KoF with it's unique mobility options in which players will hop around a lot for example or Tekken in which they will sidestep a lot. In anime fighters the neutral has a lot of air mobility involved.
>I'll be honest, part of my issue with fighting games is that I don't know what you're supposed to do in general, beyond 'attack the other guy'. Should you just go in and hit attacks, should you block and wait for them to attack and then try to attack after?
It has more to do with mobility than just attacking, in most games you want the opponent to miss a hit or get hit when he tries to go for the offensive. However, if you just wait for him he can start damaging you even if you block his moves since most "pokes" can be canceled into special moves so you'll want to move around so that he misses the attacks.
In tekken you don't have block damage but most close range strings have low or mid moves that are almost unreactable so if you let the opponent get right into your face you're basically put into a dangerous game of rock-papers-scissors so again it's recommended to move around so that he misses an attack and you punish it or so that you're the one who starts a string of attacks on him.
As I said earlier it varies a lot from game to game but spacing, moving around and knowing which one of your attacks is good for harassing your opponent or punishing his mistakes is always involved in the process.
Those don't really count this there's not mechanics tied to the fact they use weapons. It's like saying Guilty Gear is a wapon based fighter since Ky uses a sword and I-No fights with a guitar.
This guy makes a somewhat nice explanation around 4:10
I wouldn't say SC is that different from GG in that regard. Only the first game lets you drop weapons. So it really only changes characters reach and that occasionally they might swirl the weapon around. Which is the same for GG, or BB for that matter.
True but SC emphasize more on weapons.
Thank you for that detailed write up. It's appreciated, though honestly I think I've given up on trying to play fighting games at this point. I don't have the motivation to learn them any more.
Which fighting games have you tried to play? Since you mentioned Tekken I can tell you that it has a very complex neutral game. You must have a decent grasp on the options that your opponent has in his move set or otherwise it is very hard to defend against them and moving around them can be kinda hard since backdashes are kinda stiff until you learn to do korean backdashes or backdash cancelling and most importantly a lot of the time blocking is not what you're supposed to do to survive or avoid your opponents offensive like in most other fighters but instead you need to sidestep which is another whole can of worms since you need to also nail the correct timing and direction in which you want to sidestep if you want to evade moves successfully.
I'd recommend you to play Street Fighter since it has the most easy to get neutral.
Samsho might be a good idea to learn neutral since it's a very huge part of the game. You won't get distracted by something else.
GG is weapon based, how the fuck is SS weapon based but GG not? Soul Calibur also lacks "mechanics tied to the fact that they use weapons", but I'm sure your fucked up brain twisted something to pretend that's not the case. They're games where the characters all primarily use weapon attacks that have weapon priority, most fighting games don't feature this instead opting for either martial arts or something more bizarre like Darkstalkers.
Only half the characters even use weapons in GG, what are you on ? And the characters who does have plenty of attacks without their weapons.
Yeah. As long as you're aware that blocked normal attacks in SS behave very differently than in most 2d fighters I think it's a good option.
needs more blood
I've tried Tekken, Soul Calibur, and a bit of Last Blade & SamSho V Special. I'm not really interested in non-weapon fighters. I can give the new SamSho a try but I didn't really get on with the one I tried. Much much too fast.
What do you mean, fast ?
I'd say stick with Soul Calibur for now. It's neutral is kinda similar to Tekken but simpler since you don't have to learn any tricks to move around fast and the combos aren't that complicated.
Reaction times and the like. Like I know it's probably a bad example since it's not a fighting game, but going back to For Honor I find a lot of light attacks hard to react to, a character like Orochi or Aramusha spamming lights I can't consistently block, and I think on console someone said they're like 3-400ms, however fast that is.
I was playing SSVS versus bots (no friends who play fighting games) so that might have colored things but I don't think I managed a single win.
I definitely found SC more fun to play that Tekken purely based on the weapon side of things (I prefer combat where you can keep the enemy away with a long stick), but I was still losing like 20 matches to every win.
>I definitely found SC more fun to play that Tekken purely based on the weapon side of things (I prefer combat where you can keep the enemy away with a long stick), but I was still losing like 20 matches to every win.
If it's possible try to find friends of a similar skill level to play with. But yeah, getting your ass kicked plenty of times is almost always part of the process if you can't find a similarly skilled friend or a local community willing to not go all out when fighting against you.
What the fuck? I've only seen bits and pieces of this game but is their actual dismemberment? Where is this from?
I hope they polish some of those death animations a bit more before release. IMO they felt way better in SS4 and 5 whenever you killed someone with a special animation, these new animations look more similar to SS1/2's which weren't as cool.
>we want the Litchi audience
SamSho is noteworthy for how gory it is and the fact that matches often end with dismemberment.
Have I just not been watching final round matches, then?
To play SS online with random people use fightcade.
It doesn't always happen, IIRC you have to deal a huge amount of damage with one move for it to hapoen.
Shit, that's hype. Looking forward to this game more, now.
I'm playing on PS4 so that's probably an issue too.
She doesn't show any skin so it's AOK!
Fightcade is free, if you want to try it.
It's wowi zowi, youngster.