>enemy was in your party the whole time

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>half an hour unskippable intro cutscene

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That kind of shit can be good if done right

>You're the enemy but the rest of the party doesn't realize it

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name 87 games that do this


>final boss was inside you the entire time fueling your special power

What is Eternal Sonata
Double taboo because of "it was all a dream"

Xenoblades 1 and X. The first one is also

>God is the final boss
>you fueled Him the whole time by saving in churches

>the adventurers you make friends with along the way are obnoxiously optimistic and enthusiastic
>you can betray them and kill them all near the end

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>play the first hour of the game every 1.5 years since 2001 and never progress any further

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name one game that does this

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Mother Russia bleeds did this.
You get bad end if you use the power during the boss fight too

and his heel turn came out of fucking nowhere

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>party member fucks your mom

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Midgar is the best part of the game, dont let anyone tell you otherwise

>Boss kills one of your party members and takes their place

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>the boss is just a stronger version of the party member, same class and all
Law of the jungle

>Character leaves the party, taking all their shit with them
>Comes back later and no one has a problem with him rejoining
>Does it fucking again later

>you have to fight your own party
>have to lose on purpose to get the good ending

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how do you people do it

This is the type of shit that drives me to use those rare items I always "save"

SMT IV Apocalypse?