Who is better?
Banjo-Kazooie or Banjo-Tooie?
Who is better?
The second game is pretty bad imo.
tooie is better
I think Kazooie overall is a better game, but there's a lot to love about Tooie as well and it arguably does certain things better than the first game. They're both good and they shouldn't be pitted against each other as they have been for almost 20 years
Duck Hunt
I like playing an actual game instead of a 5fps slideshow with pointlessly massive maps.
Kazooie has better level design
Tooie has better style
The Xbox/Rare Replay version fixes that issue though
I like them both but Kazooie is easier for me to replay since I know it won't be a massive commitment to finish. My only real gripe against Tooie is the lack of rhyming from Gruntilda, why on earth they decided to strip her of one her main defining attributes I'll never know.
I like Kazooie more but I do appreciate how much more of everything Tooie has.
Tell me who the best boss is in Tooie right now user
The Cloud Cukoldland one. I'm not saying the name for the 3 people who've never played the game yet.
This might be a little off topic but a Banjo thread feels like a good place to talk about Rare stuff in general. Do you guys think it was a good thing that Rare caved into peer pressure when making Conker's Bad Fur Day? Or do you think the game would have been better if it had remained as Twelve Tales like the original idea?
It looked lame as hell but also unironically huge. The compiled footage goes on for a good 40 minutes and only seems to showcase a very small part of the the full game.
Rareware was always want to be edgy, just remember Killer Instinct, that game has some kino and crazy stuff.
my personal copy of KI
Tooie because it's a little more difficult and multiplayer is fun
Ops, i was wrong from my childhood, this is ʇɔuiʇsui ɹǝlliʞ
I only played Tooie when I was younger. I played Kazooie for the first time a few months ago because I bought a game pass on Xbox Live with some Bing points.
I was actually really blown away by Kazooie. It was still a really fun game despite its age. I think it's better than Tooie, even though I haven't played Tooie for a very long time. I think Tooie did some really good things though, like elemental eggs and some of the bosses, like Mr. Patches (I think that's the giant balloon monster in the circus level), were really cool.
But Kazooie's worlds were really fun.
so as someone’s who’s 100% completed the main trilogy this is my ranking
>Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
I love all 3 of the games dearly and the trilogy is in my top five favorite games of all time with Tooie and N and B being my top 2 favorite. Love those games. I’d do anything for a remake...
Any rare stuff is welcome to me
I like Bad fur days style, it really felt like the devs were just "being themselves". Although I wouldn't have mind see what it would have looked like twelve tales style, but I like there is variety in their lineup and Banjo is a fine kid friendly substitute.
Twelve Tales honestly looked a bit too childish and uninteresting honestly. CBFD isn't a perfect game and it doesn't have much replay value, but it still is fondly remembered because of the raunchy humor that was unexpected from a game on the N64
You guys played the gba game? Its pretty up to par to the first two, the only flaw is well.. Its on the gba.
The story is actually really good too. [Spoiler]Also good Banjo Kazooie ship fuel[/spoiler]
>putting Nuts and Bolts over Kazooie
I'm actually curious, what's your reasoning behind this?
Tooie is the better game but I can definitly see why people would prefer Kazooie. Tooie has a lot of backtracking between the worlds and it takes like 30-40 minutes to get a single jiggy.
But I don't mind that to much. The rest of the game improves everything about the first game which makes it the better game to me.
Yeah I played it, great game. My only gripe is that you are apparently being timed while playing it and that goes into your final ranking at the end of the game. It doesn't matter too much because the game is fairly short anyways, but feeling rushed to beat the game quickly, kind of feels like that's against the spirit of Banjo (which is to explore and savor each world).
Tooie is bloated, never actually finished it because it got boring
I don't know if I'd put Nuts and Bolts above the first two games, but my opinion of it has improved recently after playing through it again. It has issues to be sure, but it also has some great stuff if you take the time to dig beneath the surface. It's just a case of wrong place, wrong time and poor communication, they shouldn't have released a spin-off title when people were waiting/expecting a main-line game.
Absolutely. I agree with you. I really did find it easier to overlook the flaws it does have because I had so much fun seeing what I could get away with on missions. The LOGs choice missions were never all that fun though. I didn’t like getting the TT trophy on shy like Saucer of Peril returns, that one fucking boggy race in Banjoland act 6, the reverse steer vehicle in Jiggoseum... all just felt more annoying than anything while the rest were just “oh look a free jiggy and trophy” or “edit the vehicle into a motorcycle to drive circles around your opponents” that sort got old after a while.
I really wish they’d expand upon the concept more with a sequel (even with a new character like Tiptup or Bumper, maybe a Drumstick? Idk a Diddy Kong Racing character would fit right at home though)
Honestly? I see both games in each their own regard. It's like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask in the sense that they sort of just compliment each other.
Each one certainly has its own strengths and weaknesses which some will prefer over others.
Kazooie has concise levels, mellow difficulty, more color and variety.
Tooie has bigger levels, bigger difficulty, more depth in mechanics, something that you have to take your time with and isn't something you can just breeze through right on the spot. The tone is darker to fit with the darker story.
The angler fish only for his theme.
Holy shit. A banjo thread without the virgin circus rolling in with their shovelware party game yelling from their exasperated and fat filled lungs, "HES IN!!!!111!!!"
Great! BT is much better and a full realized game. BK is a collection of small levels that are over in 10-15 minutes. Theres no meat to them, even if they have a lot of personality and are memorable. BT makes you think and work for your jiggies and that jingle is just oh so satisfying. I like to replay it every december and have gifted it to a few friends to share my tism with.
Why every December?
Theres a very nice tone to the game. Its obviously still a kids game, but if you look around there is some melancholy, darkness, cynicism. Its like a seesaw and it perfectly does both things. The only other kids game i found to have this same sense of dread and cynicism was ironically sonic 06 and i like it for that reason as well. Skyboxes, colors, and environment textures have the potential to give a game so much more personality but i just rarely see it.
Anyway, this feeling of sadness fits well with december i think. Its the end of the year, another cycle of seasons has passed, another birthday has passed, you're closer to dying. I'm weird I know
If Nuts and Bolts is not your favorite, you're a dumbass sheep who cares more about meme games and le epic nostalgia than games with actually good gameplay.
I don't think it's weird at all, it's nice seeing people think in the same sort of ways that I do.
I appreciate that. Normally im called an autist with shit taste and to kill myself so its nice to see another weirdo out there with a different lens on things
it probably would have been a much more platformer focused experience but we already had the banjo formula done multiple times by that point. BFD at the very least stands out as something else.
You are severely autistic, but there's no reason to be hated for it. Your posts read like something from a sociopath's introverted diary.
I'm actually doing a playthrough of Tooie now, I never finished it since I lost my original save before I was able to beat it. Honestly, while I do prefer kazooie's more self contained and smaller scale levels to Tooie, I appreciate that they made most jiggies actually challenging to obtain, it doesn't feel like a bloated collectathon because of that. My main problem though is the backtracking, I like that they tried to make each world connected somehow but they fucked it up with too much backtracking.
Banjo has such a strange sense of cynicism. Apathetic food vendors, the implication that people have died visiting Witchyworld,a factory that uses a kids pool as a dumping ground for it's waste. This wasn't just Tooie either, the game had a shark who wisecracks as he eats you, a level that's just a dumping ground for Grunty's trash and npc's who'd dangle jiggies in front of your face or even openly mocked you.
Banjo's world is just so beautifully spiteful.
\\\Banjoo]]\\\-Tooie felt almost South Park-esque at times in its humor. The original was a lot more innocent and childlike. Banjo also gained a slightly wry sense of humor when in the original he was just a pure-hearted dope.
It depends on what you prefer. I mean the basic gameplay is obviously the same, but their approach to level design and progression is quite different - BK's quite linear, whereas you need to backtrack to complete Tooie. I think that, objectively speaking, Tooie is the better of the two - the worlds are bigger and more fully realized, all of the moves from the last game are back and then some, it has proper boss battles and a plethora of mini-games (both of which you can replay whenever you want) that break up the monotony of things, and I think the writing was better. It wasn't afraid to do some things differently, which is reflected in the atmosphere of the game - more gloomy and grounded levels compared to more standard cheery fantasy worlds of Kazooie. I wouldn't say BT or BK are perfect, but as far as video-games go, BT is honestly the perfect sequel.
Just as a matter of personal preference, though, there's a lot about Kazooie that I prefer. The music was generally better, and the smaller levels meant that they had a more concise design. On that note, I think that BT's Split Up mechanic was fun in theory, but I don't think it was that great in practice - you go from having a plethora of moves to having very few/none at all after splitting up, which I didn't think was fantastic, and Kazooie was just generally way more fun to play than Banjo, who was a bit of a chore by himself. I guess it was sort of similar in a way to the transformations in that it changed up your controls and abilities, but I don't know, it never did it for me. I think doing similar to Grunty's Revenge, where you unlock a transformation in one level and can use it in previous/future levels from then one would've been better.
>and a plethora of mini-games
Even if 90% of them were variations of Blue/Red/Green point collecting I really did like replaying those minigames. You could even play them all in sequence Except the pot of Gold fuck that shit
>BT's Split Up mechanic was fun in theory, but I don't think it was that great in practice
Yeah the quality of Tooie noticeably drops a bit in the middle. On top of the extra legwork you don't get every move until the last level in the game and generally Banjo just became "That guy you use to carry shit" every fucking level while Kazooie is a glass cannon until you get a decent amount of health and the awesome glide move.
BKazooie its just the beta of Bano Tooie
Kazooie is just a tighter experience. I dont think i have 100% completed tooie. I am hoping one day we can see them on the switch because both are great.
100% Tooie is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Backtracking jiggies are pathetically easy and usually involve using a new move in an old area. The only part that may give you trouble are Jinjo's as the colors are randomized so the White Jinjo may be your first Jiggy or it may very well be your last. You get a character parade for all jiggies BTW.
As for the other collectables? Hoo boy. I don;t think I've ever gotten that last cheato page from Canary Mary. Shit is literally impossible. I believe the XBLA version also makes it harder to get Heggy's stuff as you now need to have cleaned out Kazooie in order to access all of it.
Kazooie. I appreciate how ambitious Tooie is, but that same ambition lead to it spreading itself ridiculously thin. Almost none of its features were as fleshed out or polished as they should have been.
Preferring the first one
Go back, user
I think my issue was I would always play banjo then move to tooie right after. Burn out happens before i feel the need to finish it all up. Ill do toooe first next time around.
Either Mr. Patch or King Coal
Also, Tooie has objectively better music and more SOUL, just because you zoomers can't handle the big maps cause of your ADHD doesn't mean Kazooie is the better game
Canary Mary cheats, you need to keep just behind here and then pull out at the end, if this is what you are referring to.
I guess it makes sense. I was beaten a lot as a kid. My mom cheated a few times and i heard her fucking other guys. I was lonely growing up besides a few guys i met on xbox live. I can appreciate things others dont as a result
Depends what you want since the structure is different, Kazooie is better if you are the type that 100% every world before moving in a Linear manner, Tooie is if you like switching worlds and locales and don't actually mind "backtracking" to old ones due world interconnectivity.
Futhermore Kazooies worlds are a bit smaller but compact with content while Tooie has some places that are just open space, especially due the Note rework.
But to put it simple, Kazooie has a tight "Micro" on each singular world while Tooie focuses on the Hub and interconnected "Macro" and WORLD BUILDING.
Tooie is just a rearranged donkey kong 64 minus the stupid character requirements for collectibles, kazooie is much better, the level design is much tighter and concise and is much better paced
I dunno, i mean if he included "and less/better Mini Games" he wouldn't all off the rails since he would basically be saying "Tooie is DK64 if DK64 had the bad parts removed".
Seriously, Mini-Games suck in DK64, but Tooie is a bit more reserved with them and at least have visual variety.
Plus, Tooie has better music than Kazooie and more SOUL
t. not a zoomer that couldn't figure out Grunty Industries
Tooie is trash.
Tooie is better in every way, although the last leval is pretty crappy.
As a child, I liked Tooie better.
As an adult, I recognize that Kazooie was actually better.
the thing that annoyed me the most about Tooie was how many things in the game you have to learn and remember. There should have been a moves list in the pause menu or a notes screen in the pause menu or something.
>notes screen
by that I mean notes about what you've learned during the game, not jiggy notes
Kazooie aged better. Tooie leaned pretty heavily on the genre-crossover thing and shooters played like shit on N64 so the game gets really awkward during those segments.
A modern revamp of Tooie that brought its flight and shooting controls more in line with contemporary games in the genre would probably be more fun to play.
Tooie also fucked up music notes, 100-note-scores was one of the most fun and challenging parts of BK and Tooie reduced it to like 15 pickups because of the nest system.
Did Tooie save your note progress after you left the level? I think that was the best thing the xbla version fixed for kazooie. That and stop n swoo.
It did, but that was actually the thing I hated the most about the XBLA remake. Going for note-high-scores was a fun challenge. Hunting for the very last puddle of 5 notes after you've cleaned it out isn't fun or memorable, the levels have a flow to them and exploring the whole thing in a run without dying was part of the point.
It's similar to SM64 in that way; nobody got frustrated that the game didn't save your 87 coins when you left Bob-Omb Battlefield so you wouldn't have to recollect them all for the 100-coin star.
Maybe it's because i have beat B-K so many times, but the game is too simple for me nowadays. B-T is a much more complex game, completing it would still give me trouble. Some levels in B-T can be annoying for sure tho.
Tooie by a landslide
No, you go back.
Tooie is shit.
Fuck Tooei.
I love Kazooie though.
I unironically like Nuts and Bolts more than Tooie.
You're shit.
Fuck you.
I love people who can appreciate Tooie though.
I unironically like Hitler more than you.