What the fuck

what the fuck

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Other urls found in this thread:

halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/hella hot trash

shit sux

>armor abilties
>weapon bloom
>dmr and a shitty needler rifle
>terrible mp maps
>bland campaign
>inferior ranking system
>never improved invasion

Customs were fun

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I envy your dedication to your husbando

I'm nearing 250 images.

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>>inferior ranking system
Just spend 10 years playing the game bro

>bland campaign

It has the least blandest campaign in any Halo ever. Bloom and armour abilities are the only real problems.

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How did the Covies even get on Reach again?
They built a cloak to hide teleporter which warped in an entire super-carrier?
How did they get that cloaking equipment there in the first place?

threadly reminder that anything outside of the original trilogy is not canon

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It sucked ass.

Halo 4 and 5 is such a bad comparison that it's not even funny. I don't remember Halo 5 killing Chief like Star Wars did Luke.

Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3

>Art of Halo 5

>Art of Halo (Original)

>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)

>Art Compilation from CE to 4


>Halo Books

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The campaign was very bland. No reason to care about Noble team at all. They are barely even established enough to care. It would be like if everyone in the first Gears game died. Nobody would have given a fuck then and neither should they for Reach. The only memorable level was the space one and that was a great level.


A better comparison
>Halo: Combat Evolved = Metroid
>Halo 2 = Metroid II: Return of Samus
>Halo 3 = Super Metroid
>Halo 4 = Metroid Fusion
>Halo: Reach and Halo 5: Guardians = Metroid Other M

it did if u were retarded sure

I'm glad we agree that you're retarded then.

1 Had the best campaign. The others were just for multiplayer, save ODST.

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>game where the second half is a copypaste of the first had the best campaign

rawr i like skulls :3

what a great fucking team bungie

>The only memorable level was the space one and that was a great level.
lol no it was shit

>armor abilities
>weapon bloom
I bet you think Halo 5 has good multiplayer though.

Most of the power ups are locked behind REQ system in 5 though.

I love Halo 1 and 3's campaigns.


a petition to stop this trash from coming to MCC would be nice

you're right it only killed the franchise
just kidding 4 already did that

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The Halo franchise is still alive though, did you say this after Metroid Other M when it was clear that Nintendo were just rethinking Metroid?

Nintendo didn't sell metroid to sjw methheads
Nintendo didn't make the other M twice and then hire the same team of sjw methheads to remake and replace the original metroid games

Neither game has good multiplayer.

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I agree but personally I've come around to what everyone else has been, saying that Halo 2 fundamentally ruined its gameplay, aside from no fall damage and vehicle hijacking

I'm surprised invasion has never been expanded upon. You'd think a game with cool asymmetrical factions would be perfect for a combined arms team based gamemode.

>no response
343 shill let out of his wage cage for the day I see

The removal of fall damage only allowed for lazy level design that was detrimental overall. Vehicle hijacking was an interesting gimmick but also ruined multiplayer balance and level design since now they had to account for the fact that the player could theoretically steal any enemy vehicle they threw out them, which lead to such wonderful level segments as "enemy vehicles restricted into a box canyon that you're forced to abandon to progress" or "enemy vehicles don't spawn/aren't dropped in until a certain point".

Reminder of how 343 treats trannies.
halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/hella hot trash

and how Bungie treats trannies.

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>which lead to such wonderful level segments as "enemy vehicles restricted into a box canyon that you're forced to abandon to progress" or "enemy vehicles don't spawn/aren't dropped in until a certain point".
I don't like that either but wasn't this a problem with vehicles in Halo (Combat Evolved) as well?
>The removal of fall damage only allowed for lazy level design that was detrimental overall.
I mean, they could just have done what they always do, which is a fall of a certain distance onward means instant death.

You trannies don't seem to be talking much anymore after this . The next time you choose to call 343 sjws, remember you're lord and savior Bungie are some of the biggest sjws in the industry and hires trannies. If you defend this, you're automatically label an sjw and should do the same thing trannies are doing, commit suicide.

>implying anyone at bungie in 2019 had any hand in the halo games
desu it became obvious bungie was already a soulless husk when the previews of actual gameplay from destiny started coming out around 2012-2013 and the final nail in the coffin was when they tried to smear Marty with sexual assault claims to prevent paying him his severance in 2014

Daily reminder that all the shitlers who bogged down Halo 2 and 3's development and limited its potential now make up 343 along with a bunch of nepotistic fanboy brownnosers.

/pol/ autists are always ruining threads

>a new 343 shill shift starts
hope the cage was still warm for you
pretty sad that all you can do is make the false equivalence to beating the dead horse bungie was dead before 343 even existed you can't keep using them as an excuse for your shitty products and abysmal PR

Bungie's been dead since 2009, if you didn't see the signs then, you're probably still too far up their ass today. Also, Halo 3 ended up being the best in the series and only Bungie bogged down Halo 2's development, gets your facts straight, bitch.

>calling Halo 3 the best in the series
>accusing others of being up bungie's ass

I'm going to tell you the same thing I told him cunt, Bungie hasn't been Bungie since 2009, get over it. They've been dead for 10 years, it's time to let the shit they made past 2007's Halo 3 go.

It was their best, CE was a repetitive mess at the end, ad Halo 2 was a disappointment that it was only worth playing the mp for 3 years but since I mainly play campaign it sucked until Halo 3 released.


>343 shill falseflags as retarded H3 zoomer
I mean I get why they're falseflagging as retarded Reach fanboys since they feel threatened that the PC is going to get the last of the good releases but don't you think you're just a bit too desperate?

well, his cope out is he only cares about the single player

but the campaigns in halo 2 and 3 were awful

>muh ess jay double yous


Mother fucker I started Halo in 2001, Halo CE got repetitive in the 5th mission and really got repetitive by the 7th, Halo 2's campaign only good sections were the Chief parts and even that was weak in comparison to the levels of CE, with Halo 3 since Bungie didn't rush it ended up with the best campaign in the series. after that, ODST was a cash grab, Reach was shit, Halo 4 campaign was only decent yet somehow worse than Halo 2, Halo 5's campaign was garbage. Call me when I get a Halo game on CE and 3's level in terms of the campaign, I hope Infinite is that. It's about fucking time the series got out of 2's shadow, don't know why Bungie ad 343 took so much from that campaign, it was a mess in 2004, a mess in 2014, and still a mess today.

Halo 3 had the best campaign, I would put Halo CE up there if starting with the Library it didn't turn into repetitive shit.

>with Halo 3 since Bungie didn't rush it
>Halo 3
>not rushed
>ODST was a cash grab
>Reach was shit
>Halo 4 was decent
>Praising and looking forward to Infinity
based blatant 343 shill retard

I didn't like 3's either but we've heard their reasoning why it's actually the best, and someone has yet to refute them on their own terms or point out 3's campaign's failings

I don't even post there but the fact you mentioned just made catch you, get the fuck this site you god damn, reddit/resetera cunts, this isn't your little safe space, nobody wants you here. Only reddit/resetera/discord trannies shout /pol/ when they get shit on.

>Halo 4 was decent
I said the campaign was decent, the multiplayer was shit, please don't get my words confused, tranny.

I'm not even participating in your autism fest.
If you're screeching about trannies and SJWs, even as a shorthand for any legitimate criticisms you may have about the game design, then you're no better than /pol/ and actively lower the quality of the discussion.

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>ess jay double yous are ruining mah games xD

you first retard.

ODST is good and Reach at least had cool designs. Similar to Rogue One.

>complains about Halo CE being repetitive
>praises Halo 3 as the best campaign
Want to know how I know you're a shill AND a retard?
Halo 3's campaign was mediocre at best, barely better and in some parts worse than Halo 2's but overall nearly an identical structure. If Halo 2 was too experimental and suffered from cut content limiting the realization of campaign ideas, then Halo 3's entire campaign was left on the cutting room floor and a quick fill in was made by cutting chunks from Halo 2's incomplete singleplayer and glueing them together with multiplayer assets.

You seem mad, go back to resetera, reddit, and your discord, you fucking tranny, you don't belong here.

theres literally noting wrong with being a tranny faggot

Halo 3 isn't a repetitive mess like CE, goes back to having massive levels like CE, corrects most of Halo 2's mistakes, isn't a linear scripted mess like Halo 2, keeps the loreshit in the Terminals instead of making it an important part of the story like Halo 2 did. Halo 2 put so much emphasis on the story that the campaign gameplay suffered Halo 3 put the story second and just had the community team worked on that shit while the rest of the team focused on the level and gameplay. This heavy focus on story Halo 2 started is what damaged the series past Halo 3, zoomer.

>halo 4 is a terrible sequel that sucks off OT fags
>halo 5 is even worse because it tries to do something different and kills everything in the process
Sounds like episode 7 and 8 to me.

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If you're trying to use videogames as a smokescreen to rant about politics you belong on /pol/. Since you seem like a complete retard and a shill using politics as a smokescreen to hide that you have nothing to contribute to the discussion about videogames aside from your blatant shilling maybe you should just leave. You've dropped your shill and it doesn't seem economically sensible that they'd pay you overtime based on the number of (you)'s.

Everything is wrong with it, you mentally ill bitch.

like what, you sound like an outdated loser stuck in an inferior time period

That's just Spartans in general. You expect them to have wacky personalities like some anime?

>OT fags
Get the fuck out of here, Halo CE and 2 had their problems but both still shit on ODST and Reach, Halo 4 was 343 first attempt at the series, they tried something different with the campaign, some worked, others didn't. Halo 5 was headed by the faggot in charge of Spartan Ops, I had high expectations of it being shit from the start, no one in 2014 wanted to play Locke.

Seriously get the fuck out of here, you don't belong here.

You sound like a freak that needs to be shot or hanged, inhuman fuck. I knew Halo threads were invaded by you weirdos, I bet you're also responsible for the tumblr Samus art and shilling Zero Suit Samus's shit model like it's supposed to be the perfect version of Samus when it looks like utter garbage compared to her mainline designs. I hate trannies and the day you're wiped out is the day America and the world is saved.

Remember how Bungie try to claim they would have better personalities than Master Chief? I got more from MC than I did from these jokes in CE.

>calls CE a repetitive mess
>thinks 3 isn't
>corrects most of 2's mistakes
>isn't a linear scripted mess
>H3 put focus on the gamplay not the story
>literally the only game in the series to take control away from the player for forced story exposition minutes at a time ON TOP of the already existing cutscenes
The heavy focus on story of Halo 2 was an unexpected direction but not what ultimately harmed the game. Halo 3 on the other hand heavily suffered from continuing to put the focus on story, a trend which wasn't straightened out until ODST (where the story was told THROUGH the gameplay) and scrapped for Reach (reverted back to CE's style of telling the story exclusively through cutscenes and dialogue and had it take a backseat to gameplay).

*Zero Suit Samus's shit model from Smash Ultimate

Now that I think about it, Rogue One basically plagiarized Reach.


The part of Truth death, I'll give you that and I'm sure that was written by that prick Joe Staten too, mother fucker always was an Elitefag. ODST was one of the shittiest games in the series. A barren pile of shit where Bungie locked the last of Halo 3's maps behind a fucking paywall.

Go the fuck back.

Please get a trip so I can filter you

>supersoldiers trained and indoctrinated at a young age don't have flashy personalities
Who would have fucking expected that?

Halo threads are filled with Xenophiles, faggots, and trannies, Jesus fucking Christ. No wonder Halo threads went to shit. This is like Metroid threads when the faggots and trannies (ACfag) enter the threads. No wonder Halo fans get hated here, and I'm a huge Halo fan.

And then we have you.

This, it's better than Finn in the new Star Wars films who was captured and indoctrinated at a young age yet can't bring himself to kill civilians and acts like he's in a fucking SNL sketch.

>It would be like if everyone in the first Gears game died.
It's worse then that because at least the Gears had personality. Baird, Cole, Dom and Marcus could be defined by more then what their ranking and role in the squad was, which is more then could be said for Noble team with the exception of Jorge and maybe Kat.

not everyone is a normalfag like you

>proceeds to magically gain personality in every death scene
fuck off

I'm trying to fix Halo threads, when you fuckers leave, we may be able to have a good thread once in a while.

I'm glad I am normal, freaks like you need to be purged.

You're trying to turn the threads into /pol/.

what happened

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/pol/ unironically has had more vidya related threads than Yea Forums the few times i decided to ruin my day there

they both look like shit but 5s is slightly better

I'm trying to remove the filth that infested these threads.


>Spartans aren't allowed to feel sadness

Reach trannies have to defend their heap.

They aren't, really. It would kind of defeat the purpose of having a deliberately emotionally crippled super-soldier built for endless war if they agonized over the deaths of other soldiers.

343 went for the “cheap plastic toy” look

Friendly reminder that Reach hate is a meme

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I know it sucks.
Odst should've gotten Reach's budget.

I forget why they even did the stealth infiltration thing. I'm going to assume that Reach had a MAC array, but is that mentioned in the game? It's been forever since I played it.

ODST was dog shit

Friendly reminder that Reachfags are trannies and should be ignored and booted off 4channel.


Genuine lmao

Reach itself will always be a meme. CoDified gameplay and a skinner box progression system for smoothbrain children

Had great atmosphere and music. Actually felt like you were going through a city at night as spec-ops soldiers. It did a great job and there's a lot of reasons why I want to play that game on PC.


What is wrong with you two?


>Had great atmosphere and music
Seeing how this is only thing that's talked about with ODST, it's boring shit.

This is how I know you're a toddler.

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Reach wasn't good, if you're going to compare armors, it's best to compare Halo 3 to everything else, that was the peak.

>tfw doing a full chronological playthrough
>tfw stop playing halo 2 mid game to play ODST
There's something about stopping playing a game to play another game set in the same time frame that really tickles my funny bone, I'm 100% in sync with the lore and world.

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Yes, I too enjoy stumbling around aimlessly in a city devoid of enemies whilst listening to the same jazz riff over and over.

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5 mp is excellent, campaign and warzone are shit though.

Why are you defending the worst game in the series faggot? it's bad enough we're going this pile of hot shit in MCC when it doesn't even belong considering chief isn't even in the fucking game.

Rogue One is 2 hours of shit though, and 15 minutes of awesome at the end between the space battle and Vader's scene. Reach was kino of the highest order.

Halo 3 > Halo 1 > Halo ODST > Halo 2 > Halo 5 > Halo 4 > Halo Wars 1/2 >>>>>>>>> horse piss > (You) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Halo Reach

>considering chief isn't even in the fucking game.

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Vader scene was trash, scenes with smart ass robot was better, space Vietnam battle was great though, which it would've been longer and focused more on the soldiers.


Are you playing him?

>Easter egg
>WELP time to put the literal Sonic 06 of Halo games in MCC and drag it through the mud

Yup, the Metroid Other M of Halo, the day that game is praised on 4channel is the day this place is truly dead.

shit right.
Thel (arbiter)
led the attack on Reach, he was renown for pulling off massive surprise attacks on planets. Oni, unsc, even the covenant themselves didn't know how he was able to do it so quickly and under the radar. It would be literally ten minutes into the attack before any unsc fleet nearby would even be ware of what was happening.
Fucker also was a fan of personally leading attacks and commanding from the ground at times. Fucker gets jobbed by chief on halo though.
But in the game we get none of that and the dramatic epic reveal of the covenant was literally some jackals in the courtyard...fuck reach

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Imagine being so obsessed with hating this game that you spaz out every time you see anyone mention anything vaguely positive about it.

and like episode 7, halo 4 laid the groundwork and potential for interesting groundbreaking takes that were flushed down the shitter

MCC has slowly turned into The Halo Collection, it's stopped being about only chief once Odst was introduced.
Pc announcement reveal would've been the perfect time to rebrand the MCC into the Halo Collection, they could've also integrated the all the movies and shorts, ebooks of the games in extras, as well as put the Doa halo stage with the female Spartan and its variations as a little bonus mode, with online, like mgs2s' skateboarding mini game that was a small chunk ripped from another game.

Reach has the best campaign in the series and you seething boomers can do nothing about it.

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>humanity's greatest defeat
>the dramatic epic reveal of the covenant was literally some jackals in the courtyard

this was when i knew the campaign was going to be underwhelming.

lol sure

i don't spaz, the direction of the cutscenes were nice and armor customization in mp and how it was utilized in campaign was unique and fun to unlock.

But they didn't stupidly kill off the main protag for a piece of shit, Halo can get out of this, Star Wars can't.

Who are you quoting?

>jackals in the courtyard

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Reach is proof that bungie was already losing their touch and was the beginning of halo's descent to mediocrity.

that right there had ten times the weight and shock then the moment the covenant arrived on reach.

>wahh why doesn’t an infiltrating force invading a military stronghold reveal itself with YUUUGE ships at the start of the game and give fuck all about fighting effectively, exactly like the prophet going on a trip in Halo 2?!



Why would you be shocked by it though? We all already knew the Covenant were coming

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When I first played the game I instantly set to legendary only to find out you fucking die
And the foreshadowing with the helmet with the bullet hole didn't work because I didn't customise until later

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Will never not be angry at that shit on legendary all that crap only to die fuck you reach I actually sold my Xbox and got a ps3 because of that shit

but the characters in the setting didn't but they are all so void of personality so who cares

They're Spartans. Spartans are killing machines who are dead on the inside

>13% is enough to destroy a single continent
>if not for keith david i would have glassed your entire planet RON PERLMAN

based half jaw

>i wanted a happy ending

>Danny Devito in the middle left

i thought it was good. heck i thought halo 4 was good, but then halo 5 was bad

This, god Reach sucked.

>halo 5 was bad

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im specifically talking about the reactions on the comms and other humans and the way the covenant are presented in reach.
Also chief had personality.

Why was the giant zealot elite jump scare in the facility at the end of the first level? from a pacing standard wouldn't it have been better for that to be the reveal and introduction rather then the random skirmishers running around in a courtyard?

Reach has these problems everywhere

but it was tho. have you played the sigle player?


this but unironically

>it's heresy then

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This, it's just another reason why I don't like Reach.

>Why was the giant zealot elite jump scare in the facility at the end of the first level? from a pacing standard wouldn't it have been better for that to be the reveal
fucking this.
Why even make it a jump scare? we have literally been killing them for the last 20 minutes, did 343 make reach?

Nah, Bungie were just dead after Halo 3.

>defending sjws
>legitimate criticisms

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