Why do some people use censorship as a way to get rid of things they personally don't like?

Why do some people use censorship as a way to get rid of things they personally don't like?

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>tfw gore turns me on

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It's haram, don't want the western caliphate seeing that ass, it's sacrilegious.

We don't censor weebshit because it's against christian values or some dumb shit like that though. We do it because treating women like sexual objects is wrong.

dude butts are for walking thats gross lol

And slaughtering people like animals isn't?

Haha butt

>sexual object

literally an oxymoron. objects aren't sexual, only living things.

No panties

What's the point of the ESRB system if they're just going to censor everything?

But anime girls aren't real and by definition an object you filthy weaboo. If you think otherwise, you're as worse as the japanese otakus.

chinese cartoon drawings are literally objects though

and by sexualizing them we are giving them the characteristics of real living breathing humans. it's literally the opposite of objectifying.

Having sexual thoughts about a woman is worse than fucking tearing someone's spine out
19th amendment was a mistake

American values are fucking insane.

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what you're saying contradicts exactly what i replied to

This board 10 years ago : VIDEOGAMES ARE ART

Maybe if you're a 69 IQ mongoloid who can't understand nuance.

So you are saying that killing and torturing people isn't wrong. Good thing i don't live near you.

This board in 10 years: ASSES ARE ART

Although the art meme was more like 3 years ago

>newfags trying to act like they've been around for a decade

>objects can't be sexual
>but you can sexualize objects by giving them certain features
>oh but objects can't be sexual btw

That's rich coming from someone that didn't even bother looking up the definition of sexual objectification before pretending to understand it.

>insecure newfag projecting

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>underaged girl
>adult aged fighters
It's not that complicated, OP. If they would just fucking ditch the underaged girl fetish they pointlessly insert into all their media it would be fine, but they always have to have at least ONE line confirming that the character is actually in middle school or high school or something, and then it gets censored.

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there are no oldfags on Yea Forums anymore

Been there since 2005 and counting tho I couldn't tell you why, this place is worse than it has ever been

if you think about how much Yea Forums has grown and how many people died since then or left the site genuine oldfags are like unicorns at this point,

This board was even more infested with weebs 10 years ago and the only people who ever gave a shit about games being art or not are journos trying to justify their jobs to their libshit friends

user, treating women like sexual beings isn't wrong. Sex is normal and natural.

I'll take the weebs over the trumplets any day

stop lying kid, you are anonymous it gives you nothing

i pray for you

You're literally too retarded to explain this to. The best part is that in your retardation you actually think you've made a sound argument and are going to gain a boost to your pathetic ego thinking that I'm incapable of defending my point. The reality is I don't care enough to explain myself to someone who's obviously fucking retarded.

Good day sir.

Fuck creepy pedophiles
Fuck sexist garbage

based weebs

yeah man there's a definition that totally means the wording itself isn't fucking retarded


Women want to be treated like sex objects tho

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>being this delusional to protect your ego
thanks for the laugh it made it worth it

the gore is also banned

No it isn't.

Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's retarded user, I'm sure you can do it if you think hard enough about it.
Here's a hint : object doesn't necessarily mean an inanimate object, it can have other meanings !

here's a hint: i'm not talking about the fucking definition

holy shit you're a goddamned fucking idiot

Goddamn that's a nice ass, I hope she gets tons of doujins

>tfw lived long enough to see your hobby turn into 1984

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I appreciate it more than you know
I've been thinking about leaving for the past 5 years but I always come back

if ponyfags can get isolated to their containment board why can't polfags

Nothing sexist about loving a 2d woman that's prettier than roasties on the inside and out.

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>being a blatant hypocrite with no self awareness in a single sentence

Liberals hate fictional women.

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cut your wrist long ways. I wanna see how hard you'll get after

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But violence also objectifies women by making them into nothing more than punching bags to entertain yourself with.

>comparing partially covered up underage anime girl asses in western releases where you can still purchase the uncovered versions to 1984

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Nothing is wrong with sex but women being solely a symbol of sex is what user says is wrong. I dont think that issue can be solved by censorship though.

Why is Sonic the Fortnite dance?

Because they personally dont like it. You do know what censorship is, right?

shoo shoo troglodyte you outlived your use

I had a good wholesome laugh at this post user
Bless you, you special guy

t. corporate cocksucker

mortal kombat objectifies all of its characters because they're permanently shallow with no consistent development and are literally nothing but bags of flesh to be torn apart for the players pleasure

but fuck it censor the ecchi games that'll solve everything

I believe that both of those things should be censored. fight me.

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They're fictional. "Women" are a spook, no individual is getting targeted and objectified so nothing wrong is actually happening.

>mortal kombat objectifies all of its characters because they're permanently shallow with no consistent development and are literally nothing but bags of flesh to be torn apart for the players pleasure
No. MK11 is mature and respectful!

Nuke the west

MK11 is banned in Japan though.

Why are people like this? I will never understand this shit. What kind of fucked up mind do you have to have to be so pro totalitarian censorship like this? Do they just want corporations and governments to think for them?

If you don't like something don't buy it. We are age ratings for a reason, or so I thought. What the fuck do they want?

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this. A nice fat man up the ass would shut these whiners up.

>literally nothing but bags of flesh to be torn apart for the players pleasure
I mean, in one of Johnny Cage's fatalities someone off-screen dips a boom mic into the shot and he complains about it, the "meta" is that it's literally a tv show.

start with california

t. californian

Fucking hell americans are pathetic.

So honest question. What do you expect to happen when trump gets reelected in 2020? Full blown civil war 2?

Because cunny is not secured by a document, or by a company, by bad publicity, or by the concept of justice.
Cunny is secured by the knowledge that, should someone try to take it from you, you will FIGHT BACK. With WEAPONS.
Until you fight for your rights, your rights will be ignored.

Exactly why I say censorship isnt going to do anything. If people really cared about this they wouldnt be attacking video games, cartoons, and works of fiction in general.

Does censorship ever increase sells?
If you wanted to sell your weeb game I could only think anime ass would be fine.

>Do they just want corporations and governments to think for them?
Yes. They want the world to be as bland and sterile as possible and for the government to wipe out anything that goes against that.

They're like Yea Forums except they no longer play games, just casual shit.

Trump is not going to get reelected in 2020.

Why is (((g*merg*te))) being used as a proxy war against japanese games?

So, just Yea Forums then? That explains why we talk about that place so much then.

Bruh, have you SEEN the democrat candidates? Trump is going to win by default.

>He sexualised underage girls!
Every time, despite every character being of legal consenting age.

Wait, Crystar is getting censored? Fucking cocksuckers at Spike Chunsoft. This is why the government needs to step in to put an end to assholes censoring games.

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upvoted exdee.

That's literally the only thing censorship is ever used for. That's the point of it really.

Cartoons aren't women.

It's always americans.

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I think it depends on the game. Some niche weeb shit getting censored is pointless cause practically the only audience looking to buy your game are degen weebs. For a AAA title or something that may be more mainstream could rake in a few more initial purchases. What is fucking dumb is even if weebshit gets censored, theyll buy the shit anyways cause they cant resist, thus validating it in an ass backwards way.

If you see a post defending censorship 90% it comes from an American. They're a "special" breed of human that went a little coo-coo.

Goddamn psychotic murderers

I don't even feel anything anymore. It's all so tiresome.

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Are you implying that the latter is not art?

Because it works.

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>Reason: low post count user

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You know this website was literally made for talking about anime girls and their asses, right?

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>Does censorship ever increase sells?

It doesn't. Causes the game to sell like shit.

>low post count user as a ban reason
I'm glad forums are dead. Every single one of them had those faggots that equated post counts with peen size.

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>everyone now acts like a smug insufferable faggot as they beam their shit opinions out to the world
twitter was a fucking mistake

This is unironically why Trump won and why he'll win again.

Don't know but they sure as fuck lost my purchase haha

They have no real goals in life, they swallowed the debased society poison wholesale and now rabidly bite anyone displaying long living evolutionary strengths like lust toward girls in breeding age.

Fuck americans.

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Social platforms were a fucking mistake. Twitter and Facebook unironically need to be cut from the airwaves.

Wish voting with the wallet was more effective.

That's deep brah

fine where? youtube is blocking MK11 content, either demonetize the video or block it

I've been here since 2004, and have hated this place a little bit more each year thereafter.

Yet you can go to a strip club in GTA

Sometimes when I feel really down, I think about how I can call your a faggot and not end up in jail. I could post the chirstchurch shooting online, and nothing will happen to me. Meanwhile new zeland is sending people to prison over it. It's not a lot, but it's something.

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Ah, resetera...

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There's no Zanki Zero thread, so I'm gonna ask here
Is the ending shit or not? Id rather finish the game on a positive note

Why fight you?
You deliberately lock yourself up in a cage.

Yes, be content with crumbs of freedom you still have left.

Reminder that this was Yea Forums when it was "just" visual novels getting censored

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It’s jealous resetera trannys

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not for long user. not for long.

Sony is so cucked it's not even funny. They're not even a jap company anymore.
I get people who use it to stay in touch, but then you get fucking news articles quoting furfags screeching about nonsense. Or you get a grocery story pulling a chocolate candy because ONE person on twitter said it was racist. I hate this fucking clown world.

Imagine being the mod that comes up with these ban messages. I can't.

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I'm not content with it though. There are people trying their damnedest to kill freedom of speech under the guise of protecting minorities. Every day the line gets tested. It feels so fragile.

>we're back in 2016 when people thought this was actual censorship and not just Morgana being moved so the rating doesn't cover his face anymore
>we're back in the Operation Kowashitai era

Someone needs to put a virus in that hellhole of a site. Once a user gets banned, the virus will literally nuke the entirety of the site including forums to the point it is no longer salvageable.

It is effective user. Its too effective. Its the reason these companys continue trends that are hurtful to faithful consumers but appeal to the masses. We are on the losing team unfortunately.

I can only hope the normies awaken and rise up. People are already fed up but they have lives. They have work, bills, kids, etc. They don't have the time to be full time activists.

More american madness.

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stop posting. you're making me upset

So, that loli ass game any good?

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>fatty trying to censor upsetting imagery
Like poetry.

Yea Forums would do the same if Neil Druckmann or some other sjw kike got fired.

>trying to censor the censorship
god help me, what have I become

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The difference is the people we hate are actually horrible human beings.

I hate Niel Druckmann and all but I don't want him censored or fired. I just want journalists and reviewers to not suckle sjw teet and write dishonest reviews for obviously shitty games.

What forum is this?

what about dildo?

>I don't want him censored
>or fired
I do.

have sex

That's a cute butt

just don't buy it

welcome to the west.

>mass violence/gore good

>boobs bad!

yes, murder is totally better than some breasts that we are raised off.

ripping open someones chest and playing with the innerds?
>thats ok
some tittys and ass and maybe some vag?


I'm fucking trying, okay?

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You know, voting with your wallet won't really work when the people who make the decisions to censor aren't swayed by money at all. They would rather be reduced to begging for lunch money on twitter than let something they deem problematic go uncensored.

try harder

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Because shit like top pic drives a value of female orifices down. Just a very very little, incomparable to what for example legalized prostitution does, but it still does.
This is reason females (particularly ugly ones, who still feel entitled for their orifices to have lot of value) really consider it hurtful and want it banned. All the shit about "objectification" is just a very sloppy and lazy decoys made up because no way they'll admit true goal.

the reason SJWs hate "sexualized" girls is because they are all 300lb landwhales.

it's jealousy.

>sales of censored game drops
>company that makes the game stops developing a sequel or a successor
>everyone agrees that this game was a flop and genre is not needed in the western market

I'm still mad. Sort of.

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I still remember that post from user who made a screenshot consisting of all the Facebook commenters when the 9.0 Earthquake hit Japan years ago. All of them where American and were so happy that they got wrecked by it, saying that it was penance for Pearl Harbor.

Why is it women get so jealous of fictional females but I have never seen a guy jealous of a fictional male?

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>disagreeing with anything a mod posts
Nothing has made me want to dox someone as badly as this.

How do I invest into male orifices?

because we aren't trying to change games, we play them

they don't even play fucking games and they demand everything change to suit their tastes. Devs make attractive characters because WE LIKE IT.

this game sucked anyway lmao

Karma's a bitch.

Any time a man spends looking at anime titties is time not spent pampering a roastie.

>In this woman you can see a woman's ass
>In this game you can pull a woman's spine out through her throat and rip all her limbs off and eat her brain

You are fucking insane

>underaged girl
that is a drawing, user
drawings aren't real people
animated computer generated 3D models aren't real people either
are you pretending to be stupid or...?

I have literally never heard of a woman being unironically jealous of a vidya character. Meanwhile how many neets are always going on about how "chad" their favorite characters are?

>guy gets jealous of a fictional guy
>either reads ntr doujins or gets called a fag when he talks about it to other people

Concept of improvement is incomprehensible for female.
When male sees someone good, he also wants to be this good.
When female sees someone good, she wants to destroy them to eliminate something she could be compared to.
This his just how brain biologically works.

>In this woman you can see a woman's ass
Why this woman in particular? Why not that woman?

I fucking need another world war

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I've never seen anyone call a character a Chad negatively. It's only ever positive.

Because easy access to titillating material lowers the sexual market value of women. Same reason they hate sluts and prostitution and why sex toys for males are more taboo than sex toys for women.

All these niggers falling for this weak bait. SAD

women are emotional beings that thrive on attention.

if you were actually a man and not a jealous roastie in disguise you would understand that has nothing to do with jealousy

If you view every single part of your life as an attack on yourself it's impossible to enjoy anything besides making others miserable.

When we call a character a Chad we mean it in a good way, you stupid roastie.

You mean another war where the majority of women won't be forced into frontline positions, will berate and demean any men that aren't out fighting, and then will say that they were the reason we won (or men were the reason we lost and that if women were in charge then there'd be no wars) 70 years down the line?

You've never seen the facebook "I got thrown out of the house because I told my boyfriend to choose between anime ane me" screenshots?

resetera newfag
Maybe you should go there

youre confusing jealously with admiration.

Please stop, you're turning me into an incel.

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I don't get it. Why would anyone want to protect minorities? They are not part of your people and anything that benefits them must come at a cost to your own kin. Why not treat them like second-class citizens and exploit them as much as possible while ensuring their numbers remain in check? What's with the demographic masochism?

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>guy sees an ideal man
>is inspired to be like him
>girl sees an ideal woman
>wants to tear her down to her level
That's the difference.

that sounds hilarious

>Why not treat them like second-class citizens and exploit them as much as possible while ensuring their numbers remain in check? What's with the demographic masochism?
That's exactly what democrats do.


This thing is fun to go through some times.

I've been here since 2006. Never been to resetera, only ever heard of it.

So you've heard of it yet you don't know what it is? Are you just retarded?

>positive stance towards immigration
>keeping their numbers in check

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I don't recognise the forum just from a screenshot, no.

I can't decide if that's hilarious or sad

>Literally don't even try to inform yourself

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>tfw only heard of reddit because I came into Yea Forums one day and got called a redditer

I probably wouldn't have found out about them for at least three more years if Yea Forums hadn't told me it existed. This was like 2011 or 2012.

They just want their vote slaves.

Its simple; they think people take ideals from consumption of entertainment. They think, for whatever reason, that if games they think are "poisonous to their agenda" are off the shelves, that will leave room for people to consume and be better people. Stupid, right?

Oh fuck, I hope they bring head gore back to GTA. Powerful guns used to make heads disappear and turn bodies into blood fountians before GTA4.

>shipping in voting cattle, disadvantaging your own people (especially the working class)
So they're sociopathic plutocrats?

When I was in high school I didn't have access to porn. This was early 00's. So I got pretty good at drawing it. If you take something away from someone they will still find a way to get it or even make it themselves. It's a sign that it's in demand.

People like tits and ass. If they have a problem with it they should just create media they find appropriate and let the two coexist. There's a lot of stuff I don't like or outright despise but it doesn't bother me because I just ignore it. How hard is that?

They just need more and more of slaves and less and less competition

I hope they bring back wounding. I remember you could cripple an entire room in GTA4 and they'd lay on the ground for a long time. In GTA5 they die after crippling in two seconds.

>How hard is that?
Very, if you are a egoistic totalitarian.

>your own people
The democrats don't actually care about america, they care about power and maintaining that power. There is no low they won't stoop to in order to achieve that end.

I'm gay so I don't have skin in the girl asses game so to speak, but just out of principle, this right here triggers me so much.
It's the encapsulation of how hilariously fucked American values are. If anything, things like Mortal Kombat should be banned, as it's a fucking abomination and insult to life itself. The fact that it's tolerated or even celebrated is incredible to me.

this holy shit

Neither should be censored, yet here we are.

I've used bait almost just like this before. I don't believe a word of it, but it works 90% of the time, every time.

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beacause men don't hate each other

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Christianity and its universalist moral is your answer.

Wouldn't want some cunt getting mad that there are some guys out there enjoying some bouncing boobs in their video games now do ya
Fuck sony, and fuck the sycophants that defend them and the amerifats that enable and encourage this stupid bullshit to exist in the first place.

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Don't they know what happens when the slaves outnumber their masters? Do they think they will be spared because they themselves have no tribal loyalty? Do they honestly believe there will be any distinction other than race once the revolt begins?

Every single powerful political figure you know is sociopath.

"they" are so far removed from the people who vote for them, it doesn't matter.

The marketing of fighting games has always relied on "edgy" graphics - lewd characters, crude violence to differentiate themselves. By removing sexy characters, you're forcing the devs to focus on the latter, thereby making the game even more violent. How does that make sense if you're trying to "protect the children"? And why do I have to be ashamed of liking well endowed women?

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Does anyone actually want to start working out because they see buff dudes in games?

Sony of Californias "global standards" would say otherwise corporate paypig

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Also the thought that there are actual people out there being triggered by objectification of women and being vocal about it and not by literal on-screen PLAYFUL AND BRUTAL DISMEMBERMENT OF HUMAN BEINGS both stuns and infuriates me.
How the fuck did we end up here?

>universalist moral
Christianity is a cultural WMD. The war to free the Jews from the Romans (Europeans) was not fought by the sword, but through the subversion of European culture. We are now witnessing the final conclusion of this war. Either we let ourself be outbred and we fade away into oblivion, or the civil war erupts while the European people still have a chance of winning.

imagine actually drawing this let alone saving this

i want to be buff

godhand did that to me
seeing how flexible gene was gave me a new hobby

hit the gym landwhale

Then your a purtain which okay but
Then just don't play the games and let people enjoy them play you know like an adult.

At least as long as I play it.
I got really buff after playing full martial in Jade Empire.

the "free" world is fucking bonkers

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I hope you are not one of those newage-pagan homos

I started working out three years ago because I wanted to cosplay as Juggernaut from Dota 2 at a con and was too skinny at the time.

The government would make things worse

Has anyone ever posted that image on resetera? I would love to see the ban explanation for it.

Anything is better than to be part of religion that is essentially judaism spin-off for goyim, specifically designed to control them. Even being most stereotypical new age pagan homo imaginable. Even being a nig who worships totem deity of his tribe in African savanna is better. Judaism and its spin-offs must go.

How'd it go?

I really want to lose the chub on my belly. I've been pretty skinny to skinny fat my whole life but my metabolism is starting to wear down on me.

Just balkanize burgerland already.

I kinda wish we could.

Don't forget can't get the bad endings in the English version

Now imagine the collective shrieking from landwhales if they put a voluptuous woman on a women's magazine cover.

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I knew it.
You spiritual larpers are so insufferable.
If you are angry that mom sent you to church every weekend, just crash out like me.
Do not dance around tree with your male partners and pretend you have a point.
Majority of Bible is Jesus trying to convince rest of Jews that they got conquered because they were prideful, cheating shits while legitimizing rule of Cesar.
You would know it if you could read any longer sentence than what can be scribbled on a rock.

Hell I will do it if no else has

Do magazines even do that anymore? Like Maxim and shit?

>implying ryona isn't the right way to treat a woman

No, I'm rather angry that christians made jews most powerful diaspora in the world.
Or let me guess, that was not true Christianity? True Christianity has never been tried?

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Because they want to have power over other people, but they don't have the strength, connections, or resources to enforce their will on others directly. So instead, they leverage social conventions and threat of force by proxy through governmental institutions to get their way.

Get a load of this glow-in-the-dark Ministry of Truth faggot.

Japan didn't come out too well after a couple doses, what makes you think W*sterners will?

They become an economic super power a few decades later.

Add another reddit nazi frog to the filter

Usury made them powerful and usury takes power from fools.
When a nation bans it, they support their enemies to put them in positions of acceptance.
They did the same in whole world, religion is a pointless point in all of this.

There's a few of us left, and we're just lamenting how shitty Yea Forums has become since it became redditchan and /r9k/ ruined the site with their 'take back' campaign.

They also have tight immigration control and during the refugee crisis only permitted like eight Muslims into the country after nagging by liberals then arrested most of them for a rape and shit.

I don't have a religion. I'm btw.

>Laws and special exceptions from them set up by one of most prominent Christian rulers in history has nothing to do with it
Well, whatever helps you sleep at night.

As always, EOPs get fucked.

I started browsing this site in late 2003 after the second death. I was 14.
I wish I could leave, because the site is a fucking dogshit cesspool of low-effort one-line greentext threads with a Wojak or a Pepe picture attached, but there's nowhere else better to go.

Fucking same, discovered when I was 18 in March 2004. Left for a while and came back in 2007 when I got internet in my house. I can't physically leave this site.

Oh they're around, it's just they're mostly on /pol/ or /mlp/ these days and dedicating any time they do spend on Yea Forums to shitposting.

Banning the cute and somewhat funny word is lame, but at least our mods aren't like this.

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Defending something you like is easy, but standing up in defense of something you DON'T like while seeing it as someone else's freedom of expression is actually difficult. Most don't understand this.

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ask japan, they banned mortal kombat and censored tits in grand theft auto.

Because that's the fucking point of it. There has never been anyone who censored something they liked, unless they created the foundation of censorship to get rid of things they hated and accidentally their entire favourite thing. And even then they'll make justifications and loopholes to protect it.

Good, fuck those soulless japs.

>account in junior phase
So you have to suck all the big post count peepees for a while before you're a real user?

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I believe that you should be censored. But I mean Sharia Islam censored in that I beat you half to death with my work boots until you admit I'm right and either convert and be my brother, or agree to pay taxes and I stop setting fire to your temples as long as you don't try to preach your religion to Muslims.

>Meanwhile the UK government and cp

This is exactly why I left forums behind permanently in 2007.

So what even is the age of the woman attached to this ass? I'm trying to find a line of dialogue or prerelease info that says it and I'm not finding it. I don't really care, but that seems to be the hullabaloo surrounding this so I'm wondering if she's like 14 or something.

Are you saying the UK likes child porn? They don't, even though they like Islam.

This is called Double Think. White people are masters of it because they're fucking stupid.

And Romans essentially gave them absolution from praising Cesar in exchange for extra tax. Kings allowed usury in shortsighted attempt in expanding their power.

It's because whites basically got too soft and assumed everyone else is like them. Time to bring back the whip.

>Ban: I don't want you to say that
Pathetic, you have to follow some strict protocol to even post anything.

I didn't notice
is cunny filtered now

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>drive-by posting

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Your post is also double-think.

No but it usually gets banned on sight.

>5 years later someone makes a game of that genre
>don't censor
>make it the best version it ever has been
>make 100s of millions

Then the cycle slowly repeats.

Because men think it's cool to be a handsome lad and getting all the bitches in the game because it's something they want to achieve as well, it's a kind of dream. Women playing as a beautiful woman makes them think why is she so beautiful, it's unrealistic but the truth is that games are sometimes supposed to be unrealistic.

Honest question: is the gore in MK a selling point for anyone? I don't mind graphic violence all that much, but MK execution-style finishers do kinda put me off desu.

I'm jealous of Connor, but he's not technically male so whatever.

>He thinks being able to play as a character seen as a chad is a negative

Men are animals.

Truthfully speaking, the west just doesn't have a cute culture backing it for 50 years like Japan has. The west can't do cute girls, just sexy and serious ones. Cute is seen as girly or effeminate like for a little girl or something. Japan has it's cute culture seeping through it's entire country.

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>Banned: Trying to justify representation in games
>Banned: False equivalency

you're a bonafide cuck

Weebs don't deserve good things

Want to? I assume a lot want to. But do a lot actually start? No.

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We still play and finish Sekiro.

Yeah, there are dudebros that don't even talk about the fighting game part when a new game is coming out, just the fatalities and how sick they are. Americans are all twisted fuckers.

Blame the publisher and devs, not the general population. The Japs are doing it to themselves and weebs eat up the victim card and drama.

And this turns them to become loli pedos

>turns them into lolis

user that's not how it... wait does that work? Can I become a loli?

Why do people in seats of authority put so much time and effort trying to hide the fact that humans are innately violent and sexual?


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What kind of game is the animu one?

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You're only spreading the hate further.

>No data in Scotland
What are they hiding up there?

>group dynamics
>no ungrateful imported rapists/thief/kidnappers flooding big cities in the name of (((diversity)))

I never understood this complain against MK. People literally play MK for the violence, does anyone actually plays it to fap to the girls?

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>massah didn'tunothing, I like it better, he so good with me don't be mean with massah.

Why are westerners like this?

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Just pretending to be aware that something is overdone, but still playing it straight doesn't make it fine to do it.
Even Family Guy does that.

You can't even buy games with nipples in Japan you fucking retard

I'm sure some broken man is really into Mileena.

Framing lolis as a free speech issue makes you sound silly.

People played mk for both sex and violence

>the numbers go up significantly between 2004 and 2014

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I think the main argument in general is that you don't see nearly as much outcry over graphic violence whereas anything sexual (hetero mainly) is demonized to hell and back

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Does anybody protesting attractive female characters also have a pro-active stance of hardcore violence in entertainment?

Isn't japan the country that censors actual porn

You know, sometimes I find uncensored Japanese porn. What's up with those?

It is free speech but no one will ever defend it in public much less politically if they have any sort of social presence.

There are loads of them you can buy. But if you want them to be bought by more than 1000 people at comiket then you have to take them out.

It's not even that, you have games made by rockstar and cd project that show nudity and sex with thrusting which can't be shown on TV unless you pay for it and no one gets uppity about it. But when a japanese game shows a pair of panties, no one can control their lust and is going to go on a rape rampage.

idk but when ever someone here talks about it they always include "how come violence is okay?" somewhere in their argument.

iirc some JAV vids are actually made abroad

But people do. There are laws that state that drawn stuff isn't porn in some states.

They are not made for japan

You know that started after WW2 due to americans right? Lol.

>There are loads of them you can buy. But if you want them to be bought by more than 1000 people at comiket then you have to take them out.
And you can buy porn games online or at porn stores in America. That still isn't an official PS4 game.

Americans get a hard on from violence and roasties feel threatened anime girls. It is the logical conclusion of the (now secularised) puritanism that resides in America's heart and the great disdain for sensuality that comes along with it. It is what makes the U.S ultimately compatible with Islam in the long run.

So what? For 70 year that has been their law.

No, and it case of star ocean 5 it completely murders the franchise.

Yeah, all the politicians are 70+ years old and have shiveled penises and don't want to sacrifice political clout to repeal a law that already gets skirted anyway. Japan is the most sexually free culture on the planet, meanwhile Americans literally mutilate their children's genitals to prevent them from jerking off and teach them that sexual pleasure is evil.

Either it's illegal stuff sold by yakuza or nigerian gangs. Or it was a porn licensed and sold in another country. Usually america. Which hentai companies have stopped doing because nips would just pirate the uncensored versions.
At the federal level loli is fine as long as you're not depicting a real person.
Some states will still get uppity about it but the only things that have happened are people with actual CP.

no politician is going to pick uncensoring porn and fucking with one of the yakuza's markets as their hill to die on. Abe might, but he figured that anime and vidya were better methods for his goals

Yeah, I remember reading about some cases but I don't recall the specifics. Due to how case law works in the US, I would bet that a defendant's lawyer successfully argued that the drawings weren't CP and the precedent stuck.
I wouldn't want to be on trial for it though. In some states, if a retard gets put on trial for CP or some sexual assault against a minor then any loli-type drawings can be collected during discovery and used as possession of CP even though it's not real.

No politician ever wants to be recognized for repealing pornography laws, no matter how stupid the laws are.

I started working out because of Terry Bogart.

>but the only things that have happened are people with actual CP.
So far. If you let the law become ambiguous, you're going to get fucked by it eventually.

Guro is a fun fetish to have.

Violence is a good political tool as it encourages division and pain. Sex is a bad political tool as it encourages cumming together and pleasure.

>being this obtuse

Why not? You make it sound like theirs a stigma to porn Isn't japan supposed to be the most sexually free culture on the planet?

can you try to only use words you actually understand, k thx sweetie

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I look at kages perfectly defined lats before every back day.

Media affects the way people view the world whether you like it or not. If the vast majority of media presents a certain group as being a certain way consistently, that naturally affects the way people perceive members of said group, regardless of whether it is an accurate representation of them or not.

Why does the word weeaboo hurts you so much?
People also call me a weeb for liking ONE jap game.

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Because of buff dudes in games? No.

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Can't wait until dropping the W word is a bannable offense.

They still manage to objectify themselves despite feminist movements being fully and widely accepted.

It’s mostly just dudes trying to please people who are never transparent about their intentions, and by default can never really be pleased.

You 10 years ago: “this crowd is boyndary pushing, I’ll follow them and mock anyone that goes against the grain.”
You now: “ PC culture and reddit are mainstream, I’ll follow them and mock anyone that goes against the grain.”

The comparison comes from “correct think” being reinforced as a moral thing to do, which if somehow strayed from results in wide disproportionate backlash by mindless masses.

Congrats on being part of the collective btw.

What happened to star ocean?

That is a good looking ass

>American moral values

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>we're censoring things to make the game more enjoyable for our target audience
>also because I personally disagree with it

Hard to believe that there was a point where it looked like we were going to win this censorship battle

They changed one girls pantsu into granny panties at the “suggestion” from western community managers, japs flipped out, the game director, for whatever reason decided that the best course to take was to tell them to straight up fuck off.
The game was sent to the bargain bin minutes after release and that same director begged people to buy the game in a video. As a result, SO is fucking dead now.

The entire reason the word weeaboo is used is because moot filtered the word wapanese with it.

whatever your justification, it's bullshit to do it
the fact that we're reliving the 90s, but with the opposite outcome is insane to me

"Thou shall not kill." its the six commandment bro...
also baited

it's literally the only reason to buy MK
it's sure as fuck not the sticky, stiff combat system

This doesn't make sense, jesus didn't hated prostitutes and killing is against the ten commmandments, if something this is the opposite of christian values, if you heard someone avocating for this they are basically satanist

If something, I remember everyone making fun of people that claimed videogames were art and telling them to get out, since always

I don't see any lewd in the bottom, just cartoon violence.

Would you be more comfortable showing your kids a movie with more violence or more sex?
>"both equally bad"
The fact of the matter is sexual degenerate art is worse for society then violent video game fights

Why would you show kids either? Why are libtards so retarded?

How can a little girl have such a developed ass?

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DBZ got a lot of people into lifting.

>I have literally never heard of a woman being unironically jealous of a vidya character
I have, it was with the Sorceress and her huge tits. They go on about how unrealistic the body is and how its impossible for "real women" to look like that. First its fantasy. Second there are women with big busty honkers out there, how dare your fat ugly ass say these hot chicks don't exist.
>The women that complain about female characters and are clearly jealous of them are ALWAYS fat and ALWAYS ugly.
Also SJW beta orbiters literally have the lowest standards known to man that they'd defend a fucking hobgoblin in the body of a cow.

Find me 1(ONE) single example of men acting like this.

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She does a lot of squats.

Sorceress' proportions are a hell of a lot more realistic than the fighter and dwarf's, but pointing that out doesn't matter since they'll just use the "male power fantasy" line to dismiss it even though that's not the point.


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I remember that shitshow with Schrier embarassing himself.

I want all the anime highschool fat girls to show me their asses and fall on top of me

You do know people are going to throw a fit over Mortal Kombat, right? People always do with every single entry.

You'd be idiotic as well as disingenuous if you think the shit sore mortal kombat has "gotten" for the last two titles are even remotely close to what DOA got or what 1-3 Mortal Kombat got when it's a used as a political reference for things they thought didn't belong in a household for children.

Fuck off.

>the game director, for whatever reason decided that the best course to take was to tell them to straight up fuck off.
SO went full 360 from that, but is now stuck in gacha hell.

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moving the goalposts. The whole point of the OP was when it was "totes fine" when throughout history it was shown numerous times that it actually isn't "totes fine"

>moving the goalposts
I'm not moving the goalposts. Mortal Kombat came under fire for fucking decades and the ONE constant in all of it's lifetime is that it kept it's fucking gore.

Sexual content go? Gotta expunge that. Can't have it. Gotta write about you if you support it.

So now only are you idiotic you're also ignorant and you thought you had any kind of argument coming in here.

There are people who felt that way when they saw Bruce Lee.

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No, I'm a dexfag twink.

Mortal Kombat gets outright banned in multiple countries.

>but I don't live in those countries so it doesn't matter!

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi made me wanna got /fit/ sometimes, but I never really acted on it. Being in shape is probably nice

EVERY game gets outright banned in some countries you fucking idiot. Guess what Mortal Kombat kept and was eventually let into in a country like Australia. It's gore. Go fuck yourself. You know nothing about this game's global history

>Glorifying violence: good
>Showing sexy women: bad (sexy men are ok though)
Typical, hypocrite Amerifats. Enjoy your school shootings.

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Yes? are you a fatty or what

I got until blue belt in karate because of Ryu. Now I'm trying to get fit-fabulous because of JoJo.

>I have literally never heard of a woman being unironically jealous of a vidya character

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Daily reminder that people who whine about fictional loli are pedos that fap to real life shit like this.

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>no-one posted this

You mirin brah

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What the actual fuck?

Same companies that ban/censor "problematic" Japanese games embrace shit like that.

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I hate women, faggots and niggers


Chad replaced GAR.
It's a compliment desu.

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Adam Driver

>treating women like sexual objects is wrong
This only comes into play when video games have attractive women. Femcels have somehow convinced a ridiculous amount of people that attractive women are somehow misogynistic. The chutzpah on these broads. They just knocked the doors open and said that women more attractive than them are somehow bad, and the gullible thirsty fucks just rolled over like dogs.

Attached: unrealistic sexist female character design.webm (720x420, 2.52M)

Yeah no, it's because woman are jealous of attractive woman and can't cope with it

This post was written by a roastie

jesus christ what a pathetic sight

Literally seething roasties.

>these guys are ripped.. maybe I should start lifting
>when in fact most of Yea Forums call anyone who is remotely fit roided

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how come it's always the fucking turks

I like that if this was a muscular and hunky man cosplaying as a buff male character and it was men watching him instead they would probably be like "Damn that guy is buff!" and just appreciate him and think that it looks awesome.

>twitter leftist
>doesn't even have a blue checkmark
pathetic to be honest

two points. Number one:

>western degeneracy = good because western companies make money off of it and pay western journalists to defend it
>eastern degeneracy = bad because it is in direct competition with western degeneracy

Number two:
>left wing politics can basically be boiled down to: rules for thee, not for me. Do as I say, not as I do

Are you sure she's not a dyke?

Both of those would have been censored in the supposedly glorious Nippon.

but treating them as decapitated objects is fine ?

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That's /fit/ you retard and even fit still has anime inspo threads a lot of the time. Just admit it guys get inspired when they see someone aesthetic or at least don't get buttmad insecure and whine like a little a bitch about how game devs are appealing to the female fantasy.

>instantly arrested after the crime.
Big difference between backwards Japan and Great Progressive West of Future

No one cares, pedos. Except other pedos. This is why you keep getting mad, you have no power. Fuck off.

Oh, please, that is easy as pie.
You simply look at something you find offensive for whatever reason, then disect it to find any reason at all to make it a bannable offense. If you find nothing concrete you simply generalize the tone, make ominous references to other banned posts this one quotes, refers to, likens to, or really just acknowledges etc. and if all else fails ban for shit like "whining".

But Mortal Kombat does get Censored and if you want sex just watch TV. Game if Thrones has incest so go ahead and watch that

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In Sweden people are starting to take "the law in their own hand" and attack rapists themselves because they don't trust that the system will properly punish them(which is true)

Whining to devs is an Anglo thing, mate. You don't see that shit anywhere else.

why do some people pretend to have morals when they don't get something they like

Kill yourself.

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Sex is censored in tv too, faggot



give ONE reason why an official naked child model shouldn't be okay to have in game

So does anyone know what censored in Crystar, besides the intro movie?

>Amerifats: "If you want sex, go watch porn."
>Also Amerifats: "How dare you wanting to take away my guns!"

Because this site constantly changes depending on what sjws like ir don't like. For instance /pol/ was supposed to be a place for conservatives or people who uphold some Christian values but now that sjw hate shota and loli /pol/ loves it and thinks it should stay

The name's in the image, Zatoichi.


Because they're Totalitarian Ideologues that want to control every aspect of your life, just like the Nazis and Commies.

Turn on Skinamax then

>All of these stuff just seems childish from both parties. Trying to run a country, but they rather resort to name-calling and finger-pointing, it's crazy to think that anything gets down in Washington. This person is this label... that person is that label.. most of the time it's overblown, but they can't get out of their childish behaviors. Everyone is a victim, everyone blames someone else for their issues, it's ridiculous.

>User Banned (duration pending): trolling, inflammatory false equivalence

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I don't see how these two sentiments contradict eachother



You mean /pol/

>Taking away sex from video games: "Deal with it, loser."
>Taking away your guns: "NOOOOOOO! MY HUMAN RIGHTS!"

How many hours of his day does the average Yea Forumsvirgin spend being mad about video game boobs and butts?

Only broadcast over-the-air TV is censored, and only outside the Safe Harbor hours (late night to early morning). Cable is free to do whatever. Most networks don't bother doing anything risque in order to not scare off the advertisers.


I still can't find it
Some Japanese movie appears

have sex


Human brain literally not evolved for the kind of attention/"connection" that SocMedia allows for. It's fucking with us and ruining what we make. It needs to be stopped.

How can you not find it by putting the words crystar and game into google?

If women aren't here to cook, clean and raise my kids what other use do they have other than being a sexual object?

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>Yea Forumsirgin*
How much time does the average cuck on Yea Forums spend defending censorship?

censor your games

Epic thread thanks for the laughs

Because the Swedish cuckment doesn't do shit to improve the country.

It's almost as if it's a jewish agenda that forces mudslims and other trash into the west.

You literally don't know anything about Japan

Wow, that is one EXTREMELY assdestroyed American post right there.

but you came here in 2016 from discord

>Mortal Kombat producer says theyre not gonna add “sexy” costumes on female characters and hes proud to be super progressive about it
>Prominetely showing off Johnny Cage abs in all the advertising for the game

Double standard much?

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>why censorship
Power, as always. People shilling for the censorious corporations are useful idiots, as always.


Anyone who's afraid of gore should go back to r*ddit where they belong.

>Every game has to be either super sexual or super violent. If you believe we should stay away from both extremes, you are a totalitarian.

Taking over the world you built and ruining it by stifling creativity in the name of "social justice".

Explain how the country that has the lowest amount of sex in the first world is the most sexually liberated country on the planet

It's ok when men are sexy.

A bit less than the average SJW does, since without them, we wouldn't be angry about them either, brainlet.

Every highly developed country has little sex because women are working instead of starting families. Japan is especially celibate because it is an overpopulated tiny island that recently exited a massive economic bubble that caused a huge baby boom.

You’re just proving him right, since one of the problems 1984 addresses is “wrong think”, which is saying any opinion can be morally wrong and should be shutdown before even discussing it.

interesting. tell me more about this ``wrong think''

sexualising men is okay because they aren't mentally unstable about it

he fucking BTFOD that bitch so hard

Why shouldn't redheads treat blondes like subhumans? Why shouldn't we round up and kill double-jointed people? You're drawing an arbitrary line, and you're presenting success as a fixed pie. Non-white demographics succeeding still benefits my demographic because we share a global economy. Some random white guy a million miles away is no more "my kin" than the brown guy who lives across the road from me.

Why do women seethe at a man looking at a prettier women?
I know it comes from the primal cheating = bad but it can't just be this that

Okay, but in what ways in Japan sexually free compared to the west?

Just take a casual glance at the media of Japan compared to the media of any given western country.


It’s conservative Christian moms who are anti nudity and sex.

Sex bad
Violence good

Blame America's norms.

what fucking game is this? tony hawk?

I don't. I just see threads like this and come in to observe the rage coming from all sides.

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This but unironically

zoomer sense tingling

You can thank the internet culture war for this one bud.
Both the left and the right sold out lewd for their own gain, what was shocking was how the left used to defend lewd but stopped, at least the right always hated lewd.
Now that the online rights aligned itself with far right nutjobs and nazis in fringe cases too much the left has been winning and they've built an ideology around hating any sexual content of women, they'd probably censor the violence too if they could but games are WAY too built around it at this point and we won the "violence in video games debate" as that's been dropped as the scapegoat in recent years so it's all focusing in on the sexuality.

One of the biggest problems is this massively caught on "normalization" myth.
It's funny that we look back on how people used to think media affected people and scoff but now push this "normalization" meme when it comes to sexuality based stuff.
It's literally just a reworded version of why people used to censor shit.
I get where the roots of "normalization" come from but it doesn't work like most people think it does, you don't just make society do a 180 flip on a taboo subject by having it present in media, if that was the case we'd not have all these anti-violence laws and shit, same goes for any sexual shit, and hell we're censoring stuff that isn't even illegal IRL like some butt shots and stuff, never mind rape scenes or whatever.
People always like to bring up the 1000 year old lolis and shit too but that shit does make it different from real life, I just wish people would finally learn that mature adults can differentiate from fiction and reality, not being able to is literally a mental illness we treat in hospitals.

You know this is fake(acting) right?

Based and redpilked

women are objects and men are disposable

Women are for sex and no one bats an eye. Men get killed by the hundreds and no one bats an eye

That's why most games use exclusively men for common soldiers.

Know your role.

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this is like saying an ant hive is infested with ants

sunset overdrive

European TV and American cable TV has a shitton of sex and nudity, while in Japan it's illegal to show uncensored privates. Even western video games like Witcher are censored in Japan for showing nipples.

And none of this has to do with actual sexual freedom in real life, which you've completely avoided mentioning.

>it's another thread where a bunch of dropouts think free speech applies to companies rather than being explicitly about the government only

>We do it because treating women like sexual objects is wrong
what are they for then

Animals have sex. Between sex and killing only 1 is harmful and violent, and it isnt sex. The fact that people can accept gore but not ass and titties is explicit proof of how fucking poisonous organized religions mind virus is. Religion is utter cancer, killing our nature as human beings and trying to replace it with something abstract.

because some people are prudes who were raised into thinking sexual shit is bad but violence is ok

>European TV and American cable TV has a shitton of sex and nudity,
I don't know anything about European TV (and neither do you, American rat,) but in America the only cable channel with "a shitton of sex and nudity" is HBO. Sex is quarantined heavily to zones like this in America, while in Japan it is present virtually everywhere, including children's programming (as it should be.) You are an intellectually dishonest American waste of oxygen if you're genuinely going to make the argument that American media is more sexual than Japanese media.

Divide and rule

>including children's programming
>didn't waste my time to check the anime schedule so everything is porn to me

Remember: the country that mutilates its children's genitals to prevent them from masturbating? It doesn't have any issues with sex

We're going to have this thread every fucking day for the rest of time, aren't we?

Will this be also censored or banned in america, aka, fucking puritanism land?
Im glad to have been born in Japan

when you take an object and sexualize it you personify it first and then sexualize it, it remains an object that is now sexualized thus sexual object

I hate slacktivists so fucking much. Yeah, feed the fucking troll, that'll do it. Retards.

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>why can't I masturbate to drawings of naked children?

Nice strawman, 80 IQ american jewdick.

>wants to masturbate to drawings of naked children
>believes IQ is still a thing
>possibly white supremacist
why am I not surprised?

It's almost never children though when it comes to these video games and shit man
Get this loli debate out of here stop baiting
Sony and etc never was publishing LOLI games okay?

Motherfucker I don't randomly sexually harass women or do shit around them that's stupid. I treat them the same way I treat everyone, give them a friendly coversation and move on with my day. You dumb fucks need to stop messing with my anime tiddies, what I do on my own time in my privacy doesn't affect anyone.

they're 3000 years old dragongods retard

>naked children
>in a rated T game
Are you out of your fucking mind?


You know, selling something else out to try and save something else is generally a bad idea, instead of uncensoring the ass they're more likely to be like "yeah you got a point" and then start censoring the gore too.
Cause that screengrab is pretty unsightly desu.
You're just building a case against mortal combat not for uncensoring anime games.

Careful what you wish for.

>gore with ugly girls

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Frankly the only way things are going to get better is if they get far worse. The gore is the next thing to go in MK with how the olympic committee viewed it as a reason why "violent games" aren't up for consideration.


Ryona and gore are patrician.

>Grow up on internet and develop porn addiction since like age 10
>Manage to make it manageable but I am heavily addicted
>Now people want to remove all my anime ass and tiddies

I swear to god I'm gonna fucking die

>in Japan it is present virtually everywhere, including children's programming (as it should be.)

Also you're still completely avoiding talking about real life, where sex actually happens

all americans are onions

The media is part of real life, and it totally controls people's thinking.

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pointing out hipocracy is always good and will eventually lead to the important questions of "why did we change this in the first place" and "who are we really trying to appeal to?" Just think of how many games killed themselves over stupid bullshit. Like for imagine mortal kombat without the gore. What the fuck is the appeal of the game? It'd be like making a gta without the ability to go on homicidal rampages

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So you really don't know anything. Got it. You made a ridiculous assertion and you have absolutely nothing to back it up. Please don't spend your time worshipping a distant country you know nothing about, it's embarassing.

Not him but
>control people's thinking
So then porn and sexualization is a good thing then. Given that the countries more free in the display of sexual materials have lower rates of sexual violence.
yes even for the obscene shit that is morally repugnant
springer.com/about springer/media/springer select?SGWID=0-11001-6-1042321-0

You probably should have thought this argument out

>how to get free (you)s on Yea Forums: A dummy's guide by user

America is a goddamn paradise compared to hellholes like England

She's a drawing.
Ask the artist.


They aren't real people. You people use this argument all the time but here you are bitching about gore. The ESRB has always treated gore differently than sexual content. It isn't new.

I dunno if you're aware of this dude, but just shouting out "PROOF! SOURCE?!" at every mundane observation your opponent makes isn't how arguments work. That's called arguing in "bad faith" - you aren't making any attempt to arrive at the truth, just regurgitating key words you've memorized from debates. I expect you will deploy "Ad hominem!" here pretty soon.

Are you new to this website and unable to follow a reply chain?

Nobody cares undergrad

Can american still make ads like this? BY the way, this is for all ages.



True, been here since 2015.