It's weak to nuclear. You know what to do!
It's weak to nuclear. You know what to do!
>It's weak to nuclear
>It's weak to noo-kular
Nuclear bullets
Why is Queen so damn scary?
God I love Makoto
Reminder that these are the canon pairings
Remove Akechi and it's perfect
You mean sexy?
>You know what to do!
Mount your ass?
People actually played with the dubbed English option? The writing is already bad even by shounen anime standards but why would you deliberately make it worse? How many of you are this masochistic?
>Pairing Haru with the guy who gunned down her father's psyche in cold blood and caused his death in real life
God damn
If you don't like it then don't play it, retard
Imagine how sweaty and stinky her body must be from getting squeezed under all that skintight leather all day fighting and infiltrating palaces
I am, but only in the lewd way
I wanna empty six shots into Makoto
if you know what i mean
Because she's one of those overachiever girls who are the Kryptonite of shy guys, because they know they're not gonna live up to her expectations
Makoto was easily the most useless character in the party
yeah me too
My bad guys, I was typing without paying attention. Meant to type Haru.
I hate to say this, but you're kinda right. She only became viable when everything one shots Morgana
At least Haru had Heat Riser, there wasn't anything good that Makoto had
at least we got some fun out of haru
Aside from being the best healer in the game?
Post more quality artwork of Makoto in her Metaverse outfit.
sure here you go
best healer in late game*
FTFY. She gets mediarahan waaay too late
Why is the game allowed to destroy you like this for completing a confidant and remaining faithful?
Most people didn't get to finish her confidant
God I love kawakami
Akechi was framed. Haven't you played P5 Royal?
Makoto is the worst girl
>A name she picks out for herself after calling the other suggestions retarded
>Her awakening doesn't have her pussyfoot with the mask because it hurts or anything, she just tears that shit off while stomping craters into the ground
>Tough biker aesthetic
>Motorcycle persona she rides
>Pretty scary all-out attack cut-in
>Fist weapons
>Small cute moments like where she was following Joker around town while pretending to read manga
>Her movie date is some violent crime drama
She's perfect-
>She's basically a character vacuum at all other times
>She's the smart one
>Her S-link is complete garbage where you spend the entire time helping her literally who friend stop dating a gigolo and it requires you to max out a stat to progress past like level 5
>I can't even remember if she had an arc because all I can remember is that she was smart and was student council president and Sae gave her a lot of shit and pressured her to excel
I'm still sad whenever I think about how disappointed I was with P5.
Yup, just a couple of besties
You forgot to mention that her upgraded Persona is no longer rideable.
That was literally unforgivable, how do they take away one of the few interesting things about her?
I did forget to type that. I definitely didn't forget how fucking awful that was. It doesn't even turn into anything cool; it just stands up. Fucking terrible choice.
You’re right, I do
>Switches you out for the cat and uses my designated nuclear-casting Persona
You'd think everything would be weak to nuclear and GUN
Great start to a thread. Posting the absolute worst party member in the series.
Thats why I never completed her link.
Wasn’t it was Yusuke? He’s my favorite character and I used him anyway, but at least Makoto has healing (albeit not as viable as Morgana’s). Are the baton pass skills and ice really so good that they make up for Ryuji outclassing him physically?
Haru joins late, sure, but she has -karns and Heat Riser on top of relatively uncommon weakness.
Why is it always ugly old guys
>a hot girl's is disappointing bullshit
Welcome to persona games
Unequal parts self insertion and degradation/corruption dependent on the person
>It's weak to nuclear. You know what to do!
That worked for 98% of encounters though
Near the end of the game I was just soloing enemies with Joker and Ann, cause fucking hell against enemies that weren't resistant to fire, concentrate + blazing hell + heat riser used to absolutely destroy everything
>Haru joins late, sure, but she has -karns and Heat Riser on top of relatively uncommon weakness.
>Snipe: Gun damage +25%, can stack
>Cripple: Gun damage +50%, can stack
>Heat riser
>One Shot Kill
This is how you make a sniper character
I just didn't see the point of having both Morgana and Makoto together most of the time, they both did shit all damage, but Morgana's healing was better most of the time
And I preferred Yusuke to Ryuji because FUCK Ryuji, his sheer presence annoyed me
>self insertion
There are a lot of 50 year olds that read doujins?
She's definitely the most interesting party member from a gameplay perspective. Looks great in her outfit as well. I used her almost all the time.
Totally forgot to include her crit skills and I feel like a fool, she really is a unit. Shame how she’s treated, but I’m sure such a crazy character would somehow break early game harder than she already does
Me too, I don’t really hate him but after he lost the only thing that put him above Yusuke (Captain Kidd) he got the boot. Didn’t use Ann very much either for some reason, that slot alternated a lot between Morgana and Makoto because I hated them both but wanted heals. Only removed them from the bench for the final boss because charged god hands and focused burning hells made the fight a joke. And it was nice using the original party for the final battle
Ann is a fucking monster if you're looking for magic damage though
She rides into when summoning but hops off it and its transforms when use an attack
I know, I really don’t know what I was thinking but I definitely felt like an idiot when it took me less time kill Yaldy than Shido. I’m using her in my Confidant completion playthrough (forcing myself to only use the original 3) and she’s absolutely wrecking the pyramid, especially with the carried over SP adhesives. Also helps that I really like Hecate, she actually stands on equal ground with her prevo design-wise unlike almost all the other ultimates in 5
Is that from a P5 manga? Can't seem to find it if it's porn.