Literally no games for months. What the fick nintendo?

Literally no games for months. What the fick nintendo?

Attached: Switch_TA.jpg (2400x1800, 200K)

You're supposed to talk about the game, not playing it.

When does a hat in time come out?

the best game on it is literally a port of a ps1 game

it does?
>tfw best game on switch will be indie mario

Doesn't have a date yet. Considering they already had an indie direct and it wasn't shown, it'll probably be a while.

I'm guessing you're talking about FF9, but I'd still argue the Switch has some better games of its own.

is there any worthwhile exclusives for this thing that wasn't already on the Wii U or 3DS or some other console?

I bought FF7 and Nuclear throne less than a month ago

Imagine being hyped for a 2 year old indie platformer that everyone else already played because the overhyped $60 first party platformer that did get released on your console somehow managed to be worse

Attached: 1528326276496.gif (236x244, 1.72M)

What about other game?

Odyssey and Xeno2


The World Ends With You: Final Remix if you're into JRPGs.

Solo coop is fun

and if something comes out, it is either cartoony game for kids or weebshit

You say that, while I'm playing some right now. Does that mean you're a console war faggot or games I'm playing somehow don't count?

And best game on PS4 is a port of a PSP game, so what?

Didn't know Bloodborne was on the PSP

i didnt know the ps4 was apart of the conversation

Was bayonetta 2 this year or last year? I honestly can't remember when I last turned my switch on.

>so jealous of the ps4 that you had to bring it up

lol. pathetic.

I’ve had plenty. Sucks to be you, you fat, ugly cunt.

RDR2 was on the psp originally? Holy shit.