I-Is he okay bros?

I-Is he okay bros?


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Other urls found in this thread:


No he's unfunny and I hate him

>Music is shit
>Art is okay at best
>Voice acting is shit, just lowers his fucking voice
>Sucks ass at every game then yells that it's the games fault
>Thinks just making retarded noises is comedy
Why does anybody even like him?

He is only as good as his co-hosts, and even then he's not that funny.

Too bad Dan is just a yes man so whenever Arin spews out his regular autistic opinions on game design Dan just takes it and does nothing and everything ends up horrible.

>Once the embodiment of Newgrounds
>Now fartsmelling SJW

i dunno who this is but um who is Jimmy Jamboree
google doesnt show anything

No one that shits themselves and decides to continue recording is okay.

He was actually pretty funny back in the day because he's good at offensive humor, but now that he has to be clean for GG he's been ironed out of all his natural humor.

This is ultimately why I stopped watching 3 years ago. That, and having the dynamic of both people playing the game(like he had with jon) is gone, and it feels like Dan just tries to make every playthrough into an improv video with the game as a minor prop

dudes like 40 years old lol
he needs to grow up

Why are Game Grumps fans so creepy?
I don't care for YouTube Let's Plays in general, the Game Grumps seem like nice enough people too, but their fans are fucking creepy.
Didn't someone wait outside their hotel room for like an hour and then slip a note under their door after they noticed?

I was expecting him to give up the voice after a few minutes.

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this and today's episode were supposed to be april fools but they didnt manage to get it out at time

I want to rape Arin's wife!

>Can't play the ocarina worth shit
>fumbles constantly off cliffs, can't even roll to cancel damage.
>can't z target worth shot
>"Ehhh this game sucks!"

Whiny baby zoomers in a nutshell. Also lol cant believe he bought into the tranny meme.

Also same.

>Suzy can't post pictures with her bare feet anywhere in them anymore because of footfags in her post's comments

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He's trying really hard to be Oney and failing

Not even a zoomer, just stereotypical millennial.

Nigga he's 32.

i want that bat hair pin

dan barely became 40 and he's significantly older

When will Dan be hit by metoo? He has like a billion gfs, some as young as 17, and he tells all of them he loves them to get them into bed then presumably moves on to the next.

Every. Single. Time. Social justice, not even once.

>Suzy can't talk about "modeling" after she shat on other models and people called her out on it

His fans are zoomers and he acts like one.

boys don't wear hair pins user.

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There is literally nothing wrong with boys wearing girls' clothes unless you're a butthurt roastie who's afraid of getting dabbed on

This is why I hate our PC culture.

no. sonic is taking everyone down with him this time.

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>HAHAH IF U USE Yea Forums U Have to be a boy
ah okay.......................

my point still to old for vidaygaymes

all we have are boys and girls (male)

no girls on the internet faggot


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Especially the majority of the games they play on the show.

>to old for vidaygaymes
Do you let age determine what lets you have fun, because that's pretty sad.

Dan can walk on stage, unironically tell his fans to go fuck themselves, fart in the mic, and will still be met with an applause.

I think it's more of basic mainstream culture finally reached the internet so internet users can no longer say nono words because everyone and their grandmothers can find it in a minute. Being on the internet used to be a real shut-in thing to do.

Citation needed.

>Arin had to ask artist to stop drawing porn of his wife getting fucked

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it reminded him to much of the time suzy did cuck him and got away with it

>Doesn't tell his group how to use the slingshot to shoot the melons

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>Art is okay at best
I dunno man that one Gurren Lagann porn gif he touched up was pretty good.


Arin is obviously super desperate to keep the Game Grumps channel afloat. It's been obvious for a long time now, they even started renaming their videos in hopes of "catching" the Youtube algorithm for more views.

His hillbilly voice is so bad but he thinks he's great so he just keeps doing it

For what? All of that is stuff I've found out from listening to episodes. There are compilations on YouTube.

Tbh no one over 18 should still be playing games, but here we are

Why do they keep pushing Game Gyaru
I like '80s anime but I genuinely don't see how their fanbase keeps eating it up

Every other channel has gone the drain. Only the grumps are hanging on to the old lets play concept and their time is numbered

I wanna fuck Suzy's feet so bad Yea Forumsros...

Would you, Yea Forums?

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The absolute contrast of this man is amazing. Pre-Dan Grumps, he was viewed so highly. Now, everywhere I look, he gets shit. What a fall from grace.

I think it's more like people over a certain age shouldn't be putting so much importance on games. If you have any opinions on videogames other than "this is/is not fun" then you need to get a life. Unless you're being paid to do so.

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>Wanting to fuck this thing
I knew Yea Forums had pretty bad taste but god damn...

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That's a fucking lie. Dude never talks about his personal dating life until recently when he talked about having a girlfriend.

Bluebreed check him out.

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How would Arin feel about me jerking off with/on it?
How would I clean it?

Just looked up rule 34. Officially understand my mistake.

Never understood people thinking this oval headed creatura is attractive.

He was never okay, you double assclown.

Would you a Danielle?

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Fandoms tends to be drones and will eat anything up.

She looks pretty good lately, you fucks all like to spam the 4-5 year old pics of when she was a little on the heavier side

He brought it on himself. He wonlt accepg that even though, he'll just blame it on OOT fans and "gamer toxicity"

psychicpebbles is a goblin chad

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Dan did challenge him the one time he said calling one ups a one man is sexist

She's completely normally skinny here she's just unattractive and a shitty person.

In a vacuum nah but as a wife I'd put the pipe to her

That's not the problem. She looks like Daisy Ridley a young boy caked in makeup.

Console culture is better

Dude any GG panel is pure constant cringe


don't you dare

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I'm surprised the fans suppoet them despite all the garbage decisions they make.
Like not letting Dan experience famous/infamous games on his own (even if he doesnt play, Arin spoils it all and tells Dan what opinion to have all the while ignoring most if the game if they don't drop it entirely). And new games you'd think they could both experience togethrr but nah Arin plays it before hand, spoils everything, and drops it after 3-7 episodes while they ignore the game talking about politics and music.

Like they make every wrong decision possible

How are you attracted to that round headed wooden woman?

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no shit

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>That voice
He has fully transitioned into CWC

Why do you guys value head shape so much
I've genuinely never heard someone complain specifically about head shape before

>when Suzy used to model some dude offered to pay her to step on him while her best his meat

Would've liked to see that desu

Majora's Mask was a fucking disaster. I really hope Dan only doesn't play those games because he's afraid of his depth-perception getting in the way.

I'm just wondering where these square-headed women are.

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>tfw I edit Game Grumps Compilations
>And get paid for it

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*He beat his meat

Fuck phone posting

I can't unhear it.

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Cringe and desperatepilled.

>tfw the new click-baity titles they're using to fit the algorithm make me watch even less videos than they already did

How are people supposed to go back and find these new videos with these awful uncategorized titles

Say what you will about Arin I think it's cool that he pays fan animators when their shit gets uploaded to the Grumps channel.
What happened to online animation anyway? Shit was huge back in the early 2000s until about 2011

But she came first?

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That was all I could think of.

How long til he live streams himself fucking a blow up doll with his bent penis?

he said it himself, Arin is his boss. He is jewish, not stupid.

Arin trying to be a pseudo game critic while playing 3d zelda games is the most obnoxious shit ever. He fucking complains about everything he can at every opportunity and the comments are calling him out on it. The ADHD-riddled retard has the gall to call Skyward Sword "hand-holdy" yet he can't get anywhere without using a guide. And when he uses a guide, he STILL ignores shit

Officially? Hilarious, those compilations are such an obvious cash grab.

>Look at recent guests
>Jamie Lee Curtis
>Brian Regan
>Weird Al
What the fuck

I used to a year ago, but then I realized how trash they're content really was.

>tfw theres like 3 1-hour long compilations of them laughing on the channel

I used to love the channel a bunch but it's so sad lately

>guest on let's play channel
"hurr durr what button do I press? Ooh the screen make pretty color noise"

Seriously wtf are they thinking?

Online animation fell out of favor due to Youtube changes that made it difficult for them to get paid; ads or something I believe?

Some companies also got burned by a few animators because it turns out expecting just 1 or 2 people to pump out 20+ minutes of animation for peanuts in a narrow margin of time doesn't work.


They're big enough to be part of the promotion circuit now

I fucking hate youtubers that fake their voice

Watch the "this is how you don't play" compilations people put together for him in OoT and MM. They're great.

>Jamie Lee Curtis beat the Grumps at Mario Party

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I dont get it, isnt this the usual unfunny garbage he shits out?

that was the only thing i remembered from listening to him talk on the official podcast. that and the fact that he gave himself erectile dysfunction from jacking off to too much porn.

Back in the early 2000s, most animators online were just hobbyists or art students w/o jobs, and at that time, being recognized for your work outside the noise was so much easier than the modern, sanitized internet.

Me on the second left

>my brand my brand
He is afaggot

Post old Egoraptor

You wish, bitch.

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>tfw remember them uploading Kirby Superstar and Goof Troop when they had like 30k subscribers

God damn. I forgot how funny the show could actually be until I went back and watched some old playlist. Calling today's version a shallow shell would be generous.


>overused voices because he can't make jokes or even basic conversation anymore
>Makes an entire fucking video using one of his fucking overused voices because he thought it'll be funny
Holy shit arin. Just let the channel crash and burn at this point.

>Choosing the one whose VA died right after the show aired

You are a moron, moron.

>buying any merch from a web show

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A classic.

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Only marginally funny.

I've been watching those EXACT videos and it gets me fuming every time. It reminds me of why I unsubscribed from them way back when they did the Luigi's Mansion playthrough. Arin's just so blatantly bad at video games and Danny's trying to be positive but Arin keeps playing cause he wants to be a contrarian.

This whole stream is so sad with him talking about how his one goal as a company would be not to grow too big. It's no wonder that he's the way he is in videos now with him having sold his soul for cash becoming everything he hates.

Wouldn't even be surprised if she could beat them at some more skill heavy games, Arin is sub-normie levels at most games.

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Yeah, I feel you. The shilling has gotten disgusting. The lack of them beating games, and dumb skits constantly taking priority over the game they are playing is just too much.

I have no clue what show that even sI

Don't forget the old
"kill me if I ever do let's plays" tweet.
He's literally a different person.

>Still waiting on the one guy to finish How You Don't Stream Skyward Sword

They recently gained access to some celebs. I forget the name of the guy that runs GG (not Arin), but I think he turned Game Grumps into some kind of pseudo-talent agency on the side as they've talked about how they set up stand up shows for some Youtubers (Who want to be comedians). Super Mega (Kind of a subsidiary of GG) talked about it a few times in passing.

Game Grumps has become very 'safe'. Once they started distancing themselves from the 'troublemakers' it became a very different atmosphere.

GG is now just a husk of what it used to be.

Both of them have farted into the mic before. Fans love it because it reminds them of Jon.

>Go through subscription feed
>Game grumps uploads
>Click bait titles


Last video was like over 6 hours long. I could only imagine how long part 2 will be. Did they finish streaming the game?

Is it that fag from hot pepper gaming reviews or whatever?

It's true.

>guy that runs GG
Is it Brent? What does he do exactly?

I heard that, too.

I know a few big Game Grumps fans IRL. Don't know if I'd call them creepy, but they have a very low bar of standards to meet for just about anything. Comedy. Entertainment. Food.

Pretty happy people, but kind of worrying how detached they can be sometimes.

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Remember when they said they had more stuff like the wow reality show planned and then never did anything remotely as good or entertaining?

sites like newgrounds died and they changed the way youtubers make money so most stopped cuz it wasnt worth the effort

>racism is acceptable if it's against white people

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>"I've got three sons, two of them work on a farm, one of them is named Richard"

>"I wonder what those beetles are up to?"
>"They're-they're-most of them are dead. haven't been making music for years."

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>Arin is married.
>Matt (TBF) is married.
>Even fucking DSP is married now.


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>watch stream/video of any personality
>anything happens

I just don't get it. Even people I like, even events I might smile or chuckle at, I donlt burst into laughtdr or feel the need to share if I do laugh

3 months ago, but it took them 2 months to reupload the final stream because "youtube".

Anyone who watched GG from day 1 let out a big
The first time they heard Arin say "yeah so I came into the office today"?

Enjoy a whole week of it, there was a "scheduling error" and Arin already recorded hours of him playing by himself with different voices because Dan is out of town and they are just too lazy.

Tfw I'm a bigger loser than dsp

Brent sounds familiar. I think it was the same cunt who ended up causing Oney and his gang to leave (For better or worse, whatever) because of that Dream Daddy game.

Stop posting this pic of these gremlins everywhere they are actually digusting to look at

I would post examples of Arins sjw virtue signaling shit but its literally in every video.

Even when I sarcastically say to myself "I wonder how they'll find a way to talk about racism in this video with THIS game" but he never fails.


God I fucking hope not.

Who did it worse?

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>Gurren Lagann porn gif
Took a while to find but i found it and Arin's versions for you guys to judge/jack off to
>Arin's Edit


based melvinposter

I never respected Egoraptor. I'm glad his reputation has been damaged because of Game Grumps.

Remember when Arin was about to cry because he forgot about that extra Halloween pay bump?

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I remember hearing supermega talk about not wanting to upset him too in one of their videos. Dude sounds like a stick in the mud. I stopped watching them the moment i found out about oneyplays and was fed up with how annoying that retard who flaunts his PhD was and noticed these people (Vernon and Brent) popped up out of nowhere.

I remember Yea Forums had non-stop threads every time an episode came out and I checked out and I was like it's just a let's play what's the big deal but I still watched.

The almonds thing really pissed me off. Clearly never worked on a farm.

Niether of them are even worth a crotch scratch

NC was kino

>tfw they start complaining about the use of the word "nigger" by white musicians whilst ignoring any context of the song

Shit, guess Huckleberry Finn is pro-white supremacy too, huh?

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the only good one who left his site was phelous. the only other person i remember leaving was blockbuster buster

the funniest thing about jamie lee is that story jon told when he was on the show about seeing her in public with that foxgirl whore I forgot the name of and her being like oh fuck and now she was on GG without him

Yeah, Brian, he sucks. He was okay in some episodes but his sense of humor was too Lols random

>Prank calls a support just to troll with his fake voice and they're just trying to do their job
Wow okay. I feel bad for the person.

remember when he made that video just long enough for him to monetize it

They've brought him up a lot in the past couple months. Half the time it's for "bits", the other half I'm more skeptical towards.

>This video alone made 2000 dollars
>Because he forgot to turn off the monetization
>Fans were pissed that it was monetized and made him donate everything to a charity
Since when is it immoral to monetize this kind of shit? The worst part is that Arin actually apologized for it and took it off. God damn it he's a fucking pussy.

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Fuck you Gamechumps, you ruined this too?

Unfollowed his Twitter when he started spouting that 78 genders nonsense, as if his PhD is relevant to that

Almonds thing?

The only YouTube lets play duo shit I've enjoyed were early GameGrumps and CowChop.
Cow Chop's ending this year and lost over half the cast
Game Grumps is modern-day Game Grumps

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What a load of croc tears.

I like Danny so yes. 100%.

Game Grumps is literally owned by Disney

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>when they got bought out by Maker and had to stop shit-talking PewDiePie

Game Grumps in Kingdom Hearts WHEN?

>all of them old and ugly
They do realize they have an army of 13 year old fangirls, right?

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>Unfollowed his Twitter when he started spouting that 78 genders nonsense, as if his PhD is relevant to that

What is Arin even going to do without Game Grumps? From the looks of it, he has burned every bridge because of it.

There was that one 10-Minute Powerhour where he kept bringing up that each almond requires a total of 1 gallon of water to grow, and how it's wasteful, even though that perfectly normal. Most fruits require somewhere from 10-20 gallons each.

>tfw unsubscribed from game grumps months ago

I realized I hadn't been watching any of their episodes for almost a year. Are the guest episodes any good?

God damn she is ugly af. You guys need to have sex.

>Even fucking DSP is married now.
what in the fuck!?

>Brian Regan
>Danny spends most of the episode politely explaining the controls and such of Mario Kart
>Arin just does nothing

>oney stops using egoraptors studio because its not worth the revenue sharing
>egoraptor stops talking to him and oney shit talks him in all but name from time to time on twitter


But Jamie Lee Curtis shitting on Arin for an hour is objectively hilarious.

>No more Creatures
>No more Cow Chop
>Seamus still MIA despite his girlfriend saying he'll be back soon and his Final Fantasy XIV hours are over 3,000 now
I'm gonna end it all

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The Rob Schneider episode is good if you want to hear Rob pretend to give a shit about absolutely anything for an hour.
Other than that, no

I stopped around Doodle Dudes, which I is when Oney left I believe. I eventually jumped ship to Super Mega, but they're burnt out and something seems very off about them recently. Oney's channel is still 'good' in that he's still the same with crude humor 'what ifs' jokes. Psychicpebbles is also the other reason I stay subbed to Oney.

The one's with SuperMega are good, if only for their reactions.

>chris was the most popular on doodle dudes
>makes a new show on his own channel called slightly artistic
>said he originally wanted to call it severe artism

I love Chris, wish he'd do more of those.

The weird Al ones were pretty enjoyable

Can't say much for the others, don't really pay attention to guest grumps for guests I personally don't care about

His endgame is managing newer youtubers, its why he brought in SuperMega

Easy money (manage sponsorships, do schedules for content, delegate rest to other employees) for little work

I don't disbelieve you, but can someone link some of this shit talking? I know he follows that "Game Grumps isn't funny anymore" guy

The Rob episodes are the only ones I watched during that down period. The second one was great, his wife was on a role.

I can't stand Matt and Ryan after they went full no fun allowed sjw. Fucking backstabbing faggots.

There's still his musical career

Their animal crossing episodes are top tier comfy

Now Oney just needs more Lyle

Oh no all that water that was lost forever! Oh wait I just remembered we learned about the water cycle in 2nd grade.

But that's Dan's department.

>no fun allowed sjw
Sources? More for personal use than skepticism.

>Full blown sjw

What the fuck are you talking about, they're still fun and if you listen to their podcasts they're pretty unfiltered and still entertaining

Cow chop though was never a good channel. Only good videos were the mystery board games

Brian was retweeting other physicists being like
"see this other PhD not in biology agrees gender is a spectrum and all these made up pronouns are totally real and you should use them"

>They do a livestream
>their tech guy doesnt turn off the audio when the stream ends
>GG staff girl tells Arin that she'll ban anyone that doesnt like his jamboree video
>Danny details his personal weekend plans
>major damage control by the girl when it gets out, saying it was just a joke
Their decline is steadily approaching

Which one of them jerked off to splatoon porn?

I don't agree with full blown SJW, but they've certainly reeled it back compared to what they used to do.

Hopefully there will be more Chuggaconroy clips spliced in, the clips of him explaining and executing how to do something on top of Arins huge ego and incompetence really shows how shit he is at everything

Matt. I wonder if he regrets that joke.

>Start watching SuperMega like a year or two ago because I like them and want to distance myself from Game Grumps
>Because they record their shit in the shared Grump office, they're constantly interrupted
Really hope they're serious about getting their own space for this shit. I can't wait.

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you'll need to sauce me up big time

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Idk about Arin's side but right after the ghoul grumps apology vid oney was like
"oh yeah real sincere monetizing it"
Also ding dong and Julian publicly blasted dream daddy which Brian and Suzy did not like. Right after that is when oney was kicked out

They also threw Chris and Oneyplays under the bus on a podcast. I don't like their shit, they suckle up too much to Arins fat teets and act like faggots. Matt speaks Japanese and dates a Japanese girl but looks down on weeaboos as if he's superior and not a yellow fever chasing faggot.

Imagine trying this hard to be Oney and knowing deep down hes funnier and more likable than you'll ever be.

For a long time I thought Super Mega was going to get out from under their thumb, I swear I even remember them mentioning a Patreon. I think those plans are long gone.

Front page of the GG reddit, sorry. Or Rant Grumps. They took down the stream video as soon as people brougt it up.

That's still not the worst tech fuck-up I've seen a YouTuber make while streaming
>That Tay Zonday TF2 stream where the audio kept overlapping until it was a jumbled mess of incoherent words

>staff girl
>tech guy
Do they straight up just have employees like that now? Fuck I must be out of the loop.


Squid titties are no laughing matter user.

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Sauce, squid head.

Of course, GG is a fulltime business, something Jon never wanted

Artist is Taka-Michi

>full no fun allowed sjw
If you seriously think they're over the fucking edge like the Grumps, then you're delusional. The shit they say is nothing more than basic courtesy any well adjusted human being would have. It's not like they're making some huge fucking stink about typical SJW drivel like Arin does.

They've been mentioning some SuperMegaplex idea lately, which is what's restored my hopes in it happening. Really not sure how serious they are about it, but I'd like it to happen.

I feel like Danny has checked out. He obviously loves the fans and still likes the gang (I don't know how he can stand Arin) and he's a great guy but he doesn't care about GG anymore. Wish he had his own thing going or did some Oneyplays stuff with Chris. I want to see him relax and speak freely.

Matt is 10/10 comedy gold, but Ryan is a cardboard box. He needs someone like Oney and Ding Dong to really come alive, but the Maker-jews don't let him do that no more

>It's another episode of 5 normalfaggots talking about college and saying "Okay that was weird" at Matt's gay jokes

At least 2 humans dated this monster.

Oney seems to genuinely enjoy just fucking around in games with his friends. Hes using it as a way to fund his passions (animation and now vidya), which is neat.

Egoraptor basically replaced jontron, and equal, with an employee/servant. He uses it purely to obtain more money which is fine, but his spirit and his passion is dead.

Based on the past few episodes of Super Mega I'm 100% convinced Ryan is stoned all the time every time they stream so it might explain why he's that way.

Ryan's deadpan straightman is a decent pairing with Matt's comedy though. He's usually the spark for those bits that come across as scarily believable.

E-celebs with armies of underage/teenage/young fangirls fall into two categories:
>Category 1
Never touch any of them out of absolute terror, a reasonable response since at any time one of them could press charges or they could get caught and then their pretty, nerdy asses are in jail for buttbanging until the end of time. This is the path most e-celebs take.
>Category 2
Fuck their way through shitloads of underage girls and never get found out thanks to just how cult-like and dedicated their following is. This is incredibly rare because most e-celebs, despite their fame, are still cringe-inducing creeps in real life who immediately dry up any pussy the moment one of their fans gets within touching distance of them.

>monetizes apology video
libs dont actually hate capitalism, they only hate it when it doesnt work out for them. When it does, like for arin, they too start abusing it. I don't see arin practicing any of the ideals he preaches

>Tay Zonday TF2 stream
The most hilarious trainwreck I've witnessed in a while

They just had DD&J on a podcast, what podcast did they throw Oneyplays under a bus on?

Arin is a fat, lazy, untalented, greedy piece of shit so i'm not surprised.

This. His NG animations were cheap garbage where its only comedy came from "lol so relateable" or "lol i remember that game"

Transitioning from Cat 1 to 2 is dangerous, you could easily get JewWario'd


One of the ones from a couple of months ago. They said they regret all the "edgy" stuff they said and how they only did it to fit in with Chris, as if Chris twisted their arm or corrupted them. I've seen plenty of videos where they spout retarded, uneducated shit too. Like some retard level shit.

>That is much, much, much better

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It's pretty funny how there were all those conspiracy theories about why Jon left, but in retrospect it's pretty obvious it was just a disagreement on business decisions. And because Jon gave Suzy the goofballs.

He literally started copying that voice from Oney

That dude is still a thing? Is he really still riding out popularity from chocolate rain or did he do other things?

Oh my fucking lord


He has nearly 7k hours now user.

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We have solid evidence Jon would never even consider fucking Susie.


Who are some confirmed Cat 2?
I know for a fact Markiplier, Sam Hyde and Filthy Frank does that
I was suspecting Pewds too, but he seems very meek deep down

You ever notice Arin basically runs off all his old friends and surrounds himself with weak yes men (And Danny who is just too nice for his own good.)

All the colorful Newgrounds guys have nothing to do with him and yet Chris is still friends with all of them plus a lot of newer people. And for someone who professes to be such an sjw Arin's group of "friends" aren't nearly as diverse as Chris's, someone who frequently still says faggot, retard and nigger.

and at no point during this entire thing did it occur to him to shut the fuck up

>7000 hours on xiv

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Sequelitis is what happens when someone wants to pretend they know a thing or two about video games by doing research on stuff he's barely even thought about and tries to couch it in the most convincing way possible. As an indie game designer, it sickens me to think someone would show any of the Sequelitis videos in class, as some comment have claimed.

Jon assaulted Susie when he got drunk. Jon is a notorious asshole while drunk.

I unironically watch Grumps for Dan only.

He’s actually really endearing and so much more talented/funnier than Arin it’s sickening

Arin is supremely unlikeable

JewWario before he blew his brains out.

I unsubbed but I still love Dan. He's too good for that show.

I mean it's obvious that Arin is frequently depressed, it's hard to keep meaningful connections with people in those circumstances

Dan is too wholesome, I love the guy but god damn he's being wasted at GG.

Marzia and PDP met because she was a fan.

I Jimmy Jamboree'd your sister last night

t. Dan's mom

Thats not throwing them under the bus user

The guy acts like a fucking Boomer to the T, though.

They're basically saying they are above them somehow meanwhile all their content is bland garbage.

Dan is too pure and nice a guy

I found it pretty concerning that he's said he;s never gotten in any kind of fight with Arin, feels like he just rolls over for him too much

>I was just following orders!
Didn't work in Nüremberg, doesn't work now

Dan is the epitome of late gen Z in every positive way and I love that about him. He's too good for Game Grumps. I wish he had a podcast or something.

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He's just such a chill dude. It's hard to imagine him getting really angry, even when Arin is acting like a literal faggot and making him uncomfortable. He's too pure.

He hasn't played in a while which is weird for him, he's normally on whenever I go on steam.

Here's hoping he comes back in a streaming capacity

Absolutely, but I don't think he has a mean bone in his body and his intentions are always good which make it hard to be negative about him. The cynic in me thinks his rotten luck with women might be a tell about something we don't know about him...but really the guy just seems really devoted to his job and maybe that gets in the way.

>gen z

dude is barely young enough to be a Y

>Dan loves Disney and asked about playing Kingdom Hearts a few times
>We will never get to see Danny play Kingdom Hearts and marvel at the insanity of it while making wholesome comfy jokes because Arin decided to use it for a stream for his moms horse charity after telling Dan the game was horrible

I fucking hate Arin so much its unreal

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From what you’re saying, he’s trying to form a new machinima.
If that’s the case, Arin is in for one hell of a ride.

No it doesn't, it means they don't have to act like someone they're not, they didn't say "we stopped acting like a subhuman because it's stupid". You ever hang with someone you feel like you should act a certain way with to get along better? Doesn't mean they think they're beneath them, just means they were trying to fit in a bit better you fucking incel. Leave your house for once.

Dan has gfs he just doesnt talk about them to keep them out of the spotlight for trolls.

He seems more like a jackass that chilled out the more he aged.

He's got a girlfriend now

The guy was a nerd for 85% of his entire life

Of course he has extreme anxiety abouy women.

He genuinely seems like a great guy

This is true for so many series and games.

Even stuff they do play Arins forces Dan to believe Arins opinion is common opinion, like SA2, he's got Dan going 'haha its so bad' right from the get go

oh man, i remember harassing this dork on ustream.

fun stuff.

Fuck I meant late gen X.

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>that very, very sad feeling that Nightmare Cops will not make as much money as Dream Daddy

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>Ross quit GG and holly split with him
>Barry left for almost a year now
>Dan Is getting older and arin is getting crazier

Darkest time line. Still wishing we got Jon and Dan. Good lord how good would have that been

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>Dude he talks like a stoner over video games
>Such a great guy
I see Zoomer standards are as low as ever.

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>All long series are their most popular videos
>Dan's jew influence has spread all over the office
>Decide to stream to make insane money instead while sacrificing being able to watch that shit in coherent chunks
>Random office employees join the streams

Fuck them

The Dan is wholesome shit is funny. Up until like 6 months ago that dude was fucking a different chick every few weeks. There pics out there from fans of him with some diff rando chick all the time. Fuck I mean I'd do the same. Hes going to hate settling down .

He honestly reminds me of my dad. And i'm early gen Y.

>countless extremely funny and entertaining friends he could have called to record for a single day
Has he lost all of his past friendships or something? Why couldn't he find a single person instead of doing this shit

they won't make any money unless they release the fucking game already, what's the god damn hold up jeff?

>>Random office employees join the stream
Forever my biggest gripe with that shit. Shut the fuck up, I didn't come here to listen you stupid cunts. I came to listen to the two stupid cunts anyone watching Game Grumps is there for.

You can be a sweet, wholesome guy and still get laid.

You realize a person can be wholesome AND slay pussy right?

If he isn’t tied down to one girl (which he is now) why would him banging different chicks and living a rockstar life be in any way harmful to him being an all around good guy?

This website has schizophrenic moral superiority at times

I wouldn't call it rolling over so much as Dan doesn't give a fuck. He shows up, bullshits for a couple hours, occasionally does some finger painting, then takes his check and goes back to music.

>haha fuck Arin amirite?! XD
We always have Arin hate threads. Yes, he is an obnoxious SJW but why do we never have Danny appreciation threads? I mean you don't get the title of "Literally the only good jew" for nothing.

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>Has he lost all of his past friendships or something?
Fucking basically.

Oh shit, I forgot about Ross..he hasn't an hero yet?

Because he doesn't really care about the show and is just phoning it in

His streams are the very definition of based and redpilled.

I think he just draws monster girls now.

Because Jon was better.

Arin is losing his mind. All his friend from back in the day hate him. He has driven most of them away himself. His wife is a liar and a slut and will probably leave him. Hes always been confused sexually his entire life. I'm waiting for the crisis any day now.

and did he stop?

Damn, I've been missing out. I assumed he got lost in the void of making that one show he's working on.

Good for Ross then. Holly splitting up shouldn't be on everyones mind when thats his own business.

>The guy who's stage name is Sexbang and writes songs about fucking everything in sight has sex sometimes

>Haha yeah dude live and let live man am I right.
I love the way he occupies space on the couch and that every second he speaks is a second Arin isn't speaking.

Jongrumps made sense. Grumpy people with very different opinions on things arguing. That plus taking the competitikns seriously in gg vs was fun. And since they both liked games they could do co op or take turns, so if arin sucked at something jon could beat it.

Dan wasnt so into games so that style of show doesnt work anymore. Instead you have a great likable guy ready to experience games, but instead of shifting the focus a bit to rediscovering games with Dan,, Arin tried to keep the same format and its led to all the problems people bring up.

I never said he was a bad guy. I said he wasn't wholesome. Please use your brain.

>We will never have another nickoldeon guts because arins filtered as fuck now and Dan's too nice

>Yes, he is an obnoxious SJW
It's weird how the Dan is now the less PC one when he was the one that made a big point of trying not to say retarded when he first joined. Dan got boring when he started running out of stories

>Busting "incel" out of nowhere
Nigger, what the fuck? Way to play your hand.

Arin absolutely losing his shit at Jon while they play GUTS will forever be my favorite.

Honestly, it's gonna be pretty fun. I fucking hope it happens soon.

This. Also, really wished they played OoT before Jon left so that they could've have that back-and-forth instead of what we actually got.

>his gaysploitation game not only annoyed dingdong and Julian but their fans filled their shit with shit talking, likely leading to oney cutting ties with him completely
>has given up on all passion projects and just goes for cringe shit like starbomb or 69 gender 40 minifig blindboxes, scaring off his new grounds friends
>Susie likely scares off the rest

What a spineless fuck

>any GG panel is pure constant cringe
I still have war flashbacks of that one autist that cosplayed as Conker and got mad at Jon for trash talking Bad Fur Day.

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You fucking anti-semite, Dan is comfy and based

He is still lost in that void. He just streams on the side. I truly hope his cartoon ends up being a success though.

>Still wishing we got Jon and Dan. Good lord how good would have that been

>"A-are you actually mad right now...?"
Such a good video

What ganes does he play?

Too much of a good thing isn't always good, user.

Dan is fine.
Putting him infront of a mic to do video game commentary is not for him though. He has always shown little interest, and it gets obvious that he's just on his phone while Arin starts screaming at the tv.
He's a chill guy to hang with, just not the best guy to play a massive assortment of video games with.

reminder arin was right

I think he was using "bees" as his defense, which even then is horseshit. The fucker just preaches shit he knows literally nothing about in order to look good (like most sjw's)
>10 years ago he made a bunch sexual and racist jokes
>nowadays it's "guys protect the bee's so that gender can be fluid"

I do too. He's been working on it forever and everyone that knows about it keep saying it's brilliant.

Seriously, the tension was palpable and Jons laughter was just the icing on the cake.


I want to see Danny cohost a Joe Rogan style podcast where they just shoot the shit and talk about unicorns and chimps or something.

What’s the best NSP song and why is it Orgy for One?

>Trying to convince me this person didn't visit an alternate universe and bring back a video

The true answer to the Guts question is If Jon knew the controls before starting the game, he would be obligated to tell Arin fir a fair playing field. But since he figured it iut while in the middle of the game, something Arin also could have done, he had no obligation to tell Arin

Sadly yeah. Didn't want to die on that hill. Didn't delete his old works but reworked his slut grumps comic that is on going.

>arin was right
No. Even if he was, it was just a game and Jon got a bit too into it. So what?

>no more Jon
>No more Barry
>No more Ross
>No more wolfjob
>No more steam train
>No more comfy retro games

Darkest timeline

I think he was mostly saying that because he knew people would be comparing the shit out of him to Jon and he wanted to search for his own style without pissing people off? I honestly feel bad for him. Arin is also probably doing the same shit to him he did with Jon, if not worse now that Rain is full corporate/sjw

>Danny enamored by Kingdom Hearts, asks to play it
>Arin says its trash and he hates it amd Dan believes him
>Arin on twitter : “Wait you guys actually think I hate Kingdom Hearts? JEEZE”

Rinse and repeat for literally every interesting game ever

>What is 6969

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He 100% will be a tranny when he loses it

In short, Jon just has common sense, while Arin lacks the braincells to put 2 and 2 together

Zoomers don’t even kno who he is. I would say millennials are his audience but, he doesn’t have one anymore.

>no more barry and ross

Awww, their Undertale playthrough was the last game grump related thing I enjoyed. And Barry was actually pretty good at playing

I'll never forget that time I said Arin had gender dysphoria in the comments and his cock sucker fans defended him. Now they have a obsession with it themselves and want him to come out.

Agreed. An intrinsic element of the challenge is that both players entered completely blind. They made figuring out the controls an element of the challenge, and Jon figured it out first.

That was the one that made me unsub to begin with, but I can understand why you would like that series.

Is there anything these guys wont do for money?
>co host is a jew

Oh, i see...

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>something Arin also could have done
Not really though, he couldn't make himself just happen to figure out the controls if he only played better. That would make sense if they were trying to figure out that R1 shoots in an FPS or something but they weren't, they were playing a janky as fuck licensed game with stupid controls

Dan is the least Jewy Jew in the world. He went to college to get into marketing or something and quit because he said it was a dishonest career and he didn't want to lie to people.

>Arin is insecure about everything.
Game Grumps and Sequelitis in a nutshell.

This. It's soooooo hard to press buttons on a controller I literally can't even.

Arin is just like a lot of game journalists who grew up on nes/snes. Claim their nostalgia to bd classics, masterpieces, but were completely unable to adapt to 3D. These people always bitch about cameras yet hardly use them and can't retain infofmation of spaces and objects off screen.

Its like when giant bomb played mario sunshine. Alex and Vinny constantly sucking and blaming the camera and everything but themselves while Dan has no issues

He will only come out once Suzy leaves him - the last morsel of heterosexuality he has.

I'm just joking my guy. He seems like a greatnice guy.

Arin on the other hand is a piece of shit.

Suzy is the worst beard I have ever seen.

Post peak Grump Cringekino


Came here to post this You have no goddamn right to talk shit on Danny.

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I hope Egoraptor finally blows his worthless brains out, preferably live on stream for his autistic audience.

>ross gets divorced
>he draws himself a monster girl harem
How can anyone hate this man?

Its not hard to try all the buttons
>stupid jank shitty licensed old
Compelling argument Arin

Arin is honestly the real Jew. His greed is outstanding, it's ridiculous.

>tries to play sonic adventure 1
>arin is too autistic to realize that sonic is meant to go fast
>gets to a loop with boost pads everywhere before it
>spergs out and keeps forcing sonic back to a standstill
>proceeds to slam himself into a wall while talking about shit no one cares about
>clips through the wall because its a dreamcast game where the devs didnt think anyone would be braindead enough to go slow after a boost pad much less slam into a wall over and over

and people think he is any better than DSP at this point?

>the guy thats barely interested in the show and is too busy making plans and doing his own work
Thats not how it works, goyim

Are you sure he wasn't just adopted?

Weird face or not I'd still fuck Suzy's feet desu

Cringe and thirstpilled.

its going to make more money than behemoths turn based fire emblem knockoff
its already a niche market filled with waifu faggots, what were they thinking sheesh

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>ross gets divorced
wait what?!

I wonder that myself. Outside of appearance he doesn't possess any of the stereotypical Jewish characteristics, and i've know a few Jews before and they are just shy of the hand wringing caricature.

I know his dad is from Israel and left after leaving the army because he said he was tired of violence and death and his mom is from New York.

No more, please.

I want to rape and impregnate Suzy just because I hate Arin so much, and I want him to raise my mongoloid mutt rapebaby son

>implying Arin wasn't playing SA1 badly on purpose.

>Dan is not a real jew
>Constantly makes Donald Blumpf, anti racist, and white privilege jokes

Really makes you think

Not smart enough to do that.

That's not what I said. If you're playing your first ever fighting game with a friend and you happen upon a combo first by trying buttons at random, that isn't skill, it's luck.

>Its not hard to try all the buttons
It is when they aren't mapped like a normal game nor work like one. It's not skill for you to figure out that some stupid game decided to map the inventory to numpad9

>you'll never have suzy sloppily slurping your cock while hyucking and guffawing like a retard

Yeah. They said it was because Holly didn't like California and wanted to go to Washington (I think) but he didn't want to. I'm sure it's more than just that but it's what I remember him saying.

>start watching SM because GG turned into dogshit
>the more they interact with GG the more soulless and gay they become

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As little as I like the guy, the exact same thing happened to me when playing through that spot for the 1st time a few years ago. The game is janky. Stop your persecution complex.

I said he's the least Jewy Jew, not not Jewish.

It's common knowledge that Trump is retarded user.

>If you try more button combinations before throwing a pissy Arin bitchfit you're more likely to find the right one
And that's why Jon found the combo and retard didn't

Hey whatever man, what gets me off gets me off

I mean, i don't disagree!

>Yang Gang 2020

>Constantly makes Donald Blumpf, anti racist, and white privilege jokes

Like what white people do themselves?

A Jewy Caramel center

I want to see a game grumps vs where they have DSP as a guest and he and Arin play a game that piss easy or has a "cryptic" puzzle that people figured out when they were kids.
>what do I do? No seriously, what do I fucking do?!
>wooooooooow how was I supposed to know the big hole in the wall was where I was supposed to go?
>I know right? The game didn't mention that. This game has shitty design

I was subbed to GG from day one and still liked it just as much when Dan came on. It wasn't until I saw their new channel icons that I unsubbed. Stopped watching their videos months before that cause I felt like it just wasn't the same anymore, it really felt like they were rebranded into something else. Also Steam Train seemed to be gone, was out of the loop so I don't know what ended it.

It's been so long that I can't name a Jon era playthrough that was my favorite. Best Dan era playthrough would be Chulip though, so comfy.

>Jon is gone and his channel is doong better then GG
>Barry who was there since the start is gone and is doing comfy live streams
>Ross being one of Arin's NG friends is gone and is doing animation streams on his channel
>Chris another one of his NG friends probably completely despises him now
>Kevin found a better job
>Suzy is still a complete cunt and their relationship has to be on the rocks
>Dan is just getting older and more and more uninterested
>completely dropped all their shows besides Game and Guest Grumps
>Matt and Ryan slowly becoming more fucked over by Arin and probably would have been better off staying with Mark
>Brian barely appears anymore
>went full sellout
>their most recent videos shows how deep down the void Arin has gone down

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It's weird because I actually used to talk to arin in the artist portal back in the NG days. I always figured he was gay foreal. Oh and he reads these, I talked to him a few years back and these threads keep him up at night. He reads through all this shit. He had to have someone keep him from reading YT comments because he would spend all night reading them. Seriously sucks though he used to be really nice dude.

They played Chulip again with Dan? I wish that shit would have comtinued with Jon

>Tfw we will never get another comfy as fuck 100 episode Pokemon playthrough where Arin Pokebanks the FireRed team up to the next generation
>Tfw will never see them just walking around, a new Pokemon popping up, Danny falling in love with it, and then the duo naming it something hilarious
>Tfw we will never see Arin fucking up monumentally while Dan just tells funny slice of life stories
>Tfw we will never see TurntSnaco again

It fucking hurts bros.

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Game grumps feels so corporate and fake now, Jon grumps and the first year or two of Dan being there were peak grumps

>Matt and Ryan hinting at branching out
Really? Good. They're lazy and can't edit for shit.
>Matt and Ryan, could you please put ______ on the screen?
>Image pops in for 7 frames and disappears, no animation, no transparent background no nothing
>Sometimes they blatantly ignore requests
God I hate those two so fucking much.

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>Best Dan era playthrough would be Chulip though, so comfy.
Nigga what?

Weirdly I only see fellow whites do it

When skyward sword was new I shit on it a lot, but jesus watching arin play it makes me feel like defending the game for how absurd his snide remarks are

Gotta pay attention to the nose and last names.

>Can't edit for shit
Have you watched their earlier supermega videos? They're fucking great at it, they literally said in a recent episode that Arin told them to not over edit the videos with things. So if it looks like they're putting in minimal effort it's partially because they're being directed to do so and they have to listen because he's their boss.

The last sentence of this post doesn't matter. At all

>dropped series numbers completely
Sign that the end is near. Everyone does that before they quit or go to twitch

>Oh and he reads these, I talked to him a few years back and these threads keep him up at night.

Hey Arin, if you're reading this i want to fuck your wife right in front of you.

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Ding Dong edits > all else.

The only thing that pissed me off was the Majora's Mask episode where it was 50 seconds of nothing for some reason.

>"that's not what I said"
>brings up numpad9

I've seen much better
not even a dick twitch

>Arin told them to not over edit the videos with things
what the wtf
>Literally just fuck everything Barry and Kevin did
Holy shit something is WRONG with this man.

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I still am mad at him for shilling tuba vote crocodile for like a yea straight though

Guess I fucked up on that. I could have sworn it was with Dan but after looking it up you're right. So to reiterate, fav Jon playthrough is Chulip, fav Dan playthrough is Katamari

I think we can all agree Arin is the worst thing to happen to GG

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>And that's why Jon found the combo and retard didn't
It's still complete luck either way. It's not Jon just being 'better' for finding it first, he got lucky and then refused to make it actually an even game of skill

Yes it does. Janky old games have convoluted controls, figuring out the controls isn't pure luck if you're leveraging experience with other games to figure them out, that doesn't work with games like that

Pretty sure that's what matters and Ryan said in their podcast, something along the lines of Arin not wanting too much editing for some reason. Maybe to save time? Idk or really remember too much

Luck favors the prepared user.

Matt* not matters

This fucking phone holy shit

This might be the comfiest thread I’ve ever been a part of lads

I remember that. Arin was saying that there's no reason to go above and beyond; simple works best. I think he said this at the time because they were backlogged and had a ton of editing to do.

Sad but true

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Neither of them were prepared for Nickelodeon Guts on the SNES though, they were trying buttons at random not making educated guesses based on past experience

Shitting on Arin is always comfy.

>Ding dong editing the fire red episode where they put in the audio of Matt screaming for the sound effect of Gyarados using hyper beam

Pretty sure that was a ding dong edit but holy shit it's the little things sometimes

stfu, arin is a retard who praises minimalist tutorials like megaman, and cries like a little BITCH if a modern game so much as gives a small little pop-up to explain more advanced controls on a gamepad with three times more buttons and a third dimension of movement.
retard is just bad at testing buttons.

This is what becoming a monopoly looks like

And Jon kept making guesses while Arin gave up and started whining meaning he found it while Arin didn't. I legitimately can't make this simpler for you.

Even if you're stupid shit was somewhat right and it came down to luck, luck is part of all competition. Plus after seeing how bad at games Arin is for years and the fact that snes is more his era of games while for jon it was n64, you still want to try and say its not fair?

Stay in school

You can really hear the dad humor seeping out.

I should really go to bed, but I've never been a part of one of these threads and, having met Arin in NG and having known the shit he's pulled, this is all very cathartic for me.

Not even modern games. Couldn't even beat Majoras mask

I like the Oney Plays


Ah yes, Oney Plays and the gays.

"Dingdong and Julian are gay"


are you an animator or something?

Doesn't he actually think Zelda sucks anyway and only pretends to like it because it's popular? (Like he does with other games)

That was just a cope after he struggled with Majora's Mask.

Mostly did music and fx, but I worked with a few animators in the past.

Arin is a complete mongoloid, that doesn't mean it wasn't complete luck for Jon to figure it out first. It objectively wasn't a fair competition like Jon was claiming it was

>luck is part of all competition
Imagine a competitive game where the winner was determined by literal random button mashing until someone happens upon the right button combination

Me to this whole thread hating on Arin and loving Dan

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I like how sjw's hate Chris for being racist or homophobic but a lot of his friends are fags.

No, he actually thinks he is smarter because he thinks the games are bad. Contrarian pseudo intellectual is his core. The OoT let's play totally invalidated his squeal whatever video.

hes got gay friends, Arab friends, Hispanic friends, tranny friends, etc

Does he have any black friends though?

>luck is part of all competition
Not that! The gamers will be furious!

Spill more stuff man its 4am and I got class bright and early I didnt make it this far for nothing

It's because words are bad user, your real life values and actions don't matter, but if you say faggot you're automatically a homophobe even if you're gay yourself

Oney plays is literally more diverse than the Game grumps office is. Oney has had gays, asians, mexicans, Irish, women, crossdressers, whatever brown tomar/amin are

Chris dressed as a monkey for Halloween in New York once and wore a beanie jacket and boots and a black guy asked him on the street what the fuck he was doing. Not a joke.


The only black part of Stamper is his dick and attitude.

stamper is black?!

>thw competition is all about luck!
No one said that, that's called a strawman argument.

Are you really this stupid or just playing devila advocate to the grave in attempt to keep this guts meme alive?

"So uh, what the fuck you supposed to be?"
"A..s-silverback gorilla"
"Ah-haaaaa haa -- later!"


He's white and jewish

>Chris riding around Philly in a trench coat on a longboard

Just his dick and butthole according to Sleepycast.

>He's white and jewish
what the fuck, well add jewish to the list I guess

Didn't know him that well, but what I can say is that he'd mess with people, blindside those that don't play games he played or watch shows he watched, just because of how insecure he was about his opinions. He even tries using sophist tactics, some that appear in the Sequelitis videos, just to convince people of his opinions. My general opinion of him and GG is and .

Julian is brown, right.



Yeah a bit, he's a Mexico

The best part of Arin is that he has NO opinions of his own whatsoever, so anything his fat, retarded Twitter following of pink-haired sidecut-sporting SJW troglodyte feminists tell him, he immediately adopts no questions asked. He truly knows how to STOP, LISTEN and BELIEVE.

This is why I hate posting from my tablet but I'm only doing it because I'm shitting.

The co-hosts for a while were a gay couple too.

What do the Californian SJWs that are the Game Grumps office staff think about Ross drawing big titty monster girls?

I mean considering they made literal genderswapped giant tit mousepads of Arin and Dan they probably think its funny?

I feel like they only did it ironically and Arin will probably make an apology video for it when the tide turns.

They stuff him in a doghouse whenever they find him drawing them. He's Australian, so he's used to finding critters on the ground and eating them for nourishment.

None of them actually care about this shit, they just pretend to in order to keep up appearances. Nobody cares about ross drawing gigantic monster girl titties so they don't care either.

>"I'm sorry for having the... T-word in one of my videos. I know that stuff is unacceptable in the society we live in. We moved past that. Ross has been taken care of."
>Pretends to cry and makes sure the video is the appropriate length for monetization.

They're not even that sexual, why is everyone talking about these drawings like they're hentai

He draws some cute monster girls and all I hear is everyone talking about how he's drawing big titty monsters with their pussys flapping about in the wind

Unless you guys are seeing some shit I'm not seeing you better show me some of whatever you're talking about

What's the story with Suzy? It's FAS, right?
Also did Arin lose a bet or something or did he just have to settle for her at a time where he likely had hundreds of dumb but pretty weeb girls riding his modest animator online fame e-peen?

I'm scared by how accurate this is

I like how Arin admits he says things for brownie points. Like we he tries to pretend to like a game.

Suzy was literally his first and only girlfriend, they knew eachother before Arin was even popular.

>Like we he tries to pretend to like a game

has literally never happened while he was playing it

Arin knows that it's either her or no more girls and go gay. He's probably an absolute sperg to have a relationship with and Suzy seems just as awful as he is. Any girl he tries to get now will just be a fan falling in love with his persona, not the real him.

Arin +Jon GG> Oneyplays with Zach>Good supermega>Dingdong julian Oney>Steam train (when it was just dan and ross having fun)>>>>>>literal dogshit>>>>>literal dogshit in a paperbag on fire after you stomp it with your new yeezys>>>>>current GG

Attached: society.jpg (498x400, 25K)

>hi everyone, Arin here. I just wanted to apologize for our last video which caused a lot of fallout. Dan accidentally referred to Jake Paul as "he", without knowing that earlier this month Mrs. Paul officially transitioned. We know there's no excusing this, so instead we'll promise to do better moving forward. Dan is attending a mandatory transsexual awareness seminar right now, so it won't happen again. Again, we are truly and deeply sorry to everyone we offended. Also check out our new Starbomb music video in the link below.

>Arin says he likes Majora's Mask
>Footage up until "mental breakdown" is dismal and painfully hard to watch.
>"Remember when I said I liked Majora's Mask? I lied."
Yeah, no shit.

>When he pretended to like Super Mario 06 when it became obvious he hated the game.

I never watched the full videos, but I watched the compilation of him pretending to like it, to him admitting that he always hated the game towards the end.

if you're over 18 kys then faggot

I wish Dan would play more, but then Arin would have to do the commentary and nobody wants that.

>Just fucking gives up at Majora's Mask
I mean fucking really now

>Everyone points out that the video is monetized.

Reminder that Suzy cheted on him AGAIN

This didn't happen

She never cheated on him even once

I don't believe you, unless she drugged and raped some poor guy

Remember when Arin said he liked Sonic Mania and then around their last video he pretty much admitted he was making shit up and never finished the game?

>She never cheated on him even once

>I wish Dan would play more, but then Arin would have to do the commentary and nobody wants that.
This was always such a missed opportunity. You had this guy that hadn't played games in decades and instead of introducing him to all the cool new games he missed and letting him experience them for himself he never plays and barely pays attention to the games half the time.


They literally said they broke up during that time

Seeing someone new after you've already broken up isn't cheating

I get that Arin is homosexual, but does he really have to be a brainless SJW that parrots shit about gender and pronouns and similar retarded dumb fag shit in his videos?

Dan doesn't play much games. It not that Arin doesn't let him, it's because Dan doesn't want to, unless it's multiplayer.

Danny has said many times he played and loved Morrowind back in the day. Imagine him replaying the game now, with some updated graphics mod or something.

But it's kind of funny that only she saw anyone else in that time (loads of people) while Arin cried and was definitely never over her or mentally out of the relationship.

Of course not. He only does it for the big bucks from advertising. He's always been slimy that way.

"Take a break" could just mean the time they weren't together until they got back together

I could be wrong, not that I really care. I just wanna fuck Suzy's feet so my opinions don't matter in this thread

Carry on

>a letter every day for a year while she dated some other guy
jesus christ, he is fucked if he they ever break up

Arin is so pathetic. Thot cheats on you and you send her love letters everyday for a whole year begging her to come back before she finally decides to take pity on you.

Ding Dong and Julian are turbo gay and hate sjw's. Arin has no excuse.

I bet you he doesn't give a shit and is just pretending for brownie points like everyone else.

She's hot af here, niggers.

Arin was never even that bad looking despite his pathetic nature, he could have found someone way hotter and better.

>Arin has no excuse.
He wants to cultivate a widespread and strong audience for his GG brand. It's all about the $$$.

FAS is a disease not something to admire, user.

>Arin was never even that bad looking despite his pathetic nature
Looks don't matter if you're incredibly insecure with a bad personality. The closest you'll get are fucks, not a stable partner.

>Super Mario 06

Attached: 1540709411056.gif (451x322, 736K)

I didn't realize I fucked 64 up.

>be a teacher with 17 years of experience
>watch game grumps
>Arin had a bad experience in school
>proceeds to shit on teachers and schools every opportunity he gets
>every teacher he ever had was mean and abusive according to him
>tells his viewers to quit school

He hates my profession so much he'd probably try to kill me if I met him.

FAS doesn't make her feet look ugly or her body so what's the problem

Every time with the degeneracy

He's also demonstrated multiple times how ignorant he is and when Danny made a joke in one episode about it and how Arin quit school Arin got legitimately angry with him and it was uncomfortable.

He legitimately believes those things though, he's not trying to hide his edgy side so he can get that family friendly dosh. It's only hurt the channel if anything, his 'brand' of poopy dick fart jokes and bad improv doesn't have a wide enough appeal

Its weird seeing Ding Dong and Julian be so niche to becoming so widely popular over the past years. I remember watching their e3 streams with the best gamers and basically shitting on the gaming industry the whole time.

Her feet are like bloated pig trotters.

Don't remember that, context?

which episode?

That's a lot of people that went to high school in the 2000's. I went to high school in the 2010's and while I share his sentiments, I'd never do anything to you, kind stranger.

Can't remember, must have been three or four years ago? I haven't watched in forever. But when Danny made the joke about it Arin got audibly upset.

Nah they look pretty good in some pics. Depends on the shoes she's wearing desu

>drop out of high school
>end up not knowing very basic things like maths, history or biology
>accepts anything he reads on twitter as fact and immediately incorporates it into his life

Seeing a pattern here.

I fucking hate you footfags. I saw a gif of someone cumming on a womans foot in heels yesterday and got hard. Stop fucking brainwashing me.

>been rewatching jongrumps
What a trip, that shit is basically a decade old at this point
I'm not even sure how to feel about it anymore
I can understand trying to build a future for yourself given you're a pioneer, can't just fuck around forever
I just hope Arin makes enough money to survive and the fucking goose doesn't divorce him to take half (all)

This is genuinely hilarious

Welcome friend enjoy your stay

At least that was funny. What happen with Game Grumps makes me sick inside.

A lot of these lp dudes are gonna end up being divorce raped, especially Matt
Not all, but a lot

Its so ironic how much he shits on school but very clearly needed more education.

I'd also be willing to bet jokes about him reafing these types of threads or on reddit to be true. Being confrontedcwith so much hate gets under your skin and makes you miserable. He's a littke too intune with all game conversations to not be looking at something. Meanwhile Dan avoids twitter and the internet all together and is well adjusted

Dan wants to make money, not have an opinion
He’ll go with whatever is safe; that’s why he virtue signals.

This channel has pretty much gone corporate, and that’s why a lot of people seem to enjoy making fun of them here while reddit loves them. They can’t get enough of the corporate D

That shit kinda scares me. All the astroturfing and offense culture we have nowadays is becaus epeople know how to play up rage and that's by getting personal. More than enough anons have lost their shit because their identity was being attacked by some avenue like your hobby, your race, whatever. But imagine the next level of being shit on and trolled by name. Must drive a man insane to see statements like "Arin Hanson is a fat, uneducated retard who drove all chances of a happy life away"

Anonymity is the last great virtue we have online, such as it is.