Why the FUCK aren't you playing BotW on CEMU?

>Literally 100FPS+ at all times with the new FPS++ even at 4K
>Ridiculous amount of mods
>You can even play as Linkle
The fuck are you waiting for?

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I don't support piracy because I care about my hobby

name 100 games where this happens

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I don't play post 2010 games, they're all garbage.

Already beaten it ages ago on my Switch.

>no new enemy types
>no Dark Link battle
>no ultrahype Ganondorf battle
>basic bitch combat
>cannot forge elemental weapons by combining bases with corresponding gem/materials (think how you form the head bracelets but using weapons instead of armor)

BotW is a calming game but it isn't good.

So buy it and then pirate it

last boss was pure shit

Sure glad the steam early access survival crafting shit infected zelda for the rest of time, another franchise I can safely place in the bin

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do people really think this open world dogshit is better than the more focused Zelda games?

Linkle is ugly. Also imagine a Zelda game sucking so bad it needs a mod already to keep nin-tenyearolds entertained haha. Pathetic.

.. I never thought of that

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it's boring af

I played it on Wii U first.
It sucked.
Then I played it on Switch.
It still fucking sucked.
If I played I PC, no amount of FPS, resolution, or mods is gonna make the game good.
Fuck, I already modded it on Wii U with Linkle and it didn't change shit.
People wanna push the shitty Zelda mod like a bunch of retarded cucks.
Fuck BotW and it's community.

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fucking bummer, too, all the pieces were there

>riding on horseback through open fields of Hyrule fighting a kaiju sized pig demon
>fantastic music
>"shoot da targets lool"
>literally impossible to get hit by any of its attacks unless you stand in front of it and don't move for 30 seconds

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Buy the physical copy then download it on cemu?

All the bosses but the wind one, which was cool and had FIN FANNERU

Pretty convincing screenshot you've got there, OP.

Zelda 1
OoT: GCN remaster
MM: GCN remaster
Wind Waker
Minish Cap
OoT 3d
MM 3d

Ahhh fuck...

Because I have an r5 2600 and an rx 580 so I can't play this shit even though I can easily run rpcs3 at 4k.

The game is 2 years old I've moved on

there are better Zelda games

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I guess 2 years old is too long ago when that's a fifth of your current age fucking zoomers

At the rate you would need to make up for emulation, the cost would be far higher.
>100 fps = 3x 30 fps
>4k > 2x 1080p
>additional mods and intellectual property intrusion
the end result is that you'd have to buy approximately 2.5 copies to make up for it.

can I run it with a q6600 and and r9 280?

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shit. It was that simple. I guess I pirated Enter the Gungeon and actually bought it a year later since I actually liked it
I should do it more oftern

>>Literally 100FPS+ at all times with the new FPS++ even at 4K
What the fuck since when. My game still dips down into the 40s@720p even though I have a 1060

Zoomers don't understand downloading games is perfectly legal if you own it.

You're a full-blown retard. You buy it, you own it, you do what the fuck you want with the bullshit copy. Fuck, you're dumb.

Because i already played BotW On WiiU and it is the kind of game where the first run where you discover shit is the best one so i felt little reason to replay, cause frankly? it kinda sucks to replay.

I see you ain't a fan of The Sims 3 then, even if you buy you probably end up pirating because some fixes work best on pirated versions.

they should mod it into a good game, but they wont.

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