The Alladin Deck Enhancer

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I enjoyed it, barring the end with the shilling of the other YouTube channels.

It was alright.


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fucking cringe. the entire retro youtube community disgusts me.

His shitty scripts that aren't wrote by him suck ass.

Tony is the worst part of rental reviews.
Those cameos were cringe, I smell screenwave bs.

Who cares, James will always be Alpha

I thought the episode was alright mostly dry but good also tit jiggle.

Intro felt super forced but the topic was interesting enough. Not his best but passable.

>also tit jiggle
I think we will need a webm of that.

best cameo, can actually act.

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i legit liked the skits, the game reviews were sort of bit too fast. Even more fast than the action 52 review.

all those guest reviewers at the end was cringe kino, except gaming historian.
i would prefer a different skit.

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why did he fuck with the genie

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why do you say his tits jiggle. is it a troll to have me stare at the pecs? they were stand still

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>tfw no bootleg bootsy ever again

where is Mike "Rhino Cock" Mattei?

because he gave the nerd a shitty game

As someone who grew up with the PS1 and N64, how bad was the NES bootlegging scene?

fuck you, cocksucker
it had Joe in it which instantly made the video tolerable

I started watching AVGN recently. why is he so focused on literal shit? is he a scat fetishist?

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you'd see some unofficial carts in american video game stores like wisdom tree. But the crazy shit like Somari or Grand Dad, was south america, russia and east asian exclusive only.

Unless anyone saw Somari in america?
>PS1 N64 era
did you not browse ebay? There was alllll types of pokemon and sonic rom hacks flooding the market.

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Did anyone think the game reviews went way to fast? Dare i say, i was hoping the nerd would sit down and actually complete dizzy, instead of moving on.

Remember how classic the little redhood episode was? It wouldnt be nearly as good if the nerd quit on level 1 and played other games. Dizzy could of been that.

It didnt look too hard to complete either.

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I only ask because as bad as other eras might be for bootlegs and shovelware, I've heard stories that NES was pretty terrible for it.

The one that came with the thing may have been funny, but the other dizzy games doesn't look as entertainingly funny.

It did go faster than usual, but then again the punchline of the episode wasn't about the games, but how completely useless was the existence of the accessory

yeah, part of that is just poor 3rd worlds. While the nes era ended for americans after 1990. In places like brazil, it was normal for the poor kiddies to purchase sega genesis and nes games in stores. So. a lot of indie game developers still developed games for the nes, as late as 2010s. It lasted so long, that someone tried to make an angry birds port for the nes

I think prime nes rom hacks flooding the market must have been the 90s. /vr/ knows most about this though.

It's one of the female YouTubers.

>All those literally who
Why? Starting with the fat guy from the movie reviews

I dont know anything about twitch whores, but this girl is 100% SEMEN DEMON. Seriously, she fulfills all my fetishes. So fucking hot

Who is she?

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>Nobody actually blew up a Aladdin game deck for real
>Not even a shitty fake

I was just waiting for the one that wasn't lame after effects

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My favorite thing about James is how he has no problem defacing or destroying retro gear simply for the sake of comedy

Fuck off, this thread is about AVGN. Make your own thread about youtube hores

what do you expect from a bunch of soi's and females


How does someone with such little fame get a cameo on avgn?
Was it just something anyone could submit their vid for?

thats pretty easy way to gain some views

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It was alright. Intro was a bit odd, and the collab end was t needed, but it underlines his seniority as most of them were inspired by him. So it’s a nice nod in that regard.
Not a good AVGN episode but not bad either, it was nice to see something obscure.

Did you see the front? Poor james looks like egoraptor's alien girlfriend

doesn't he have a wife? is she cute or a goblin?

Johnny is confirmed not a virgin

>He's almost bald & I'm losing hair too now.

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Maybe it’s an acquaintance? Or a friend of a friend who got a pass to gain some free exposure?

literally all cartridges in Russia were bootlegs, the console itself was an unlicensed Chinese clone.

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Isn’t he like, 38 years old or something? Only natural for the hair to become thinner at that age.

I think he should had researched NES copy protection breaking a bit before writing the ep, because Alladin Deck Enhancer, as with the bible games do have a quite peculiar way to unlock the nes.
See this fun circuit? this thing generates high voltage spikes from hell to make the lockout chip glitch out and let the games run.
And the 1/2 selectors is probably "Zap and Zap harder".

The wisdom tree games also use this fun technique.

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besides his hair this dude ages pretty well. he looks pretty similar to how he did in his old stuff

Rocco and The Genie were best
everyone else is a talentless literally who

All my friends and I would talk about the same games but then I went to a buddy's house and they had a Nintendo that looked completely different to mine. His was an official NES, I had never even seen one before. That was in like fifth grade.

Yeah, you guys realize lots of actors do this shit too, right?

Had to rewind because of the tit jiggle.

At some point you just gotta shave it all off.

Stop Skeletons from Fighting (former HVGN) is really good now. Even when he was just another AVGN rip off he was pretty decent.

Cannot Be Tamed

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what a weird episode

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some of these look interesting, might subscribe
also boobs

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>could of been
Ignorant niggershit

rip my nigga. he could have done better

Some one make the gif already

Checking this taser board closer, i can see where they got the 64K claim.
The chip on the right is a 64KBITS RAM (or 8KBytes).
This is needed for this system so you can feed the video chip the tile data, as the NES is designed to have two rom chips per cartridge, one with the CPU data and one with the 8x8 tile data.

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looks like a retarded whore

>chance to be seen by a million viewers who have no idea who the fuck you are
>make your titties bounce
She knew what she was doing.

Is this why it fries the toploader?

You should PM her. I bet she's ovulating for you right now.

No way fag


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Why is there no gif of him getting cucked?

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Because you know that Mike wrote them.

wait is he a literal cuck?

>linius shithead
LOL. james is so fucking funny.

That's AVGN not dunkey

Wtf Rocco's in an AVGN I gotta watch this, mega64 is one of like the 4 channels I like

Massive forehead?

fuck you, cheap special effects are AVGN's specialty

I think he refers to how The Movie had the Nerd lose the love interest by a black guy or something.

james has always been a man of the people

>being this new

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But that never happened. The characters were clearly written for each other because the nerd having a girlfriend goes completely against his character.

True, but do you really think that stopped the KEK howling cavalcade back when it released?

Because it didn't.

>someone took precious time out of their life to make that
>not even well made because the knuckledragger probably had trouble operating a mouse without nibbling on it

ya seethin samefag? ya boilin?

I mean, retards will be retards. It's not like a switch they can flip. There's one

>poster count didnt go up

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The original script had James be the girls love interest but his wife made him change it look it up. This was the same time she made that post kn cinemassacre about wanting to change the "white Male sausage fest" fangroup

He's in it for 2-4 seconds

>conversation between two people already in the thread
>p-poster count didn't go up!

Oh word?

Is that a verifiable thing or just a pol fantasy?

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nice photoshop samefag

She mostly likes point and click adventures. I don't tolerate point and click adventure gamers.


>Bad skits
>pointless cameos

This is TGWTG tier.

Yeah but she got some big bouncy titties

It's basically his laugh-track.

Post james' wife and you'll notice that no game is shittier than his game of life

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Remember when AVGN did interesting new things that were seldom talked about like the Odyssey and the 3DO instead of copying what others have done recently in great detail?

>was an ugly hugless kissless virgin until 25 but somehow transformed into a destroyer of cunts by 30

I've got so much hair on my head that I thought about selling it.
Feels good man



maybe she zuck his dick

the black guy in the cameo montage is called Radical Reggie. He seems like a cool dude and all, but if you want a laugh watch the intros on his videos where the words "Interracial Gamer" scroll across the screen. cracks me up everytime


its funny how the screenslobs try to damage control by incorporating the gaming historian in the vid. Basically saying
>were not being unoriginal by self referencing the thing were copying
although, i purposely avoided watching people cover aladdin, just so the nerd ep seemed more fresh

April? More like March your aaaaaassssssss away from that uggo

they actually werent though. dumbasses revealed all the eps for this year at the end of another video before the other aladdin vid was out.

james is no looker himself, and while I'm sure he can live comfortably from his youtube/website revenue stream, he's probably not exactly wealthy either


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i know. A lot of people think gaming historian even copied james, because they revealed what they were reviewing. but hey its true

all the people who watched the alladin ep by gaming historian before this avgn, were probably spoiled.


Someone give me April's fb. I need to tell her some autist is leaking all her blog posts.

these actually aren't from her fb you autismo lmao

The better question is why are you watching other retro gaming youtubers? The only other good one is the dendi chronicles guy.


what is your secret?

>dendi chronicles
wtf is wrong with this guys chin? did he have a stroke as a child or something?

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have hair

Obviously has palsy or something

Its great to see the people from the fat brigade in AVGN. I love Fat guy with glasses, Fat guy with long unwashed hair,Fat guy with curly hair and Fat Guy that owns AVGN now. They are so funny and quirky

i just turned off the video when that shit started

>fat guy with glasses

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I guess i just beat myself since i didn't want people to recognise who i was reffering to. Fuck i gave them a distinction between themselves

Is he the Reggie from the MetalJesusRocksiverse?
Cringe Compilation

How far can you last?

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The Alladin Deck Enhancer, pfft. More like the AVGN Trash Compactor because this episode was GARBAGE that leaked out of the swollen infected asshole of a beached whale that couldn't stand any longer living on the same planet as a video producer this shit. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?!?!!?

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she needs to cover that forehead with some hair

Dude, that was funny FTW! You know what? You should make youtube videos! People need yo know how funny you are. Go for it!


Rocco was literally the only good one.



Yes. There's even more of that in his """movies""".

I was multitasking during that part

>being so emotionally weak and inexperienced that such things make you cringe


Who's April

james wife

>I need to tell her
>some autist
Oh the irony.

>no fun allowed

Having suffered until I turned 25, got fit and found a job I love.

was completely caught off-guard by rocco
made the video worth watching desu

That's a funny way to spell Mike


Where were the episodes revealed? I must have missed that.


>implying you knew he was going to do this video when GH released his video

end of kingdom hearts

isn't this some undertow / underbelly faggot

Thanks user.

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>waah someones grammar wasn't correct on my slant eyed dog eating form waah
gas yourself kike

she's looks 100% better with bangs

Unironically the best post I've seen on this site in a while.

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>uh i guess don't go into the fire!
>very next cut
>runs straight into the fire
>feigns anger
this shit is infuriating. this nigger has been getting wrongfully upset since his inception. only a retard couldn't land the fucking plane in Top Gun, and LONG PASSWORDS ARE LONG BECAUSE OF VARIABLES LIKE HOW MANY AND WHAT WEAPONS / ITEMS YOU HAVE JAMES YOU DAFT CUNT

I really love this style of humor
I think if you made, say, a YouTube channel focused on reviewing vidya and you focused on that kind of writing, you could make it big.

>cartoon avatar includes her dog
That's just fandabbydozy.

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3D is PD


rocco said on the last podcast he loves watching rental reviews and would love to show up there...

You can fit entire level counter into one symbol.

Then the password could be easily predicted and edited.

Hundreds of games.

I fucking hate fat people. Fat people are nothing but parasites upon society. There are few things worse than a disgusting, greasy fatty that's roaring out of breath as they wear clothes that don't fit and take up all the space in the streets. Personally, I think all fat people should be rounded up like cattle, and placed into Bulling Camps, where they are bullied all day and all night by paying members of the public, either until the disgusting slobs kill themselves and reduce their numbers, or simply lose the weight and become less of an eyesore.

It felt rushed.

Barely played any games and shit on cult classic dizzy games, because they are too hard for him to understand.
Shitty genie effects.
Most actual info about hardware was took from Gaming Historian video.

His condition seems to have become much worse over time.
Looked him up after this gif was posted, seems like his posture has become much more crooked compared to a year or two ago.

>Bulling Camps
fat man here. which camp do I report to? the one where i get to bull your wife?

His condition always was awful, he can't even walk by himself.

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