Battleon.. Home..
Battleon.. Home
Nobody actually played this, right? As far as I can remember it was awful.
I did when I was a kid. Wonder if my account still exists.
god i hope not
It was great in its day. Of course its better if you are a young kid into mmos.
hell yah
this game is actually shit
was really close to getting rank 10 with doomwood
even find a rep exploit but kept messing it up so i would have to do a bit of grinding but technically u get go 1-10 ranks from it
never went back and finished it
honestly shitty game
to many classes
half are locked behind ac and so many others are from events u cant even do anymore
and the ones u can require to do so much grinding they arent even fun to use after a bit and every class just feels empty and shallow
game just sucks
Even as a kid I recognized it as terrible and just went back to playing dragon fable and adventure quest
It was fucking awful p2w garbage and the raids were godawful.
>The 2 best classes in the game are p2w
>Graphics suck
>pvp sucked
I liked the mech game better
I unironically spent money from my paper round for premium in this game
Played it for a bit. Remember i found some musket? On the corpse of an enemy and went around oneshotting everything with it. Logged in next day and it was gone.
aslso i didnt type like that slow blow it out ur ass
homoprincess imagine being trigged by how text is formated
fucking loser LOL
what the fuck is this image lmao
i guess how it used to be vs how it is now?
i dunno i geuss he is a sissy or something now lol
I've been playing on and off since beta. It's not the best game out there, but it was certainly enjoyable for a good few years.
Not sure when you started playing, doomwood is one of the easiest reps to level, granted that you get more than half by the story itself iirc. Levelling good/evil back in the day when a mere 3 rep quests existed - one of them members only -, took about a month or so. There are many OP classes bound to events, but most that are OP are relatively easy to come by. Right now the best class to grind with that is accessibly to everyone is Scarlet Sorcress. You can unlock it by doing the story and some light grind.
The main problem is, and always has been, AE's ungodly disgusting money grabbing. At fist it was that cool places, items, and top level enchants were members only. But you could still do everything with just Warrior (arond when level cap was 20-30). Then they introduced more and more premium cash items, that didn't need membership. A newly released shop might have 20 items, the 5 best members only, maybe one of them for premium cash too, and another 5 for premium cash. The rest was like copypaste a dagger on a stick and call it a spear. But mostly everything could be still unlocked through grind. Then more and more items became members only, ridiculously faster grind included. Now a shop that has 10 items might have one item for free players. There are monthly premium cash packs that go up to $30 I think. Still, there is still a lot of stuff unlockable through grind, but I don't think anyone bothers. It really shows that they're focusing on AQ3D. Which in itself isn't bad. I enjoyed the beta(s) of it too. Trying to put together a party to bead/grind the bridge/gate defender mob was a lot like what MMOs like these should be about. Too bad it's gonna go down the road every AE game does.
Adventure Quest is better.
Kek I logged last week just for shit and giggles
I was just about to post I dumped cash for the sweet ass golden dragon helmet and some other things. Game was shit, but a comfy sort of shit.
The MMO was shit. Most of their previous games were pretty good but the mmo was around when I stopped playing their games.
Adventure quest, dragon fable, and mech quest were the main games, and then everything after wasn't as good.
I did have an account on it though and didn't realize how bland it was going to be so I have the like alpha pirate whatever thing and can go to some zone for "old players".
I only know because some 15 year old asked me about it for some reason like a week or so ago.
I played a bit of AQ3D in beta but I haven't done much for it, I kind of hope they're doing well I just to go meet them in atlanta every year before they stopped going.
Too much fucking dev drama and jewery, FUCK ADVENTURE COINS Otherwise, it was fun keeping up with events every Tuesday with a friend until you get tired at each one trying to one up the one before. The lore shit is okay. My only good takeaway from it was learning about TMBG and getting one of the best classes in the entire game, all in a single event.
So is AQ3D a full blown 3D space now? Is the combat still point and click?
>learning about TMBG
Presumably means they might be giants, but the better way to find out about them is through kingdom of loathing
I only played like an hour of it, I actually don't remember.
Wrong battleon faglord
When the fuck did they ruin the main screen? Can I change it back? The last time I even remembered the game's existance was 3 years ago
Mechquest was some good shit. Was anyone else like a poorfag kid and installed trainers to get free membership access
fuck yea
Nah a single $20 was within my like 10 year old range or whenever the fuck mechquest came out
so 15 then
I mean I know the band, I saw them live last year, I was just unaware they did a promotion with this shitty game.
>tfw mom didn't trust the internet at the time so I could never have paid access to stuff even with my own money
I did do that thing in runescape where you mailed in money but that took forever
Artix was real close friends with voltaire for a number of years and I think them as well
Yeah, they had their own event and shit. Ctrl alt del also had an event. But yeah, the game played Birdhouse in Your Soul and Mesapotamia iirc, and it just got drilled into my head. I miss the Voltaire events too but they couldn’t really match the visuals with his songs.
>tfw Dragonfable is dead
officially or it just doesn't get content anymore? I'd be surprised if they still actually update their sp games still
The playerbase has dropped to less than 200 a day and content trickles in at a snail's pace. It's on life support. Whoever is still bothering to update the game must be passionate.
I think artix et al work on whaever the newest thing is (so, presumably AQ3D) and then whoever else they have employed slowly makes stuff for the old games.
>tfw mechquest went from monthly new mechs to nothing at all for years overnight
>Game was shit, but a comfy sort of shit.
Actually a pretty good way to describe it. I played way too much for how mediocre the game was but the shinys were cool
>i was in third class when this became a thing
>everyone in my class was playing Runescape, talking secrets and quests to item prices
>one day literally everyone gave me weird looks when I mentioned Runescape
>someone had to tell me that Runescape was bad now, and AQ was the new hot thing everyone was playing
Miltonius was such an edgelord
Did anyone ever figure out what was behind that locked closet inside the inn?
wasn't it part of that thing where you drink a potion to turn small
DragonFable was great. I
liked MechQuest as well
this game was another one on the list of MMOs I played for too long without ever paying because parents were poor and also cheap fucks
>played Runescape as a free to play for years when the cost of membership was 5$ or lower
>played Club Penguin for years in envy of all the cool cosmetics other people could get
>did the same for Armies of Geilinor and tons of other Fun Orb games
>created accounts over and over to play the 14 day trial of World of Warcraft
>accounts would get deleted constantly on Dead Frontier if you never payed real money and didn't play for a certain amount of time
>got cockblocked at the end of quests constantly by the Adventure Quest membership prompt, same for MechQuest
>and of course Adventure Quest Worlds, always hung out at the dragon volcano place, which was the last area a f2p could go to at the time
I think that's why I now have a huge hateboner for the rich and even middle class
Dragon Fable is really kino, one of my favorite games ever
AQW was fun 2008-2012, then it turned to shit