Literally the only reason to kill Radovid is to "save" Temeria, a shitty country that deserved its fate

>Literally the only reason to kill Radovid is to "save" Temeria, a shitty country that deserved its fate
>Otherwise if you leave him alone he creates a great northern empire

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I’m pretty sure the main reason to kill him is because Roche wants to. I’d do anything for him.

Radovid is a mad man
It doesn't matters what empire he could create because it's doomed to fail, by either his own hand or when he inevitably dies, either an assassination or from old age
You end up creating more problems in the long run and a more inestable land

Nilfgaard are the good guys, change my mind

>great northern empire
this is what snowniggers actually believe

He's not insane though. He's capable of logical thought.

Meddling cunts. That's why I chose the Mad Lad Rad.

You, the player, are a Witcher. Why would you work against your own self interest?

Why do you cucks always believe in the "greater good" when you conveniently don't have to work against your own interest?

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>the mc is alwats right and the good guy, neither he nor anyone like him can be wrong
Lmao dude

i just wanted some goddamn sorceress pussy, how hard is that to understand?

Radovid is a cunt tho

Nah Radovid is a cunt on a power trip
Who you really want is Dijkstra in charge. He not only creates a Northern Empire, but HE actually makes it rival Nilfgaard. Whereas Radodib just destroys science, magic users and thousands of people for no reason rather than "muh mages"
A ploy used by Nilfgaard to destabilise the North, and Radodid fell for it, hook line and sinker.

>Meddling cunts.

But their staggering incompetence is entertaining.

Radovid sucks flaccid cock.

I made no statements about "right" or "wrong," pal. Nice reading comprehension. It's not in your self-interest to help Radovid, just like it is not in your self-interest to team up with Iorveth

Ok but you have to let your Bros die for that ending

Too bad Djikstra gets cut down by terrible writers.

It's not in your self interest to run around dealing with wars and monsters either. Why isn't the Witcher just a farming simulator? Obviously no rational person would fight Nekker unless absolutely necessary

All your absurdity reveals is your shitposting.

Do you even know the plot of the Witcher? The motivations of Geralt? Or his history?

The fuck? You're a fucking Witcher, you kill monsters for money.

So The Witcher is it worth a shot? Would I be able to play 3 without the others with some reading material?

Wait a minute, are you saying that raw rational self interest is not the only motivation for a character? Don't be ridiculous

But mage girls are cute

Man, in what world does a cunning spymaster like Djikstra think that crossing Geralt would end well for him

It's possible but I wouldn't bother. The gameplay can get really tiresome so if you aren't invested in the characters and world already you might not enjoy it.

Yeah, that's why you fuck them

Play all 3. You probably won't be able to play another trilogy that didn't shit the bed during your lifetime.

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Considering your argument about Radovid is centered around Geralts personal self interest alone, yes.

Or you could just fuck off to be a banker like Jad. Just being a mutant doesn't define your career

radovid was mean to woman. literally the greatest crime a video game character can commit.

>being a mutant doesn't define your career
>in a world where literally there is no place for you as a mutant except as a monster hunter

There is no reason to kill him as Witcher dudes shouldn’t dabble in politics.
But the quest was cool with the twists.

They do dabble they just like saying they don't

There is a guy that literally retired from being a Cat school assassin and became a wealthy banker with a family. Did you even bother to play the game?