The Pokemon movie looks ba-

>the Pokemon movie looks ba-

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Fully modeled turtle penises

-ttalion wars

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what the fug

Have you seen baby bird? Fucking hideous creatures.

Based as absolute fuck
Reminder that torterra is literally objectively the best pokemon ever, The ghastly line is pretty cool too.


Phantump(just phantump not his evolution) is the best of the best, kinda weird he came out so late.


>be normalfag
>see something I liked as a kid
I sleep

>see something I liked as a kid but it's REALISTIC

Yeah Phantump is pretty great too, one of the better gen 6 mons and with a cool if not a bit edgy lore

Nintendo, hire this man!

I want to fuck Emolga

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They look believable.


they literally did tho

He's a consultant on the movie for the creature designs. They literally hired him.

I'm not feeling Charizard from the trailer man.
His scales looks fucked up in the realism they're trying to portray.

looks like trash
it's made in america so you know it will be

Whole movie looks atrocious. I'm not going to see it unless my girl drags me to it.

As someone who prefers Infernape, even I can agree


I just wish they didn't make the main character black. Asians/Whites primarily play the game but of course (((Hollywood))) can't have that.

How did this design go so right?

>Yea Forums and Yea Forums are mostly negative
>/vp/ is split
>only Yea Forums can see this is actually going to be good

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It’s a spin-off movie, I really don’t care.
There are rumors that they’re actually making a movie based on Red and Blue, if that’s the case then I’d prefer the protagonist to be Asian.


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Outside of the board basically being Yea Forums a lot of the discussion are virgin retards acting like they're posting on /biz/ so any positivity they end up praising a movie for is exclusively because of sales.

the pokemon look fine, the rest of the movie looks fucking retarded

Charizard is over-textured, Jigglypuff is fine.

why does it matter

How many pokemon are they actually modeling here?
100, 200?

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Kanto is based off of Japan, so it’d be a nice touch. Anyways if that’s not the case I wouldn’t care either way.

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It matters as much as Scarlet being robogirl in Ghost in the Shell.


I think I get it know. They designed the Pokémon to more closely resemble the animals they’re based on. That’s why the Pokémon loosely based off the animal look so creepy.

That image is bullshit. 99% of ads in america have a black man and white women even though nigs are 13% of the population.

Have you seen Anthem? I don't know if there's a single white character in the entire game. Even among the background npc's there are basically no white people.

kanto is a fantasy region

That’s a different problem though. She’s such a popular actress that it’s hard to see the character as anyone other than Scarjo or Black Widow.

It’s like how in every Dwayne Johnson movie I can never remember the character he’s playing’s name because it just defaults to The Rock in my head

have you seen 90% of other games released?

Wish they just made them look like they did in Pokken. Some of the pokemon look fine but there are a lot of shitty ones that are limited by trying to make them closet to real animals like it matters, just give them realistic features but don't limit yourself by trying to make them look like real animals because they're not. They are fake creatures so they don't necessarily have to make sense, just texture them according to how they look in the games

It’s weird, so Black Women even play video games? Percentage wise, are they that large that this is all necessary?

This one is somehow passable.


No you can't remember Dwayne Johnson's characters names because every movie he's in is forgettable.

It's weird that you capitalized Black and Women.

they should look more like pic related.

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Can you think of a single good reason why a developer would go out of their way to exclude white people from a game, especially one that's targeting a western audience? You know, where white people live.

I will never understand why everyone thought jigglypuff looked bad on initial reveal. Everywhere I looked everyone was shouting "Why is it all hairy and furry!"
Literal proof that no one who said that even plays the games, the entire puff line has been stated to have very soft fur, I mean what did they think the swirl was a big fleshy spiral instead of a hair tuft. It was a fucking retarded complaint.
Actual fans of pokemon were initially taken back on reveal but quickly realized their realistic depictions look good, anyone who disagrees are actual faggots.

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I get that the animation of the first movie isnt stellar, but at least it was serviceable and not overly obnoxious, this is just wrong

Autocorrect’s been doing that recently

Why are certain white people on Yea Forums (especially Yea Forums) so fragile? Smash Bros is a Japanese game yet only 2 of the human characters happen to be Asian (Ryu and Pokemon Trainer) rest is all white yet you never have people complaining about that here. If you take anime games out of the equation, I'm pretty sure there are more Japanese games with white protags than there are Japanese games with Japanese protags. It's a movie based off of a spinoff game no one cares about, who gives a shit?

The difference is pokken is stylized with realistic textures added to them. That's why the humans in the game are still anime characters.
Something like what this user posted would look too jarring next to real humans.
They had to make them look closer to real living creatures and animals otherwise it would look like who framed roger rabbit pokemon edition.

Is that front that CGI remake of the first pokemon movie? Looks pretty good but if they wanted to be more realistic then all they'd have to do is add extra fur or detail so they don't look weird and out of place, I mean they already do but whatever. on an someway unrelated note is the movie going to be 1:1 or I'd it going to have stuff from the newer games and change the characters and story line like that anniversary movie? was that one even good? I was gonna watch it but didn't know how to feel about the changes and don't understand why they changed it

I don't feel like its accurate to say that black people don't make up a considerable part of the people who play pokemon. I'll agree that its less than Asian people, but I would argue that its about the same number of white and black people. The only difference being that Africa doesn't know how to fucking spell Nintendo DS let alone play it.

They still look off though. Pokemon is massive I don't understand why they didn't just make a CGI movie like the 1st movie remake

I'm glad you brought up Japanese media because they're a prime example of how to do diversity right. There are TONS of strong women in asian media, probably more than men. Probably a lot more actually. But when I'm watching anime there's never an obvious agenda that's bugging me the whole time which prevents me from enjoying it the way there is with western media.

Maybe my brain works differently but it's always very obvious to me when I'm watching propaganda or being brainwashed and that's how I feel most of the time with western media. Most people seem to be numb to it.

The only design that I really hate is Charizard, I mean what the fuck were they thinking. Looks like you fucking cooked play doh in an oven.

pokemon is a fucking global ass franchise
there's literally no reason to bitch about fucking skin color when every fucking person in the world has played or still plays pokemon

Good post, Anonymous.

thank you for your very informative post Ken-sama!

Torterra is the only good one next to Pikachu and Mr.Mime.
Memezard is still the worse one. It deserves it, but the point still stands.

You're welcome faggot-kun

>japanese game
hey lets make em white and black!!!
fucking honkies
fucking niggers


Pokemon is gay

They must've gone through multiple designers. Compare charizard to treecko or kingler, the latter two are practically 1 to 1 with their official designs.

You do realize all those ads in the 1900s still exist, right? They aren't blackwashed/revisited away and false-i-fying your memories away. Git a grip crazies, his pic is accurate.

say the first N word you think of when you see this picture

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He looks like he should be starring in some ntr smut



Not so attractive bastard


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He looks like Thanos. That doesn't start with N so you're retarded.


Noot noot

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Post your favorite mon.

>Cool as fuck Design
>Is Immune to Poison, the primary attack of their rival
>once in a blue moon, a member of the species actually becomes STRONGER when poisoned (Toxic Boost)

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so like plastic toys?

>Strong as fuck
>Swords Dance
>Bullet Punch
>My favorite Gen 1 mon evolved

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*Petal Dances in your path*

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Been my bro since the beginning

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>>Cool as fuck Design
>>Is better than meme Fire Chicken
>>Part Dragon
>>Can teleport behind you

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he had such a cool theme goin for him
but his whole line is mainly special attack and he evolves into a 4 legged fuck.
I still love this bro anyways

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On the contrary, as a Torterra fan, its is the only model I've seen yet that genuinely has soul
I guess Torterrabros can't help but go the extra mile for their one true starter

I got monkey paw'd into wanting misty back
Her VA hasn't even been confirmed for the movie but they're already naming side character VAs.

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>no tits

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that's literally soulless what the fuck
at least detective pikachu tries to translate pokemon behavior into the real world and succeeded for the most part

Looks as creepy as the Aaahh!!! Real Monsters dude.


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I always liked this little guy and Lugia. Too bad he isn't that great though but I still like him cause he looks cool

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the mega is awful though what the fuck were they thinking giving it solar power

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wow rude

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it gets Solar Beam dufus

Frogs and ninjas are my shit, and even beyond his amazing design, he's also an amazing pokemon. Never thought I'd see the day where Gamefreak was able to dethrone Exeggutor, Crobat and Steelix as my favorites.

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why is he so pissed?

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>i am a huge faggot
clearly there is no other choice

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Houndoom already has nasty plot and sun is shit. Why does a dark type hellhound have a move based around sunlight?

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*ability based around sunlight

English VA is 100% going to be on board since its just Jessie's VA who is in every movie.
in fact the entire English cast will be back except for Mewtwo since he went into hiding and doesn't want to work on anime anymore, Dan Green was 4kids so TPCi hates him, and TPCi also has no idea what people want.

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Because dark type has little to do with actual darkness you ape

Christ, is that a "shiny" or how he is? The slight recolor shows how perilous that shit is. I don't care but they just went about changing Jinx because of this shit, how'd they miss that?

The dark type z move is called black hole eclipse. Black holes are devoid of light of any kind.

>Sun and Moon were my first pokemon games
really makes you think

torterra is the best grass starter final evolution
I just wish grotle didn't look so fuking lame, or else it would be my favorite line up
turtwig and torterra are top tier

Loudred's mouth is almost never closed so it shouldn't be a problem, once it's open it'll cease to resemble a human

Haha no my first game was red. I don't see how that has anything to with dark type not being associated with darkness.

Dark is evil type, not darkness type. Period.

The Dark type has historically been based around "rule breaking" and "not fighting fair"
The whole void thematic is relatively new.

evil is very often associated with darkness all over the world
your point?

>fairy type is based around light and is super effective to dark
>dark types arent associated with fucking darkness though!

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>darkness is evil
based moralslet

Dark types are rude dudes and there's nothing rude dudes hate more than the gays.

Are you seriously going to complain about the rationale of movepool diversity in Pokemon?
Be prepared, then, to discuss at least nine-tenths of the National Pokedex.

being a grass starter does that to you unless you are Venusaur

that Pokemon fairly consistently based moves on the Evil thematic and not the Shadow thematic up until that point---meaning, Dark in Pokemon does not, or did not as of Gen VI, mean literal darkness.

Gaze upon the horror

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It’s good-evil, not light-dark you moron

Where's Gardevoir?

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I don't care if he's bad and has goofy teeth
He deserved better.

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I meant ability not move

Why does Brock look so gay?

Based, but i agree that the rest of the line let it down. Torterra is the best Starter by far, but i prefer the Froakie line as a whole because it's more consistent.

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This is another Mega they fucked up. They gave it a useless weather based ability the same gen they nerfed weather. It's just shittier mega aggron.

>mega steelix
all pokemon that arent mega rayquaza, heatran, and landorus are bad

Minorities are the only ones dumb enough to pay for television still

gen 4 had all the best final starter evolutions, it's insane how good they all are. Torterra, Empoleon and Infernape are amazing.

I don't like Magnezone.

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>based around good
when the fuck did you pull that out of your ass

Fluffy tail.

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magnet pull would have been really cool and made sense with the metal floating around the mega's neck but for whatever reason they've got a hardon bigger than steelix itself for associating it with sand
but god knows they'll never let it learn shore up ("sand gather" in Japanese)

what is rest of the movie but lifelike pokemon
what are you referring that looks retarded?

well, they probably didn't want to step on Magnezone just after they fixed the magnet line.
Also if anything's gonna get exclusive steel magnet pull, it might as well have been magnets.

Charizard is one of the few pokemon that look like shit in the whole film though.

If they would just give normal Steelix Sand Stream it would be good. Never gonna happen though.

They introduced magnezone and probopass in the same gen, I don't see the issue.

>Your favorite Pokemon is in
>But they're over-detailed and hairy

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Ashame about jigglypuff.

>Yea Forums
Might as well slap a "Endorsed by Adolf Hitler" sticker on it

disingenous as fuck

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Why is nobody talking about how god awful the digimon one looks.

>disingenuous as fuck
says the man who's wrong from the very top.

This shit is edited right?
It looks like a fucking chink knock off.

Alright this is a kids movie which means there will be at least ONE fart joke.
Which pokemon is it going to be?

looks like low budget animation from south korea to me
they all look like that every one

>dislikes Turtwig
>likes Greninja's prevos
garbage taste

Empoleon is the odd one out

Props for giving Torterra awkward scute covered legs like a real turtle. Shame everything else in terms of Pokemon just looks intentionally creepy/gross.

why are you so fragile user? that user can say and think whatever he wants, why did you feel the need to reply, your fragility is really showing. It's a post on the internet, who gives a shit?

It's a fantastic and creative design that made me like frogs. It was also the first time i could actually use my bro in my team because my previous faves were unfortunately shitmons. Being able to become whatever type you want at will is the coolest shit ever. Not even Arceus has that kind of power. Kecleon is awesome too.

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imagine living in 2019 and still believing this. Turn off your tv. That shit is awful

you tell em' xer

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>Behold the /pol/tards natural defensive behaviour: assuming anything that isn't them is a transexual

What would cause you to imply that I’m a tranny. Your not even trying

Sure, I'll turn off the electric jew and go look outside so I can see a woman get culturally enriched while other brown people camping on the sidewalk and an on duty cop watch while a white guy walking out of an office building next door after being fired to make way for a Somali diversity hire gets stabbed and beheaded, after which his still twitching body gets run over by a bus depositing another 50 brown people from the latest batch of like 1000 that just came over on a refugee ship. Fucktard

look g, they even gave it realistic moss and stone textures
they really cared about this one for some reason---I refuse to believe, as great it is, Torterra's design is impossible for even this trashfire to have fucked up

reported for anti-semitism you fucking nazi bigot

What the hell does that have to do with you as an individual? Why do other human beings effect how you think? How weak willed are you?
>muh brown people are ruining Murcia
Holy shit. Do you regularly brows3 stormfront?

>Why do other human beings effect how you think?
That's a pretty retarded question.

pokemon is the gayest shit. you faggots who grew up with it and still cling to it should be chucked into a mass grave

Aaand abandon thread

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>muh brown people are ruining Murcia
more like the entire planet, not that user b t w

So if a Mexican American is living a fruitful life here and doing everything by the books you automatically are bothered by them simply because of their skin color right? It bothers you that you assume they’re given free shit for exist or something? Why are you like this? Do you have /pol/ up constantly everywhere you go?

Not even the user you're arguing with, it's just a stupid fucking question. Of course other people effect how you think. You ever read a book? Or a post on the internet? Or listened to literally anything anyone else has ever said?


The east has always been a shit hole since the beginning of time user. Your not saying much. White people just kill everything in site then lie about it. Why lie?

I probably could’ve explained what I meant but but what I meant was how can someone be so retarded that you allow the thoughts of others to over ride your own ability to think for yourself. I have no reason to hate white people because I know they’re all not out for my blood. However they’re are actual white people wanting to murder anything that doesn’t look like them for reasons. That thought process has been going on for decades

only because it's not exploud

>Not liking Trevenant
You must be gay or a pedo for liking a child spirit in a fucking log before the same spirit ravaged with the grief of being traded evolved into a cool demon tree.
This is coming from someone who gave up pokemon after gen2 because Crystal designs were arleady Digimon tier to me, and just looked up Phantump because Torterra is actually cool too. Shit I want to play pokemon agani

>The east has always been a shit hole
Why do you think I'm only talking about the middle east?

why are they trying to makes things uglier and uglier? they say art is reflective of its society :(

Kek, that looks like shit, Brook is Happy Mask Salesman tier creepy.

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So far Kaijumons made it without issue, pretty sure he'll transition well with little issue

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They are monsters user

I meant the majority of the countries over there. Middle East, Africa, asia etc. I mean hitler was murder Jews by the thousands at one point. Africans LITERALLY can not stop fighting about whatever the fuck they fight about. Islam was a mistake. Israel and Palestine are fucking nuts. America only appears to look squeaky clean but no one in this places like America because they think we’re scum bags.

I think red should be indian like us

It matters to many Americans because they despise anyone who isn't white and the mere existence of non-whites causes them to go insane.

You can make something monstrous without it being horrific uncanney valley disney shit user

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>Something like what this user posted would look too jarring next to real humans
Yeah expect the realistic ones look about 100x more jarring. And bad. Fuck off shill.

>there's never an obvious agenda that's bugging me

Because you're watching children's cartoons in a language you don't understand.

Not who you are responding to, but if you've played any of the recent games this would be apparent to you.

MONSTERS, people. Pocket MONSTERS. The very definition of monster is "Something unnatural, out of place, unsettling". They are fantastical beasts with fantastical powers and many of them are rocks, magnets, sludge, spirits, demons, even gods. They carry the power to completely destroy humanity if they so wished, and the Pokedexes from the games have from Gen 1 made sure you know that many of these creatures are dangerous and unpredictable. Gyarados can level megalopolises in a few hours by itself when enraged. All the butterfly and moth Pokemon scatter scales that poison, blind, or paralyze, and one of them even sucks the blood and fluids out of other Pokemon and would do it to people if it wanted to. There are thirty-foot serpents made of solid rock or steel, stone dragons that eat and destroy mountains and titanium Triceratopses who rebuild mountains. There's a Pokemon who is God and a Pokemon who is Satan, and two Pokemon control time and space itself.

>Exact same scene from the first movie
>nobody had any problem with it in 1998
>now people are screaming and shitting themselves into a dookie rage over it

He's also Fire type, you thundering faggot fluffer.

Pokemon are meant to look cute not like scary Godzilla shit

>fairy type is based around light
When did Gamefreak say this?

Cute monsters

I fail to understand how so many people are hyped for this movie.

It's literally not even about battling.

Some, yes. Is Gligar cute to you? Steelix? Kabutops? Chestnaught? Loudred?

No shit, Sherlock, it's based on the Detective Pikachu game. We already have twenty other movies of people wandering around randomly fighting things and a thirty-season anime of the same thing.

>Steelix? Kabutops? Chestnaught? Loudred?
literally who, why do you know all of these obscure animal from a kids games

Why are you suddenly changing the subject?

This smug bastard.

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>favorites are aggron and sharpedo
>dodged a bullet in terms of the movie

I know, right, everything in it such pukefart garbo crap, why not it be anime like cartoon which best all time forever?

this but unironically

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Japan versions are way too literal they didn't even try to adapt them to different setting.