Welp he confirmed it. Will steam drones shut up now?
Welp he confirmed it. Will steam drones shut up now?
Tim Sweeney. CEO of epic games
I thought CliffBazinga is Epic's CEO.
>paid off by the penguin jew
>LITERALLY has to admit his store has no worthwhile features to offer to offset the widespread perception of his storefront as literal spyware.
He's said many times that he's still the largest shareholder but they don't care, since Tencent owns 40% Epic must be a Chinese spyware company even though by that logic Tencent is South-African since they own a third of Tencent.
You trust him and the chinese? Im sure that spy they caught at Maralago too said the same things. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK FROM A FOREIGN ADVERSARY WE CAUGHT A SPY AT THE PRESIDENTS ESTATE.
>CEO says his thing is fine goy just download it
>because I own most of Epic and I'm not chinese, Tecent isn't Chinese
go to hell
Don't be silly user, the dirty Saffers control the world through the illuminati, haven't you played Deus Ex?
Yeah, Tencent might own 0,04% and it would make no difference
Tencent owns 40%. Tim can get fucked.
Where games are epicness?
Steam is Obama, Epic is Trump, and /r/pcmasterrace is /r/politics. Anything that goes against the narrative like OP will be either ignored or detracted. Pirate fags are basically fuckboi centrists.
>You have permission to criticize Epic's lack of features. This talking point is OK.
>Oh, but spyware and the Chinese? Those are definitely lies.
haha ya tencent doesn't propagate chinese spyware its not like they datamine their users for their social credit system or anything haha
>Epic games is a Spyware
>Says the guy that uses Windows, Chrome, Android and fucking Facebook
>Wealthy fuckboi centrists who maneuver around the market
Epic is definitely not Trump.
>spartan feature set
can't this dweeb just talk like a normal human being
>Epic doesn't spy on you
>Disregard the multiple WEBM's and videos
>also *ahem* TOXIC
Theres a difference between the NSA CIA spying on you and the Peoples republic of China.
>is a spyware
Focus on your grammar in your English courses Lin.
someone post the video of Epic accessing Steam's userdata while running.
Webms and videos?
>Creepy figure in the top-left background
Twitter was a mistake.
>it's okay if we do it!
>proof it steals your data
>tim himself tweeted that tencent has a big say in shareholder meetings before all this shit started and now says they have no say
video that got turned into a webm for chainx4?
Why would you get in there like that? Thats a good way to end up getting bitten by a snake or some shit
No there isn't.
>Implying tax havens are the real owners.
real question is why people still say it is just 40%
It's kind of a misnomer, but we have plenty of evidence of EGS extending far beyond where it should on your computer and digging through files it shouldn't be digging through. Now as to where that info goes, who knows.
Less bad is more like it.
The article said 40% last time I looked at it. Someone changed that number in the last couple days.
I could forgive the exclusives, spyware, and everything else if it wasn't for the fact that I associate Epic Games with Tim Sweetie and even worse, Cliffy B.
Literally nobody cares about spyware, it's just an excuse to complain because outright saying "I like steam too much to change" will get you made fun of.
>Epic has investigated the allegations made against Epic and concluded that they were unfounded and Epic has done nothing wrong
tell me more
>Tencent acquired a 48.4% outstanding stake in the company
>chinese law forces every chinese company to reveal all their data if the chinese government asks for it
>Tim keeps convincing people that Tencent only bought nearly half of the company to "support good developers" and that there is nothing to worry about
Reminder that Tencent also own Riot Supercell (Clash of Clans and all that other really popular shit for phones), Path of Exile developer Grinding Gear Games, 5% of Ubisoft and 12% of Activision.
Reminder that Tencent is THE big driving force behind "Games as a service" and that this is exactly the reason why Epic originally let them take over nearly half the company once they realized that this model is going to be massive successful due to its exploitive nature.
I'm not from either country so... fuck off.
Sure thing Chang.
Its a stump dude
what is this meme where people unironically think that a group that has 40% ownership gets no say? Even if you aren't majority, but you still hold close to majority (48%) you bet your ass they have a say, this shit where sweeny says they have no real say is fucking hilarious
>everything else is spyware
>therefore epic store definitely ISN'T spyware because everyone else is doing it
Seems like a really retarded thing to say when it's clearly spyware. This was his opportunity to bring up a major problem in the software industry and educate people on just how many of their apps and devices are spying on them but instead he retardedly lies in an attempt to protect his brand. This dumb nigger literally can't say anything that makes him seem trustworthy.
its a female muslim
Can we get some Toddposting style edits of Tim Sweeney going "DOWNLOAD MY LAUNCHER"
I'm pretty sure Sweeney has also said in the past there's other shareholders than just him and Tencent.
六四事件 八九民运 六四屠杀 june 4th Tiananmen Square massacre 1989年春夏之交的政治風波 1989年春夏之交的政治风波 八九民運 八九民运
It is spyware though.
Didnt /g/ have a whole general where they found Epic was scanning user files and sending the data to a foriegn server?
this is surreal. we've actually reached the point where people will defend tencent to push the gaymurs ebil narrative. it's like we're living in a shitty 2014 gamergate comic
Lies and hypocrisy come so natrual to Sweeny
Welp that settles it! He says it isn't spyware so that means it isn't! Quick someone go make a snopes article about this!
The problem is that anyone can admit that their device spies on them. Most people know this. But the majority of those are the US spying and under the assumption that it's to protect US interests and it's citizens. If Tim admits that Epic is spyware, then it will only confirm that it's spyware for the Chinese, which is why people are wary about it. He can't disassociate it from the Chinese because of Tencent's share of the company.
Unlike based Todd, Timmy doesn't even have good reaction face.
Reminder that Tencent owns Wechat and QQ, which are social media platforms for denizens of China. Both these programs are unapologetic with their level of internal spying and sharing of user data.
Another reminder that companies play by Chinese rules when selling their products over in mainland. If you haven't been following the news, companies like Apple and Microsoft were forced to submit to security audits by high ranking Chinese authorities, and moved user date onto servers that are owned by state-own Chinese telecom. This is not propaganda, or some anti-epic agenda, these are facts you can easily look up for yourself.
If Tencent holds a large share in Epic, it's more than likely that user information is being viewed and/or sold by Chinese companies. They can easily say it's not spying, only data collection for improving their platform, but the truth is a lot of these programs have some leveling of snooping and unauthorized access to your personal data. The difference between Epic and other programs is that Epic is 40% foreign nationalist that could easily sell your information to whomever.
What did Epic mean by this?
Todd is too charismatic for his own good.
Sweeney looks like a cuck.
you do realize android is open source right
Well at least he admits his launcher is shit and he's here to fuck the customers.
You cant even tell me whats wrong with "as a service" id be surprised if you could even properly define it in an industry sense
pc games getting updates for free in the early 2000s and late 90s would fall under the "as a service" paradigm - it isnt inherent to subscriptions btw
Anyone else remember when Steam let you view the info of other users when logging in? I think it was a cache issue or something, so you couldn't actually buy anything with someone elses info, but it's funny how quickly people forget.
>they would need 51% stock
please tell me you're just spouting memes.
>it's not Spyware
>checks if Steam is installed and what you are using
>even Tim admits that but still he won't call it spyware
>tim before tencent
"no one should force themselves to be the middleman"
>tim after tencent
>"publishers decide, not you"
really makes you think
If you think this is a China-only thing you may be being a bit naive.
It's harmless. It's just some security checks for anti-cheat.
The thing that people are overlooking by using the 40% thing to dismiss these claims is that since Sweeney owns at least 50% but is the CEO its still his job to keep the shareholders happy so he will be making decisions to make the others satisfied. His claim really only matters in keeping ultimate control of the company and he still has to listen to the wishes of the other big holders like Tencent because of his position. For all intents and purposes when shares of a company are set up this way the remaining
>criminal promises he's not doing anything illegal
Wow, I sure am appeased. Thanks, Tim!
he dropped out after the tenchinks buyout and started his own shit (lawbreakers, lol rip)
>I give you that our product is shit, but it's not as shit.
He literally confirmed that Epic has no morals and now he is trying to convince us that they have some restraint? What a faggot.
When you have to come out and assuage fears that your marketplace isn't a commie conspiracy, you might have a larger problem.
>spartan feature set
what a cool way to say you have no features at all timmy.
>spartan feature set
What a nice way of saying your launcher has no fucking features.
based chink hunter user
cliff was never epic's ceo
These chinese bots are fascinatingly stupid
Pretty sure Tim can't do anything illegal in America because he's an American
My god you people are stupid
I'm personally not comfortable with any sort of software surveillance and I really wish even telemetry was opt-out in all cases but spyware has become so ubiquitous that you literally can't get away from it. It doesn't matter to me if the information eventually ends up in the hands of the US government or the Chinese government. It's not a positive outcome in either case.
I doubt Sweeney himself stating that he is unrelated to a company that spies for the Chinese government is going to assuage peoples' concerns that his company is directly or indirectly doing business with the Chinese government considering he is one the parties involved that people don't trust. I'm not really sure what he hopes to accomplish with this statement since it's just going to reinforce peoples' belief that he is untrustworthy.
>CEOs never commit crimes
Keep chugging that Apple Kool-Aid, user.
Its really easy, just look in the archive and copy on of these link dumps.
The archive can really save you time with this shit.
>they will need 51% to completely control the entire company
based chink shills having zero ideas on how shares and coporate control works.
>people claim Tencent are the only stakeholders besides Timmy
>Epic Games has announced $1.25 billion in new investments, the largest ever funding round for a video game company, according to PitchBook.
>Epic is the creator of "Fortnite," the most popular video game in the world, and also creates development software used by major game studios and indie developers alike. According to a press release from Epic, the new investors include KKR, ICONIQ Capital, Smash Ventures, aXiomatic, Vulcan Capital, Kleiner Perkins, and Lightspeed Venture Partners. They will join Disney, Tencent, and Endeavor as minority stakeholders.
I know, I do that all the time to point out our resident trannies' rent free-ness too, never stop doing your work in educating the rest of Yea Forums.
>EULA can ask you to accept that they have bits of code that pull information from your computer
>you hit accept so you can play your videogames
>it is now legal for them to do so because you accepted a binding contract
My god you people are stupid
>Valve literally has to be dragged kicking and screaming into courts which is how we got Steam Refunds
>... but it's epic who is evil!!!1
Great logic Steam drone
>the most popular game in the world
Aaaaaaand all credibility lost. Last I checked LoL is still the reigning king.
I feel like theres plenty of editable faces to fuck around with.
Works in the US but not in Europe
Doesn't stop Epic from not giving a shit though. Their launcher with it's opt-in for data sharing being default is already against EU law.
>Sign this contract stating it's legal for me to rape you
>wtf it's still illegal to rape you!!?!?!?!
EULAs aren't law
I didn't say anything about Valve or Steam, fuckboy. Nice deflection, though.
The fact that the chinks make money off of it at all is more than enough reason for me.
*blocks 99% of publisher authorized third party stores to remove price competition*
*money hats your games*
*ignores the fact everyone else does it and physical cut is much worse*
*its unsustainable, other stores like discord have a lower cut*
Valve out a bunch of money into linux shit like wine/proton and dxvk so there's pretty much nothing Epic can do beyond also contributing to linux shit to win my loyalty
Games as a service = Money keeps flowing in and so do the updates for those service-type games
But how do you keep the money flowing in? Just look at all those service-type games and you got the answer. Gacha mechanics, temporary limited microtransactions and pay2win items.
The games give you FOMO. Which is exploitive and one reason why multiple countries are now discussing limits for them. Especially because those exploitive mechanics target children for the most parts.
>points out how games and game journalists are stuffing politic agendas and anti-consumer practices every where they can
>points out how ebin store is the chink's trojan horse into dominating the western gaming industry
the left(?) literally can't meme
I'm wondering if it's not just damage control, but Sweeney trying to convince not only others but himself that he still has complete control of the company.
The single longest-running game ever made that still gets regular updates is a free to play indie game made by like two guys.
tweet that to sweeney and watch him dodge it
I don't get the point of this tweet.
The alternative is him admitting that Epic store is actually Chinese spyware, and who in their right mind would do that?
For Euros they could easily hide behind a "Well we're still relatively new to this whole launcher thing compared to people like Valve we didn't know any better" if they ever get confronted but they're doing such a good job of having a bunch of dumb kids that don't know any better and casuals that don't care as their userbase it probably isn't a worry for them
The thing is that under US law if both parties are found to be of sound mind and under no outside duress pressuring them to sign an agreement when the deal is made it is legal even for overriding constitutional rights. For your example if some chick signed a contract with you saying you could jump her at some undecided time because thats both of your kinks and they do a whole check showing you're not threatening her with anything and neither of you have any mental issues its legally binding. It happens all the time because the only times these sorts of lines snuck into massive EULAesque contracts get addressed is when it actually starts to be a problem and lots of people complain about it like those hearings with twitter and facebook about freedom of speech garbage that they weaseled themselves out of because its part of their user agreements and they can just deny any censorship bias.
Does it fucking matter? I don't trust the man either.
>says that they can't do anything illegal because Tim's American
>some user rightfully calls you a retard
>response to this is to find more evidence of Americans doing things that are illegal
Are you okay?
Do you need to take a breather?
>Trusting Epic after 2013
They've spent years being EA levels of scummy so no thanks
Meanwhile pirates get nothing but benefits from this deal. Free yourself.
Fuck Twitter screencap threads, fuck chinks, fuck fortnite, fuck shills, and fuck the garbage excuse for trolls that pick this low hanging fruit
Those two guys do not run an effective business.
The goal of every business is to make as much money as possible.
ok tim
Stop parroting this dumb shit where
Think, for just a quick second, THINK with your fucking BRAIN.
Remember who makes the deal on where to publish your game?
Real quick, try and remember.
That's right user, the PUBLISHER!
Gosh, now I wonder where anywhere from most to ALL of the money from a games' sales go?
Gee, could it be the PUBLISHER?
Huh, I sure do wonder.
Devs are salaried, and might get a bonus based on sales. Publishers take the extra % that's made due to Epic's smaller cut. This isn't benefiting the developers at ALL, unless they're indie; and if they're indie, then they can just fucking use itch.io for WHATEVER cut they want! Go fucking figure!
Source: In multiple instances, developers of games that swapped to Epic didn't even fucking KNOW it until it had already happened. The Metro guys wern't aware (There seem to be implications that it was made last minute, such at the peel-able epic games logo sticker on the physical version covering up a steam logo), or the devs who had made steam 'cheevo updates the day before the announcement.
Stop being retarded for twelve seconds and realize that the extra cash from the smaller epic cut doesn't touch the devs at all, you brainless fucking morons.
I have a bad pc but I didn't like the epic games store because it lagged like crazy, never had any problem with any client not even when I have 30 tabs of chrome open, weird
t. Sweeney The Pooh, President of China
That's definitely not true. Do you think it would be legal for him to kill you if you clicked accept on a long winded EULA saying he could?
>Remember who makes the deal on where to publish your game?
>Remember who makes the deal on where to publish your game?
Shakedown Hawaii was made and published by one guy. He's getting a great deal
>Spartan feature set
I'm more concerned about the Trojan feature set, personally.
hey can you do one for this:
I'm trying to get it to take off, cause it's so clever. Thanks, user.
Good for him.
i got a fucking bridge to sell you retards if you don't think Tencent doesn't have full access to every single piece of information they want. let's say Tencent wanted epics customer data, they wouldn't even have to own half the company to do it, they would just send in a corporate spy to find a backdoor and exploit it. and yet they have multiple board members seeing every single piece of information the company has. Sweeney has to say he's not giving out personal info, because that's against the law. but that's just an excuse.
did you even read my post?
t. Sweeney The Pooh, President of China.
> Will steam drones shut up now?
No. This is Red vs Blue horseshit. It doesn't matter what the facts are. A group of people have decided to blindly put their belief into a side, and will argue that side no matter how ridiculous they look. They do this to fit in with people they believe to be on the same side because they are, deep down, afraid of being truly alone. This goes for both sides of this argument.
This shit is just a fucking store. The only reason people are actually mad is because of the whole "exclusive" thing, and now they suddenly want something that they can't have. Fuck them. How about you stupid fucks take a look at your backlog and legitimately consider if a shiny new game being exclusive to a platform you don't like is really that big of a deal.
No because the second you learned he was going to try and said you agreed to it you'd take it to court where any sane set of judges would overrule it because its wholly unrelated to having a digital client on your computer. But agreeing to take part in information collection is more than reasonable for them to say they got your say so especially since most of it is marketing information and not stuff like account login details. I've never touched the launcher because I had no interest in Fortnite or whatever else they have unique to their platform but if there was another confirmation button to take part in the information gathering it would be even easier for them to get a court to side with them on the matter. They could always just say you can just uninstall the launcher and never use it again if you really didn't like what they were doing with it.
user China controls Africa.
Obligatory bbased. Passin thru
based short term thinking retard
We fucking get it you hate china
He'd fall in as an indie, then, user.
You know what that means?
That means he could get a bigger cut on itch.io, is what that means, user.
He lucked out with Epic paying him for exclusivity, but they've already said they're not gonna keep that up forever, and it's not the situation I'm talking about.
All he did was invest into oculus early on then formed his own studio which flopped, but still has oculus money.
heh heh, based
where have you been for the last week?
this was posted for a week straight and you're just now getting it?
>t. under a fucking rock
Man this is alot of samefags, how many computers you needed to pull this off?
>That means he could get a bigger cut on itch.io, is what that means, user.
Nobody uses Itch.io and the guy who runs it is a mentally ill faggot
mmmhhhhh sushi....
I'm surprised at how unnoticeable Tencents involvement with GGG and PoE is. It seems all the fuckups with the new leagues being shit is on GGGs side of the water due to their incompetence. Hopefully it stays that way since I have at least a little faith that GGG can churn out something good on time instead of 3 weeks past release.
>please help
call to arms for fanbase
What poor reading comprehension
oh I get it,
>t. Sweeney The Pooh, President of China
>t. WINNIE The Pooh, President of China
>Tim Sweeney The Pooh, President of China
Very Clever, I'm going to have to steal that and start posting it all over. Sweeney, Winnie, is /x/ aware of this coincidence?
>President of Epic telling people it's not spyware
>Not a verifiable third party
Shut the fuck up Chang Swiney
Tim Swiney. kek
>implying this matters
The shills are going to scream the same shit over and over. It doesn't matter if you bring proof when you can just disappear into another thread like a roach.
They're both garbage, it checks out.
>it's not spyware!
>it just gathers data from all the programs you're currently running, checks your steam profile and what games you have all without any permission and sends it to their server
>but it's not spyware!
You forgot to say fuck trannies but you are still based.
>It’s not potential spyware, that’s insane. Anyone with procmon and some knowledge can see this. I worked for Valve and believe me they gather huge amounts of data about virtually everything you do with the Steam client. Yet no one calls Steam spyware.
— Richard Geldreich (@richgel999) April 5, 2019, a man that worked at Valve for 5 years
He forgot 'fuck niggers' too.
Not based.
Fortnite is more popular by virtue of being ported to anything with a processor.
>cringe and chinkpilled
good try chink
This triggers the shitty troll, angry that his insincere thread that's not about video games has been derailed
>Dictaror says he's not a dictator
Who would even believe him?
mmmmm yes this anger is quite exquisite, let me pop the cork on this old meme I've been saving in the cellar for a special s e e t h i n g such as this
>keeps crying how Tencent is only investors and have no say
Except investors are the people that matter the most. You need to please them if you wanna stay afloat. It still doesn't mean he's not doing their dirty practice