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stop being a lazy faggot and put forth the effort to get one, then.

I did, my brother is having sex with her.

She'll be fat.
Are you ok with this?

No you don't you just want sex.

Depends how fat.

If I didn't want both, I'd get a boyfriend user.

I would stab them both of this happened

You want a pet you can fuck shitbag. An actual relationship between someone like you and anyone would be over in a few days. Take a shower, comb your hair, and lose some weight then fuck tinder hookups to get over it.

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Work on yourself and build confidence you lil basedboy. The bitches will come once you man up


not recommended unless you're a 7/10 minimum chad


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If you are purely after just sex and don't care about companionship than just hire quality escorts unless you're a poorfag


i have a girl who's into me but she's too fat for me to accept her

she is nice and very addicted to overwatch though

You can want to have sex without being a faggot you idiot.

>tfw have gf
>tfw she games with me
>tfw we sex
>tfw I want to die

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>tfw you date your imaginary friend

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sperm is cheap

I just want a woman hole that appears when I feel like fapping and then disappears once I'm done cumming.
The woman should also appear when I want to show off how much I know about some pointless video game shit.

Beggars can't be choosers. You're probably nothing past a 3/10, so you may as well go for it.

>got gf
>she plays games as well
>we sometimes just forget to fuck
>shes more of some brat who i take care of and occasionally sucks my dick than a girlfriend
>she forgets to eat and drink unless i slap it infront of her
how did i end up dating this house plant of a person

The first does not really exist.
Women enjoy passive entertainment.
The 2nd though can be purchased just like every woman.

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does she play games with you?
is she having sex? Yes she is
if yes to both: You did it, user?
if no: ask her to play Samsh with you and your bro.

How fat we talking here?

Lucky fucks 100 years from now will know the convenience this would provide due to awesome VR

Basically most women tbhfam

>Get girlfriend
>Gotta live with her

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this is me with my gf but roles are reversed

fat can be okay
even pretty big girls if they're nice enough i'll take them

How does it feel being a trophy boyfriend?

Eating is hard for video game nerds. they often eat too much or eat to little.

Just play the numbers game and have some decent pics up. You’ll get laid, eventually

What are the odds of finding a girl who thinks we're both ugly but want sex and so why the hell not?

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Life is easy no complaints from me

Wow this is the first time I can genuinely call someone pathetic.
Its. _bewitching_

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where do i find a gamer/weeb gf?

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I just want a nerdy black gf

theres 7 billion people on earth
half of them are women
there ya go, pretty good chances, just stop chasing stacy at the club

We're all pathetic here where do you think you are? At least I have a wealthy good-looking gf.

you have better luck finding bigfoot bro

My girlfriend doesn't like playing video games at all BUT she does put her feet in my face and let me sniff and lick them while I play vidya, so that is about just as good.

I used to find them all the time in the MMO days, they love voice chats for whatever reason.
But now MMOs are dead so don't know, probably IRL if you're a kid

>only talk to girls online
>recently met one into hard BDSM and pet play
shit. hope we meet up some time, because crazy gets me going.

>t. minimum threshold chad posing as an average joe

why spread such lies?

Overwatch/ffxiv have the highest amount of female players I've encountered to date

When the fuck are we going to get Re:Zero season 2

user remember the rule about sticking your dick in crazy

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His post still holds truth though it depends how big of a city you live in as that makes it much easier. Most people can drastically increase their appearance if they make the effort it's just easier to wallow in self-pity.

>Give up trying to get a gf, drop out of the dating pool
>tfw I can talk to them easily now because it literally doesn't matter how they see me
>girls take mistake my ambivalence for confidence and start coming onto me
wew lad

I wish a girl would give me pity sex. What does it feel like?

Overwatch. Be warned, any female that plays games has too much baggage or is too crazy to make it worth it. You should really just embrace wizardry or become a normalfag if you're that desperate.

/soc/ every girl there is a weeb.

The sad truth

>think I’ll live my life without a girl ever just “liking” me without any real effort like most chads
>one of my close friends decides to try and set me up with one of her horse rider friends by she finds it fun
>horse girl is nice and really cute as well as out of my league so why not I don’t really care anymore
>turns out close friend set me up with her back she had a thing for me that I was completely oblivious about
>going on third date in 2 days
>things are going semi decent, talk still feels slightly awkward but it’s all good
>actually have extremely hard feelings for the friend who set us up and want nothing more than to be with her
>would drop attractive horse girl in an instant for her
>feel sad that I can’t be with who I want when I’m around horse girl
Are we here just to suffer?

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that is literally win-win, in my book

getting a girlfriend and finding companionship won't fix your depression user

I have a fat gf and its fucking awesome. Sex with her is way better than any skinny chick I've ever been with, plus fat girls will usually let you do shit to them that skinny girls wouldn't.

She'll have sex, but not with you

>embrace wizardry
how do you do that?

Vidya / anime is normalfag as fuck now, it isn't hard to find a girl with a weeaboo interests
The problem is how low you're willing to sink though. 99% of women with hardcore gaming / anime interests are either:
>Incredibly overweight hambeasts
>Has a crippling addiction to illegal substances and a fuckton of daddy issues
Or some mixture of both. It ain't worth it dude unless you're desperate as shit

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Nothing completely fixes depression so what?

Wow if the girl who set you up was the one who liked you and not the reverse this would be like School Days

Feels really awkward and unsatisfying no matter how much your dick tries to tell you otherwise right now.

If you are friends with the person giving you can also bet there will be some awkward times afterwards and the friendship may not last long

Reading too much hentai has given me an excuse to not improve myself because I have developed a fantasy of a qt girl giving a loser like me sex out of pity. Am I a lost cause?

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Dude I wish my friend would set me up, she's always talking about all these tabletop girls and vidya girls, but never let's me meet them. granted maybe I should ask, but I'm too pussy for that shit

That sounds terrible I can't imagine that kind of shit happens very often and would probably be humiliating for both people to some extent

I know a cute girl who is crazy about the monhunt game but she was about 13 or so

Not him, but I'm a virgin who is NOT some incel beggar. I'm not looking to date anyone and most certainly wouldn't date some fat girl if she was into me.

They exist user, they work at mcdonalds. You can find one in less than 24 hours.

Just stop reading hentai and sort your shit out. Once you develop social skills and have an understanding of what healthy expectations are, you can start reading it again and be fine. Just don't get addicted. I was in the same boat. Now I have a gf but I still read hentai occasionally and it's pretty fun.